minor changes to routines
[JPSSData.git] / make_mat.py
1 import saveload as sl
2 import numpy as np
3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
4 from scipy.interpolate import griddata
5 from scipy import spatial
6 import scipy.io as sio
7 from time import time
8 import sys
9 import os
11 t_init = time()
13 # use a test granule or all the granules?
14 test = False
15 # interpolate the whole granule?
16 whole = False
17 # radius options: 'max', 'mean', or 'min'
18 opt_rad = 'max'
20 print '>> Options <<'
21 if test:
22 print '1> Test granule'
23 else:
24 print '1> All the granules'
25 if whole:
26 print '2> Interpolating the whole granule'
27 else:
28 print '2> Interpolating just the fire mesh bounding box'
29 print '3> Radius computed using',opt_rad
30 print ''
32 print '>> Loading data <<'
33 # loading the data file
34 data,fxlon,fxlat,time_num=sl.load('data')
35 t1 = time()
36 print 'elapsed time: ',abs(t_init-t1),'s'
37 print ''
39 # mapping prefixes from JPSSD to cycling
40 prefixes={'MOD': 'MOD14', 'MYD': 'MYD14', 'VNP': 'NPP_VAF_L2'}
42 # constants for geotransform
43 if whole:
44 res = 0.05 # resolution
45 else:
46 res = 0.005 # resolution
47 fbounds = [fxlon.min(),fxlon.max(),fxlat.min(),fxlat.max()] # fire mesh bounds
48 rot = 0.0 # rotation (not currently supported)
49 print '>> General geotransform constants <<'
50 print 'resolution =',res
51 print 'rotation =',rot
52 print ''
54 # defining granules to process
55 if test:
56 grans = ['VNP_A2018312_2130']
57 else:
58 grans = list(data)
60 NG = len(grans)
61 print '>> Processing',NG,'granules <<'
62 # for each granule
63 for ng,gran in enumerate(grans):
64 print '>> Processing granule',gran,'-','%d/%d' % (ng+1,NG)
65 tg1 = time()
66 # creating file_name
67 splitted = gran.split('_')
68 prefix = splitted[0]
69 date = splitted[1][3:8]+splitted[2]+'00'
70 file_name = prefixes[prefix]+'.'+date+'.tif.mat'
72 if not os.path.isfile(file_name):
73 # creating meshgrid where to interpolate the data
74 bounds = [data[gran].lon.min(),data[gran].lon.max(),data[gran].lat.min(),data[gran].lat.max()]
75 lons_interp = np.arange(bounds[0],bounds[1],res)
76 print 'cols:',len(lons_interp)
77 lats_interp = np.arange(bounds[2],bounds[3],res)
78 print 'rows:',len(lats_interp)
79 lons_interp,lats_interp = np.meshgrid(lons_interp,lats_interp)
80 glons = np.ravel(lons_interp)
81 glats = np.ravel(lats_interp)
83 # initialize fire_interp
84 if not whole:
85 fires_interp = np.zeros(np.prod(lons_interp.shape))
87 # creating geotransform array with necessary geolocation information
88 geotransform = [bounds[0]-res*.5,res,rot,bounds[2]-res*.5,rot,res]
90 # approximation of the radius for the tree
91 dlon = abs(data[gran].lon[1,1]-data[gran].lon[0,0])
92 dlat = abs(data[gran].lat[1,1]-data[gran].lat[0,0])
93 if opt_rad == 'max':
94 radius = max(dlon,dlat)
95 elif opt_rad == 'mean':
96 radius = (dlon+dlat)*.5
97 elif opt_rad == 'min':
98 radius = min(dlon,dlat)
99 print 'radius =',radius
101 # flatten granule data into 1d arrays
102 lons = np.ravel(data[gran].lon)
103 lats = np.ravel(data[gran].lat)
104 fires = np.ravel(data[gran].fire).astype(np.int8)
105 if not whole:
106 M = (lons>fbounds[0])*(lons<fbounds[1])*(lats>fbounds[2])*(lats<fbounds[3])
107 Mg = (glons>fbounds[0])*(glons<fbounds[1])*(glats>fbounds[2])*(glats<fbounds[3])
108 lons = lons[M]
109 lats = lats[M]
110 fires = fires[M]
111 glons = glons[Mg]
112 glats = glats[Mg]
114 if len(lons) > 0:
115 # Making tree
116 print '> Making the tree...'
117 t1 = time()
118 tree = spatial.cKDTree(np.column_stack((lons,lats)))
119 t2 = time()
120 print 'elapsed time: ',abs(t2-t1),'s'
121 print '> Interpolating the data...'
122 t1 = time()
123 indexes = np.array(tree.query_ball_point(np.column_stack((glons,glats)),radius,return_sorted=True))
124 t2 = time()
125 print 'elapsed time: ',abs(t2-t1),'s'
126 filtered_indexes = np.array([index[0] if len(index) > 0 else np.nan for index in indexes])
127 fire1d = [fires[int(ii)] if not np.isnan(ii) else 0 for ii in filtered_indexes]
128 if whole:
129 fires_interp = np.reshape(fire1d,lons_interp.shape)
130 else:
131 fires_interp[Mg] = fire1d
133 fires_interp = np.reshape(fires_interp,lons_interp.shape)
135 plot = False
136 if plot:
137 print '> Plotting the data...'
138 #number of elements in arrays to plot
139 nums = 100
140 nums1 = 50
141 fig1, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows = 2, ncols =1)
142 ax1.pcolor(lons_interp[0::nums1],lats_interp[0::nums1],fires_interp[0::nums1])
143 ax2.scatter(lons[0::nums],lats[0::nums],c=fires[0::nums],edgecolors='face')
144 plt.show()
146 print '> Saving the data...'
147 t1 = time()
148 result = {'data': fires_interp.astype(np.int8),'geotransform':geotransform}
149 sio.savemat(file_name, mdict = result)
150 t2 = time()
151 print 'elapsed time: ',abs(t2-t1),'s'
153 print '> File saved as ',file_name
154 else:
155 print '> File already exists ',file_name
157 tg2 = time()
158 print '> Elapsed time for the granule: ',abs(tg2-tg1),'s'
159 print ''
160 sys.stdout.flush()
162 t_final = time()
163 print '>> Total elapsed time: ',abs(t_final-t_init),'s <<'