2 arch arm: "arm64", intel: "x64"
5 sha256 arm: "0f743e9e548f34b9cc90fc0a630cffbe822fad16460b231f7d4b372376d0328c",
6 intel: "5da77cf4a2650f952e5ad26ec5b94d583e13442b101a749f6e7c5805cad130df"
8 url "https://dl.nwjs.io/v#{version}/nwjs-sdk-v#{version}-osx-#{arch}.zip"
10 desc "Call all Node.js modules directly from the DOM and Web Workers"
11 homepage "https://nwjs.io/"
13 # The upstream download page appends a UNIX epoch timestamp (in milliseconds)
14 # to the JSON URL, so we do the same (in case it affects the returned data).
16 url "https://nwjs.io/versions.json?#{DateTime.now.strftime("%Q")}"
17 regex(/^v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)$/i)
18 strategy :json do |json, regex|
19 match = json["stable"]&.match(regex)
26 depends_on macos: ">= :big_sur"
28 app "nwjs-sdk-v#{version}-osx-#{arch}/nwjs.app"
29 binary "nwjs-sdk-v#{version}-osx-#{arch}/nwjc"
32 "~/Library/Application Support/nwjs",
33 "~/Library/Caches/nwjs",
34 "~/Library/Preferences/io.nwjs.nwjs.plist",
35 "~/Library/Saved Application State/io.nwjs.nwjs.savedState",