1 mixin lcheckbox(id, label)
3 label.control-label.col-sm-4(for=id)= label
6 input(type="checkbox", id=id)
8 mixin rcheckbox(id, label)
10 .col-sm-8.col-sm-offset-4
13 input(type="checkbox", id=id)
16 mixin textbox(id, label, placeholder)
18 label.control-label.col-sm-4(for=id)= label
21 input.form-control(id=id, type="text", placeholder=placeholder)
23 input.form-control(id=id, type="text")
27 h4 General Preferences
28 form.form-horizontal(action="javascript:void(0)")
30 label.control-label.col-sm-4(for="#us-theme") Theme
32 select#us-theme.form-control
33 option(value="/css/themes/light.css") Light
34 option(value="/css/themes/bootstrap-theme.min.css") Bootstrap
35 option(value="/css/themes/slate.css") Slate
36 option(value="/css/themes/cyborg.css") Cyborg
37 option(value="/css/themes/modern.css") Modern
39 label.control-label.col-sm-4(for="#us-layout") Layout
41 select#us-layout.form-control
42 option(value="default") Compact
43 option(value="synchtube") Synchtube (flipped)
44 option(value="fluid") Fluid
45 option(value="synchtube-fluid") Synchtube + Fluid
49 p.text-danger Changing layouts may require refreshing to take effect.
50 +rcheckbox("us-no-channelcss", "Ignore Channel CSS")
51 +rcheckbox("us-no-channeljs", "Ignore Channel Javascript")
55 #us-scriptcontrol.tab-pane
67 h4 Playback Preferences
68 form.form-horizontal(action="javascript:void(0)")
69 +rcheckbox("us-synch", "Synchronize video playback")
70 +textbox("us-synch-accuracy", "Synch threshold (seconds)", "2")
71 +rcheckbox("us-wmode-transparent", "Set wmode=transparent")
75 p.text-info Setting <code>wmode=transparent</code> allows objects to be displayed above the video player, but may cause performance issues on some systems.
76 +rcheckbox("us-hidevideo", "Remove the video player")
77 +rcheckbox("us-playlistbuttons", "Hide playlist buttons by default")
78 +rcheckbox("us-oldbtns", "Old style playlist buttons")
80 label.control-label.col-sm-4(for="#us-default-quality") Quality Preference
82 select#us-default-quality.form-control
83 option(value="auto") Auto
84 option(value="240") 240p
85 option(value="360") 360p
86 option(value="480") 480p
87 option(value="720") 720p
88 option(value="1080") 1080p
89 option(value="best") Highest Available
93 p.text-info Due to technical changes on YouTube's side, the CyTube quality preference can no longer be automatically applied on YouTube videos. See <a href="https://github.com/calzoneman/sync/issues/726" rel="noopener noreferer" target="_blank">this GitHub issue</a> for details.
98 form.form-horizontal(action="javascript:void(0)")
99 +rcheckbox("us-chat-timestamp", "Show timestamps in chat")
100 +rcheckbox("us-sort-rank", "Sort userlist by rank")
101 +rcheckbox("us-sort-afk", "Sort AFKers to bottom")
104 p.text-info The following 3 options apply to how and when you will be notified if a new chat message is received while CyTube is not the active window.
106 label.control-label.col-sm-4(for="#us-blink-title") Blink page title on new messages
108 select#us-blink-title.form-control
109 option(value="never") Never
110 option(value="onlyping") Only when I am mentioned or PMed
111 option(value="always") Always
113 label.control-label.col-sm-4(for="#us-ping-sound") Notification sound on new messages
115 select#us-ping-sound.form-control
116 option(value="never") Never
117 option(value="onlyping") Only when I am mentioned or PMed
118 option(value="always") Always
120 label.control-label.col-sm-4(for="#us-notifications") Desktop notifications on new messages
122 select#us-notifications.form-control
123 option(value="never") Never
124 option(value="onlyping") Only when I am mentioned or PMed
125 option(value="always") Always
126 +rcheckbox("us-sendbtn", "Add a send button to chat")
127 +rcheckbox("us-no-emotes", "Disable chat emotes")
128 +rcheckbox("us-strip-image", "Remove images from chat")
130 label.control-label.col-sm-4(for="#us-chat-tab-method") Tab completion method
132 select#us-chat-tab-method.form-control
133 option(value="Cycle options") Cycle options
134 option(value="Longest unique match") Longest unique match
138 h4 Moderator Preferences
139 form.form-horizontal(action="javascript:void(0)")
140 +rcheckbox("us-modflair", "Show name color")
141 +rcheckbox("us-shadowchat", "Show shadowmuted messages")
142 +rcheckbox("us-show-ip-in-tooltip", "Show IP addresses in profile tooltip")