modify defaults in conf_example.json
[JPSSData.git] /
1 # following
2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
3 import numpy as np
4 from import loadmat
5 from utils import *
6 import datetime
7 import time
8 from JPSSD import time_num2iso
9 from contour2kml import contour2kml
10 from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
12 def clean_polys(paths,bounds,plot=True):
13 npaths = []
14 maxd = .05
15 eps = 1e-5
16 dx = abs(bounds[1]-bounds[0])
17 dy = abs(bounds[3]-bounds[2])
18 xb = np.array(bounds[:2])
19 yb = np.array(bounds[2:])
20 for p in paths:
21 diff = np.abs(p[-1]-p[0])
22 if (diff>maxd).all() or (abs(diff[0]-dx)<eps or abs(diff[1]-dy)<eps):
23 x = [c[0] for c in p]
24 y = [c[1] for c in p]
25 xm = (x[0]+x[-1])/2
26 ym = (y[0]+y[-1])/2
27 xn = x[:]
28 yn = y[:]
29 x.append(p[0][0])
30 y.append(p[0][1])
32 if abs(diff[0]-dx)<eps:
33 ex = xn[-1]
34 ey = yb[np.argmin(abs(yb-xn[-1]))]
35 p = np.append(p,np.array([[ex,ey]]),axis=0)
36 ex = xn[0]
37 p = np.append(p,np.array([[ex,ey]]),axis=0)
38 #p = np.append(p,np.array([p[0]]),axis=0)
39 if False:
40 plt.ion()
41 plt.plot([xb[0],xb[0],xb[1],xb[1],xb[0]],[yb[0],yb[1],yb[1],yb[0],yb[0]],'k')
42 plt.plot(x,y,'r')
43 x = [c[0] for c in p]
44 y = [c[1] for c in p]
45 plt.plot(x,y,'g')
46 plt.xlim(xb)
47 plt.ylim(yb)
49 plt.pause(.001)
50 plt.cla()
51 elif abs(diff[1]-dy)<eps:
52 #ex = xb[np.argmin(abs(xb-xn[-1]))]
53 ex = xb[0]
54 ey = yn[-1]
55 p = np.append(p,np.array([[ex,ey]]),axis=0)
56 ey = yn[0]
57 p = np.append(p,np.array([[ex,ey]]),axis=0)
58 #p = np.append(p,np.array([p[0]]),axis=0)
59 if plot:
60 #plt.ion()
61 plt.plot([xb[0],xb[0],xb[1],xb[1],xb[0]],[yb[0],yb[1],yb[1],yb[0],yb[0]],'k')
62 plt.plot(x,y,'r')
63 x = [c[0] for c in p]
64 y = [c[1] for c in p]
65 plt.plot(x,y,'g')
66 plt.xlim(xb)
67 plt.ylim(yb)
69 #plt.pause(.001)
70 #plt.cla()
71 else:
72 ex = xb[np.argmin(abs(xm-xb))]
73 ey = yb[np.argmin(abs(ym-yb))]
74 p = np.append(p,np.array([[ex,ey]]),axis=0)
75 #p = np.append(p,np.array([p[0]]),axis=0)
76 if False:
77 plt.ion()
78 plt.plot([xb[0],xb[0],xb[1],xb[1],xb[0]],[yb[0],yb[1],yb[1],yb[0],yb[0]],'k')
79 plt.plot(x,y,'r')
80 x = [c[0] for c in p]
81 y = [c[1] for c in p]
82 plt.plot(xn,yn,'g')
83 plt.xlim(xb)
84 plt.ylim(yb)
86 plt.pause(.001)
87 plt.cla()
89 else:
90 npaths.append(p)
91 return np.array(npaths)
93 def get_contour_verts(xx, yy, zz, time_num_granules, contour_dt_hours=6, contour_dt_init=6, contour_dt_final=6, gauss_filter=True, plot_contours=False, col_repr=False, levels_gran=False):
94 bounds = (xx.min(),xx.max(),yy.min(),yy.max())
95 fig = plt.figure()
96 # Computing the levels
97 # Datetimes for the first and last granule
98 dt1=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time_num_granules[0])
99 dt2=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time_num_granules[-1])
100 # Starting 6 hours before the first granule and finishing 6 hours after the last granule
101 dti=dt1-datetime.timedelta(hours=contour_dt_init)
102 dtf=dt2+datetime.timedelta(hours=contour_dt_final)
103 # Number of periods of 6 hours we need to compute rounded
104 d=dtf-dti
105 hours=d.total_seconds()/3600
106 M=int(np.round((hours+1)/contour_dt_hours ))
107 # Datetimes where we are going to compute the levels
108 dts=[dti+datetime.timedelta(hours=k*contour_dt_hours) for k in range(1,M)]
109 if levels_gran:
110 levels=time_num_granules
111 else:
112 levels=[time.mktime(t.timetuple()) for t in dts]
114 # Scaling the time components as in detections
115 time_num=np.array(levels)
116 time_iso=[time_num2iso(t) for t in time_num]
118 # Computing and generating the coordinates for the contours
119 contours = []
120 if gauss_filter:
121 # for each level
122 for level in levels:
123 # copy the fire arrival time
124 Z = np.array(zz)
125 # distinguish either in or out the perimeter
126 Z[Z < level] = 0
127 Z[Z >= level] = 1
128 # smooth the perimeter using a gaussian filter
129 sigma = 2.
130 ZZ = gaussian_filter(Z,sigma)
131 # find the contour line in between
132 cn = plt.contour(xx,yy,ZZ,levels=0.5)
133 # contour line
134 cc = cn.collections[0]
135 # initialize the path
136 paths = []
137 # for each separate section of the contour line
138 for pp in cc.get_paths():
139 # read all the vertices
140 paths.append(pp.vertices)
141 contours.append(paths)
142 #contours.append(clean_polys(paths,bounds))
143 else:
144 # computing all the contours
145 cn = plt.contour(xx,yy,zz,levels=levels)
146 # for each contour line
147 for cc in cn.collections:
148 # initialize the path
149 paths = []
150 # for each separate section of the contour line
151 for pp in cc.get_paths():
152 # read all the vertices
153 paths.append(pp.vertices)
154 contours.append(paths)
156 # Plotting or not the contour lines
157 if plot_contours:
158 print 'contours are collections of line, each line consisting of poins with x and y coordinates'
159 for c in contours:
160 for cc in c:
161 xx=[x[0] for x in cc]
162 yy=[y[1] for y in cc]
163 plt.scatter(xx,yy)
166 if col_repr:
167 import matplotlib.colors as colors
168 col = np.flip(np.divide([(230, 25, 75, 150), (245, 130, 48, 150), (255, 255, 25, 150),
169 (210, 245, 60, 150), (60, 180, 75, 150), (70, 240, 240, 150),
170 (0, 0, 128, 150), (145, 30, 180, 150), (240, 50, 230, 150),
171 (128, 128, 128, 150)],255.),0)
172 cm = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('BuRd',col,len(contours))
173 cols = ['%02x%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(255*np.flip(c)) for c in cm(range(cm.N))]
175 # Creating an array of dictionaries for each perimeter
176 conts=[Dict({'text':time_iso[k],
177 'LineStyle':{
178 'color': cols[k],
179 'width':'2.5',
181 'PolyStyle':{
182 'color':'66000086',
183 'colorMode':'random'
185 'time_begin':time_iso[k],
186 'polygons': contours[k] }) for k in range(len(contours))]
187 else:
188 # Creating an array of dictionaries for each perimeter
189 conts=[Dict({'text':time_iso[k],
190 'LineStyle':{
191 'color':'ff081388',
192 'width':'2.5',
194 'PolyStyle':{
195 'color':'66000086',
196 'colorMode':'random'
198 'time_begin':time_iso[k],
199 'polygons': contours[k] }) for k in range(len(contours))]
201 # Creating a dictionary to store the KML file information
202 data=Dict({'name':'contours.kml',
203 'folder_name':'Perimeters'})
204 data.update({'contours': conts})
206 return data
208 if __name__ == "__main__":
209 import os,sys
210 result_file = 'result.mat'
211 mgout_file = 'mgout.mat'
212 if os.path.isfile(result_file) and os.access(result_file,os.R_OK) and os.path.isfile(mgout_file) and os.access(mgout_file,os.R_OK):
213 print 'Loading the data...'
214 result=loadmat(result_file)
215 mgout=loadmat(mgout_file)
216 else:
217 print 'Error: file %s or %s not exist or not readable' % (result_file,mgout_file)
218 sys.exit(1)
220 # Indexing the coordinates into the same as the multigrid solution
221 xind=mgout['sm'][0]-1
222 yind=mgout['sn'][0]-1
223 x=np.array(result['fxlon'])
224 xx=x[np.ix_(xind,yind)]
225 y=np.array(result['fxlat'])
226 yy=y[np.ix_(xind,yind)]
227 tscale=mgout['tscale'][0]
228 time_scale_num=mgout['time_scale_num'][0]
229 zz=mgout['a']*tscale+time_scale_num[0]
231 print 'Computing the contours...'
232 # Granules numeric times
233 time_num_granules = result['time_num_granules'][0]
234 data = get_contour_verts(xx, yy, zz, time_num_granules, contour_dt_hours=24, gauss_filter=False)
236 print 'Creating the KML file...'
237 # Creating the KML file
238 contour2kml(data,'perimeters.kml')
240 print 'perimeters.kml generated'