Merge pull request #207020 from Homebrew/bump-qpdf-11.10.0
[Homebrew/homebrew-core.git] / Formula / g / git-series.rb
1 class GitSeries < Formula
2   desc "Track changes to a patch series over time"
3   homepage ""
4   url ""
5   sha256 "c0362e19d3fa168a7cb0e260fcdecfe070853b163c9f2dfd2ad8213289bc7e5f"
6   license "MIT"
7   revision 12
9   bottle do
10     sha256 cellar: :any,                 arm64_sequoia: "2e348dcdc3d49977fe6647cc92e833f174fde3b6ec3e199c0965639b6e76f868"
11     sha256 cellar: :any,                 arm64_sonoma:  "f65c2ae6393964b2aa6ca5932f2c46aa09b66516994b22a6dd9803532f69ff52"
12     sha256 cellar: :any,                 arm64_ventura: "66d9169576bcc5e0e50d8cbc4209c7576988a9ad55a38d3b2b9c0bfd66dfc545"
13     sha256 cellar: :any,                 sonoma:        "2a6340eeb3800421ce3f529d17ae243c3705c1e0842f0539f8cbcd4d9076bfc4"
14     sha256 cellar: :any,                 ventura:       "6dbec136b4be60ee749b0d9cb51c514d978840ad75c8fddf475cba6747c0b9d9"
15     sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux:  "bd832576f196e9dea9d888881f89d08f9d849b7971fa5b66f1bed7ae942673e1"
16   end
18   depends_on "pkgconf" => :build
19   depends_on "rust" => :build
20   depends_on "libgit2@1.8" # needs to support libgit2 1.9
21   depends_on "libssh2"
22   depends_on "openssl@3"
24   def install
25     # Ensure that the `openssl` crate picks up the intended library.
26     #
27     ENV["OPENSSL_DIR"] = Formula["openssl@3"].opt_prefix
28     ENV["OPENSSL_NO_VENDOR"] = "1"
33     # TODO: In the next version after 0.9.1, update this command as follows:
34     # system "cargo", "install", *std_cargo_args
35     system "cargo", "install", "--root", prefix, "--path", "."
36     man1.install "git-series.1"
37   end
39   test do
40     require "utils/linkage"
42     (testpath/".gitconfig").write <<~EOS
43       [user]
44         name = Real Person
45         email =
46     EOS
48     system "git", "init"
49     (testpath/"test").write "foo"
50     system "git", "add", "test"
51     system "git", "commit", "-m", "Initial commit"
52     (testpath/"test").append_lines "bar"
53     system "git", "commit", "-m", "Second commit", "test"
54     system bin/"git-series", "start", "feature"
55     system "git", "checkout", "HEAD~1"
56     system bin/"git-series", "base", "HEAD"
57     system bin/"git-series", "commit", "-a", "-m", "new feature v1"
59     linked_libraries = [
60       Formula["libgit2@1.8"].opt_lib/shared_library("libgit2"),
61       Formula["libssh2"].opt_lib/shared_library("libssh2"),
62       Formula["openssl@3"].opt_lib/shared_library("libssl"),
63     ]
64     linked_libraries << (Formula["openssl@3"].opt_lib/shared_library("libcrypto")) if OS.mac?
66     linked_libraries.each do |library|
67       assert Utils.binary_linked_to_library?(bin/"git-series", library),
68              "No linkage with #{library.basename}! Cargo is likely using a vendored version."
69     end
70   end
71 end