jackett 0.22.1382
[Homebrew/homebrew-core.git] / Formula / c / chakra.rb
1 class Chakra < Formula
2   desc "Core part of the JavaScript engine that powers Microsoft Edge"
3   homepage "https://github.com/chakra-core/ChakraCore"
4   license "MIT"
5   revision 9
6   head "https://github.com/chakra-core/ChakraCore.git", branch: "master"
8   stable do
9     url "https://github.com/chakra-core/ChakraCore/archive/refs/tags/v1.11.24.tar.gz"
10     sha256 "b99e85f2d0fa24f2b6ccf9a6d2723f3eecfe986a9d2c4d34fa1fd0d015d0595e"
12     depends_on arch: :x86_64 # https://github.com/chakra-core/ChakraCore/issues/6860
14     # Fix build with modern compilers.
15     # Remove with 1.12.
16     patch do
17       url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/formula-patches/204ce95fb69a2cd523ccb0f392b7cce4f791273a/chakra/clang10.patch"
18       sha256 "5337b8d5de2e9b58f6908645d9e1deb8364d426628c415e0e37aa3288fae3de7"
19     end
21     # Support Python 3.
22     # Remove with 1.12.
23     patch do
24       url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/formula-patches/308bb29254605f0c207ea4ed67f049fdfe5ec92c/chakra/python3.patch"
25       sha256 "61c61c5376bc28ac52ec47e6d4c053eb27c04860aa4ba787a78266840ce57830"
26     end
28     # Backport fixes needed to build with newer Clang on Linux
29     patch do
30       url "https://github.com/chakra-core/ChakraCore/commit/a2aae95cfb16cda814c557cc70c4bdb5156fd30f.patch?full_index=1"
31       sha256 "07c94241591be4f8c30b5ea68d7fa08e8e71186f26b124ee871eaf17b2590a28"
32     end
33     patch do
34       url "https://github.com/chakra-core/ChakraCore/commit/46af28eb9e01dee240306c03edb5fa736055b5b7.patch?full_index=1"
35       sha256 "d59f8bb5bbf716e4971b3a50d5fe2ca84c5901b354981e395a6c37adad8b2bb2"
36     end
37   end
39   bottle do
40     sha256 cellar: :any,                 sonoma:       "7b16aa6c8b2677f2dba55987d78f4cc867d357aeba2b6b3d97e76e42c6c69c4b"
41     sha256 cellar: :any,                 ventura:      "dc7589f199baf02f63525cd1b5adb4e971d87b9c2369eb3e031dd4234acefac6"
42     sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "cb090973883ca8832598f8d020bb6c3454567a7a1dd8537325a636be45fb0300"
43   end
45   depends_on "cmake" => :build
46   depends_on "icu4c@76"
48   uses_from_macos "llvm" => :build
49   uses_from_macos "python" => :build
51   fails_with :gcc do
52     cause "requires Clang, see https://github.com/chakra-core/ChakraCore/issues/2038"
53   end
55   def install
56     # Use ld_classic to work around 'ld: Assertion failed: (0 && "lto symbol should not be in layout")'
57     ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-Wl,-ld_classic" if DevelopmentTools.clang_build_version >= 1500
58     # Workaround to build with ICU 76+
59     ENV.append_to_cflags "-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_HEADER_API=0"
61     icu4c_dep = deps.find { |dep| dep.name.match?(/^icu4c(@\d+)?$/) }
62     args = %W[
63       --custom-icu=#{icu4c_dep.to_formula.opt_include}
64       --jobs=#{ENV.make_jobs}
65       -y
66     ]
67     # LTO requires ld.gold, but Chakra has no way to specify to use that over regular ld.
68     args << "--lto-thin" if OS.mac? && !Hardware::CPU.arm?
69     # JIT is not supported on ARM and build fails since Xcode 16
70     args << "--no-jit" if Hardware::CPU.arm? || DevelopmentTools.clang_build_version >= 1600
72     system "./build.sh", *args
74     libexec.install "out/Release/ch" => "chakra"
75     include.install Dir["out/Release/include/*"]
76     lib.install "out/Release/#{shared_library("libChakraCore")}"
78     # Non-statically built chakra expects libChakraCore to be in the same directory
79     bin.install_symlink libexec/"chakra"
80     libexec.install_symlink lib.children
81   end
83   test do
84     (testpath/"test.js").write("print('Hello world!');\n")
85     assert_equal "Hello world!", shell_output("#{bin}/chakra test.js").chomp
86   end
87 end