3 sha256 "c50e84699144eaa7698058f52e89b7ef04fc51177916c4701bcf5878cffe53b9"
5 url "https://github.com/wireapp/wire-desktop/releases/download/macos%2F#{version}/Wire.pkg",
6 verified: "github.com/wireapp/wire-desktop/"
8 desc "Collaboration platform focusing on security"
9 homepage "https://wire.com/"
11 # Not every GitHub release provides a file for macOS, so we check multiple
12 # recent releases instead of only the "latest" release.
15 regex(%r{^macos[/._-]v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)$}i)
16 strategy :github_releases do |json, regex|
18 next if release["draft"] || release["prerelease"]
20 match = release["tag_name"]&.match(regex)
31 ["TERM", "com.wearezeta.zclient.mac.helper"],
32 ["TERM", "com.wearezeta.zclient.mac"],
34 pkgutil: "com.wearezeta.zclient.mac"
36 zap trash: "~/Library/Containers/com.wearezeta.zclient.mac"