fixing an import of a function
[JPSSData.git] /
1 # General python for any case
2 from JPSSD import read_fire_mesh, retrieve_af_data, sdata2json, json2kml, time_iso2num
3 from interpolation import sort_dates
4 from setup import process_satellite_detections
5 from svm import preprocess_data_svm, SVM3
6 from contline import get_contour_verts
7 from contour2kml import contour2kml
8 import saveload as sl
9 from import loadmat, savemat
10 import numpy as np
11 import datetime as dt
12 import sys
13 import os
14 from time import time
16 satellite_file = 'data'
17 fire_file = 'fire_detections.kml'
18 ground_file = 'nofire.kml'
19 bounds_file = 'result.mat'
20 svm_file = 'svm.mat'
21 contour_file = 'perimeters_svm.kml'
23 def exist(path):
24 return (os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path,os.R_OK))
26 satellite_exists = exist(satellite_file)
27 fire_exists = exist(fire_file)
28 ground_exists = exist(ground_file)
29 bounds_exists = exist(bounds_file)
31 if len(sys.argv) != 4 and (not bounds_exists) and (not satellite_exists):
32 print 'Error: python %s wrfout start_time days' % sys.argv[0]
33 print ' * wrfout - string, wrfout file of WRF-SFIRE simulation'
34 print ' * start_time - string, YYYYMMDDHHMMSS where: '
35 print ' YYYY - year'
36 print ' MM - month'
37 print ' DD - day'
38 print ' HH - hour'
39 print ' MM - minute'
40 print ' SS - second'
41 print ' * days - float, number of days of simulation (can be less than a day)'
42 sys.exit(0)
44 t_init = time()
46 print ''
47 if bounds_exists:
48 print '>> File %s already created! Skipping all satellite processing <<' % bounds_file
49 print 'Loading from %s...' % bounds_file
50 result = loadmat(bounds_file)
51 # Taking necessary variables from result dictionary
52 scale = result['time_scale_num'][0]
53 time_num_granules = result['time_num_granules'][0]
54 time_num_interval = result['time_num'][0]
55 else:
56 if satellite_exists:
57 print '>> File %s already created! Skipping satellite retrieval <<' % satellite_file
58 print 'Loading from %s...' % satellite_file
59 data,fxlon,fxlat,time_num = sl.load(satellite_file)
60 bbox = [fxlon.min(),fxlon.max(),fxlat.min(),fxlat.max()]
61 else:
62 print '>> Reading the fire mesh <<'
63 sys.stdout.flush()
64 fxlon,fxlat,bbox,time_esmf = read_fire_mesh(sys.argv[1])
65 # converting times to ISO
66 dti = dt.datetime.strptime(sys.argv[2],'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
67 time_start_iso = '%d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ' % (dti.year,dti.month,,dti.hour,dti.minute,dti.second)
68 dtf = dti+dt.timedelta(days=float(sys.argv[3]))
69 time_final_iso = '%d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ' % (dtf.year,dtf.month,,dtf.hour,dtf.minute,dtf.second)
70 time_iso = (time_start_iso,time_final_iso)
72 print ''
73 print '>> Retrieving satellite data <<'
74 sys.stdout.flush()
75 data = retrieve_af_data(bbox,time_iso)
77 print ''
78 print '>> Saving satellite data file (data) <<'
79 sys.stdout.flush()
80 time_num = map(time_iso2num,time_iso)
82 print 'data file saved correctly!'
84 print ''
85 if (not fire_exists) or (not ground_exists):
86 print '>> Generating KML of fire and ground detections <<'
87 sys.stdout.flush()
88 # sort the granules by dates
89 sdata=sort_dates(data)
90 tt = [ dd[1]['time_num'] for dd in sdata ] # array of times
91 if fire_exists:
92 print '>> File %s already created! <<' % fire_file
93 else:
94 # writting fire detections file
95 print 'writting KML with fire detections'
96 keys = ['latitude','longitude','brightness','scan','track','acq_date','acq_time','satellite','instrument','confidence','bright_t31','frp','scan_angle']
97 dkeys = ['lat_fire','lon_fire','brig_fire','scan_fire','track_fire','acq_date','acq_time','sat_fire','instrument','conf_fire','t31_fire','frp_fire','scan_angle_fire']
98 prods = {'AF':'Active Fires','FRP':'Fire Radiative Power'}
99 N = [len(d[1]['lat_fire']) for d in sdata]
100 json = sdata2json(sdata,keys,dkeys,N)
101 json2kml(json,fire_file,bbox,prods)
102 if ground_exists:
103 print ''
104 print '>> File %s already created! <<' % ground_file
105 else:
106 # writting ground detections file
107 print 'writting KML with ground'
108 keys = ['latitude','longitude','scan','track','acq_date','acq_time','satellite','instrument','scan_angle']
109 dkeys = ['lat_nofire','lon_nofire','scan_nofire','track_nofire','acq_date','acq_time','sat_fire','instrument','scan_angle_nofire']
110 prods = {'NF':'No Fire'}
111 N = [len(d[1]['lat_nofire']) for d in sdata]
112 json = sdata2json(sdata,keys,dkeys,N)
113 json2kml(json,ground_file,bbox,prods)
115 print ''
116 print '>> Processing satellite data <<'
117 sys.stdout.flush()
118 result = process_satellite_detections(data,fxlon,fxlat,time_num)
119 # Taking necessary variables from result dictionary
120 scale = result['time_scale_num']
121 time_num_granules = result['time_num_granules']
122 time_num_interval = result['time_num']
124 lon = result['fxlon']
125 lat = result['fxlat']
126 U = np.array(result['U']).astype(float)
127 L = np.array(result['L']).astype(float)
128 T = np.array(result['T']).astype(float)
130 print ''
131 print '>> Preprocessing the data <<'
132 sys.stdout.flush()
133 X,y = preprocess_data_svm(lon,lat,U,L,T,scale,time_num_granules)
135 print ''
136 print '>> Running Support Vector Machine <<'
137 sys.stdout.flush()
138 C = 10.
139 kgam = 10.
140 F = SVM3(X,y,C=C,kgam=kgam,fire_grid=(lon,lat))
142 print ''
143 print '>> Saving the results <<'
144 sys.stdout.flush()
145 tscale = 24*3600
146 # Fire arrival time in seconds from the begining of the simulation
147 tign_g = F[2]*float(tscale)+scale[0]-time_num_interval[0]
148 # Creating the dictionary with the results
149 svm = {'dxlon': lon, 'dxlat': lat, 'U': U/tscale, 'L': L/tscale,
150 'fxlon': F[0], 'fxlat': F[1], 'Z': F[2],
151 'tign_g': tign_g,
152 'tscale': tscale, 'time_num_granules': time_num_granules,
153 'time_scale_num': scale, 'time_num': time_num_interval}
154 # Save resulting file
155 savemat(svm_file, mdict=svm)
156 print 'The results are saved in svm.mat file'
158 print ''
159 print '>> Computing contour lines of the fire arrival time <<'
160 print 'Computing the contours...'
161 # Fire arrival time in seconds from an old date
162 Z = F[2]*tscale+scale[0]
163 # Granules numeric times
164 contour_data = get_contour_verts(F[0], F[1], Z, time_num_granules, contour_dt_hours=6, contour_dt_init=6, contour_dt_final=6)
165 print 'Creating the KML file...'
166 # Creating the KML file
167 contour2kml(contour_data,contour_file)
168 print 'The resulting contour lines are saved in perimeters_svm.kml file'
170 print ''
171 print '>> DONE <<'
172 t_final = time()
173 print 'Elapsed time for all the process: %ss.' % str(abs(t_final-t_init))
174 sys.exit()