fixing matplotlib
[JPSSData.git] /
1 # following
2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
3 import numpy as np
4 from import loadmat
5 from utils import *
6 import datetime
7 import time
8 from JPSSD import time_num2iso
9 from contour2kml import contour2kml
10 from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
11 import os
12 import sys
14 def get_contour_verts(xx, yy, zz, time_num_granules, contour_dt_hours=6, contour_dt_init=6, contour_dt_final=6, gauss_filter=True, plot_contours=False):
15 # Computing the levels
16 # Datetimes for the first and last granule
17 dt1=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time_num_granules[0])
18 dt2=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time_num_granules[-1])
19 # Starting 6 hours before the first granule and finishing 6 hours after the last granule
20 dti=dt1-datetime.timedelta(hours=contour_dt_init)
21 dtf=dt2+datetime.timedelta(hours=contour_dt_final)
22 # Number of periods of 6 hours we need to compute rounded
23 d=dtf-dti
24 hours=d.total_seconds()/3600
25 M=int(np.round((hours+1)/contour_dt_hours ))
26 # Datetimes where we are going to compute the levels
27 dts=[dti+datetime.timedelta(hours=k*contour_dt_hours) for k in range(1,M)]
28 levels=[time.mktime(t.timetuple()) for t in dts]
30 # Scaling the time components as in detections
31 time_num=np.array(levels)
32 time_iso=[time_num2iso(t) for t in time_num]
34 # Computing and generating the coordinates for the contours
35 contours = []
36 if gauss_filter:
37 # for each level
38 for level in levels:
39 # copy the fire arrival time
40 Z = np.array(zz)
41 # distinguish either in or out the perimeter
42 Z[Z < level] = 0
43 Z[Z >= level] = 1
44 # smooth the perimeter using a gaussian filter
45 sigma = 2.
46 ZZ = gaussian_filter(Z,sigma)
47 # find the contour line in between
48 cn = plt.contour(xx,yy,ZZ,levels=0.5)
49 # contour line
50 cc = cn.collections[0]
51 # initialize the path
52 paths = []
53 # for each separate section of the contour line
54 for pp in cc.get_paths():
55 # read all the vertices
56 paths.append(pp.vertices)
57 contours.append(paths)
58 else:
59 # computing all the contours
60 cn = plt.contour(xx,yy,zz,levels=levels)
61 # for each contour line
62 for cc in cn.collections:
63 # initialize the path
64 paths = []
65 # for each separate section of the contour line
66 for pp in cc.get_paths():
67 # read all the vertices
68 paths.append(pp.vertices)
69 contours.append(paths)
71 # Plotting or not the contour lines
72 if plot_contours:
73 print 'contours are collections of line, each line consisting of poins with x and y coordinates'
74 for c in contours:
75 for cc in c:
76 xx=[x[0] for x in cc]
77 yy=[y[1] for y in cc]
78 plt.scatter(xx,yy)
81 # Creating an array of dictionaries for each perimeter
82 conts=[Dict({'text':time_iso[k],
83 'LineStyle':{
84 'color':'ff081388',
85 'width':'2.5',
87 'PolyStyle':{
88 'color':'66000086',
89 'colorMode':'random'
91 'time_begin':time_iso[k],
92 'polygons': contours[k] }) for k in range(0,len(contours))]
94 # Creating a dictionary to store the KML file information
95 data=Dict({'name':'contours.kml',
96 'folder_name':'Perimeters'})
97 data.update({'contours': conts})
99 return data
101 if __name__ == "__main__":
102 result_file = 'result.mat'
103 mgout_file = 'mgout.mat'
104 if os.path.isfile(result_file) and os.access(result_file,os.R_OK) and os.path.isfile(mgout_file) and os.access(mgout_file,os.R_OK):
105 print 'Loading the data...'
106 result=loadmat(result_file)
107 mgout=loadmat(mgout_file)
108 else:
109 print 'Error: file %s or %s not exist or not readable' % (result_file,mgout_file)
110 sys.exit(1)
112 # Indexing the coordinates into the same as the multigrid solution
113 xind=mgout['sm'][0]-1
114 yind=mgout['sn'][0]-1
115 x=np.array(result['fxlon'])
116 xx=x[np.ix_(xind,yind)]
117 y=np.array(result['fxlat'])
118 yy=y[np.ix_(xind,yind)]
119 tscale=mgout['tscale'][0]
120 time_scale_num=mgout['time_scale_num'][0]
121 zz=mgout['a']*tscale+time_scale_num[0]
123 print 'Computing the contours...'
124 # Granules numeric times
125 time_num_granules = result['time_num_granules'][0]
126 data = get_contour_verts(xx, yy, zz, time_num_granules, contour_dt_hours=24, gauss_filter=False)
128 print 'Creating the KML file...'
129 # Creating the KML file
130 contour2kml(data,'perimeters.kml')
132 print 'perimeters.kml generated'