3 sha256 "45e0f5b0714e0ff41edcde8e0d2a95a174e5ffd1d4e3f22138446df3bb6013a5"
5 url "https://cdn.lookin.work/release/Lookin-#{version.dots_to_hyphens}.zip"
7 desc "App for iOS view debugging"
8 homepage "https://lookin.work/"
10 # The pubDate for some items includes non-english characters (breaking the date parsing)
11 # so it's necessary to map all of the items in the feed.
13 url "https://lookin.work/release/appcast.xml"
14 strategy :sparkle do |items|
15 items.map(&:short_version)
20 depends_on macos: ">= :big_sur"
25 "~/Library/Application Support/hughkli.Lookin",
26 "~/Library/Caches/hughkli.Lookin",
27 "~/Library/HTTPStorages/hughkli.Lookin",
28 "~/Library/Preferences/hughkli.Lookin.plist",
29 "~/Library/Saved Application State/hughkli.Lookin.savedState",