Merge pull request #207012 from Homebrew/bump-tailwindcss-4.0.5
[Homebrew/homebrew-core.git] / Formula / t / terraform-docs.rb
1 class TerraformDocs < Formula
2   desc "Tool to generate documentation from Terraform modules"
3   homepage ""
4   url ""
5   sha256 "9341dadb3d45ab8e050d7209c5bd11090e0225b6fc4ea3383d767f08f7e86c6f"
6   license "MIT"
8   bottle do
9     sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_sequoia: "c68bd7728ee70a52963bb4739ef5450c76f52b248349e0d6d368da9fdb8695d3"
10     sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_sonoma:  "bc91941af9163d757e1fa24f035ccfb06ac07da89c4b5aed4e1d520401c5b757"
11     sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_ventura: "a62a06cb1d58ab43a03859af043a3a41fb2f4c4b8b230315903ef8643387166c"
12     sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, sonoma:        "c209d4e5d9ddb7ab31a472d3c4701942332242d29c2c3e30a1e6e0818983d802"
13     sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, ventura:       "9e4d6fb02987fe57a6972fcc81659b6a16f6b5418f406c848a14ee8d77e3c6c9"
14     sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux:  "73916d978b414105ca9a9d3d264e064b91e90cd43180a6f391372275fa19d563"
15   end
17   depends_on "go" => :build
19   def install
20     system "make", "build"
21     cpu = ? "amd64" : Hardware::CPU.arch.to_s
22     os = OS.kernel_name.downcase
24     bin.install "bin/#{os}-#{cpu}/terraform-docs"
26     generate_completions_from_executable(bin/"terraform-docs", "completion", shells: [:bash, :zsh])
27   end
29   test do
30     (testpath/"").write <<~HCL
31       /**
32        * Module usage:
33        *
34        *      module "foo" {
35        *        source = ""
36        *        subnet_ids = "${join(",", subnet.*.id)}"
37        *      }
38        */
40       variable "subnet_ids" {
41         description = "a comma-separated list of subnet IDs"
42       }
44       variable "security_group_ids" {
45         default = "sg-a, sg-b"
46       }
48       variable "amis" {
49         default = {
50           "us-east-1" = "ami-8f7687e2"
51           "us-west-1" = "ami-bb473cdb"
52           "us-west-2" = "ami-84b44de4"
53           "eu-west-1" = "ami-4e6ffe3d"
54           "eu-central-1" = "ami-b0cc23df"
55           "ap-northeast-1" = "ami-095dbf68"
56           "ap-southeast-1" = "ami-cf03d2ac"
57           "ap-southeast-2" = "ami-697a540a"
58         }
59       }
61       // The VPC ID.
62       output "vpc_id" {
63         value = "vpc-5c1f55fd"
64       }
65     HCL
66     system bin/"terraform-docs", "json", testpath
67   end
68 end