Merge pull request #207012 from Homebrew/bump-tailwindcss-4.0.5
[Homebrew/homebrew-core.git] / Formula / w / wordnet.rb
1 class Wordnet < Formula
2   desc "Lexical database for the English language"
3   homepage ""
4   url ""
5   # Version 3.1 is version 3.0 with the 3.1 dictionary.
6   version "3.1"
7   sha256 "6c492d0c7b4a40e7674d088191d3aa11f373bb1da60762e098b8ee2dda96ef22"
8   license :cannot_represent
9   revision 2
11   # This matches WordNet tarball versions as well as database file versions,
12   # as these may differ.
13   livecheck do
14     url ""
15     regex(/href=.*?(?:WordNet|wn)[._-]?v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)(?:[._-]dict)?\.t/i)
16   end
18   bottle do
19     sha256                               arm64_sequoia: "13c3f71489c21a26e9ccab1c57d9021c705fe548ac756787e2641b90a1eadfb9"
20     sha256                               arm64_sonoma:  "3189324a36718d3838b41231d17611873cc112740c6179f1672b66a5f7f02530"
21     sha256                               arm64_ventura: "2bce686ad3f16170016ca525ec1908fb76693909f86e7393650e8a411574601a"
22     sha256                               sonoma:        "3997310820375bfe93b6cf3512aa70993d47a2a67e54df6140ccbaf736486ada"
23     sha256                               ventura:       "323f706e54cc2cb19f4bde6dd703c462337f25763ff8bf9fa52498a10c2a78c7"
24     sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux:  "b5090e0ee1251e6d13e6c77024a0d1f18e0b6d563a4ced176d3c2cd1fffb52b7"
25   end
27   depends_on "tcl-tk@8"
29   resource "dict" do
30     url ""
31     sha256 "3f7d8be8ef6ecc7167d39b10d66954ec734280b5bdcd57f7d9eafe429d11c22a"
32   end
34   def install
35     # Workaround for newer Clang
36     ENV.append_to_cflags "-Wno-implicit-int" if DevelopmentTools.clang_build_version >= 1403
38     (prefix/"dict").install resource("dict")
40     # Disable calling deprecated fields within the Tcl_Interp during compilation.
41     #
42     ENV.append_to_cflags "-DUSE_INTERP_RESULT"
43     tcltk_lib = Formula["tcl-tk@8"].opt_lib
44     system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking",
45                           "--prefix=#{prefix}",
46                           "--mandir=#{man}",
47                           "--with-tcl=#{tcltk_lib}",
48                           "--with-tk=#{tcltk_lib}"
49     ENV.deparallelize
50     system "make", "install"
51   end
53   test do
54     output = pipe_output("#{bin}/wn homebrew -synsn")
55     assert_match "alcoholic beverage", output
56   end
57 end