cleaning things and new interpolation to the original mesh
[JPSSData.git] /
1 #
4 # Driver python code to estimate fire arrival time using Active Fire Satellite Data
7 # In the existence of a 'data' satellite granules file and/or 'results.mat' bounds file, any input is necessary.
8 # Otherwise:
9 # wrfout - path to a simulation wrfout file (containing FXLON and FXLAT coordinates).
10 # start_time - date string with format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
11 # days - length of the simulation in decimal days
14 # 1) Methods from and file:
15 # *) Find granules overlaping fire domain and time interval.
16 # *) Download Active Satellite Data.
17 # *) Read and process Active Satellite Data files.
18 # *) Process ignitions.
19 # *) Read and process infrared perimeters files.
20 # *) Save observed data information in 'data' file.
21 # 2) Methods from,, and files:
22 # *) Write KML file 'fire_detections.kml' with fire detection pixels (satellite, ignitions and perimeters).
23 # *) Write KMZ file 'googlearth.kmz' with saved images and KML file of observed data (set plot_observed = True).
24 # 3) Method process_detections from file:
25 # *) Sort all the granules from all the sources in time order.
26 # *) Construct upper and lower bounds using a mask to prevent clear ground after fire.
27 # *) Save results in 'results.mat' file.
28 # 4) Methods preprocess_data_svm and SVM3 from file:
29 # *) Preprocess bounds as an input of Support Vector Machine method.
30 # *) Run Support Vector Machine method.
31 # *) Save results in svm.mat file.
32 # 5) Methods from and files:
33 # *) Construct a smooth contour line representation of the fire arrival time.
34 # *) Write the contour lines in a KML file called 'perimeters_svm.kml'.
37 # - 'data': binary file containing satellite granules information.
38 # - 'result.mat': matlab file containing upper and lower bounds (U and L) from satellite data.
39 # - 'svm.mat': matlab file containing the solution to the Support Vector Machine execution.
40 # Contains estimation of the fire arrival time in tign_g variable.
41 # - 'fire_detections.kml': KML file with fire detection pixels (satellite, ignitions and perimeters).
42 # - 'googlearth.kmz': KMZ file with saved images and KML file of observed data.
43 # - 'perimeters_svm.kml': KML file with perimeters from estimation of the fire arrival time using SVM.
45 # Developed in Python 2.7.15 :: Anaconda, Inc.
46 # Angel Farguell (, 2019-04-29
47 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 from JPSSD import read_fire_mesh, retrieve_af_data, sdata2json, json2kml, time_iso2num
49 from interpolation import sort_dates
50 from setup import process_detections
51 from infrared_perimeters import process_ignitions, process_infrared_perimeters
52 from forecast import process_forecast_wrfout
53 from svm import preprocess_data_svm, SVM3
54 from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
55 from plot_pixels import basemap_scatter_mercator, create_kml
56 from contline import get_contour_verts
57 from contour2kml import contour2kml
58 import saveload as sl
59 from utils import Dict
60 from import loadmat, savemat
61 from scipy import interpolate
62 import numpy as np
63 import datetime as dt
64 import sys, os, re
65 from time import time
67 # plot observed information (googlearth.kmz with png files)
68 plot_observed = False
69 # if plot_observed = True: only fire detections?
70 only_fire = False
71 # dynamic penalization term
72 dyn_pen = False
73 # if dyn_pen = False: 5-fold cross validation for C and gamma?
74 search = False
75 # interpolate the results into fire mesh (if apply to spinup case)
76 fire_interp = True
78 # if ignitions are known: ([lons],[lats],[dates]) where lons and lats in degrees and dates in ESMF format
79 # examples: igns = ([100],[45],['2015-05-15T20:09:00']) or igns = ([100,105],[45,39],['2015-05-15T20:09:00','2015-05-15T23:09:00'])
80 igns = None
81 # if infrared perimeters: path to KML files
82 # examples: perim_path = './pioneer/perim'
83 perim_path = ''
84 # if forecast wrfout: path to netcdf wrfout forecast file
85 # example: forecast_path = './patch/wrfout_patch'
86 forecast_path = ''
88 satellite_file = 'data'
89 fire_file = 'fire_detections.kml'
90 gearth_file = 'googlearth.kmz'
91 bounds_file = 'result.mat'
92 svm_file = 'svm.mat'
93 contour_file = 'perimeters_svm.kml'
95 def exist(path):
96 return (os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path,os.R_OK))
98 satellite_exists = exist(satellite_file)
99 fire_exists = exist(fire_file)
100 gearth_exists = exist(gearth_file)
101 bounds_exists = exist(bounds_file)
103 if len(sys.argv) != 4 and (not bounds_exists) and (not satellite_exists):
104 print 'Error: python %s wrfout start_time days' % sys.argv[0]
105 print ' * wrfout - string, wrfout file of WRF-SFIRE simulation'
106 print ' OR coordinates bounding box - floats separated by comas:'
107 print ' min_lon,max_lon,min_lat,max_lat'
108 print ' * start_time - string, YYYYMMDDHHMMSS where:'
109 print ' YYYY - year'
110 print ' MM - month'
111 print ' DD - day'
112 print ' HH - hour'
113 print ' MM - minute'
114 print ' SS - second'
115 print ' * days - float, number of days of simulation (can be less than a day)'
116 print 'OR link an existent file %s or %s' % (satellite_file,bounds_file)
117 sys.exit(0)
119 t_init = time()
121 print ''
122 if bounds_exists:
123 print '>> File %s already created! Skipping all satellite processing <<' % bounds_file
124 print 'Loading from %s...' % bounds_file
125 result = loadmat(bounds_file)
126 # Taking necessary variables from result dictionary
127 scale = result['time_scale_num'][0]
128 time_num_granules = result['time_num_granules'][0]
129 time_num_interval = result['time_num'][0]
130 lon = np.array(result['fxlon']).astype(float)
131 lat = np.array(result['fxlat']).astype(float)
132 if 'ofxlon' in result.keys():
133 fxlon = result['ofxlon']
134 fxlat = result['ofxlat']
136 else:
137 if satellite_exists:
138 print '>> File %s already created! Skipping satellite retrieval <<' % satellite_file
139 print 'Loading from %s...' % satellite_file
140 data,fxlon,fxlat,time_num = sl.load(satellite_file)
141 bbox = [fxlon.min(),fxlon.max(),fxlat.min(),fxlat.max()]
142 else:
143 argument = sys.argv[1].split(',')
144 if len(argument) > 1:
145 print '>> Creating the fire mesh <<'
146 dlon = .01
147 dlat = .005
148 bounds = map(float,argument)
149 fxlon,fxlat = np.meshgrid(np.arange(bounds[0],bounds[1],dlon),
150 np.arange(bounds[2],bounds[3],dlat))
151 maxsize = 500
153 fxlon = fxlon[0::coarsening,0::coarsening]
154 fxlat = fxlat[0::coarsening,0::coarsening]
155 bbox = [fxlon.min(),fxlon.max(),fxlat.min(),fxlat.max()]
156 print 'min max longitude latitude %s' % bbox
157 else:
158 print '>> Reading the fire mesh <<'
159 sys.stdout.flush()
160 fxlon,fxlat,bbox,time_esmf = read_fire_mesh(argument[0])
162 print ''
163 print '>> Retrieving satellite data <<'
164 sys.stdout.flush()
165 # converting times to ISO
166 dti = dt.datetime.strptime(sys.argv[2],'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
167 time_start_iso = '%d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ' % (dti.year,dti.month,,dti.hour,dti.minute,dti.second)
168 dtf = dti+dt.timedelta(days=float(sys.argv[3]))
169 time_final_iso = '%d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ' % (dtf.year,dtf.month,,dtf.hour,dtf.minute,dtf.second)
170 time_iso = (time_start_iso,time_final_iso)
171 data = retrieve_af_data(bbox,time_iso)
172 if igns:
173 data.update(process_ignitions(igns,bbox,time=time_iso))
174 if perim_path:
175 data.update(process_infrared_perimeters(perim_path,bbox,time=time_iso))
176 if forecast_path:
177 data.update(process_forecast_wrfout(forecast_path,bbox,time=time_iso))
179 if data:
180 print ''
181 print '>> Saving satellite data file (data) <<'
182 sys.stdout.flush()
183 time_num = map(time_iso2num,time_iso)
185 print 'data file saved correctly!'
186 else:
187 print ''
188 print 'ERROR: No data obtained...'
189 sys.exit(1)
191 print ''
192 if (not fire_exists) or (not gearth_exists and plot_observed):
193 print '>> Generating KML of fire and ground detections <<'
194 sys.stdout.flush()
195 # sort the granules by dates
196 sdata=sort_dates(data)
197 if fire_exists:
198 print '>> File %s already created! <<' % fire_file
199 else:
200 # writting fire detections file
201 print 'writting KML with fire detections'
202 keys = ['latitude','longitude','brightness','scan','track','acq_date','acq_time','satellite','instrument','confidence','bright_t31','frp','scan_angle']
203 dkeys = ['lat_fire','lon_fire','brig_fire','scan_fire','track_fire','acq_date','acq_time','sat_fire','instrument','conf_fire','t31_fire','frp_fire','scan_angle_fire']
204 prods = {'AF':'Active Fires','FRP':'Fire Radiative Power','TF':'Temporal Fire coloring','AFN':'Active Fires New'}
205 # filter out perimeter, ignition, and forecast information (too many pixels)
206 regex = re.compile(r'^((?!(PER_A|IGN_A|FOR_A)).)*$')
207 nsdata = [d for d in sdata if regex.match(d[0])]
208 # compute number of elements for each granule
209 N = [len(d[1]['lat_fire']) if 'lat_fire' in d[1] else 0 for d in nsdata]
210 # transform dictionary notation to json notation
211 json = sdata2json(nsdata,keys,dkeys,N)
212 # write KML file from json notation
213 json2kml(json,fire_file,bbox,prods)
214 print ''
215 if gearth_exists:
216 print '>> File %s already created! <<' % gearth_file
217 elif not plot_observed:
218 print '>> Creation of %s skipped (set plot_observed = True) <<' % gearth_file
219 else:
220 print '>> Generating KMZ with png overlays for Google Earth <<'
221 # creating KMZ overlay of each information
222 # create the Basemap to plot into
223 bmap = Basemap(projection='merc',llcrnrlat=bbox[2], urcrnrlat=bbox[3], llcrnrlon=bbox[0], urcrnrlon=bbox[1])
224 # initialize array
225 kmld = []
226 # for each observed information
227 for idx, g in enumerate(sdata):
228 # create png name
229 pngfile = g[0]+'.png'
230 # create timestamp for KML
231 timestamp = g[1].acq_date + 'T' + g[1].acq_time[0:2] + ':' + g[1].acq_time[2:4] + 'Z'
232 if not exist(pngfile):
233 # plot a scatter basemap
234 raster_png_data,corner_coords = basemap_scatter_mercator(g[1],bbox,bmap,only_fire)
235 # compute bounds
236 bounds = (corner_coords[0][0],corner_coords[1][0],corner_coords[0][1],corner_coords[2][1])
237 # write PNG file
238 with open(pngfile, 'w') as f:
239 f.write(raster_png_data)
240 print '> File %s saved.' % g[0]
241 else:
242 print '> File %s already created.' % g[0]
243 # append dictionary information for the KML creation
244 kmld.append(Dict({'name': g[0], 'png_file': pngfile, 'bounds': bbox, 'time': timestamp}))
245 # create KML
246 create_kml(kmld,'./doc.kml')
247 # create KMZ with all the PNGs included
248 os.system('zip -r %s doc.kml *_A*_*.png' % gearth_file)
249 print 'Created file %s' % gearth_file
250 # eliminate images and KML after creation of KMZ
251 os.system('rm doc.kml *_A*_*.png')
253 print ''
254 print '>> Processing satellite data <<'
255 sys.stdout.flush()
256 try:
257 maxsize
258 except NameError:
259 maxsize = None
260 if maxsize:
261 result = process_detections(data,fxlon,fxlat,time_num,bbox,maxsize)
262 else:
263 result = process_detections(data,fxlon,fxlat,time_num,bbox)
264 # Taking necessary variables from result dictionary
265 scale = result['time_scale_num']
266 time_num_granules = result['time_num_granules']
267 time_num_interval = result['time_num']
268 lon = np.array(result['fxlon']).astype(float)
269 lat = np.array(result['fxlat']).astype(float)
271 U = np.array(result['U']).astype(float)
272 L = np.array(result['L']).astype(float)
273 T = np.array(result['T']).astype(float)
275 if 'C' in result.keys():
276 conf = np.array(result['C'])
277 if 'Cg' in result.keys():
278 conf = (np.array(result['Cg']),conf)
279 else:
280 conf = (10*np.ones(L.shape),conf)
281 else:
282 conf = None
284 print ''
285 print '>> Preprocessing the data <<'
286 sys.stdout.flush()
287 X,y,c = preprocess_data_svm(lon,lat,U,L,T,scale,time_num_granules,C=conf)
289 print ''
290 print '>> Running Support Vector Machine <<'
291 sys.stdout.flush()
292 if conf is None or not dyn_pen:
293 C = 1e4
294 kgam = 1e3
295 else:
296 C = np.power(c,3)
297 kgam = 1e3
298 search = False
299 F = SVM3(X,y,C=C,kgam=kgam,search=search,fire_grid=(lon,lat))
301 print ''
302 print '>> Saving the results <<'
303 sys.stdout.flush()
304 tscale = 24*3600 # scale from seconds to days
305 # Fire arrival time in seconds from the begining of the simulation
306 tign_g = np.array(F[2])*float(tscale)+scale[0]-time_num_interval[0]
307 # Creating the dictionary with the results
308 svm = {'dxlon': lon, 'dxlat': lat, 'U': U/tscale, 'L': L/tscale,
309 'fxlon': F[0], 'fxlat': F[1], 'Z': F[2],
310 'tign_g': tign_g, 'C': C, 'kgam': kgam,
311 'tscale': tscale, 'time_num_granules': time_num_granules,
312 'time_scale_num': scale, 'time_num': time_num_interval}
313 # Interpolation of tign_g
314 if fire_interp:
315 try:
316 print '>> Interpolating the results in the fire mesh'
317 t_interp_1 = time()
318 points = np.c_[np.ravel(F[0]),np.ravel(F[1])]
319 values = np.ravel(tign_g)
320 tign_g_interp = interpolate.griddata(points,values,(fxlon,fxlat))
321 t_interp_2 = time()
322 print 'elapsed time: %ss.' % str(abs(t_interp_2-t_interp_1))
323 svm.update({'fxlon_interp': fxlon, 'fxlat_interp': fxlat,
324 'tign_g_interp': tign_g_interp})
325 except:
326 print 'Warning: longitudes and latitudes from the original grid are not defined...'
327 print '%s file is not compatible with fire_interp=True! Run again the experiment from the begining.' % bounds_file
329 # Save resulting file
330 savemat(svm_file, mdict=svm)
331 print 'The results are saved in svm.mat file'
333 print ''
334 print '>> Computing contour lines of the fire arrival time <<'
335 print 'Computing the contours...'
336 try:
337 # Granules numeric times
338 Z = F[2]*tscale+scale[0]
339 # Creating contour lines
340 contour_data = get_contour_verts(F[0], F[1], Z, time_num_granules, contour_dt_hours=6, contour_dt_init=6, contour_dt_final=6)
341 print 'Creating the KML file...'
342 # Creating the KML file
343 contour2kml(contour_data,contour_file)
344 print 'The resulting contour lines are saved in perimeters_svm.kml file'
345 except:
346 print 'Warning: contour creation problem'
347 print 'Run: python'
349 print ''
350 print '>> DONE <<'
351 t_final = time()
352 print 'Elapsed time for all the process: %ss.' % str(abs(t_final-t_init))
353 sys.exit()