jackett 0.22.1382
[Homebrew/homebrew-core.git] / Formula / c / crystal.rb
1 class Crystal < Formula
2   desc "Fast and statically typed, compiled language with Ruby-like syntax"
3   homepage "https://crystal-lang.org/"
4   license "Apache-2.0"
6   stable do
7     url "https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal/archive/refs/tags/1.15.1.tar.gz"
8     sha256 "72b32f2da09059ca96331be124cf611d3c6bd6da80f52cd551df59bfe14e6ebd"
10     resource "shards" do
11       url "https://github.com/crystal-lang/shards/archive/refs/tags/v0.19.1.tar.gz"
12       sha256 "2a49e7ffa4025e0b3e8774620fa8dbc227d3d1e476211fefa2e8166dcabf82b5"
13     end
14   end
16   livecheck do
17     url :stable
18     regex(/^v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)$/i)
19   end
21   bottle do
22     sha256 cellar: :any,                 arm64_sequoia: "48d0c40f34fe8a56b4b9be12be92e07ca77febf8161f5ca935598369b08d77bc"
23     sha256 cellar: :any,                 arm64_sonoma:  "984846d9b3147d3ab0a541dd77133b440f35befded818d01a1d52472b67b78b7"
24     sha256 cellar: :any,                 arm64_ventura: "fb23a172caa2d2344a2b532b0534de7eff7cd7e6b76a63ad5c97e4fe879cdffe"
25     sha256 cellar: :any,                 sonoma:        "f1bee61902000836204198f5de56958e77debc7ecfed1a40001fe3e1a41fc22c"
26     sha256 cellar: :any,                 ventura:       "6429ca72f367d24837091ae59ccf014cbf053c9bacf20413df6092c29bcac607"
27     sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux:  "3fc4a30c4b4ba306b238d7de1ad46fdf65c4a3b53714c5697853c88333c3f6cf"
28   end
30   head do
31     url "https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal.git", branch: "master"
33     resource "shards" do
34       url "https://github.com/crystal-lang/shards.git", branch: "master"
35     end
36   end
38   depends_on "bdw-gc"
39   depends_on "gmp" # std uses it but it's not linked
40   depends_on "libevent"
41   depends_on "libyaml"
42   depends_on "llvm"
43   depends_on "openssl@3" # std uses it but it's not linked
44   depends_on "pcre2"
45   depends_on "pkgconf" # @[Link] will use pkg-config if available
47   uses_from_macos "libffi" # for the interpreter
49   # It used to be the case that every new crystal release was built from a
50   # previous release, except patches. Crystal is updating its policy to
51   # allow 4 minor releases of compatibility unless otherwise specified.
52   # Therefore, the boot version should have the MINOR component be
53   # between the current minor - 4 and current minor - 1.
54   #
55   # See: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/81318
56   resource "boot" do
57     boot_version = Version.new("1.10.1-1")
58     version boot_version
60     on_macos do
61       url "https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal/releases/download/#{boot_version.major_minor_patch}/crystal-#{boot_version}-darwin-universal.tar.gz"
62       # version boot_version
63       sha256 "e6490e6d09745483bacea43c4d8974273632526c1f98f13db5aae0a5fc2c7924"
64     end
66     on_linux do
67       on_intel do
68         url "https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal/releases/download/#{boot_version.major_minor_patch}/crystal-#{boot_version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz"
69         # version boot_version
70         sha256 "1742e3755d3653d1ba07c0291f10a517fa392af87130dba4497ed9d82c12348b"
71       end
72     end
73   end
75   # Check version in `shard.lock` in shards repo.
76   resource "molinillo" do
77     url "https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal-molinillo/archive/refs/tags/v0.2.0.tar.gz"
78     sha256 "e231cf2411a6a11a1538983c7fb52b19e650acc3338bd3cdf6fdb13d6463861a"
79   end
81   def install
82     llvm = deps.find { |dep| dep.name.match?(/^llvm(@\d+)?$/) }
83                .to_formula
84     non_keg_only_runtime_deps = deps.filter_map { |dep| dep.to_formula unless dep.build? }
85                                     .reject(&:keg_only?)
87     resource("boot").stage "boot"
88     ENV.append_path "PATH", "boot/bin"
89     ENV["LLVM_CONFIG"] = llvm.opt_bin/"llvm-config"
91     ENV.append_path "CRYSTAL_LIBRARY_PATH", MacOS.sdk_path_if_needed/"usr/lib" if OS.mac? && MacOS.sdk_path_if_needed
92     non_keg_only_runtime_deps.each do |dep|
93       # Our just built `crystal` won't link with some dependents (e.g. `bdw-gc`, `libevent`)
94       # unless they're explicitly added to `CRYSTAL_LIBRARY_PATH`. The keg-only dependencies
95       # are already in `HOMEBREW_LIBRARY_PATHS`, so there is no need to add them.
96       ENV.prepend_path "CRYSTAL_LIBRARY_PATH", dep.opt_lib
97     end
99     crystal_install_dir = OS.linux? ? libexec : bin
100     stdlib_install_dir = pkgshare
102     # Avoid embedding HOMEBREW_PREFIX references in `crystal` binary.
103     config_library_path = "\\$$ORIGIN/#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX.relative_path_from(crystal_install_dir)}/lib"
104     config_path = "\\$$ORIGIN/#{stdlib_install_dir.relative_path_from(crystal_install_dir)}/src"
106     release_flags = ["release=true", "FLAGS=--no-debug"]
107     crystal_build_opts = release_flags + [
108       "CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH=#{config_library_path}",
109       "CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH=#{config_path}",
110       "interpreter=true",
111     ]
112     crystal_build_opts << "CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT=#{Utils.git_short_head}" if build.head?
114     # Build crystal
115     (buildpath/".build").mkpath
116     system "make", "deps"
117     system "make", "crystal", *crystal_build_opts
119     # Build shards (with recently built crystal)
120     resource("shards").stage do
121       require "yaml"
123       shard_lock = YAML.load_file("shard.lock")
124       required_molinillo_version = shard_lock.dig("shards", "molinillo", "version")
125       available_molinillo_version = resource("molinillo").version.to_s
126       odie "`molinillo` resource is outdated!" if required_molinillo_version != available_molinillo_version
128       resource("molinillo").stage "lib/molinillo"
130       shards_build_opts = release_flags + [
131         "CRYSTAL=#{buildpath}/bin/crystal",
132         "SHARDS=false",
133       ]
134       shards_build_opts << "SHARDS_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT=#{Utils.git_short_head}" if build.head?
135       system "make", "bin/shards", *shards_build_opts
137       # Install shards
138       bin.install "bin/shards"
139       man1.install "man/shards.1"
140       man5.install "man/shard.yml.5"
141     end
143     # Install crystal
144     crystal_install_dir.install ".build/crystal"
145     stdlib_install_dir.install "src"
147     bash_completion.install "etc/completion.bash" => "crystal"
148     zsh_completion.install "etc/completion.zsh" => "_crystal"
149     fish_completion.install "etc/completion.fish" => "crystal.fish"
151     man1.install "man/crystal.1"
153     return unless OS.linux?
155     # Wrapper script so that Crystal can find libraries in HOMEBREW_PREFIX
156     (bin/"crystal").write_env_script(
157       crystal_install_dir/"crystal",
159     )
160   end
162   test do
163     assert_match "1", shell_output("#{bin}/crystal eval puts 1")
164   end