1 cask "font-linux-biolinum" do
2 version "5.3.0,2012_07_02"
3 sha256 "24a593a949808d976850131a953c0c0d7a72299531dfbb348191964cc038d75d"
5 url "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/linuxlibertine/LinLibertineTTF_#{version.tr(",", "_")}.tgz",
6 verified: "downloads.sourceforge.net/linuxlibertine/"
8 homepage "https://libertine-fonts.org/"
10 # The regex below specifically matches filenames with a version and optional
11 # date. One release (5.0.0) only used a date, so that will be treated as the
12 # newest version until it's no longer in the RSS feed.
14 url "https://sourceforge.net/projects/linuxlibertine/rss?path=/linuxlibertine"
15 regex(%r{url=.*?/LinLibertine(?:Font|TTF)[._-]v?(\d+(?:[.-]\d+)+)(?:[_-](\d+(?:[_-]\d+)+))?\.}i)
16 strategy :sourceforge do |page, regex|
17 page.scan(regex).map do |match|
18 match[1].present? ? "#{match[0]},#{match[1]}" : match[0]
23 font "LinBiolinum_Kah.ttf"
24 font "LinBiolinum_RBah.ttf"
25 font "LinBiolinum_RIah.ttf"
26 font "LinBiolinum_Rah.ttf"
28 # No zap stanza required