new infrared perimeters processing
[JPSSData.git] /
1 from matplotlib.path import Path
2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
3 import numpy as np
4 import os.path as osp
5 from JPSSD import time_iso2num, time_iso2datetime
6 from utils import Dict
7 import saveload as sl
8 import re, glob, sys, os
10 def process_paths(outer_coords,inner_coords,min_points=50):
11 outer_paths = []
12 inner_paths = []
13 for n,outer in enumerate(outer_coords):
14 outer = np.array(outer)
15 if len(outer[:,0]) > min_points:
16 path = Path(outer)
17 outer_paths.append(path)
18 inners = np.array(inner_coords[n])
19 if len(inners.shape) > 2:
20 in_paths = []
21 for inner in inners:
22 if len(inner) > min_points:
23 path = Path(inner)
24 in_paths.append(path)
25 else:
26 if len(inners) > min_points:
27 in_paths = Path(inners)
28 else:
29 in_paths = []
30 inner_paths.append(in_paths)
31 return outer_paths,inner_paths
33 def process_ignitions(igns,bounds,time=None):
34 """
35 Process ignitions the same way than satellite data.
37 :param igns: ([lons],[lats],[dates]) where lons and lats in degrees and dates in ESMF format
38 :param bounds: coordinate bounding box filtering to
39 :return ignitions: dictionary with all the information from each ignition similar to satellite data
41 Developed in Python 2.7.15 :: Anaconda 4.5.10, on MACINTOSH.
42 Angel Farguell (, 2019-05-29
43 """
45 # Time interval
46 if time:
47 interval_datetime = map(time_iso2datetime,time)
49 # prefix of the elements in the dictionary
50 prefix = "IGN"
51 # initializing dictionary
52 ignitions = dict({})
53 # scan and track dimensions of the observation (in km)
54 scan = 1.
55 track = 1.
56 # confidences
57 conf_fire = 100.
59 # for each ignition
60 for lon, lat, time_iso in zip(igns[0],igns[1],igns[2]):
61 try:
62 # take coordinates
63 lon = np.array(lon)
64 lat = np.array(lat)
65 # look if coordinates in bounding box
66 mask = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(np.logical_and(lon >= bounds[0], lon <= bounds[1]),lat >= bounds[2]),lat <= bounds[3])
67 if not mask.sum():
68 continue
69 lons = lon[mask]
70 lats = lat[mask]
71 # get time elements
72 time_num = time_iso2num(time_iso)
73 time_datetime = time_iso2datetime(time_iso)
74 # skip if not inside interval (only if time is determined)
75 if time and (time_datetime < interval_datetime[0] or time_datetime > interval_datetime[1]):
76 print 'Perimeter from %s skipped, not inside the simulation interval!' % file
77 continue
78 time_data = '_A%04d%03d_%02d%02d_%02d' % (time_datetime.year, time_datetime.timetuple().tm_yday,
79 time_datetime.hour, time_datetime.minute, time_datetime.second)
80 acq_date = '%04d-%02d-%02d' % (time_datetime.year, time_datetime.month,
81 acq_time = '%02d%02d' % (time_datetime.hour, time_datetime.minute)
82 except Exception as e:
83 print 'Error: bad ignition %s specified.' % igns
84 print 'Exception: %s.' % e
85 sys.exit(1)
87 # no nofire detection
88 lon_nofire = np.array([])
89 lat_nofire = np.array([])
90 conf_nofire = np.array([])
92 # update ignitions dictionary
93 ignitions.update({prefix + time_data: Dict({'lon': lons, 'lat': lats,
94 'fire': np.array(9*np.ones(lons.shape)), 'conf_fire': np.array(conf_fire*np.ones(lons.shape)),
95 'lon_fire': lons, 'lat_fire': lats, 'lon_nofire': lon_nofire, 'lat_nofire': lat_nofire,
96 'scan_fire': scan*np.ones(lons.shape), 'track_fire': track*np.ones(lons.shape),
97 'conf_nofire' : conf_nofire, 'scan_nofire': scan*np.ones(lon_nofire.shape),
98 'track_nofire': track*np.ones(lon_nofire.shape), 'time_iso': time_iso,
99 'time_num': time_num, 'acq_date': acq_date, 'acq_time': acq_time})})
100 return ignitions
103 def process_infrared_perimeters(dst,bounds,time=None,maxp=500,ngrid=50,plot=False,gen_polys=False):
105 Process infrared perimeters the same way than satellite data.
107 :param dst: path to kml perimeter files
108 :param bounds: coordinate bounding box filtering to
109 :param time: optional, time interval in ISO
110 :param maxp: optional, maximum number of points for each perimeter
111 :param ngrid: optional, number of nodes for the grid of in/out nodes at each direction
112 :param plot: optional, boolean to plot or not the result at each perimeter iteration
113 :return perimeters: dictionary with all the information from each perimeter similar to satellite data
115 Developed in Python 2.7.15 :: Anaconda 4.5.10, on MACINTOSH.
116 Angel Farguell (, 2019-05-29
119 # Time interval
120 if time:
121 interval_datetime = map(time_iso2datetime,time)
123 # list of kml files in 'dst' path
124 files = glob.glob(osp.join(dst, '*.kml'))
125 # prefix of the elements in the dictionary
126 prefix = "PER"
127 # initializing dictionary
128 perimeters = Dict({})
129 # scan and track dimensions of the observation (in km)
130 scan = .5
131 track = .5
132 # confidences
133 conf_fire = 100.
134 conf_nofire = 70.
136 # Creating grid where to evaluate in/out of the perimeter
137 [X,Y] = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(bounds[0],bounds[1],ngrid),np.linspace(bounds[2],bounds[3],ngrid))
138 XX = np.c_[np.ravel(X),np.ravel(Y)]
140 # if any file
141 if files:
142 # for each file
143 for file in files:
144 print 'Retrieving perimeters from %s' % file
145 try:
146 # open the file
147 f = open(file,"r")
148 # read all the lines of the file
149 f_str = ''.join(f.readlines())
150 # close the file
151 f.close()
152 except Exception as e:
153 print 'Error: exception when opening file %s, %s' % (file,e.message)
154 sys.exit(1)
155 try:
156 # Read name and get time elements
157 # read name of the file
158 name = re.findall(r'<name>(.*?)</name>',f_str,re.DOTALL)[0]
159 # read date of the perimeter
160 date = re.match(r'.* ([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+) ([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})',name).groups()
161 date = (date[2],date[0],date[1],date[3],date[4])
162 # create ISO time of the date
163 time_iso = '%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:00' % tuple([ int(d) for d in date ])
164 # create numerical time from the ISO time
165 time_num = time_iso2num(time_iso)
166 # create datetime element from the ISO time
167 time_datetime = time_iso2datetime(time_iso)
168 # skip if not inside interval (only if time is determined)
169 if time and (time_datetime < interval_datetime[0] or time_datetime > interval_datetime[1]):
170 print 'Perimeter from %s skipped, not inside the simulation interval!' % file
171 continue
172 # create time stamp
173 time_data = '_A%04d%03d_%02d%02d' % (time_datetime.year, time_datetime.timetuple().tm_yday,
174 time_datetime.hour, time_datetime.minute)
175 # create acquisition date
176 acq_date = '%04d-%02d-%02d' % (time_datetime.year, time_datetime.month,
177 # create acquisition time
178 acq_time = '%02d%02d' % (time_datetime.hour, time_datetime.minute)
180 # Get the coordinates of all the perimeters
181 # regex of the polygons (or perimeters)
182 polygons = re.findall(r'<Polygon>(.*?)</Polygon>',f_str,re.DOTALL)
183 # for each polygon, outer boundary
184 outer_buckets = [re.findall(r'<outerBoundaryIs>(.*?)</outerBoundaryIs>',p,re.DOTALL)[0] for p in polygons]
185 # for each outer polygon, regex of the coordinates
186 buckets = [re.split(r'\s',re.findall(r'<coordinates>(.*?)</coordinates>',p,re.DOTALL)[0])[1:] for p in outer_buckets]
187 # array of arrays with each outer polygon coordinates
188 outer_coordinates = [[np.array(re.split(',',b)[0:2]).astype(float) for b in bucket if b is not ''] for bucket in buckets]
189 # for each polygon, inner boundary
190 inner_buckets = [re.findall(r'<innerBoundaryIs>(.*?)</innerBoundaryIs>',p,re.DOTALL)[0] if re.findall(r'<innerBoundaryIs>(.*?)</innerBoundaryIs>',p,re.DOTALL) else '' for p in polygons]
191 # for each inner polygon, regex of the coordinates
192 buckets = [re.split(r'\s',re.findall(r'<coordinates>(.*?)</coordinates>',p,re.DOTALL)[0])[1:] if p != '' else '' for p in inner_buckets]
193 # array of arrays with each inner polygon coordinates
194 inner_coordinates = [[np.array(re.split(',',b)[0:2]).astype(float) for b in bucket if b is not ''] for bucket in buckets]
195 except Exception as e:
196 print 'Error: file %s has not proper structure.' % file
197 print 'Exception: %s.' % e
198 sys.exit(1)
200 # Plot perimeter
201 if plot:
202 plt.ion()
203 for outer in outer_coordinates:
204 if len(outer):
205 x = np.array(outer)[:,0]
206 y = np.array(outer)[:,1]
207 plt.plot(x,y,'gx')
208 for inner in inner_coordinates:
209 if len(inner):
210 x = np.array(outer)[:,0]
211 y = np.array(outer)[:,1]
212 plt.plot(x,y,'rx')
214 # Create paths for each polygon (outer and inner)
215 outer_paths,inner_paths = process_paths(outer_coordinates,inner_coordinates)
216 if len(outer_paths):
217 # compute mask of coordinates inside outer polygons
218 outer_mask = np.logical_or.reduce([path.contains_points(XX) for path in outer_paths if path])
219 # compute mask of coordinates inside inner polygons
220 inner_mask = np.logical_or.reduce([path.contains_points(XX) for path in inner_paths if path])
221 # mask inside outer polygons and outside inner polygons
222 inmask = outer_mask * ~inner_mask
223 # upper and lower bounds arifitial from in/out polygon
224 up_arti = XX[inmask]
225 lon_fire = np.array([up[0] for up in up_arti])
226 lat_fire = np.array([up[1] for up in up_arti])
227 low_arti = XX[~inmask]
228 lon_nofire = np.array([low[0] for low in low_arti])
229 lat_nofire = np.array([low[1] for low in low_arti])
231 # take a coarsening of the outer polygons
232 coordinates = []
233 for k,coord in enumerate(outer_coordinates):
234 if len(coord) > maxp:
235 coarse = len(coord)/maxp
236 if coarse > 0:
237 coordinates += [coord[ind] for ind in np.concatenate(([0],range(len(coord))[coarse:-coarse:coarse]))]
239 if coordinates:
240 # append perimeter nodes
241 lon_fire = np.append(lon_fire,np.array(coordinates)[:,0])
242 lat_fire = np.append(lat_fire,np.array(coordinates)[:,1])
244 # create general arrays
245 lon = np.concatenate((lon_nofire,lon_fire))
246 lat = np.concatenate((lat_nofire,lat_fire))
247 fire = np.concatenate((5*np.ones(lon_nofire.shape),9*np.ones(lon_fire.shape)))
249 # mask in bounds
250 mask = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(np.logical_and(lon >= bounds[0],lon <= bounds[1]),lat >= bounds[2]),lat <= bounds[3])
251 if not mask.sum():
252 break
253 lons = lon[mask]
254 lats = lat[mask]
255 fires = fire[mask]
257 # plot results
258 if plot:
259 plt.plot(lons[fires==5],lats[fires==5],'g.')
260 plt.plot(lons[fires==9],lats[fires==9],'r.')
262 plt.pause(.5)
263 plt.cla()
264 else:
265 lons = np.array([])
266 lats = np.array([])
267 fires = np.array([])
269 if gen_polys:
270 from shapely.geometry import Polygon
271 from shapely.ops import transform
272 from functools import partial
273 import pyproj
275 proj4_wgs84 = '+proj=latlong +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=degree +no_defs'
276 proj4_moll = '+proj=moll +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs'
277 proj = partial(pyproj.transform, pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326'),
278 pyproj.Proj(proj4_moll))
279 polys = []
280 for n,outer in enumerate(outer_coordinates):
281 x = np.array(outer)[:,0]
282 y = np.array(outer)[:,1]
283 shape = Polygon([(l[0],l[1]) for l in zip(x,y)]).buffer(0)
284 inner = np.array(inner_coordinates[n])
285 if len(inner):
286 if len(inner.shape) > 2:
287 for h in inner_coordinates[n]:
288 xh = np.array(h)[:,0]
289 yh = np.array(h)[:,1]
290 else:
291 xh = np.array(inner)[:,0]
292 yh = np.array(inner)[:,1]
293 shapeh = Polygon([(l[0],l[1]) for l in zip(xh,yh)]).buffer(0)
294 shape.difference(shapeh)
295 poly = transform(proj,shape)
296 polys.append(poly)
298 idn = prefix + time_data
299 if idn in perimeters.keys():
300 idn = idn + '_2'
301 # update perimeters dictionary
302 perimeters.update({idn: Dict({'file': file, 'lon': lons, 'lat': lats,
303 'fire': fires, 'conf_fire': np.array(conf_fire*np.ones(lons[fires==9].shape)),
304 'lon_fire': lons[fires==9], 'lat_fire': lats[fires==9], 'lon_nofire': lons[fires==5], 'lat_nofire': lats[fires==5],
305 'scan_fire': scan*np.ones(lons[fires==9].shape), 'track_fire': track*np.ones(lons[fires==9].shape),
306 'conf_nofire': np.array(conf_nofire*np.ones(lons[fires==5].shape)),
307 'scan_nofire': scan*np.ones(lons[fires==5].shape), 'track_nofire': track*np.ones(lons[fires==9].shape),
308 'time_iso': time_iso, 'time_num': time_num, 'acq_date': acq_date, 'acq_time': acq_time})})
309 if gen_polys:
310 perimeters[idn].update({'polys': polys})
311 else:
312 print 'Warning: No KML files in the path specified'
313 perimeters = []
314 return perimeters
317 if __name__ == "__main__":
318 # Experiment to do
319 exp = 4
320 # Plot perimeters as created
321 plot = True
323 # Defining options
324 def pioneer():
325 bounds = (-115.97282409667969, -115.28449249267578, 43.808258056640625, 44.302913665771484)
326 time_iso = ('2016-07-18T00:00:00Z', '2016-08-31T00:00:00Z')
327 igns = None
328 perims = './pioneer/perim'
329 return bounds, time_iso, igns, perims
330 def patch():
331 bounds = (-113.85068, -111.89413, 39.677563, 41.156837)
332 time_iso = ('2013-08-10T00:00:00Z', '2013-08-15T00:00:00Z')
333 igns = ([-112.676039],[40.339372],['2013-08-10T20:00:00Z'])
334 perims = './patch/perim'
335 return bounds, time_iso, igns, perims
336 def saddleridge():
337 bounds = (-118.60684204101562, -118.35965728759766, 34.226539611816406, 34.43047332763672)
338 time_iso = ('2019-10-10T00:00:00Z', '2019-10-15T00:00:00Z')
339 igns = None
340 perims = './saddleridge/perim'
341 return bounds, time_iso, igns, perims
342 def polecreek():
343 bounds = (-111.93914, -111.311035, 39.75985, 40.239746)
344 time_iso = ('2018-09-09T00:00:00Z', '2018-09-23T00:00:00Z')
345 igns = None
346 perims = './polecreek/perim'
347 return bounds, time_iso, igns, perims
349 # Creating the options
350 options = {1: pioneer, 2: patch, 3: saddleridge, 4: polecreek}
352 # Defining the option depending on the experiment
353 bounds, time_iso, igns, perims = options[exp]()
355 # Processing infrared perimeters
356 p = process_infrared_perimeters(perims,bounds,time=time_iso,plot=plot,gen_polys=True)
357 # Processing ignitions if defined
358 if igns:
359 p.update(process_ignitions(igns,bounds,time=time_iso))
360 # Saving results