new infrared perimeters processing
[JPSSData.git] /
1 import sys, os
2 import datetime as dt
3 import numpy as np
4 import saveload as sl
5 from utils import Dict
6 from JPSSD import retrieve_af_data, time_iso2num
7 from interpolation import sort_dates
8 from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
9 from plot_pixels import basemap_scatter_mercator, create_kml
11 only_fire = True
12 dlon = .01
13 dlat = .005
15 def exist(path):
16 return (os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path,os.R_OK))
18 print ''
19 print '>> Reading the arguments <<'
20 dti = dt.datetime.strptime(sys.argv[1],'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
21 time_start_iso = '%d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ' % (dti.year,dti.month,,dti.hour,dti.minute,dti.second)
22 dtf = dti+dt.timedelta(days=float(sys.argv[2]))
23 time_final_iso = '%d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ' % (dtf.year,dtf.month,,dtf.hour,dtf.minute,dtf.second)
24 time_iso = (time_start_iso,time_final_iso)
26 bounds = (float(sys.argv[3]),float(sys.argv[4]),float(sys.argv[5]),float(sys.argv[6]))
27 fxlon,fxlat = np.meshgrid(np.arange(bounds[0],bounds[1],dlon),
28 np.arange(bounds[2],bounds[3],dlat))
29 maxsize = 500
31 fxlon = fxlon[0::coarsening,0::coarsening]
32 fxlat = fxlat[0::coarsening,0::coarsening]
33 bbox = (fxlon.min(),fxlon.max(),fxlat.min(),fxlat.max())
34 time_num = map(time_iso2num,time_iso)
36 print ''
37 print '>> Retrieving satellite data <<'
38 sys.stdout.flush()
39 data = retrieve_af_data(bbox,time_iso)
41 print ''
42 print '>> Saving data file <<'
44 # sort the granules by dates
45 sdata=sort_dates(data)
47 print ''
48 print '>> Creating KMZ file <<'
49 # creating KMZ overlay of each information
50 # create the Basemap to plot into
51 bmap = Basemap(projection='merc',llcrnrlat=bbox[2], urcrnrlat=bbox[3], llcrnrlon=bbox[0], urcrnrlon=bbox[1])
52 # initialize array
53 kmld = []
54 # for each observed information
55 for idx, g in enumerate(sdata):
56 # create png name
57 pngfile = g[0]+'.png'
58 # create timestamp for KML
59 timestamp = g[1].acq_date + 'T' + g[1].acq_time[0:2] + ':' + g[1].acq_time[2:4] + 'Z'
60 if not exist(pngfile):
61 # plot a scatter basemap
62 raster_png_data,corner_coords = basemap_scatter_mercator(g[1],bbox,bmap,only_fire)
63 # compute bounds
64 bounds = (corner_coords[0][0],corner_coords[1][0],corner_coords[0][1],corner_coords[2][1])
65 # write PNG file
66 with open(pngfile, 'w') as f:
67 f.write(raster_png_data)
68 print '> File %s saved.' % g[0]
69 else:
70 print '> File %s already created.' % g[0]
71 # append dictionary information for the KML creation
72 kmld.append(Dict({'name': g[0], 'png_file': pngfile, 'bounds': bbox, 'time': timestamp}))
73 # create KML
74 create_kml(kmld,'./doc.kml')
75 # create KMZ with all the PNGs included
76 os.system('zip -r %s doc.kml *_A*_*.png' % 'googlearth.kmz')
77 print 'Created file googlearth.kmz'
79 print ''
80 print '>> DONE <<'
81 sys.exit()