fixing a typo
[JPSSData.git] /
1 #
4 # Driver python code to estimate fire arrival time using Active Fire Satellite Data
7 # In the existence of a 'data' satellite granules file and/or 'results.mat' bounds file, any input is necessary.
8 # Otherwise:
9 # wrfout - path to a simulation wrfout file (containing FXLON and FXLAT coordinates).
10 # start_time - date string with format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
11 # days - length of the simulation in decimal days
14 # 1) Methods from file:
15 # *) Find granules overlaping fire domain and time interval.
16 # *) Download Active Satellite Data.
17 # *) Read Active Satellite Data files.
18 # *) Save satellite granule information in 'data' file.
19 # 2) Methods from and files:
20 # *) Write KML file 'fire_detections.kml' with fire detection pixels.
21 # *) Write KML file 'nofire.kml' with saved ground detection pixels.
22 # 3) Method process_detections from file:
23 # *) Sort all the granules from all the sources in time order.
24 # *) Construct upper and lower bounds using a mask to prevent ground after fire.
25 # *) Save results in 'results.mat' file.
26 # 4) Methods preprocess_data_svm and SVM3 from file:
27 # *) Preprocess bounds as an input of Support Vector Machine method.
28 # *) Run Support Vector Machine method.
29 # *) Save results in svm.mat file.
30 # 5) Methods from and files:
31 # *) Construct a smooth contour line representation of the fire arrival time.
32 # *) Write the contour lines in a KML file called 'perimeters_svm.kml'.
35 # - 'data': binary file containing satellite granules information.
36 # - 'result.mat': matlab file containing upper and lower bounds (U and L) from satellite data.
37 # - 'svm.mat': matlab file containing the solution to the Support Vector Machine execution.
38 # Contains estimation of the fire arrival time in tign_g variable.
39 # - 'fire_detections.kml': KML file with fire satellite detection pixels.
40 # - 'nofire.kml': KML file with saved ground satellite detection pixels.
41 # - 'perimeters_svm.kml': KML file with perimeters from estimation of the fire arrival time using SVM.
43 # Developed in Python 2.7.15 :: Anaconda, Inc.
44 # Angel Farguell (, 2019-04-29
45 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 from JPSSD import read_fire_mesh, retrieve_af_data, sdata2json, json2kml, time_iso2num
47 from interpolation import sort_dates
48 from setup import process_detections
49 from infrared_perimeters import process_ignitions, process_infrared_perimeters
50 from svm import preprocess_data_svm, SVM3
51 from contline import get_contour_verts
52 from contour2kml import contour2kml
53 import saveload as sl
54 from import loadmat, savemat
55 import numpy as np
56 import datetime as dt
57 import sys
58 import os
59 from time import time
61 # if ignitions are known: ([lons],[lats],[dates]) where lons and lats in degrees and dates in ESMF format
62 # examples: igns = ([100],[45],['2015-05-15T20:09:00']) or igns = ([100,105],[45,39],['2015-05-15T20:09:00','2015-05-15T23:09:00'])
63 igns = None
64 # if infrared perimeters: path to KML files
65 # examples: perim_path = './pioneer/perim'
66 perim_path = ''
68 satellite_file = 'data'
69 fire_file = 'fire_detections.kml'
70 ground_file = 'nofire.kml'
71 bounds_file = 'result.mat'
72 svm_file = 'svm.mat'
73 contour_file = 'perimeters_svm.kml'
75 def exist(path):
76 return (os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path,os.R_OK))
78 satellite_exists = exist(satellite_file)
79 fire_exists = exist(fire_file)
80 ground_exists = exist(ground_file)
81 bounds_exists = exist(bounds_file)
83 if len(sys.argv) != 4 and (not bounds_exists) and (not satellite_exists):
84 print 'Error: python %s wrfout start_time days' % sys.argv[0]
85 print ' * wrfout - string, wrfout file of WRF-SFIRE simulation'
86 print ' * start_time - string, YYYYMMDDHHMMSS where: '
87 print ' YYYY - year'
88 print ' MM - month'
89 print ' DD - day'
90 print ' HH - hour'
91 print ' MM - minute'
92 print ' SS - second'
93 print ' * days - float, number of days of simulation (can be less than a day)'
94 print 'or link an existent file %s or %s' % (satellite_file,bounds_file)
95 sys.exit(0)
97 t_init = time()
99 print ''
100 if bounds_exists:
101 print '>> File %s already created! Skipping all satellite processing <<' % bounds_file
102 print 'Loading from %s...' % bounds_file
103 result = loadmat(bounds_file)
104 # Taking necessary variables from result dictionary
105 scale = result['time_scale_num'][0]
106 time_num_granules = result['time_num_granules'][0]
107 time_num_interval = result['time_num'][0]
108 lon = np.array(result['fxlon']).astype(float)
109 lat = np.array(result['fxlat']).astype(float)
110 else:
111 if satellite_exists:
112 print '>> File %s already created! Skipping satellite retrieval <<' % satellite_file
113 print 'Loading from %s...' % satellite_file
114 data,fxlon,fxlat,time_num = sl.load(satellite_file)
115 bbox = [fxlon.min(),fxlon.max(),fxlat.min(),fxlat.max()]
116 else:
117 print '>> Reading the fire mesh <<'
118 sys.stdout.flush()
119 fxlon,fxlat,bbox,time_esmf = read_fire_mesh(sys.argv[1])
120 # converting times to ISO
121 dti = dt.datetime.strptime(sys.argv[2],'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
122 time_start_iso = '%d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ' % (dti.year,dti.month,,dti.hour,dti.minute,dti.second)
123 dtf = dti+dt.timedelta(days=float(sys.argv[3]))
124 time_final_iso = '%d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ' % (dtf.year,dtf.month,,dtf.hour,dtf.minute,dtf.second)
125 time_iso = (time_start_iso,time_final_iso)
127 print ''
128 print '>> Retrieving satellite data <<'
129 sys.stdout.flush()
130 data = retrieve_af_data(bbox,time_iso)
131 if igns:
132 data.update(process_ignitions(igns,bounds=bbox))
133 if perim_path:
134 data.update(process_infrared_perimeters(perim_path,bounds=bbox))
136 if data:
137 print ''
138 print '>> Saving satellite data file (data) <<'
139 sys.stdout.flush()
140 time_num = map(time_iso2num,time_iso)
142 print 'data file saved correctly!'
143 else:
144 print ''
145 print 'ERROR: No data obtained...'
146 sys.exit(1)
148 print ''
149 if (not fire_exists) or (not ground_exists):
150 print '>> Generating KML of fire and ground detections <<'
151 sys.stdout.flush()
152 # sort the granules by dates
153 sdata=sort_dates(data)
154 if fire_exists:
155 print '>> File %s already created! <<' % fire_file
156 else:
157 # writting fire detections file
158 print 'writting KML with fire detections'
159 keys = ['latitude','longitude','brightness','scan','track','acq_date','acq_time','satellite','instrument','confidence','bright_t31','frp','scan_angle']
160 dkeys = ['lat_fire','lon_fire','brig_fire','scan_fire','track_fire','acq_date','acq_time','sat_fire','instrument','conf_fire','t31_fire','frp_fire','scan_angle_fire']
161 prods = {'AF':'Active Fires','FRP':'Fire Radiative Power'}
162 N = [len(d[1]['lat_fire']) if 'lat_fire' in d[1] else 0 for d in sdata]
163 json = sdata2json(sdata,keys,dkeys,N)
164 json2kml(json,fire_file,bbox,prods)
165 if ground_exists:
166 print ''
167 print '>> File %s already created! <<' % ground_file
168 else:
169 # writting ground detections file
170 print 'writting KML with ground'
171 keys = ['latitude','longitude','scan','track','acq_date','acq_time','satellite','instrument','scan_angle']
172 dkeys = ['lat_nofire','lon_nofire','scan_nofire','track_nofire','acq_date','acq_time','sat_fire','instrument','scan_angle_nofire']
173 prods = {'NF':'No Fire'}
174 N = [len(d[1]['lat_nofire']) if 'lat_nofire' in d[1] else 0 for d in sdata]
175 json = sdata2json(sdata,keys,dkeys,N)
176 json2kml(json,ground_file,bbox,prods)
178 print ''
179 print '>> Processing satellite data <<'
180 sys.stdout.flush()
181 result = process_detections(data,fxlon,fxlat,time_num)
182 # Taking necessary variables from result dictionary
183 scale = result['time_scale_num']
184 time_num_granules = result['time_num_granules']
185 time_num_interval = result['time_num']
186 lon = np.array(result['fxlon']).astype(float)
187 lat = np.array(result['fxlat']).astype(float)
189 U = np.array(result['U']).astype(float)
190 L = np.array(result['L']).astype(float)
191 T = np.array(result['T']).astype(float)
193 if 'C' in result.keys():
194 conf = np.array(result['C'])
195 else:
196 conf = None
198 print ''
199 print '>> Preprocessing the data <<'
200 sys.stdout.flush()
201 X,y,c = preprocess_data_svm(lon,lat,U,L,T,scale,time_num_granules,C=conf)
203 print ''
204 print '>> Running Support Vector Machine <<'
205 sys.stdout.flush()
206 C = 10.
207 kgam = 10.
208 F = SVM3(X,y,C=C,kgam=kgam,fire_grid=(lon,lat))
210 print ''
211 print '>> Saving the results <<'
212 sys.stdout.flush()
213 tscale = 24*3600 # scale from seconds to days
214 # Fire arrival time in seconds from the begining of the simulation
215 tign_g = F[2]*float(tscale)+scale[0]-time_num_interval[0]
216 # Creating the dictionary with the results
217 svm = {'dxlon': lon, 'dxlat': lat, 'U': U/tscale, 'L': L/tscale,
218 'fxlon': F[0], 'fxlat': F[1], 'Z': F[2],
219 'tign_g': tign_g,
220 'tscale': tscale, 'time_num_granules': time_num_granules,
221 'time_scale_num': scale, 'time_num': time_num_interval}
222 # Save resulting file
223 savemat(svm_file, mdict=svm)
224 print 'The results are saved in svm.mat file'
226 print ''
227 print '>> Computing contour lines of the fire arrival time <<'
228 print 'Computing the contours...'
229 # Fire arrival time in seconds from an old date
230 Z = F[2]*tscale+scale[0]
231 try:
232 # Granules numeric times
233 contour_data = get_contour_verts(F[0], F[1], Z, time_num_granules, contour_dt_hours=6, contour_dt_init=6, contour_dt_final=6)
234 print 'Creating the KML file...'
235 # Creating the KML file
236 contour2kml(contour_data,contour_file)
237 print 'The resulting contour lines are saved in perimeters_svm.kml file'
238 except Exception as e:
239 print 'Warning: contour creation problem'
240 print 'Run: python'
242 print ''
243 print '>> DONE <<'
244 t_final = time()
245 print 'Elapsed time for all the process: %ss.' % str(abs(t_final-t_init))
246 sys.exit()