1 class GnuComplexity < Formula
2 desc "Measures complexity of C source"
3 homepage "https://www.gnu.org/software/complexity/"
4 url "https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/complexity/complexity-1.13.tar.xz"
5 mirror "https://ftpmirror.gnu.org/complexity/complexity-1.13.tar.xz"
6 sha256 "80a625a87ee7c17fed02fb39482a7946fc757f10d8a4ffddc5372b4c4b739e67"
7 license "GPL-3.0-or-later"
10 sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_sequoia: "cd060b26ae921fe515fb597c86e07eb82c0cad595d8eab8547cd421db5a249e3"
11 sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_sonoma: "8e32f6384e57c2e21cce940fc39b2be2257b0a200367a48f85aee626988a9863"
12 sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_ventura: "c61d3b1a378d7debac6a79e092b3828b68b455d0b555edcb02129b34945947b1"
13 sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_monterey: "d88523c95f66d61eab621059d46a31cae7da8964042c28499e49def45ddb6d40"
14 sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "7561dae8dcc2422a456727c8fc7b9e8e2719fca7934f26118c32bb455f376ef5"
15 sha256 cellar: :any, sonoma: "0b3ec86fc33aa631f44dd91525ff27e9b2c992e43acbf0ef1a1e71b4a78763be"
16 sha256 cellar: :any, ventura: "4bef537bbe2199465336c8f1dcbd0c862564eb13cf2680d53671075cd6bda92e"
17 sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "288719f321641b768497edfae38f1ac88499b5274ce8ada8ea1c5cd30239078c"
18 sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "82574a778a6b6ba218cd98fbd173bb7c15f4253fd871349abf8c1c322cbe99c7"
19 sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "623e40ffaa4b67fb049c25a3cb3a781366fa19b316207b5f50d68ecccbb839dd"
22 # Drop `autoconf` and `automake` when the patch is removed.
23 depends_on "autoconf" => :build
24 depends_on "automake" => :build
27 # Fix build problem in doc. Borrowed from Debian.
29 url "https://salsa.debian.org/debian/complexity/-/raw/69a7b9d27eb5c2ba8aa43966518971df74d55657/debian/patches/01_fix_autobuild.patch"
30 sha256 "3c2403be83ae819bbdfe7d1b0f14e2637d504387d1237f15b24e149cd66f56b1"
34 odie "check if autoreconf line can be removed" if version > "1.13"
35 # regenerate since the files were generated using automake 1.16.1
36 system "autoreconf", "--force", "--install", "--verbose"
38 # Fix errors in opts.h. Borrowed from Debian:
39 # https://salsa.debian.org/debian/complexity/-/blob/master/debian/rules
41 system "autogen", "opts.def"
44 system "./configure", *std_configure_args
46 system "make", "install"
50 (testpath/"test.c").write <<~C
51 void free_table(uint32_t *page_dir) {
52 // The last entry of the page directory is reserved. It points to the page
54 for (size_t i = 0; i < PAGE_TABLE_SIZE-2; ++i) {
55 uint32_t *page_entry = (uint32_t*)GETADDRESS(page_dir[i]);
56 for (size_t j = 0; j < PAGE_TABLE_SIZE; ++j) {
57 uintptr_t addr = (i<<20|j<<12);
58 if (addr == VIDEO_MEMORY_BEGIN ||
59 (addr >= KERNEL_START && addr < KERNEL_END)) {
62 if ((page_entry[j] & PAGE_PRESENT) == 1) {
63 free_frame(page_entry[j]);
67 free_frame((page_frame_t)page_dir);
70 system bin/"complexity", "-t", "3", "./test.c"