1 class Curlcpp < Formula
2 desc "Object oriented C++ wrapper for CURL (libcurl)"
3 homepage "https://josephp91.github.io/curlcpp"
4 url "https://github.com/JosephP91/curlcpp/archive/refs/tags/3.1.tar.gz"
5 sha256 "ba7aeed9fde9e5081936fbe08f7a584e452f9ac1199e5fabffbb3cfc95e85f4b"
10 sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_sequoia: "c436767f9b31dfaf4bcb0b173c8a05c338954f2cfe310cc6a5a4b0abd07f19e1"
11 sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_sonoma: "cf6ac3204eff880beee1d8e79aad0fcff5df2a9a9c7599b969a313892ea0d579"
12 sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_ventura: "fc4bb565327be35db477f5c94e99ac541107af06b9139a42484aba7f631c00b2"
13 sha256 cellar: :any, sonoma: "38e40220123c5b9ffde970e0ba30d802b54caef5782019935677f597829ec37a"
14 sha256 cellar: :any, ventura: "5676d84a6ce7dc9f2a65f19cb8752ca24f5f974c27d315e421b7ca1e82bdcdbe"
15 sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "c7b8f28ef1d8782146a24e1687c1044b5f10149c721b098bf4514f8186b9649d"
18 depends_on "cmake" => :build
20 uses_from_macos "curl"
22 # remove use of CURLOPT_CLOSEPOLICY (removed since curl 8.10+), upstream pr ref, https://github.com/JosephP91/curlcpp/pull/159
25 url "https://github.com/JosephP91/curlcpp/commit/bc3800510f30ed74c90227b166d134cd13fd63cf.patch?full_index=1"
26 sha256 "0954b32d0304ad9b4acecf3f647242b2c5736f4c6576a390e665e57883dcf10f"
31 system "cmake", "-S", ".", "-B", "build", "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=SHARED", *std_cmake_args
32 system "cmake", "--build", "build"
33 system "cmake", "--install", "build"
37 (testpath/"test.cpp").write <<~CPP
41 #include "curlcpp/curl_easy.h"
42 #include "curlcpp/curl_form.h"
43 #include "curlcpp/curl_ios.h"
44 #include "curlcpp/curl_exception.h"
48 using std::ostringstream;
50 using curl::curl_easy;
52 using curl::curl_easy_exception;
53 using curl::curlcpp_traceback;
56 // Create a stringstream object
58 // Create a curl_ios object, passing the stream object.
59 curl_ios<ostringstream> writer(str);
61 // Pass the writer to the easy constructor and watch the content returned in that variable!
62 curl_easy easy(writer);
63 easy.add<CURLOPT_URL>("https://google.com");
68 } catch (curl_easy_exception &error) {
69 // If you want to print the last error.
70 std::cerr<<error.what()<<std::endl;
72 // If you want to print the entire error stack you can do
73 error.print_traceback();
79 system ENV.cxx, "-std=c++11", "test.cpp", "-L#{lib}", "-lcurlcpp", "-lcurl", "-o", "test"