fixing typo in confidence of ground detections
[JPSSData.git] /
1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
2 import numpy as np
3 from datetime import timedelta
4 from JPSSD import time_iso2num, time_iso2datetime, time_datetime2iso
5 from utils import Dict
6 import re, glob, sys, os
9 def process_tign_g(lon,lat,tign_g,bounds,ctime,dx,dy,wrfout_file='',dt_for=3600.,plot=False):
10 """
11 Process forecast from lon, lat, and tign_g
13 :param lon: array of longitudes
14 :param lat: array of latitudes
15 :param tign_g: array of fire arrival time
16 :param bounds: coordinate bounding box filtering to
17 :param ctime: time char in wrfout of the last fire arrival time
18 :param dx,dy: data resolution in meters
19 :param dt_for: optional, temporal resolution to get the fire arrival time from in seconds
20 :param wrfout_file: optional, to get the name of the file in the dictionary
22 Developed in Python 2.7.15 :: Anaconda 4.5.10, on MACINTOSH.
23 Angel Farguell ( and James Haley, 2019-06-05
24 """
26 if plot:
27 fig = plt.figure()
29 # prefix of the elements in the dictionary
30 prefix = "FOR"
31 # confidences
32 conf_fire = 50
33 conf_nofire = 10
34 # margin percentage
35 margin = .5
36 # scan and track dimensions of the observation (in km)
37 scan = dx/1000.
38 track = dy/1000.
39 # initializing dictionary
40 forecast = Dict({})
42 # ctime transformations
43 ctime_iso = ctime.replace('_','T')
44 ctime_datetime = time_iso2datetime(ctime_iso)
45 # mask coordinates to bounding box
46 mask = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(np.logical_and(lon >= bounds[0], lon <= bounds[1]), lat >= bounds[2]), lat <= bounds[3])
47 # create a square subset of fire arrival time less than the maximum
48 mtign = np.logical_and(mask, tign_g < tign_g.max())
49 mlon = lon[mtign]
50 mlat = lat[mtign]
51 mlenlon = margin*(mlon.max()-mlon.min())
52 mlenlat = margin*(mlat.max()-mlat.min())
53 sbounds = (mlon.min()-mlenlon, mlon.max()+mlenlon, mlat.min()-mlenlat, mlat.max()+mlenlat)
54 smask = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(np.logical_and(lon >= sbounds[0], lon <= sbounds[1]), lat >= sbounds[2]), lat <= sbounds[3])
56 # times to get fire arrival time from
57 TT = np.arange(tign_g.min()-3*dt_for,tign_g.max(),dt_for)[0:-1]
58 for T in TT:
59 # fire arrival time to datetime
60 time_datetime = ctime_datetime-timedelta(seconds=float(tign_g.max()-T)) # there is an error of about 10 seconds (wrfout not ending at exact time of simulation)
61 # create ISO time of the date
62 time_iso = time_datetime2iso(time_datetime)
63 # create numerical time from the ISO time
64 time_num = time_iso2num(time_iso)
65 # create time stamp
66 time_data = '_A%04d%03d_%02d%02d_%02d' % (time_datetime.year, time_datetime.timetuple().tm_yday,
67 time_datetime.hour, time_datetime.minute, time_datetime.second)
68 # create acquisition date
69 acq_date = '%04d-%02d-%02d' % (time_datetime.year, time_datetime.month,
70 # create acquisition time
71 acq_time = '%02d%02d' % (time_datetime.hour, time_datetime.minute)
73 print 'Retrieving forecast from %s' % time_iso
75 # masks
76 fire = tign_g <= T
77 nofire = np.logical_and(tign_g > T, np.logical_or(tign_g != tign_g.max(), smask))
78 # coordinates masked
79 lon_fire = lon[np.logical_and(mask,fire)]
80 lat_fire = lat[np.logical_and(mask,fire)]
81 lon_nofire = lon[np.logical_and(mask,nofire)]
82 lat_nofire = lat[np.logical_and(mask,nofire)]
83 # create general arrays
84 lons = np.concatenate((lon_nofire,lon_fire))
85 lats = np.concatenate((lat_nofire,lat_fire))
86 fires = np.concatenate((5*np.ones(lon_nofire.shape),9*np.ones(lon_fire.shape)))
88 # plot results
89 if plot:
90 plt.ion()
91 plt.cla()
92 plt.plot(lons[fires==5],lats[fires==5],'g.')
93 plt.plot(lons[fires==9],lats[fires==9],'r.')
94 plt.pause(.0001)
97 # update perimeters dictionary
98 forecast.update({prefix + time_data: Dict({'file': wrfout_file, 'time_tign_g': T, 'lon': lons, 'lat': lats,
99 'fire': fires, 'conf_fire': np.array(conf_fire*np.ones(lons[fires==9].shape)),
100 'lon_fire': lons[fires==9], 'lat_fire': lats[fires==9], 'lon_nofire': lons[fires==5], 'lat_nofire': lats[fires==5],
101 'scan_fire': scan*np.ones(lons[fires==9].shape), 'track_fire': track*np.ones(lons[fires==9].shape),
102 'conf_nofire': np.array(conf_nofire*np.ones(lons[fires==5].shape)),
103 'scan_nofire': scan*np.ones(lons[fires==5].shape), 'track_nofire': track*np.ones(lons[fires==9].shape),
104 'time_iso': time_iso, 'time_num': time_num, 'acq_date': acq_date, 'acq_time': acq_time})})
106 return forecast
108 def process_forecast_wrfout(wrfout_file,bounds,plot=False):
110 Process forecast from a wrfout.
112 :param dst: path to wrfout file
113 :param bounds: coordinate bounding box filtering to
115 Developed in Python 2.7.15 :: Anaconda 4.5.10, on MACINTOSH.
116 Angel Farguell (, 2019-06-05
119 # read file
120 import netCDF4 as nc
121 try:
122 data = nc.Dataset(wrfout_file)
123 except Exception as e:
124 print 'Warning: No netcdf file %s in the path' % wrfout_file
125 return []
126 # current time
127 ctime = ''.join(data['Times'][-1])
128 # getting rid of strip
129 atmlenx = len(data.dimensions['west_east'])
130 atmleny = len(data.dimensions['south_north'])
131 staglenx = len(data.dimensions['west_east_stag'])
132 stagleny = len(data.dimensions['south_north_stag'])
133 dimlenx = len(data.dimensions['west_east_subgrid'])
134 dimleny = len(data.dimensions['south_north_subgrid'])
135 ratiox = dimlenx/max(staglenx,atmlenx+1)
136 ratioy = dimleny/max(stagleny,atmleny+1)
137 lenx = dimlenx-ratiox
138 leny = dimleny-ratioy
139 # coordinates
140 lon = data['FXLONG'][0][0:lenx,0:leny]
141 lat = data['FXLAT'][0][0:lenx,0:leny]
142 # fire arrival time
143 tign_g = data['TIGN_G'][0][0:lenx,0:leny]
144 # resolutions
145 DX = data.getncattr('DX')
146 DY = data.getncattr('DY')
147 sx = data.dimensions['west_east_subgrid'].size/data.dimensions['west_east_stag'].size
148 sy = data.dimensions['south_north_subgrid'].size/data.dimensions['south_north_stag'].size
149 dx = DX/sx
150 dy = DY/sy
151 # create forecast
152 forecast = process_tign_g(lon,lat,tign_g,bounds,ctime,dx,dy,wrfout_file=wrfout_file,plot=plot)
153 # close netcdf file
154 data.close()
156 return forecast
159 if __name__ == "__main__":
160 import saveload as sl
161 real = False
163 if real:
164 plot = True
165 bounds = (-113.85068, -111.89413, 39.677563, 41.156837)
166 dst = './patch/wrfout_patch'
167 f = process_forecast_wrfout(dst,bounds,plot=plot)
169 else:
170 from infrared_perimeters import process_ignitions
171 from setup import process_detections
172 dst = 'ideal_test'
173 plot = False
174 ideal = sl.load(dst)
175 kk = 4
176 data = process_tign_g(ideal['lon'][::kk,::kk],ideal['lat'][::kk,::kk],ideal['tign_g'][::kk,::kk],ideal['bounds'],ideal['ctime'],ideal['dx'],ideal['dy'],wrfout_file='ideal',dt_for=ideal['dt'],plot=plot)
177 if 'point' in ideal.keys():
178 p = [[ideal['point'][0]],[ideal['point'][1]],[ideal['point'][2]]]
179 data.update(process_ignitions(p,ideal['bounds']))
180 elif 'points' in ideal.keys():
181 p = [[point[0] for point in ideal['points']],[point[1] for point in ideal['points']],[point[2] for point in ideal['points']]]
182 data.update(process_ignitions(p,ideal['bounds']))
183 etime = time_iso2num(ideal['ctime'].replace('_','T'))
184 time_num_int = (etime-ideal['tign_g'].max(),etime)
186 process_detections(data,ideal['lon'],ideal['lat'],time_num_int)