example working in infrared_perimeters.py having the pionner perimeters in pioneer...
[JPSSData.git] / plot_pixels.py
1 from utils import *
2 import numpy as np
3 import matplotlib as mpl
4 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
5 from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
6 from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
7 from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D
8 from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
9 from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
10 from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
11 import saveload as sl
12 from interpolation import sort_dates
13 import StringIO
14 import sys
15 import os
17 def create_pixels(lons,lats,widths,heights,alphas,color,label):
18 """
19 Plot of pixels using centers (lons,lats), with sizes (widhts,heights), angle alphas, and color color.
21 :param lons: array of longitude coordinates at the center of the pixels
22 :param lats: array of latitude coordinates at the center of the pixels
23 :param widths: array of widhts of the pixels
24 :param heights: array of heights of the pixels
25 :param alphas: array of angles of the pixels
26 :param color: tuple with RGB color values
27 :return col: collection of rectangles with the pixels
29 Developed in Python 2.7.15 :: Anaconda 4.5.10, on MACINTOSH.
30 Angel Farguell (angel.farguell@gmail.com) 2018-12-28
31 """
33 # Create pixels
34 pixels=[]
35 for x, y, h, w, a in zip(lons, lats, heights, widths, alphas):
36 xpos = x - w/2 # The x position will be half the width from the center
37 ypos = y - h/2 # same for the y position, but with height
38 rect = Rectangle( (xpos, ypos), w, h, a) # Create a rectangle
39 pixels.append(rect) # Add the rectangle patch to our list
41 # Create a collection from the rectangles
42 col = PatchCollection(pixels)
43 # set the alpha for all rectangles
44 col.set_alpha(0.5)
45 # Set the colors using the colormap
46 col.set_facecolor( [color]*len(lons) )
47 # No lines
48 col.set_linewidth( 0 )
50 return col
53 def basemap_scatter_mercator(g,bounds,map):
54 """
55 Scatter plot of fire and ground pixels in a png file using a basemap with mercator projection
57 :param g: granule dictionary from read_*_files functions in JPSSD.py
58 :param bounds: array with the coordinates of the bounding box of the case
59 :param map: basemap mercator map where to plot the center of the pixels
60 :return png: string with png plot
61 :return float_bounds: coordinates of the borders of the png file
63 Developed in Python 2.7.15 :: Anaconda 4.5.10, on MACINTOSH.
64 Angel Farguell (angel.farguell@gmail.com) 2018-04-05
65 """
67 size = 50
68 # Satellite pixels
69 flon = g.lon.ravel()
70 flat = g.lat.ravel()
71 mask = g.fire.ravel()
73 fil = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(np.logical_and(flon>bounds[0],flon<bounds[1]),flat>bounds[2]),flat<bounds[3])
75 categories = (np.array(mask[fil] == 3), np.array(mask[fil] == 5),
76 np.array(mask[fil] == 7), np.array(mask[fil] == 8),
77 np.array(mask[fil] == 9))
78 alphas = (.2,.2,.4,.5,.6)
79 labels = ('Water','Ground','Fire low','Fire nominal','Fire high')
81 lon = []
82 lat = []
83 val = []
84 for i,cat in enumerate(categories):
85 lon.append(flon[fil][cat])
86 lat.append(flat[fil][cat])
87 val.append(np.ones(lon[i].shape)*i)
89 N = len(categories)
90 fig = plt.figure(frameon=False,figsize=(12,8),dpi=72*2)
91 plt.axis('off')
92 colors = [(0,0,.5),(0,.5,0),(1,1,0),(1,.65,0),(.5,0,0)]
93 cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('fire_detections', colors, N=N)
94 for i in range(N):
95 m.scatter(lon[i],lat[i],size,c=val[i],latlon=True,marker='.',cmap=cmap,vmin=-.5,vmax=N-.5,alpha=alphas[i],linewidths=0)
97 str_io = StringIO.StringIO()
98 plt.savefig(str_io,bbox_inches='tight',format='png',pad_inches=0,transparent=True)
100 #colorbar
101 orientation = 'vertical'
102 size_in = 2
103 cb_label = ''
105 kwargs = { 'norm': mpl.colors.Normalize(-.5,N-.5),
106 'orientation': orientation,
107 'spacing': 'proportional',
108 'ticks': range(0,N),
109 'cmap': cmap}
111 # build figure according to requested orientation
112 hsize, wsize = (size_in,size_in*0.5) if orientation == 'vertical' else (size_in*0.5,size_in)
113 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(wsize,hsize))
115 # proportions that work with axis title (horizontal not tested)
116 ax = fig.add_axes([.5,.03,.12,.8]) if orientation=='vertical' else fig.add_axes([0.03,.4,.8,.12])
118 # construct the colorbar and modify properties
119 cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax,**kwargs)
120 cb.ax.tick_params(length=0)
121 cb.ax.set_yticklabels(labels)
122 cb.set_label(cb_label,color='0',fontsize=8,labelpad=-50)
124 # move ticks to left side
125 ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left')
126 for tick_lbl in ax.get_yticklabels():
127 tick_lbl.set_color('0')
128 tick_lbl.set_fontsize(5)
130 #plt.show()
131 plt.close()
133 png = str_io.getvalue()
135 numpy_bounds = [ (bounds[0],bounds[2]),(bounds[1],bounds[2]),(bounds[1],bounds[3]),(bounds[0],bounds[3]) ]
136 float_bounds = [ (float(x), float(y)) for x,y in numpy_bounds ]
137 return png, float_bounds
140 def center_pixels_plot(g,bounds):
142 Center pixels plot: generates a plot of the center of the pixels.
144 :param g: granule dictionary from read_*_files functions in JPSSD.py
145 :param bounds: array with the coordinates of the bounding box of the case
146 :return: 2D plot of the center of the pixels
148 Developed in Python 2.7.15 :: Anaconda 4.5.10, on MACINTOSH.
149 Angel Farguell (angel.farguell@gmail.com) 2018-12-28
152 fig=plt.figure()
153 ax=fig.add_subplot(111)
155 # Size of the center of the pixels
156 size=80
158 # Ground pixels
159 lons=np.array(g.lon_nofire)
160 lats=np.array(g.lat_nofire)
161 color=(0,0.59765625,0)
162 plt.scatter(lons,lats,size,marker='.',color=color,edgecolors='k')
164 # Fire pixels
165 lons=np.array(g.lon_fire)
166 lats=np.array(g.lat_fire)
167 color=(0.59765625,0,0)
168 plt.scatter(lons,lats,size,marker='.',color=color,edgecolors='k')
170 ax.set_xlim(bounds[0],bounds[1])
171 ax.set_ylim(bounds[2],bounds[3])
174 def pixels_plot(g,bounds):
176 Regular pixels plot: generates a plot of the pixels using a regular grid by distances.
178 :param g: granule dictionary from read_*_files functions in JPSSD.py
179 :param bounds: array with the coordinates of the bounding box of the case
180 :return: 2D plot of the pixels
182 Developed in Python 2.7.15 :: Anaconda 4.5.10, on MACINTOSH.
183 Angel Farguell (angel.farguell@gmail.com) 2018-12-28
186 lon=g.lon
187 lat=g.lat
188 fire=g.fire
190 lonh0=lon[:,0:-1]
191 lonh1=lon[:,1:]
192 lonv0=lon[0:-1,:]
193 lonv1=lon[1:,:]
194 dlonh=lonh0-lonh1
195 dlonh=np.hstack((dlonh,dlonh[:,[-1]]))
196 dlonv=lonv0-lonv1
197 dlonv=np.vstack((dlonv,dlonv[-1]))
199 lath0=lat[:,0:-1]
200 lath1=lat[:,1:]
201 latv0=lat[0:-1,:]
202 latv1=lat[1:,:]
203 dlath=lath0-lath1
204 dlath=np.hstack((dlath,dlath[:,[-1]]))
205 dlatv=latv0-latv1
206 dlatv=np.vstack((dlatv,dlatv[-1]))
208 dh=np.sqrt(dlonh**2+dlath**2)
209 dv=np.sqrt(dlonv**2+dlatv**2)
211 # Mean between the distances
212 w=dh
213 w[:,1:-1]=np.hstack([(dh[:,[k]]+dh[:,[k+1]])/2 for k in range(dh.shape[1]-2)])
214 h=dv
215 h[1:-1,:]=np.vstack([(dv[k]+dv[k+1])/2 for k in range(dv.shape[0]-2)])
218 # Maximum between the distances
219 w=dh
220 w[:,1:-1]=np.hstack([np.maximum(dh[:,[k]],dh[:,[k+1]]) for k in range(dh.shape[1]-2)])
221 h=dv
222 h[1:-1,:]=np.vstack([np.maximum(dv[k],dv[k+1]) for k in range(dv.shape[0]-2)])
225 angle=np.arctan(dlath/dlonh)*180/np.pi
227 plot=False
228 if plot:
229 fig = plt.figure()
230 ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
231 surf = ax.plot_surface(lon,lat,w)
232 fig = plt.figure()
233 ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
234 surf = ax.plot_surface(lon,lat,h)
235 fig = plt.figure()
236 ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
237 surf = ax.plot_surface(lon,lat,angle)
239 flon=np.reshape(lon,np.prod(lon.shape))
240 flat=np.reshape(lat,np.prod(lat.shape))
241 fil=np.logical_and(np.logical_and(np.logical_and(flon>bounds[0],flon<bounds[1]),flat>bounds[2]),flat<bounds[3])
242 lon=flon[fil]
243 lat=flat[fil]
245 ff=np.reshape(fire,np.prod(fire.shape))
246 ffg=ff[fil]
247 nofi=np.logical_or(ffg == 3, ffg == 5)
248 fi=np.array(ffg > 6)
250 width=np.reshape(w,np.prod(w.shape))[fil]
251 height=np.reshape(h,np.prod(h.shape))[fil]
252 alpha=np.reshape(angle,np.prod(angle.shape))[fil]
254 fig = plt.figure()
255 ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
257 # Ground pixels
258 lons=lon[nofi]
259 lats=lat[nofi]
260 widths=width[nofi]
261 heights=height[nofi]
262 alphas=alpha[nofi]
263 color=(0,0.59765625,0)
264 col_nofire=create_pixels(lons,lats,widths,heights,alphas,color,'Ground')
265 ax.add_collection(col_nofire)
267 # Fire pixels
268 lons=lon[fi]
269 lats=lat[fi]
270 widths=width[fi]
271 heights=height[fi]
272 alphas=alpha[fi]
273 color=(0.59765625,0,0)
274 col_fire=create_pixels(lons,lats,widths,heights,alphas,color,'Fire')
275 ax.add_collection(col_fire)
277 # Set axis
278 ax.set_xlim(bounds[0],bounds[1])
279 ax.set_ylim(bounds[2],bounds[3])
282 def create_kml(kml_data,kml_path):
284 Creation of KML file with png files from basemap_scatter_mercator function
286 :param kml_data: dictionary with granules to plot information: name, png_file, bounds, time
287 :param kml_path: path to kml to generate
289 Developed in Python 2.7.15 :: Anaconda 4.5.10, on MACINTOSH.
290 Angel Farguell (angel.farguell@gmail.com) 2018-04-05
293 with open(kml_path,'w') as kml:
294 kml.write("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n""")
295 kml.write("""<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2" xmlns:kml="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">\n""")
296 kml.write("""<Document><name>Satellite Data</name>""")
297 kml.write("""
298 <Folder>
299 <name>granules</name>""")
300 for idx,data in enumerate(kml_data):
301 name = data['name']
302 time = data['time']
303 png = data['png_file']
304 bounds = data['bounds']
305 coord = (str(bounds[0]),str(bounds[2]),
306 str(bounds[1]),str(bounds[2]),
307 str(bounds[1]),str(bounds[3]),
308 str(bounds[0]),str(bounds[3]),
309 str(bounds[0]),str(bounds[2]))
310 kml.write("""
311 <GroundOverlay>
312 <name>%s</name>
313 <Icon><href>%s</href></Icon>
314 <gx:TimeStamp><when>%s</when></gx:TimeStamp>""" % (
315 name, png, time))
316 kml.write("""
317 <gx:LatLonQuad>
318 <coordinates>
319 %s,%s,0
320 %s,%s,0
321 %s,%s,0
322 %s,%s,0
323 %s,%s,0
324 </coordinates>
325 </gx:LatLonQuad>""" % coord)
326 kml.write("""
327 </GroundOverlay>""")
328 kml.write("""
329 </Folder>""")
330 kml.write("""</Document>\n</kml>\n""")
332 print 'Created file %s' % kml_path
335 def perror():
336 print "Error: python %s pixel_plot_type" % sys.argv[0]
337 print " - Center pixels in basemap: 0"
338 print " - Center pixels plot: 1"
339 print " - Regular pixels plot: 2"
341 if __name__ == "__main__":
342 if len(sys.argv)!=2:
343 perror()
344 sys.exit(1)
345 else:
346 if sys.argv[1] not in ['0','1','2']:
347 perror()
348 print "Invalid value given: %s" % sys.argv[1]
349 sys.exit(1)
351 try:
352 # Upload data
353 print 'Loading data...'
354 data,fxlon,fxlat,time_num=sl.load('data')
355 except Exception:
356 print "Error: No data file in the directory. First run a case using case.py."
357 sys.exit(1)
359 granules=sort_dates(data)
360 bounds=[fxlon.min(),fxlon.max(),fxlat.min(),fxlat.max()]
362 print 'Plotting data...'
363 # Plot pixels
364 if sys.argv[1] is '0':
365 m = Basemap(projection='merc',llcrnrlat=bounds[2], urcrnrlat=bounds[3], llcrnrlon=bounds[0], urcrnrlon=bounds[1])
366 kmld = []
367 for idx, g in enumerate(granules):
368 raster_png_data,corner_coords = basemap_scatter_mercator(g[1],bounds,m)
369 bounds = (corner_coords[0][0],corner_coords[1][0],corner_coords[0][1],corner_coords[2][1])
370 pngfile = g[0]+'.png'
371 timestamp = g[1].acq_date + 'T' + g[1].acq_time[0:2] + ':' + g[1].acq_time[2:4] + 'Z'
372 with open(pngfile, 'w') as f:
373 f.write(raster_png_data)
374 print '> File %s saved.' % g[0]
375 kmld.append(Dict({'name': g[0], 'png_file': pngfile, 'bounds': bounds, 'time': timestamp}))
376 create_kml(kmld,'./doc.kml')
377 os.system('zip -r granules.kmz doc.kml *.png')
378 print 'Created file granules.kmz'
379 elif sys.argv[1] is '1':
380 for g in granules:
381 center_pixels_plot(g[1],bounds)
382 plt.title('Granule %s' % g[0])
383 plt.show()
384 else:
385 for g in granules:
386 pixels_plot(g[1],bounds)
387 plt.title('Granule %s' % g[0])
388 plt.show()