retrieving of perimeters from firename and year
[JPSSData.git] /
1 '''
2 Developed in Python 2.7.15 :: Anaconda 4.5.10, on Windows
3 Lauren Hearn ( 2018-10
4 '''
5 from netCDF4 import Dataset
6 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
7 import numpy as np
8 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
9 from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
10 from pyproj import Proj
11 import sys
13 file=sys.argv[1]
14 ncf=Dataset(file,'r')
16 # Seconds since 2000-01-01 12:00:00
17 add_seconds=ncf.variables['t'][0]
18 # Datetime of image scan
19 dt=datetime(2000, 1, 1, 12)+timedelta(seconds=float(
20 print 'dt = '
21 print dt
23 # Detections in RGB array
24 # Load the RGB arrays
25 R=ncf.variables['CMI_C07'][:].data
26 G=ncf.variables['CMI_C06'][:].data
27 B=ncf.variables['CMI_C05'][:].data
28 # Turn empty values into nans
29 R[R==-1]=np.nan
30 G[G==-1]=np.nan
31 B[B==-1]=np.nan
32 # Apply range limits for each channel (mostly important for Red channel)
33 R=np.maximum(R, 273)
34 R=np.minimum(R, 333)
35 G=np.maximum(G, 0)
36 G=np.minimum(G, 1)
37 B=np.maximum(B, 0)
38 B=np.minimum(B, .75)
39 # Normalize each channel by the appropriate range of values
40 R=(R-273)/(333-273)
41 G=(G-0)/(1-0)
42 B=(B-0)/(.75-0)
43 # Apply the gamma correction to Red channel.
44 #gamma=2.5
45 R=np.power(R, 2.5)
46 # The final RGB array :)
47 RGB=np.dstack([R, G, B])
48 print 'RGB = '
49 print RGB
51 # Geolocation
52 # Satellite height
53 sat_h=ncf.variables['goes_imager_projection'].perspective_point_height
54 print 'sat_h = '
55 print sat_h
56 # Satellite longitude
57 sat_lon=ncf.variables['goes_imager_projection'].longitude_of_projection_origin
58 print 'sat_lon = '
59 print sat_lon
60 # Satellite sweep
61 sat_sweep=ncf.variables['goes_imager_projection'].sweep_angle_axis
62 print 'sat_sweep = '
63 print sat_sweep
64 # The projection x and y coordinates equals
65 # the scanning angle (in radians) multiplied by the satellite height (
66 X=ncf.variables['x'][:] * sat_h
67 Y=ncf.variables['y'][:] * sat_h
68 print 'X ='
69 print X
70 print 'Y ='
71 print Y
73 # Visualize using pyproj (
74 p=Proj(proj='geos', h=sat_h, lon_0=sat_lon, sweep=sat_sweep)
75 # Convert map points to latitude and longitude with the magic provided by Pyproj
76 XX, YY=np.meshgrid(X, Y)
77 lons, lats=p(XX, YY, inverse=True)
78 lats[np.isnan(R)]=np.nan
79 lons[np.isnan(R)]=np.nan
81 # create new netCDF file with lat/lon info
82 '''
83 newfile = "appended" + file
84 w_ncf = Dataset(newfile, 'w')
85 with Dataset(file) as src, w_ncf as dst:
86 # copy attributes
87 for name in src.ncattrs():
88 dst.setncattr(name, src.getncattr(name))
89 # copy dimensions
90 for name, dimension in src.dimensions.iteritems():
91 dst.createDimension(
92 name, (len(dimension) if not dimension.isunlimited else None))
93 # copy all file data from source file
94 for name, variable in src.variables.iteritems():
95 x = dst.createVariable(name, variable.datatype, variable.dimensions)
96 dst.variables[name][:] = src.variables[name][:]
98 # add new lat/lon info
99 dst.createDimension('longitude', None)
100 dst.createDimension('lattitude', None)
101 # Assign the dimension data to the new NetCDF file.
102 dst.createVariable('longitude', X.dtype, ('longitude',))
103 dst.createVariable('lattitude', Y.dtype, ('lattitude',))
104 dst.variables['longitude'][:] = lons
105 dst.variables['lattitude'][:] = lats
106 # close the new file
107 dst.close()
110 # Make a new map object for the HRRR model domain map projection
111 mH = Basemap(resolution='l', projection='lcc', area_thresh=5000, \
112 width=1800*3000, height=1060*3000, \
113 lat_1=38.5, lat_2=38.5, \
114 lat_0=38.5, lon_0=-97.5)
115 # Create a color tuple for pcolormesh
116 rgb = RGB[:,:-1,:] # Using one less column is very important, else your image will be scrambled! (This is the stange nature of pcolormesh)
117 colorTuple = rgb.reshape((rgb.shape[0] * rgb.shape[1]), 3) # flatten array, becuase that's what pcolormesh wants.
118 colorTuple = np.insert(colorTuple, 3, 1.0, axis=1) # adding an alpha channel will plot faster, according to stackoverflow. Not sure why.
119 # Now we can plot the GOES data on the HRRR map domain and projection
120 plt.figure(figsize=[10,8])
121 # The values of R are ignored becuase we plot the color in colorTuple, but pcolormesh still needs its shape.
122 newmap = mH.pcolormesh(lons, lats, R, color=colorTuple, linewidth=0, latlon=True)
123 newmap.set_array(None) # without this line the linewidth is set to zero, but the RGB colorTuple is ignored. I don't know why.
124 mH.drawcoastlines(color='w')
125 mH.drawcountries(color='w')
126 mH.drawstates(color='w')
127 plt.title('GOES-16 Fire Temperature', fontweight='semibold', fontsize=15)
128 plt.title('%s' % dt.strftime('%H:%M UTC %d %B %Y'), loc='right')
131 # location of South Sugarloaf fire
132 l = {'latitude': 41.812,
133 'longitude': -116.324}
134 # Baltimore harbour
135 #l = {'latitude': 39.2827513,
136 # 'longitude':-76.6214623}
137 # Buzzard fire
138 #l = {'latitude': 33.724,
139 # 'longitude': -108.538}
141 mZ = Basemap(projection='lcc', resolution='i',
142 width=3E5, height=3E5,
143 lat_0=l['latitude'], lon_0=l['longitude'],)
145 # Now we can plot the GOES data on a zoomed in map centered on the Sugarloaf wildfire
146 plt.figure(figsize=[10, 10])
147 newmap = mZ.pcolormesh(lons, lats, R, color=colorTuple, linewidth=0, latlon=True)
148 newmap.set_array(None)
150 #mZ.scatter(l['longitude'], l['latitude'], marker='o', s=1000, facecolor='none', edgecolor='greenyellow') # circle fire area
151 mZ.drawcoastlines(color='w')
152 mZ.drawcountries(color='w')
153 mZ.drawstates(color='w')
155 plt.title('GOES-16 Fire Temperature\n', fontweight='semibold', fontsize=15)
156 plt.title('%s' % dt.strftime('%H:%M UTC %d %B %Y'), loc='right')
157 plt.title('South Sugarloaf Fire', loc='left')