deleting outline for Active Fires New KML product
[JPSSData.git] /
1 import glob, re, sys, os, pytz, requests
2 from JPSSD import time_iso2datetime, time_datetime2iso, get_url
3 from utils import clean_dir
4 import os.path as osp
5 from datetime import datetime,timedelta
6 from tzwhere import tzwhere
8 if len(sys.argv) != 3:
9 print 'Error: python %s firename year' % sys.argv[0]
10 sys.exit(1)
12 firename = sys.argv[1]
13 year = sys.argv[2]
14 if year == str(
15 year = 'current_year'
16 dst_in = 'perim_orig'
17 dst_out = 'perim'
19 clean_dir(dst_in)
20 clean_dir(dst_out)
21 baseurl = ''
22 url = osp.join(baseurl,year+'_fire_data/KMLS/')
23 r = requests.get(url, stream=True)
24 content = r.content
25 plist = re.findall('([a-z\d\s-]+%s[\d\s-]+.kml)' % firename,content,re.IGNORECASE)
26 for p in plist:
27 get_url(osp.join(url,p),osp.join(dst_in,p))
29 files = glob.glob(osp.join(dst_in, '*.kml'))
30 print 'Transforming KML files to UTC from %s to %s' % (dst_in, dst_out)
31 for k,file in enumerate(files):
32 f = open(file,"r")
33 f_str = ''.join(f.readlines())
34 f.close()
35 name = re.findall(r'<name>(.*?)</name>',f_str,re.DOTALL)[0]
36 match = re.match(r'(.*) ([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+) ([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})',name).groups()
37 case = match[0]
38 date = (match[3],match[1],match[2],match[4],match[5])
39 time_iso = '%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:00Z' % tuple([ int(d) for d in date ])
40 time_datetime = time_iso2datetime(time_iso)
41 # Calculate time zone from lon/lat in the first file
42 if not k:
43 print 'Computing GMT from coordinates in the first file...'
44 coord = re.findall(r'<coordinates>(.*?)</coordinates>',f_str,re.DOTALL)[0]
45 lon,lat,_ = map(float,re.findall(r'([-]?[0-9.]+)',coord,re.DOTALL))
46 tz = tzwhere.tzwhere(forceTZ=True)
47 timezone_str = tz.tzNameAt(lat,lon,forceTZ = True)
48 timezone = pytz.timezone(timezone_str)
49 gmt = timezone.utcoffset(time_datetime).total_seconds()/3600.
50 print 'GMT%d' % gmt
51 new_time_datetime = time_datetime + timedelta(hours=-gmt)
52 new_time_iso = time_datetime2iso(new_time_datetime)
53 new_name = case + ' %02d-%02d-%04d %02d%02d' % (new_time_datetime.month,
55 new_time_datetime.year,
56 new_time_datetime.hour,
57 new_time_datetime.minute)
58 new_file = osp.join(dst_out,new_name+'.kml')
59 new_f = open(new_file,"w")
60 new_f_str = re.sub(r'(?is)<name>(.*?)</name>(?is)', '<name>'+new_name+'</name>', f_str)
61 new_f_str = re.sub(r'(?is)</Placemark>(?is)','<TimeStamp><when>'+new_time_iso+'</when></TimeStamp>\n</Placemark>',new_f_str)
62 # not always same structure: be careful to loose information
63 new_f_str = re.sub(r'(?is)<Placemark>(.*?)</Placemark>(?is)','',new_f_str,1)
64 new_f.write(new_f_str)
65 new_f.close()
66 print '> new file %s created.' % new_file