1 This is a package root directory $PACKAGEROOT. Source and binary
2 packages in this directory tree are controlled by the command
6 Binary files may be in this directory or in the install root directory
8 INSTALLROOT=$PACKAGEROOT/arch/`bin/package`
10 For more information run
14 Many of the packaged commands self-document via the --man and --html
15 options; those that do have no separate man page.
17 Each package is covered by one of the license files
19 lib/package/LICENSES/<license>
21 where <license> is the license type for the package. At the top
22 of each license file is a URL; the license covers all software that
23 refers to this URL. For details run
25 bin/package license [<package>]
27 Any archives, distributions or packages made from source or
28 binaries covered by license(s) must contain the corresponding