jackett 0.22.1382
[Homebrew/homebrew-core.git] / Formula / b / biosig.rb
1 class Biosig < Formula
2   desc "Tools for biomedical signal processing and data conversion"
3   homepage "https://biosig.sourceforge.net/"
4   url "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/biosig/BioSig%20for%20C_C%2B%2B/src/biosig-2.6.1.src.tar.xz"
5   sha256 "558ee17cd7b4aa1547e98e52bb85cccccb7f7a81600f9bef3a50cd5b34d0729e"
6   license "GPL-3.0-or-later"
7   revision 1
9   livecheck do
10     url :stable
11     regex(%r{url=.*?/(?:biosig|biosig4c[^-]*?)[._-]v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)\.src\.t}i)
12   end
14   bottle do
15     sha256 cellar: :any,                 arm64_sequoia: "117069306a551af329ca174824f8e68f8ecbfc9285ef33a0b9457137dafd1ca9"
16     sha256 cellar: :any,                 arm64_sonoma:  "2afa576649a1ce599abd86cf16c92e8137e1fd5513401c0f91635c679f23732a"
17     sha256 cellar: :any,                 arm64_ventura: "ec0026a9de7bed96c71de9d1e086134cb1f308582cd41f70457cc4fcd01b941b"
18     sha256 cellar: :any,                 sonoma:        "3004a0bb2aa939134d7823a4db2355ea83f4fd9866870a6b9bbf1686e85a31e0"
19     sha256 cellar: :any,                 ventura:       "3615427d4eaba6e8322770bdce3d29033bd8361a5613d682033e1477c4ce416c"
20     sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux:  "e74145def1020e92731a83f67b2a805ecd74871cfe4936c425fa95a5de396cfe"
21   end
23   depends_on "gawk" => :build
24   depends_on "libb64" => :build
25   depends_on "dcmtk"
26   depends_on "suite-sparse"
28   # Work around build failure when using BSD iconv (e.g. macOS Sonoma) as
29   # current preprocessor condition only checks for glibc and GNU variants.
30   # TODO: Report issue upstream
31   patch :DATA
33   def install
34     ENV.append "CXX", "-std=gnu++17"
36     # Fix compile with newer Clang
37     ENV.append_to_cflags "-Wno-implicit-function-declaration" if DevelopmentTools.clang_build_version >= 1403
39     system "./configure", "--disable-silent-rules", *std_configure_args
40     system "make"
41     ENV.deparallelize if OS.mac? && MacOS.version >= :sonoma
42     system "make", "install"
43   end
45   test do
46     assert_match "usage: save2gdf [OPTIONS] SOURCE DEST", shell_output("#{bin}/save2gdf -h").strip
47     assert_match "mV\t4274\t0x10b2\t0.001\tV", shell_output("#{bin}/physicalunits mV").strip
48     assert_match "biosig_fhir provides fhir binary template for biosignal data",
49                  shell_output("#{bin}/biosig_fhir 2>&1").strip
50   end
51 end
53 __END__
54 diff --git a/biosig4c++/XMLParser/tinyxml.cpp b/biosig4c++/XMLParser/tinyxml.cpp
55 index e7f0d80..8667268 100644
56 --- a/biosig4c++/XMLParser/tinyxml.cpp
57 +++ b/biosig4c++/XMLParser/tinyxml.cpp
58 @@ -1120,7 +1120,7 @@ bool TiXmlDocument::LoadFile( FILE* file, TiXmlEncoding encoding )
59         }
62 -#if defined(_ICONV_H) || defined (_LIBICONV_H)
63 +#if defined(_ICONV_H) || defined (_LIBICONV_H) || defined(_ICONV_H_)
64         // convert utf-16 to utf-8 if needed
66         const char XML_UTF16LE[] = "\xff\xfe<\0?\0x\0m\0l\0 \0v\0e\0r\0s\0i\0o\0n\0=\0\"\0001\0.\0000\0\"\0 \0e\0n\0c\0o\0d\0i\0n\0g\0=\0\"\0U\0T\0F\0-\0001\0006\0\"\0?\0>\0";
67 diff --git a/biosig4c++/t210/sopen_axg_read.c b/biosig4c++/t210/sopen_axg_read.c
68 index 41796b7..34c84a6 100644
69 --- a/biosig4c++/t210/sopen_axg_read.c
70 +++ b/biosig4c++/t210/sopen_axg_read.c
71 @@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ if (VERBOSE_LEVEL > 7) fprintf(stdout,"%s (line %i) NS=%i nCol=%i\n", __FILE__,
72                                 size_t inlen      = beu32p((uint8_t*)(ValLabel[ns])-4);
73                                 char *outbuf      = hc->Label;
74                                 size_t outlen     = MAX_LENGTH_LABEL+1;
75 -#if  defined(_ICONV_H) || defined (_LIBICONV_H)
76 +#if  defined(_ICONV_H) || defined (_LIBICONV_H) || defined(_ICONV_H_)
77                                 iconv_t ICONV = iconv_open("UTF-8","UCS-2BE");
78                                 size_t reticonv = iconv(ICONV, &inbuf, &inlen, &outbuf, &outlen);
79                                 iconv_close(ICONV);
80 diff --git a/biosig4c++/t210/sopen_scp_read.c b/biosig4c++/t210/sopen_scp_read.c
81 index 0ffb490..e377fd6 100644
82 --- a/biosig4c++/t210/sopen_scp_read.c
83 +++ b/biosig4c++/t210/sopen_scp_read.c
84 @@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ int decode_scp_text(HDRTYPE *hdr, size_t inbytesleft, char *input, size_t outbyt
85                 return(exitcode);
86         }
88 -#if  defined(_ICONV_H) || defined (_LIBICONV_H)
89 +#if  defined(_ICONV_H) || defined (_LIBICONV_H) || defined(_ICONV_H_)
90  /*
91         decode_scp_text converts SCP text strings into UTF-8 strings
92         The table of language support code as defined in