add privacy URL to crashreport dialog & updatecheck tab in options
[LibreOffice.git] / officecfg / registry / schema / org / openoffice / Office / Common.xcs
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!--
3 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
5 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 * file, You can obtain one at
9 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
11 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 * the License at .
18 -->
19 <!DOCTYPE oor:component-schema SYSTEM "../../../../component-schema.dtd">
20 <oor:component-schema xmlns:oor="" xmlns:xs="" oor:package="org.openoffice.Office" oor:name="Common" xml:lang="en-US">
21 <info>
22 <desc>Contains common settings which are potentially shared by other
23 components.</desc>
24 </info>
25 <templates>
26 <group oor:name="Passwordstorage">
27 <info>
28 <desc>Contains a container for passwords.</desc>
29 </info>
30 <prop oor:name="Password" oor:type="xs:string" oor:localized="false">
31 <info>
32 <desc>Contains a password encoded with the master password.</desc>
33 </info>
34 </prop>
35 </group>
36 <group oor:name="HistoryType">
37 <info>
38 <desc>Contains settings for a history entry in the history list.</desc>
39 </info>
40 <prop oor:name="URL" oor:type="xs:string">
41 <info>
42 <desc>Specifies the document URL.</desc>
43 </info>
44 </prop>
45 <prop oor:name="Filter" oor:type="xs:string">
46 <info>
47 <desc>Specifies the filter name that was chosen to load the
48 document.</desc>
49 </info>
50 </prop>
51 <prop oor:name="Title" oor:type="xs:string">
52 <info>
53 <desc>Indicates the title of the URL that is displayed on the
54 user-interface.</desc>
55 </info>
56 </prop>
57 <prop oor:name="Password" oor:type="xs:string">
58 <info>
59 <desc>Contains an encoded password used to open the document.</desc>
60 </info>
61 </prop>
62 </group>
63 <group oor:name="MenuType">
64 <info>
65 <desc>Describes a menu entry for configurable office menus (e.g. file
66 new).</desc>
67 </info>
68 <prop oor:name="URL" oor:type="xs:string">
69 <info>
70 <desc>Specifies the URL for dispatch.</desc>
71 </info>
72 </prop>
73 <prop oor:name="Title" oor:type="xs:string" oor:localized="true">
74 <info>
75 <desc>Specifies the label of a menu entry.</desc>
76 </info>
77 </prop>
78 <prop oor:name="ImageIdentifier" oor:type="xs:string">
79 <info>
80 <desc>Specifies the identifier of an assigned icon.</desc>
81 </info>
82 </prop>
83 <prop oor:name="TargetName" oor:type="xs:string">
84 <info>
85 <desc>Specifies the dispatch target (for example, _blank to open URL
86 in new frame).</desc>
87 </info>
88 </prop>
89 </group>
90 <group oor:name="DialogSize">
91 <info>
92 <desc>Contains the width and height of the dialog size.</desc>
93 </info>
94 <prop oor:name="Height" oor:type="xs:int">
95 <info>
96 <desc>Contains the height of the dialog [UNIT=pixel].</desc>
97 </info>
98 </prop>
99 <prop oor:name="Width" oor:type="xs:int">
100 <info>
101 <desc>Contains the width of the dialog [UNIT=pixel].</desc>
102 </info>
103 </prop>
104 </group>
105 <group oor:name="Font">
106 <info>
107 <desc>Describes the characteristics of a font.</desc>
108 </info>
109 <prop oor:name="Name" oor:type="xs:string">
110 <info>
111 <desc>Specifies the exact name of the font ("Arial", "Courier",
112 "Frutiger").</desc>
113 </info>
114 </prop>
115 <prop oor:name="Height" oor:type="xs:short">
116 <info>
117 <desc>Specifies the height of the font in the measure of the
118 destination.</desc>
119 </info>
120 </prop>
121 <prop oor:name="Width" oor:type="xs:short">
122 <info>
123 <desc>Specifies the width of the font in the measure of the
124 destination.</desc>
125 </info>
126 </prop>
127 <prop oor:name="StyleName" oor:type="xs:string">
128 <info>
129 <desc>Specifies the style name of the font ("Bold", "Italic", "Italic
130 Bold").</desc>
131 </info>
132 </prop>
133 <prop oor:name="Family" oor:type="xs:short">
134 <info>
135 <desc>Specifies the general style of the font.</desc>
136 </info>
137 <constraints>
138 <enumeration oor:value="0">
139 <info>
140 <desc>DONTKNOW</desc>
141 </info>
142 </enumeration>
143 <enumeration oor:value="1">
144 <info>
145 <desc>DECORATIVE</desc>
146 </info>
147 </enumeration>
148 <enumeration oor:value="2">
149 <info>
150 <desc>MODERN</desc>
151 </info>
152 </enumeration>
153 <enumeration oor:value="3">
154 <info>
155 <desc>ROMAN</desc>
156 </info>
157 </enumeration>
158 <enumeration oor:value="4">
159 <info>
160 <desc>SCRIPT</desc>
161 </info>
162 </enumeration>
163 <enumeration oor:value="5">
164 <info>
165 <desc>SWISS</desc>
166 </info>
167 </enumeration>
168 <enumeration oor:value="6">
169 <info>
170 <desc>SYSTEM</desc>
171 </info>
172 </enumeration>
173 <enumeration oor:value="7">
174 <info>
175 <desc>DONTKNOW</desc>
176 </info>
177 </enumeration>
178 </constraints>
179 </prop>
180 <prop oor:name="CharSet" oor:type="xs:short">
181 <info>
182 <desc>Specifies the character set which is supported by the
183 font.</desc>
184 </info>
185 <constraints>
186 <enumeration oor:value="0">
187 <info>
188 <desc>DONTKNOW</desc>
189 </info>
190 </enumeration>
191 <enumeration oor:value="1">
192 <info>
193 <desc>ANSI</desc>
194 </info>
195 </enumeration>
196 <enumeration oor:value="2">
197 <info>
198 <desc>MAC</desc>
199 </info>
200 </enumeration>
201 <enumeration oor:value="3">
202 <info>
203 <desc>IBMPC_437</desc>
204 </info>
205 </enumeration>
206 <enumeration oor:value="4">
207 <info>
208 <desc>IBMPC_850</desc>
209 </info>
210 </enumeration>
211 <enumeration oor:value="5">
212 <info>
213 <desc>IBMPC_860</desc>
214 </info>
215 </enumeration>
216 <enumeration oor:value="6">
217 <info>
218 <desc>IBMPC_861</desc>
219 </info>
220 </enumeration>
221 <enumeration oor:value="7">
222 <info>
223 <desc>IBMPC_863</desc>
224 </info>
225 </enumeration>
226 <enumeration oor:value="8">
227 <info>
228 <desc>IBMPC_865</desc>
229 </info>
230 </enumeration>
231 <enumeration oor:value="9">
232 <info>
233 <desc>SYSTEM</desc>
234 </info>
235 </enumeration>
236 <enumeration oor:value="10">
237 <info>
238 <desc>SYMBOL</desc>
239 </info>
240 </enumeration>
241 </constraints>
242 </prop>
243 <prop oor:name="Pitch" oor:type="xs:short">
244 <info>
245 <desc>Specifies the pitch of the font.</desc>
246 </info>
247 <constraints>
248 <enumeration oor:value="0">
249 <info>
250 <desc>DONTKNOW</desc>
251 </info>
252 </enumeration>
253 <enumeration oor:value="1">
254 <info>
255 <desc>FIXED</desc>
256 </info>
257 </enumeration>
258 <enumeration oor:value="2">
259 <info>
260 <desc>VARIABLE</desc>
261 </info>
262 </enumeration>
263 </constraints>
264 </prop>
265 <prop oor:name="CharacterWidth" oor:type="xs:double">
266 <info>
267 <desc>Specifies the character width. Depending on the specified width,
268 a font that supports this width may be selected. [UNIT=%].</desc>
269 </info>
270 </prop>
271 <prop oor:name="Weight" oor:type="xs:double">
272 <info>
273 <desc>Specifies the thickness of the line.</desc>
274 </info>
275 </prop>
276 <prop oor:name="Slant" oor:type="xs:short">
277 <info>
278 <desc>Specifies if there is a character slant (italic).</desc>
279 </info>
280 <constraints>
281 <enumeration oor:value="0">
282 <info>
283 <desc>NONE</desc>
284 </info>
285 </enumeration>
286 <enumeration oor:value="1">
287 <info>
288 <desc>OBLIQUE</desc>
289 </info>
290 </enumeration>
291 <enumeration oor:value="2">
292 <info>
293 <desc>ITALIC</desc>
294 </info>
295 </enumeration>
296 <enumeration oor:value="3">
297 <info>
298 <desc>DONTKNOW</desc>
299 </info>
300 </enumeration>
301 <enumeration oor:value="4">
302 <info>
303 <desc>REVERSE_OBLIQUE</desc>
304 </info>
305 </enumeration>
306 <enumeration oor:value="5">
307 <info>
308 <desc>REVERSE_ITALIC</desc>
309 </info>
310 </enumeration>
311 </constraints>
312 </prop>
313 <prop oor:name="UnderLine" oor:type="xs:short">
314 <info>
315 <desc>Specifies the type of underline.</desc>
316 </info>
317 <constraints>
318 <enumeration oor:value="0">
319 <info>
320 <desc>NONE</desc>
321 </info>
322 </enumeration>
323 <enumeration oor:value="1">
324 <info>
325 <desc>SINGLE</desc>
326 </info>
327 </enumeration>
328 <enumeration oor:value="2">
329 <info>
330 <desc>DOUBLE</desc>
331 </info>
332 </enumeration>
333 <enumeration oor:value="3">
334 <info>
335 <desc>DOTTED</desc>
336 </info>
337 </enumeration>
338 <enumeration oor:value="4">
339 <info>
340 <desc>DONTKNOW</desc>
341 </info>
342 </enumeration>
343 <enumeration oor:value="5">
344 <info>
345 <desc>DASH</desc>
346 </info>
347 </enumeration>
348 <enumeration oor:value="6">
349 <info>
350 <desc>LONGDASH</desc>
351 </info>
352 </enumeration>
353 <enumeration oor:value="7">
354 <info>
355 <desc>DASHDOT</desc>
356 </info>
357 </enumeration>
358 <enumeration oor:value="8">
359 <info>
360 <desc>DASHDOTDOT</desc>
361 </info>
362 </enumeration>
363 <enumeration oor:value="9">
364 <info>
365 <desc>SMALLWAVE</desc>
366 </info>
367 </enumeration>
368 <enumeration oor:value="10">
369 <info>
370 <desc>WAVE</desc>
371 </info>
372 </enumeration>
373 <enumeration oor:value="11">
374 <info>
375 <desc>DOUBLEWAVE</desc>
376 </info>
377 </enumeration>
378 <enumeration oor:value="12">
379 <info>
380 <desc>BOLD</desc>
381 </info>
382 </enumeration>
383 <enumeration oor:value="13">
384 <info>
385 <desc>BOLDDOTTED</desc>
386 </info>
387 </enumeration>
388 <enumeration oor:value="14">
389 <info>
390 <desc>BOLDDASH</desc>
391 </info>
392 </enumeration>
393 <enumeration oor:value="15">
394 <info>
395 <desc>BOLDLONGDASH</desc>
396 </info>
397 </enumeration>
398 <enumeration oor:value="16">
399 <info>
400 <desc>BOLDDASHDOT</desc>
401 </info>
402 </enumeration>
403 <enumeration oor:value="17">
404 <info>
405 <desc>BOLDDASHDOTDOT</desc>
406 </info>
407 </enumeration>
408 <enumeration oor:value="18">
409 <info>
410 <desc>BOLDWAVE</desc>
411 </info>
412 </enumeration>
413 </constraints>
414 </prop>
415 <prop oor:name="Strikeout" oor:type="xs:short">
416 <info>
417 <desc>Specifies the type of strikeout.</desc>
418 </info>
419 <constraints>
420 <enumeration oor:value="0">
421 <info>
422 <desc>NONE</desc>
423 </info>
424 </enumeration>
425 <enumeration oor:value="1">
426 <info>
427 <desc>SINGLE</desc>
428 </info>
429 </enumeration>
430 <enumeration oor:value="2">
431 <info>
432 <desc>DOUBLE</desc>
433 </info>
434 </enumeration>
435 <enumeration oor:value="3">
436 <info>
437 <desc>DONTKNOW</desc>
438 </info>
439 </enumeration>
440 <enumeration oor:value="4">
441 <info>
442 <desc>BOLD</desc>
443 </info>
444 </enumeration>
445 <enumeration oor:value="5">
446 <info>
447 <desc>SLASH</desc>
448 </info>
449 </enumeration>
450 <enumeration oor:value="6">
451 <info>
452 <desc>X</desc>
453 </info>
454 </enumeration>
455 </constraints>
456 </prop>
457 <prop oor:name="Orientation" oor:type="xs:double">
458 <info>
459 <desc>Specifies the rotation of the font. [UNIT=degree].</desc>
460 </info>
461 </prop>
462 <prop oor:name="Kerning" oor:type="xs:boolean">
463 <info>
464 <desc>Specifies if a kerning table is available (for requesting). For
465 selecting, specifies if the kerning table is to be used.</desc>
466 </info>
467 </prop>
468 <prop oor:name="WordLineMode" oor:type="xs:boolean">
469 <info>
470 <desc>Specifies if only words get underlined.</desc>
471 </info>
472 </prop>
473 <prop oor:name="Type" oor:type="xs:short">
474 <info>
475 <desc>Specifies the technology of the font representation.</desc>
476 </info>
477 <constraints>
478 <enumeration oor:value="0">
479 <info>
480 <desc>DONTKNOW</desc>
481 </info>
482 </enumeration>
483 <enumeration oor:value="1">
484 <info>
485 <desc>RASTER</desc>
486 </info>
487 </enumeration>
488 <enumeration oor:value="2">
489 <info>
490 <desc>DEVICE</desc>
491 </info>
492 </enumeration>
493 <enumeration oor:value="3">
494 <info>
495 <desc>SCALABLE</desc>
496 </info>
497 </enumeration>
498 </constraints>
499 </prop>
500 </group>
501 <group oor:name="FontReplacement">
502 <info>
503 <desc>Contains settings for the font replacement.</desc>
504 </info>
505 <prop oor:name="ReplaceFont" oor:type="xs:string">
506 <info>
507 <desc>Contains the name of font that is to be replaced.</desc>
508 </info>
509 </prop>
510 <prop oor:name="SubstituteFont" oor:type="xs:string">
511 <info>
512 <desc>Contains the name of the replacing font.</desc>
513 </info>
514 </prop>
515 <prop oor:name="OnScreenOnly" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
516 <info>
517 <desc>Determines if the font pair replacement is applied on the
518 screen.</desc>
519 </info>
520 <value>false</value>
521 </prop>
522 <prop oor:name="Always" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
523 <info>
524 <desc>Determines if the font pair replacement is applied on the
525 printer.</desc>
526 </info>
527 <value>false</value>
528 </prop>
529 </group>
530 <group oor:name="GraphicSize">
531 <info>
532 <deprecated>Use LogicalGraphicSize instead of this.</deprecated>
533 <desc>Specifies the size of a graphic. [UNIT=1/100 mm].</desc>
534 </info>
535 <prop oor:name="Width" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
536 <info>
537 <desc>Specifies the width of graphic. [UNIT=1/100 mm].</desc>
538 </info>
539 <constraints>
540 <minInclusive oor:value="100">
541 <info>
542 <desc>Represents the highest value that can be entered in the
543 dialog.</desc>
544 </info>
545 </minInclusive>
546 <maxInclusive oor:value="99999">
547 <info>
548 <desc>Represents the lowest value that can be entered in the
549 dialog.</desc>
550 </info>
551 </maxInclusive>
552 </constraints>
553 <value>10000</value>
554 </prop>
555 <prop oor:name="Height" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
556 <info>
557 <desc>Specifies the height of graphic. [UNIT=1/100 mm].</desc>
558 </info>
559 <constraints>
560 <minInclusive oor:value="100">
561 <info>
562 <desc>Represents the lowest value that can be entered in the
563 dialog.</desc>
564 </info>
565 </minInclusive>
566 <maxInclusive oor:value="99999">
567 <info>
568 <desc>Represents the highest value that can be entered in the
569 dialog.</desc>
570 </info>
571 </maxInclusive>
572 </constraints>
573 <value>10000</value>
574 </prop>
575 </group>
576 <group oor:name="LogicalGraphicSize">
577 <info>
578 <desc>Specifies the logical size of a graphic. [UNIT=1/100 mm].</desc>
579 </info>
580 <prop oor:name="LogicalWidth" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
581 <info>
582 <desc>Specifies the logical width of a graphic.
583 [UNIT=1/100 mm].</desc>
584 </info>
585 <constraints>
586 <minInclusive oor:value="100">
587 <info>
588 <desc>Represents the lowest value that can be entered in the
589 dialog.</desc>
590 </info>
591 </minInclusive>
592 <maxInclusive oor:value="99999">
593 <info>
594 <desc>Represents the highest value that can be entered in the
595 dialog.</desc>
596 </info>
597 </maxInclusive>
598 </constraints>
599 <value>10000</value>
600 </prop>
601 <prop oor:name="LogicalHeight" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
602 <info>
603 <desc>Specifies the logical height of graphic. [UNIT=1/100 mm].</desc>
604 </info>
605 <constraints>
606 <minInclusive oor:value="100">
607 <info>
608 <desc>Represents the lowest value that can be entered in the
609 dialog.</desc>
610 </info>
611 </minInclusive>
612 <maxInclusive oor:value="99999">
613 <info>
614 <desc>Represents the highest value that can be entered in the
615 dialog.</desc>
616 </info>
617 </maxInclusive>
618 </constraints>
619 <value>10000</value>
620 </prop>
621 </group>
622 <group oor:name="ObjectNames">
623 <info>
624 <deprecated>Replaced by
625 org.openoffice.Office.Embedding/ObjectName.</deprecated>
626 <desc>Deprecated</desc>
627 </info>
628 <prop oor:name="Name" oor:type="xs:string" oor:localized="true">
629 <info>
630 <deprecated/>
631 <desc>Deprecated</desc>
632 </info>
633 </prop>
634 <prop oor:name="Key" oor:type="xs:string">
635 <info>
636 <deprecated/>
637 <desc>Deprecated</desc>
638 </info>
639 </prop>
640 </group>
641 <group oor:name="RecoveryEntry">
642 <info>
643 <desc>Specifies an entry of the recovery list which is then used by
644 CrashGuard to save information about the last opened files.</desc>
645 </info>
646 <prop oor:name="URL" oor:type="xs:string">
647 <info>
648 <desc>Specifies a URL that should be recovered after the next Office
649 start.</desc>
650 </info>
651 </prop>
652 <prop oor:name="Filter" oor:type="xs:string">
653 <info>
654 <desc>Specifies a filter that should be used to open the document
655 referenced by the URL property.</desc>
656 </info>
657 </prop>
658 <prop oor:name="TempName" oor:type="xs:string">
659 <info>
660 <desc>Contains the name of the temporary file which represents the
661 document.</desc>
662 </info>
663 </prop>
664 </group>
665 <group oor:name="StartEndCharacters">
666 <info>
667 <desc>Contains the characters (so called forbidden characters) that are
668 not allowed at the beginning or end of a line.</desc>
669 </info>
670 <prop oor:name="StartCharacters" oor:type="xs:string">
671 <info>
672 <desc>Contains the characters that are not allowed at the beginning of
673 a line.</desc>
674 </info>
675 </prop>
676 <prop oor:name="EndCharacters" oor:type="xs:string">
677 <info>
678 <desc>Contains the characters that are not allowed at the end of a
679 line.</desc>
680 </info>
681 </prop>
682 </group>
683 <group oor:name="NameCounter">
684 <info>
685 <desc>Stores an association between a numeric value and a name.</desc>
686 </info>
687 <prop oor:name="Name" oor:type="xs:string">
688 <info>
689 <desc>Specifies a name that is associated with a counter.</desc>
690 </info>
691 </prop>
692 <prop oor:name="Counter" oor:type="xs:int">
693 <info>
694 <desc>Specifies a number that is associated with a name.</desc>
695 </info>
696 </prop>
697 </group>
698 <group oor:name="JobDescription">
699 <info>
700 <deprecated>Use cfg package Jobs instead of this.</deprecated>
701 <desc>Use cfg package Jobs instead of this.</desc>
702 </info>
703 <prop oor:name="ServiceName" oor:type="xs:string">
704 <info>
705 <desc>Use cfg package Jobs instead of this.</desc>
706 </info>
707 </prop>
708 <prop oor:name="UserInteraction" oor:type="xs:boolean">
709 <info>
710 <desc>Use cfg package Jobs instead of this.</desc>
711 </info>
712 </prop>
713 <prop oor:name="AllowAsync" oor:type="xs:boolean">
714 <info>
715 <desc>Use cfg package Jobs instead of this.</desc>
716 </info>
717 </prop>
718 <group oor:name="ExecutionArguments" oor:extensible="true">
719 <info>
720 <desc>Use cfg package Jobs instead of this.</desc>
721 </info>
722 </group>
723 </group>
724 <group oor:name="TrustedAuthor">
725 <info>
726 <desc>All Certificate information needed to handle and identify the
727 signature.</desc>
728 </info>
729 <prop oor:name="SubjectName" oor:type="xs:string">
730 <info>
731 <desc>Subject name of Certificate.</desc>
732 </info>
733 </prop>
734 <prop oor:name="SerialNumber" oor:type="xs:string">
735 <info>
736 <desc>Serial Number of Certificate.</desc>
737 </info>
738 </prop>
739 <prop oor:name="RawData" oor:type="xs:string">
740 <info>
741 <desc>Raw of Certificate.</desc>
742 </info>
743 </prop>
744 </group>
745 <group oor:name="ApplicationControlLayout">
746 <info>
747 <desc>specifies, on a per-application-type basis, certain defaults for
748 layouting form controls</desc>
749 </info>
750 <prop oor:name="VisualEffect" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="true">
751 <info>
752 <desc>specifies the default visual effect for form controls</desc>
753 </info>
754 <constraints>
755 <enumeration oor:value="none">
756 <info>
757 <desc>specifies no special visual effect</desc>
758 </info>
759 </enumeration>
760 <enumeration oor:value="flat">
761 <info>
762 <desc>specifies a flat appearance</desc>
763 </info>
764 </enumeration>
765 <enumeration oor:value="3D">
766 <info>
767 <desc>specifies a 3D appearance</desc>
768 </info>
769 </enumeration>
770 </constraints>
771 </prop>
772 <prop oor:name="DynamicBorderColors" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
773 <info>
774 <desc>specifies whether the controls should use dynamic border
775 coloring, if possible. Dymamic border coloring means that when the
776 mouse is hovered over a control, and when a control receives the
777 focus, this is indicated with special border colors.</desc>
778 </info>
779 <value>false</value>
780 </prop>
781 <prop oor:name="UseDocumentTextMetrics" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
782 <info>
783 <desc>controls whether form controls, when they render their text, use
784 the same metrics as the document does. If this is set to &lt;true&gt;,
785 then the control text's appearance better matches the text in the
786 surrounding document.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Technically, documents use a
787 reference device for formatting, which usually has a higher resolution
788 than the actual output device. The option decides whether form
789 controls should use the same reference device as the surrounding
790 document. However, some of OOo's document implementations do not
791 properly use their reference device in all situations, in which case
792 the option might better be disabled.&lt;p&gt;</desc>
793 </info>
794 <value>true</value>
795 </prop>
796 </group>
797 <group oor:name="ProductVersionID">
798 <info>
799 <desc>Stores registration data which is related to a specific product
800 version.</desc>
801 </info>
802 <prop oor:name="InstanceUUID" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
803 <info>
804 <desc>An instance UUID associated with the product version ID.</desc>
805 </info>
806 <value/>
807 </prop>
808 </group>
809 <group oor:name="PersonasEntry">
810 <info>
811 <desc>Stores the details of the installed personas.</desc>
812 </info>
813 <prop oor:name="Slug" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
814 <info>
815 <desc>Unique pretty id of the persona, also part of its url</desc>
816 </info>
817 </prop>
818 <prop oor:name="Name" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
819 <info>
820 <desc>The Persona's name</desc>
821 </info>
822 </prop>
823 <prop oor:name="Preview" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
824 <info>
825 <desc>Name of the preview file for the Persona to show in the UI</desc>
826 </info>
827 </prop>
828 <prop oor:name="Header" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
829 <info>
830 <desc>Name of the header file for the Persona</desc>
831 </info>
832 <value/>
833 </prop>
834 <prop oor:name="Footer" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
835 <info>
836 <desc>Name of the footer file for the Persona</desc>
837 </info>
838 <value/>
839 </prop>
840 <prop oor:name="TextColor" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
841 <info>
842 <desc>Value of the text color for the Persona</desc>
843 </info>
844 <value/>
845 </prop>
846 </group>
847 </templates>
848 <component>
849 <group oor:name="VCL">
850 <info>
851 <desc>Contains settings for VCL.</desc>
852 </info>
853 <prop oor:name="DisableOpenGL" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
854 <info>
855 <desc>Specifies if all OpenGL usage should be disabled.</desc>
856 </info>
857 <value>false</value>
858 </prop>
859 <prop oor:name="UseSkia" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
860 <info>
861 <desc>Specifies if Skia rendering should be used in VCL backends
862 supporting it.</desc>
863 </info>
864 <value>false</value>
865 </prop>
866 <prop oor:name="ForceSkia" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
867 <info>
868 <desc>Specifies if Skia rendering should be used in VCL backends
869 supporting it. This one forces the use of Skia even if the
870 denylist would block the driver.</desc>
871 </info>
872 <value>false</value>
873 </prop>
874 <prop oor:name="ForceSkiaRaster" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
875 <info>
876 <desc>Specifies if Skia rendering should be used in VCL backends
877 supporting it. This one forces the use of Skia software rendering
878 instead of trying to use the graphics driver.</desc>
879 </info>
880 <value>false</value>
881 </prop>
882 <prop oor:name="AnimationsEnabled" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
883 <info>
884 <desc>Defines if the user interface animations (like "walking ant"
885 animation when copying a cell in Calc) is enabled or disabled.
886 Disabling animations makes a lot of sense on remote connections
887 (VNC), where animations increase the (always limited) amount of
888 bandwidth needed.
889 </desc>
890 <label>Defines if the user interface animations are disabled.</label>
891 </info>
892 <value>true</value>
893 </prop>
894 <prop oor:name="ReduceTransparencyMinArea" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
895 <info>
896 <desc>Specifies minimal area of an object for applying "Reduce Transparency"
897 printer configuration option (removing object transparency). This value
898 is counted in percents of the printable area.</desc>
899 </info>
900 <value>25</value>
901 </prop>
902 <prop oor:name="PDFExportImageCacheSize" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
903 <info>
904 <desc>Specifies number of PDF image instances to cache on
905 export - can save potentially huge amount of CPU time on
906 re-compressing the same JPEG image over and over again.</desc>
907 </info>
908 <value>15</value>
909 </prop>
910 </group>
911 <group oor:name="InternalMSExport">
912 <info>
913 <desc>Contains internal MSExport settings that are common for all
914 apps.</desc>
915 </info>
916 <prop oor:name="UseOldExport" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
917 <info>
918 <desc>Specifies if an old (5.0 format) way instead of a new one (6.0
919 OLE embedded document) should be used for export of inplace objects in
920 case MS-filters are not used for them.</desc>
921 </info>
922 <value>false</value>
923 </prop>
924 </group>
925 <group oor:name="Passwords">
926 <info>
927 <desc>Contains a description of the persistent password
928 container.</desc>
929 </info>
930 <prop oor:name="UseStorage" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
931 <info>
932 <desc>Specifies if passwords can be stored persistently.</desc>
933 </info>
934 <value>false</value>
935 </prop>
936 <prop oor:name="HasMaster" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
937 <info>
938 <desc>Specifies if there is a valid master password.</desc>
939 </info>
940 <value>false</value>
941 </prop>
942 <prop oor:name="Master" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
943 <info>
944 <desc>Contains the master password encrypted by itself.</desc>
945 </info>
946 <value/>
947 </prop>
948 <set oor:name="Store" oor:node-type="Passwordstorage">
949 <info>
950 <desc>Contains a list of passwords encoded with the master
951 password.</desc>
952 </info>
953 </set>
954 <prop oor:name="AuthenticateUsingSystemCredentials" oor:type="oor:string-list">
955 <info>
956 <desc>Contains a list of URLs that should be accessed using system
957 credentials of the user.</desc>
958 </info>
959 </prop>
960 <prop oor:name="TrySystemCredentialsFirst" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
961 <info>
962 <desc>Specifies if authentication using system credentials should be tried
963 automatically for all resources that support it (regardless of whether they are
964 in "AuthenticateUsingSystemCredentials" list or not).</desc>
965 </info>
966 <value>false</value>
967 </prop>
968 </group>
969 <group oor:name="Dictionaries">
970 <info>
971 <desc>Contains settings related to dictionaries.</desc>
972 </info>
973 <prop oor:name="RepositoryURL" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
974 <info>
975 <desc>Specifies a repository URL where users can download additional
976 dictionaries.</desc>
977 </info>
978 <value/>
979 </prop>
980 </group>
981 <group oor:name="Drawinglayer">
982 <info>
983 <desc>Specifies settings for the Drawinglayer.</desc>
984 </info>
985 <prop oor:name="OverlayBuffer" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
986 <info>
987 <desc>Specifies if the Overlay pane is allowed to use an own buffer.
988 If on, Overlay is fast but a buffer (graphics memory) is used. If off,
989 Overlay is slow, but no Buffer is needed. This is the global switch
990 which will enable/disable overlay for all Applications. This is the
991 global switch for the whole office.</desc>
992 <label>Overlay is allowed to use a Background Buffer in all
993 Applications</label>
994 </info>
995 <value>true</value>
996 </prop>
997 <prop oor:name="OverlayBuffer_Calc" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
998 <info>
999 <desc>Similar to OverlayBuffer, but only for Calc Application</desc>
1000 <label>Calc Overlay is allowed to use a Background Buffer</label>
1001 </info>
1002 <value>true</value>
1003 </prop>
1004 <prop oor:name="OverlayBuffer_Writer" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1005 <info>
1006 <desc>Similar to OverlayBuffer, but only for Writer Application</desc>
1007 <label>Writer Overlay is allowed to use a Background Buffer</label>
1008 </info>
1009 <value>true</value>
1010 </prop>
1011 <prop oor:name="OverlayBuffer_DrawImpress" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1012 <info>
1013 <desc>Similar to OverlayBuffer, but only for Draw/Impress
1014 Applications</desc>
1015 <label>Draw/Impress Overlay is allowed to use a Background
1016 Buffer</label>
1017 </info>
1018 <value>true</value>
1019 </prop>
1020 <prop oor:name="PaintBuffer" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1021 <info>
1022 <desc>Specifies if the Application Repaint shall use a buffer for
1023 Pre-Rendering. If on, screen flicker is greatly reduced and remote
1024 display is fast, but a buffer (graphics memory) is needed. If off,
1025 screen flicker will occur and remote display is slow, but no buffer
1026 is needed. This is the global switch for the whole office.</desc>
1027 <label>Application Repaint is allowed to use Pre-Rendering
1028 Buffer.</label>
1029 </info>
1030 <value>true</value>
1031 </prop>
1032 <prop oor:name="PaintBuffer_Calc" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1033 <info>
1034 <desc>Similar to PaintBuffer, but only for Calc Application.
1035 PaintBuffer is the global switch.</desc>
1036 <label>Calc Repaint is allowed to use Pre-Rendering Buffer</label>
1037 </info>
1038 <value>true</value>
1039 </prop>
1040 <prop oor:name="PaintBuffer_Writer" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1041 <info>
1042 <desc>Similar to PaintBuffer, but only for Writer Application.
1043 PaintBuffer is the global switch.</desc>
1044 <label>Writer Repaint is allowed to use Pre-Rendering Buffer</label>
1045 </info>
1046 <value>true</value>
1047 </prop>
1048 <prop oor:name="PaintBuffer_DrawImpress" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1049 <info>
1050 <desc>Similar to PaintBuffer, but only for Draw/Impress Applications.
1051 PaintBuffer is the global switch.</desc>
1052 <label>Draw/Impress Repaint is allowed to use Pre-Rendering
1053 Buffer</label>
1054 </info>
1055 <value>true</value>
1056 </prop>
1057 <prop oor:name="StripeColorA" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
1058 <info>
1059 <desc>Specifies the first one of two colors used from overlay to
1060 display striped lines as helplines. Default is black.</desc>
1061 <label>Use given color as first stripe color</label>
1062 </info>
1063 <value>0</value>
1064 </prop>
1065 <prop oor:name="StripeColorB" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
1066 <info>
1067 <desc>Specifies the second one of two colors used from overlay to
1068 display striped lines as helplines. Default is white.</desc>
1069 <label>Use given color as second stripe color</label>
1070 </info>
1071 <value>16777215</value>
1072 </prop>
1073 <prop oor:name="StripeLength" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
1074 <info>
1075 <desc>Specifies the length in pixels of a single stripe used from
1076 overlay to display striped lines as helplines. Default is four.</desc>
1077 <label>Use given length as stripe length</label>
1078 </info>
1079 <value>4</value>
1080 </prop>
1081 <prop oor:name="MaximumPaperWidth" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
1082 <info>
1083 <desc>Specifies the maximum allowed Paper Width for page definitions
1084 in cm. Default is 6m, i.e. 600 cm. When this is changed to higher
1085 values, it is done on own risk.</desc>
1086 <label>Maximum allowed Paper Width for page definitions</label>
1087 </info>
1088 <value>600</value>
1089 </prop>
1090 <prop oor:name="MaximumPaperHeight" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
1091 <info>
1092 <desc>Specifies the maximum allowed Paper Height for page definitions
1093 in cm. Default is 6m, i.e. 600 cm. When this is changed to higher
1094 values, it is done on own risk.</desc>
1095 <label>Maximum allowed Paper Height for page definitions</label>
1096 </info>
1097 <value>600</value>
1098 </prop>
1099 <prop oor:name="MaximumPaperLeftMargin" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
1100 <info>
1101 <desc>Specifies the maximum allowed Left Margin for the page
1102 definitions in 1/100th cm.</desc>
1103 <label>Maximum allowed Left margin for page definitions</label>
1104 </info>
1105 <value>9999</value>
1106 </prop>
1107 <prop oor:name="MaximumPaperRightMargin" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
1108 <info>
1109 <desc>Specifies the maximum allowed Right Margin for the page
1110 definitions in 1/100th cm.</desc>
1111 <label>Maximum allowed Right margin for page definitions</label>
1112 </info>
1113 <value>9999</value>
1114 </prop>
1115 <prop oor:name="MaximumPaperTopMargin" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
1116 <info>
1117 <desc>Specifies the maximum allowed Top Margin for the page
1118 definitions in 1/100th cm.</desc>
1119 <label>Maximum allowed Top margin for page definitions</label>
1120 </info>
1121 <value>9999</value>
1122 </prop>
1123 <prop oor:name="MaximumPaperBottomMargin" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
1124 <info>
1125 <desc>Specifies the maximum allowed Bottom Margin for the page
1126 definitions in 1/100th cm.</desc>
1127 <label>Maximum allowed Bottom margin for page definitions</label>
1128 </info>
1129 <value>9999</value>
1130 </prop>
1131 <prop oor:name="AntiAliasing" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1132 <info>
1133 <desc>This switch allows to switch DrawingLayer based views to be
1134 rendered using AntiAliasing or not. Of course this takes only effect
1135 when AntiAliasing is supported for the System OOo is running
1136 on.</desc>
1137 <label>This switch determines if DrawingLayer based views use
1138 AntiAliasing.</label>
1139 </info>
1140 <value>true</value>
1141 </prop>
1142 <prop oor:name="SnapHorVerLinesToDiscrete" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1143 <info>
1144 <desc>This switch allows to enhance visualisation of graphics which
1145 use Horizontal or Vertical Hairlines combined with AntiAliased mode
1146 (e.g. in 2D charts). When not used, those lines will be AntiAliased as
1147 everything else. Since this is not pleasing for the eye, this option
1148 allows to force those lines to snap to discrete points (pixels) when
1149 activated and thus avoids AntiAliasing of pure Horizontal or Vertical
1150 Hairlines.</desc>
1151 <label>Determines if Horizontal and Vertical HairLines in AntiAliased
1152 mode are snapped to discrete pixels to enhance visualisation</label>
1153 </info>
1154 <value>true</value>
1155 </prop>
1156 <prop oor:name="RenderDecoratedTextDirect" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1157 <info>
1158 <desc>This switch determines if the decorations of decorated text
1159 portions (e.g. underline, strike through) are rendered using VCL
1160 direct rendering or if the primitive is decomposed into simple text
1161 and the corresponding geometrical representations of the decorations.
1162 Default is true since VCL's usage of the diverse System's hinting
1163 possibilities for decorations is useful.</desc>
1164 <label>Determines if decorated texts are decomposed at render time or
1165 directly rendered using VCL</label>
1166 </info>
1167 <value>true</value>
1168 </prop>
1169 <prop oor:name="RenderSimpleTextDirect" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1170 <info>
1171 <desc>This switch determines if simple text is directly rendered using
1172 VCL or not. If not, the simple text is decomposed into PolyPolygons
1173 which will be painted then. Default is true, since VCL will use the
1174 hinting for font rendering on the diverse supported systems, which
1175 gives better quality than rendering the text as Polygons.</desc>
1176 <label>Determines if simple texts are decomposed at render time or
1177 directly rendered using VCL</label>
1178 </info>
1179 <value>true</value>
1180 </prop>
1181 <prop oor:name="SolidDragCreate" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1182 <info>
1183 <desc>This switch decides if Interactions in the DrawingLayer are
1184 visualized using Wireframe or Full-Object previews. If false, only
1185 Wireframe will be used. If true, Full-Object preview which gives a
1186 much better feedback about the object interaction will be used. This
1187 mode is used for modification and creation of objects. During
1188 interaction, a geometric copy of the object(s) is shown with 50%
1189 transparence in the foreground. That copy shows exactly what You will
1190 get when You end the interaction.</desc>
1191 <label>This switch determines if DrawingLayer Interactions show
1192 Wireframe or Full-Object preview.</label>
1193 </info>
1194 <value>true</value>
1195 </prop>
1196 <prop oor:name="Quadratic3DRenderLimit" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
1197 <info>
1198 <desc>This defines a Limitation for the default raster conversion from
1199 3D Scenes to Bitmaps. The number is the maximum number of pixels to
1200 use, e.g. 1000x1000 Pixels is allowed as default. When Scenes would
1201 need more Pixels than this, the Bitmap will be limited and scaled to
1202 the needed pixel size at paint time.</desc>
1203 <label>A Pixel limitation for the creation of 3D Scenes with the
1204 default renderer.</label>
1205 </info>
1206 <value>1000000</value>
1207 </prop>
1208 <prop oor:name="QuadraticFormControlRenderLimit" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
1209 <info>
1210 <desc>This defines a Limitation for the default raster conversion of
1211 FormControls in edit mode. These have the ability to be displayed
1212 using this fallback to Bitmaps. The number is the maximum number of
1213 pixels to use, e.g. 300x150 Pixels is allowed as default. When
1214 FormControls would need more Pixels than this, the Bitmap will be
1215 limited and scaled to the needed pixel size at paint time.</desc>
1216 <label>A Pixel limitation for the creation of FormControl fallback
1217 display.</label>
1218 </info>
1219 <value>45000</value>
1220 </prop>
1221 <prop oor:name="TransparentSelection" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1222 <info>
1223 <desc>This switch defines if the selections in the applications (text
1224 or cells) are visualized using inverse (XOR) when set to false (the
1225 old selection method, also used when in HighContrast mode) or a
1226 transparent overlay selection using the system's selection
1227 color.</desc>
1228 <label>This switch defines if for text/cell selections the old
1229 inverse or the new transparent selection is to be used.</label>
1230 </info>
1231 <value>true</value>
1232 </prop>
1233 <prop oor:name="TransparentSelectionPercent" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
1234 <info>
1235 <desc>Specifies the degree of transparence to be used when transparent
1236 selection is used. The value is a percent value. Since neither no
1237 transparence nor complete transparence makes sense, the value is
1238 limited to a range of 10% - 90%. If the given value is outside this
1239 range, it is cropped to it.</desc>
1240 <label>Specifies the percent of transparence to use if transparent
1241 selection is used.</label>
1242 </info>
1243 <value>75</value>
1244 </prop>
1245 <prop oor:name="SelectionMaximumLuminancePercent" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
1246 <info>
1247 <desc>Specifies the maximum allowed luminance the system's selection
1248 color may have. When the colorfetched from the system is brighter
1249 (luminance is bigger), it will be scaled to a luminance of exactly
1250 this given value.</desc>
1251 <label>Specifies the maximum allowed luminance for the system's
1252 selection color.</label>
1253 </info>
1254 <value>70</value>
1255 </prop>
1256 </group>
1257 <group oor:name="AutoCorrect">
1258 <info>
1259 <desc>Contains miscellaneous settings for the auto correction.</desc>
1260 </info>
1261 <prop oor:name="UseReplacementTable" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1262 <!-- OldPath: AutoCorrect/Options/All -->
1263 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
1264 <!-- UIHints: Tools AutoCorrect/AutoFormat Options - Use replacement
1265 table -->
1266 <info>
1267 <desc>Specifies if the replacement table should be used to replace
1268 letter combinations with defined text</desc>
1269 <label>Use replacement table</label>
1270 </info>
1271 <value>true</value>
1272 </prop>
1273 <prop oor:name="TwoCapitalsAtStart" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1274 <!-- OldPath: AutoCorrect/Options/All -->
1275 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
1276 <!-- UIHints: Tools AutoCorrect/AutoFormat Options - Correct TWo
1277 INitial Capitals -->
1278 <info>
1279 <desc>Specifies if two initial capitals should be corrected
1280 automatically.</desc>
1281 <label>Correct two initial capitals</label>
1282 </info>
1283 <value>true</value>
1284 </prop>
1285 <prop oor:name="CapitalAtStartSentence" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1286 <!-- OldPath: AutoCorrect/Options/All -->
1287 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
1288 <!-- UIHints: Tools AutoCorrect/AutoFormat Options - Capitalize first
1289 letter of every sentence -->
1290 <info>
1291 <desc>Specifies if the letter at the beginning of a sentence should be
1292 capitalized automatically.</desc>
1293 <label>Capitalize first letter of every sentence</label>
1294 </info>
1295 <value>true</value>
1296 </prop>
1297 <prop oor:name="ChangeUnderlineWeight" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1298 <!-- OldPath: AutoCorrect/Options/All -->
1299 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
1300 <!-- UIHints: Tools AutoCorrect/AutoFormat Options - Automatic *bold*,
1301 /italic/, -strikeout- and _underline_ -->
1302 <info>
1303 <desc>Specifies if text should be formatted in bold or underlined when
1304 the corresponding characters are entered (*bold*, /italic/, -strikeout-,
1305 _underline_).</desc>
1306 <label>Apply bold, italics, strikeout or underline</label>
1307 </info>
1308 <value>true</value>
1309 </prop>
1310 <prop oor:name="SetInetAttribute" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1311 <!-- OldPath: AutoCorrect/Options/All -->
1312 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
1313 <!-- UIHints: Tools AutoCorrect/AutoFormat Options - URL
1314 recognition -->
1315 <info>
1316 <desc>Specifies if character strings which could represent a URL
1317 should be converted to a hyperlink.</desc>
1318 <label>Detect URL</label>
1319 </info>
1320 <value>true</value>
1321 </prop>
1322 <prop oor:name="ChangeOrdinalNumber" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1323 <!-- OldPath: AutoCorrect/Options/All -->
1324 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
1325 <!-- UIHints: Tools AutoCorrect/AutoFormat Options - Replace
1326 1st... -->
1327 <info>
1328 <desc>Specifies if ordinal numbers should be displayed with raised
1329 endings.</desc>
1330 <label>Replace ordinal numbers</label>
1331 </info>
1332 <value>true</value>
1333 </prop>
1334 <prop oor:name="ChangeDash" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1335 <!-- OldPath: AutoCorrect/Options/All -->
1336 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
1337 <!-- UIHints: Tools AutoCorrect/AutoFormat Options - Replace
1338 dashes -->
1339 <info>
1340 <desc>Specifies if minus signs should be replaced by dashes
1341 automatically.</desc>
1342 <label>Replace dashes</label>
1343 </info>
1344 <value>true</value>
1345 </prop>
1346 <prop oor:name="AddNonBreakingSpace" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1347 <!-- OldPath: AutoCorrect/Options/All -->
1348 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
1349 <!-- UIHints: Tools AutoCorrect/AutoFormat Options - Add non-breaking
1350 space -->
1351 <info>
1352 <desc>Adds a non-breaking space before the characters :;!? in
1353 french.</desc>
1354 <label>Add non-breaking space</label>
1355 </info>
1356 <value>true</value>
1357 </prop>
1358 <prop oor:name="TransliterateRTL" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1359 <!-- UIHints: Tools AutoCorrect/AutoFormat Options - Transliterate Hungarian to Old Hungarian -->
1360 <info>
1361 <desc>Transliterates RTL Hungarian text to Old Hungarian script.</desc>
1362 <label>Transliterate RTL text to Old Hungarian</label>
1363 </info>
1364 <value>true</value>
1365 </prop>
1366 <prop oor:name="ChangeAngleQuotes" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1367 <!-- UIHints: Tools AutoCorrect/AutoFormat Options - Replace << and >> with angle quotes -->
1368 <info>
1369 <desc>Specifies if &lt;&lt; or &gt;&gt; should be replaced by angle quotes automatically.</desc>
1370 <label>Replace angle quotes</label>
1371 </info>
1372 <value>true</value>
1373 </prop>
1374 <prop oor:name="RemoveDoubleSpaces" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1375 <!-- OldPath: AutoCorrect/Options/All -->
1376 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
1377 <!-- UIHints: Tools AutoCorrect/AutoFormat Options Ignore Double
1378 Spaces -->
1379 <info>
1380 <desc>Specifies if multiple spaces should be combined into one.</desc>
1381 <label>Ignore double spaces</label>
1382 </info>
1383 <value>false</value>
1384 </prop>
1385 <prop oor:name="CorrectAccidentalCapsLock" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1386 <!-- UIHints: Tools AutoCorrect/AutoFormat Options Correct accidental
1387 use of cAPS LOCK key -->
1388 <info>
1389 <desc>Specifies whether or not to correct accidental use of CAPS lock
1390 key.</desc>
1391 <label>Correct accidental use of cAPS LOCK key</label>
1392 </info>
1393 <value>true</value>
1394 </prop>
1395 <prop oor:name="ReplaceSingleQuote" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1396 <!-- OldPath: AutoCorrect/Options/All -->
1397 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
1398 <!-- UIHints: Tools AutoCorrect/AutoFormat Custom Quotes Single
1400 <info>
1401 <desc>Specifies if single quotes should be replaced.</desc>
1402 <label>Single quotes - Replace</label>
1403 </info>
1404 <value>true</value>
1405 </prop>
1406 <prop oor:name="SingleQuoteAtStart" oor:type="xs:int">
1407 <!-- OldPath: AutoCorrect/Options/All -->
1408 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
1409 <!-- UIHints: Tools AutoCorrect/AutoFormat Custom Quotes Single
1411 <info>
1412 <desc>Specifies the start single quote.</desc>
1413 <label>Start single quote</label>
1414 </info>
1415 </prop>
1416 <prop oor:name="SingleQuoteAtEnd" oor:type="xs:int">
1417 <!-- OldPath: AutoCorrect/Options/All -->
1418 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
1419 <!-- UIHints: Tools AutoCorrect/AutoFormat Custom Quotes Single
1421 <info>
1422 <desc>Specifies the end single quote.</desc>
1423 <label>End Single quote</label>
1424 </info>
1425 </prop>
1426 <prop oor:name="ReplaceDoubleQuote" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1427 <!-- OldPath: AutoCorrect/Options/All -->
1428 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
1429 <!-- UIHints: Tools AutoCorrect/AutoFormat Custom Quotes Double
1431 <info>
1432 <desc>Specifies if double quotes should be replaced.</desc>
1433 <label>Double quotes - Replace</label>
1434 </info>
1435 <value>true</value>
1436 </prop>
1437 <prop oor:name="DoubleQuoteAtStart" oor:type="xs:int">
1438 <!-- OldPath: AutoCorrect/Options/All -->
1439 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
1440 <!-- UIHints: Tools AutoCorrect/AutoFormat Custom Quotes Double
1442 <info>
1443 <desc>Specifies the start quote.</desc>
1444 <label>Start quote</label>
1445 </info>
1446 </prop>
1447 <prop oor:name="DoubleQuoteAtEnd" oor:type="xs:int">
1448 <!-- OldPath: AutoCorrect/Options/All -->
1449 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
1450 <!-- UIHints: Tools AutoCorrect/AutoFormat Custom Quotes Double
1452 <info>
1453 <desc>Specifies the end quote.</desc>
1454 <label>End quote</label>
1455 </info>
1456 </prop>
1457 <group oor:name="Exceptions">
1458 <info>
1459 <desc>Contains settings to apply replacement rules and
1460 exceptions.</desc>
1461 </info>
1462 <prop oor:name="TwoCapitalsAtStart" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1463 <!-- OldPath: AutoCorrect/Options/All -->
1464 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
1465 <!-- UIHints: Tools - AutoCorrect/AutoFormat - Exceptions - Words with
1466 2 initial capitals or small initial -->
1467 <info>
1468 <desc>Specifies if defined words with two initial capital letters
1469 or a small initial letter should not be included in the AutoCorrect
1470 replacement.</desc>
1471 <label>Words with two initial capital letters or a small initial -
1472 Add automatically</label>
1473 </info>
1474 <value>true</value>
1475 </prop>
1476 <prop oor:name="CapitalAtStartSentence" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1477 <!-- OldPath: AutoCorrect/Options/All -->
1478 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
1479 <!-- UIHints: Tools - AutoCorrect/AutoFormat - Exceptions -
1480 Abbreviation -->
1481 <info>
1482 <desc>Specifies if defined abbreviations should be taken into
1483 account to exclude a preceding capital letter.</desc>
1484 <label>Abbreviations (no subsequent capital letter) - Add
1485 automatically</label>
1486 </info>
1487 <value>true</value>
1488 </prop>
1489 </group>
1490 </group>
1491 <group oor:name="Cache">
1492 <info>
1493 <desc>Specifies cache related options.</desc>
1494 </info>
1495 <group oor:name="DrawingEngine">
1496 <info>
1497 <desc>Specifies the cache related options for the drawing
1498 engine.</desc>
1499 </info>
1500 <prop oor:name="OLE_Objects" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
1501 <!-- OldPath: soffice-WorkingSet -->
1502 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
1503 <!-- Notice: MaxOLEObjectsInDrawingEngineMemory -->
1504 <info>
1505 <desc>Determines the maximum number of OLE objects that can be held
1506 in RAM for drawings, presentations and inserted drawing objects. The
1507 fewer OLE objects contained in RAM, the more space is available for
1508 other functions. The more OLE objects in RAM, the faster you can
1509 page through the objects since they do not always need to be loaded
1510 from the hard drive.</desc>
1511 </info>
1512 <value>20</value>
1513 </prop>
1514 </group>
1515 <group oor:name="Writer">
1516 <info>
1517 <desc>Specifies the cache related options for Writer.</desc>
1518 </info>
1519 <prop oor:name="OLE_Objects" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
1520 <!-- OldPath: soffice-WorkingSet -->
1521 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
1522 <!-- Notice: MaxOLEObjectsInSWMemory -->
1523 <info>
1524 <desc>Determines the maximum number of OLE objects that can be held
1525 in RAM for the writer. The fewer OLE objects contained in RAM, the
1526 more space is available for other functions. The more OLE objects in
1527 RAM, the faster you can page through the objects since they do not
1528 always need to be loaded from the hard drive.</desc>
1529 </info>
1530 <value>20</value>
1531 </prop>
1532 </group>
1533 <group oor:name="GraphicManager">
1534 <info>
1535 <desc>Specifies a group of graphic manager cache options.</desc>
1536 <label>Image Manager Cache</label>
1537 </info>
1538 <prop oor:name="TotalCacheSize" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
1539 <info>
1540 <deprecated>Not used anymore</deprecated>
1541 <desc>Specifies the maximum cache size for all graphical display
1542 objects.</desc>
1543 <label>Total Image Cache Size</label>
1544 </info>
1545 <value>400000000</value>
1546 </prop>
1547 <prop oor:name="ObjectCacheSize" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
1548 <info>
1549 <deprecated>Not used anymore</deprecated>
1550 <desc>Specifies the maximum cache size for a single graphic display
1551 object.</desc>
1552 <label>Image Object Cache Size</label>
1553 </info>
1554 <value>12600000</value>
1555 </prop>
1556 <prop oor:name="ObjectReleaseTime" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
1557 <info>
1558 <deprecated>Not used anymore</deprecated>
1559 <desc>Specifies the time in seconds after which a cached object is
1560 freed from the cache.</desc>
1561 <label>Image Object Release Timeout</label>
1562 </info>
1563 <value>600</value>
1564 </prop>
1565 <prop oor:name="GraphicSwappingEnabled" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
1566 <info>
1567 <desc>Whether graphics will be swapped to disk when `GraphicMemoryLimit`
1568 is reached. Disable at your own risk.</desc>
1569 <label>Graphic Swapping Enabled</label>
1570 </info>
1571 <value>true</value>
1572 </prop>
1573 <prop oor:name="GraphicMemoryLimit" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
1574 <info>
1575 <desc>Specifies the allowed cumulated memory that the
1576 graphic objects can occupy before they start to get swapped
1577 to the disk to save memory.</desc>
1578 <label>Graphic Memory Limit Size</label>
1579 </info>
1580 <value>300000000</value>
1581 </prop>
1582 <prop oor:name="GraphicAllowedIdleTime" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
1583 <info>
1584 <desc>Specifies the time in seconds when the graphic object
1585 can be idle (time since it was last used) before it is
1586 considered to be swapped to the disk to save memory.</desc>
1587 <label>Graphic Allowed Idle Time</label>
1588 </info>
1589 <value>10</value>
1590 </prop>
1591 </group>
1592 <group oor:name="Skia">
1593 <info>
1594 <desc>Specifies a group of cache options related to Skia-based drawing.</desc>
1595 </info>
1596 <prop oor:name="ImageCacheSize" oor:type="xs:long" oor:nillable="false">
1597 <info>
1598 <desc>Specifies the maximum cache size in bytes for all images used by Skia-based
1599 drawing code. Larger size may improve drawing performance when using
1600 many large images in software rendering mode.</desc>
1601 <label>Image Cache Size</label>
1602 </info>
1603 <value>64000000</value>
1604 </prop>
1605 </group>
1606 </group>
1607 <group oor:name="Path">
1608 <!--OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
1609 <!--OldPath: Directories and BackupDirectories -->
1610 <!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - Paths -->
1611 <info>
1612 <desc>Contains the current and default path settings used by the
1613 Office.</desc>
1614 </info>
1615 <group oor:name="Current">
1616 <info>
1617 <desc>Contains the global path settings, mainly those of the Options
1618 dialog.</desc>
1619 </info>
1620 <prop oor:name="Addin" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1621 <info>
1622 <desc>Specifies the directory that contains spreadsheet add-ins
1623 which use the old add-in API.</desc>
1624 </info>
1625 <value>$(progpath)/addin</value>
1626 </prop>
1627 <prop oor:name="AutoCorrect" oor:type="oor:string-list">
1628 <info>
1629 <desc>Specifies the settings of the AutoCorrect dialog.</desc>
1630 </info>
1631 <value>
1632 <it>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/autocorr</it>
1633 <it>$(userurl)/autocorr</it>
1634 </value>
1635 </prop>
1636 <prop oor:name="AutoText" oor:type="oor:string-list">
1637 <info>
1638 <desc>Contains the directory which contains the AutoText
1639 modules.</desc>
1640 </info>
1641 <value>
1642 <it>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/autotext/$(vlang)</it>
1643 <it>$(userurl)/autotext</it>
1644 </value>
1645 </prop>
1646 <prop oor:name="Backup" oor:type="xs:string">
1647 <info>
1648 <desc>Stores the automatic backup copies of documents.</desc>
1649 </info>
1650 <value>$(userurl)/backup</value>
1651 </prop>
1652 <prop oor:name="Basic" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
1653 <info>
1654 <desc>Contains the Basic files, which are used by the
1655 AutoPilots.</desc>
1656 </info>
1657 <value>
1658 <it>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/basic</it>
1659 <it>$(userurl)/basic</it>
1660 </value>
1661 </prop>
1662 <prop oor:name="Bitmap" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1663 <info>
1664 <desc>Contains the bitmap files which can be used for menu and
1665 toolbar icons.</desc>
1666 </info>
1667 <value>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/config/symbol</value>
1668 </prop>
1669 <prop oor:name="Config" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1670 <info>
1671 <desc>Contains the configuration files. This value cannot be changed
1672 through the user interface.</desc>
1673 </info>
1674 <value>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/config</value>
1675 </prop>
1676 <prop oor:name="Dictionary" oor:type="xs:string">
1677 <info>
1678 <desc>Contains the provided dictionaries.</desc>
1679 </info>
1680 <value>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/wordbook</value>
1681 </prop>
1682 <prop oor:name="Favorite" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1683 <info>
1684 <desc>Specifies the path to save folder bookmarks.</desc>
1685 </info>
1686 <value>$(userurl)/config/folders</value>
1687 </prop>
1688 <prop oor:name="Filter" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1689 <info>
1690 <desc>Specifies the directory where all the filters are
1691 stored.</desc>
1692 </info>
1693 <value>$(progpath)/filter</value>
1694 </prop>
1695 <prop oor:name="Gallery" oor:type="oor:string-list">
1696 <info>
1697 <desc>Specifies the directory which contains the Gallery database
1698 and multimedia files.</desc>
1699 </info>
1700 <value>
1701 <it>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/gallery</it>
1702 <it>$(userurl)/gallery</it>
1703 </value>
1704 </prop>
1705 <prop oor:name="Graphic" oor:type="xs:string">
1706 <info>
1707 <desc>Specifies the directory that is displayed when the dialog for
1708 opening an image or for saving a new image is called.</desc>
1709 </info>
1710 <value>$(userurl)/gallery</value>
1711 </prop>
1712 <prop oor:name="Help" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1713 <info>
1714 <desc>Specifies the path to the Office help files.</desc>
1715 </info>
1716 <value>$(instpath)/@LIBO_SHARE_HELP_FOLDER@</value>
1717 </prop>
1718 <prop oor:name="Linguistic" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1719 <info>
1720 <desc>Contains the files that are necessary for the
1721 spellcheck.</desc>
1722 </info>
1723 <value>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/dict</value>
1724 </prop>
1725 <prop oor:name="Module" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1726 <info>
1727 <desc>Contains the Office modules.</desc>
1728 </info>
1729 <value>$(progpath)</value>
1730 </prop>
1731 <prop oor:name="Palette" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
1732 <info>
1733 <desc>Specifies the path to the palette files *.SOB to *.SOF
1734 containing user-defined colors and patterns.</desc>
1735 </info>
1736 <value>
1737 <it>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/palette</it>
1738 <it>$(userurl)/config</it>
1739 </value>
1740 </prop>
1741 <prop oor:name="Plugin" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
1742 <info>
1743 <desc>Specifies the directory in which the plugins are saved.</desc>
1744 </info>
1745 <value>
1746 <it>$(progpath)/plugin</it>
1747 </value>
1748 </prop>
1749 <prop oor:name="Storage" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1750 <info>
1751 <deprecated>Without replacement.</deprecated>
1752 <desc>Specifies the location where misc data are stored.</desc>
1753 </info>
1754 <value>$(userpath)/store</value>
1755 </prop>
1756 <prop oor:name="Temp" oor:type="xs:string">
1757 <info>
1758 <deprecated>Replaced by
1759 org.openoffice.Office.Paths/Temp</deprecated>
1760 <desc>Specifies the base directory used by the Office to store temp
1761 files.</desc>
1762 </info>
1763 <value/>
1764 </prop>
1765 <prop oor:name="Template" oor:type="oor:string-list">
1766 <info>
1767 <desc>Specifies the templates originate from these folders and
1768 sub-folders.</desc>
1769 </info>
1770 <value>
1771 <it>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/template/$(vlang)</it>
1772 <it>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/template/common</it>
1773 <it>$(userurl)/template</it>
1774 </value>
1775 </prop>
1776 <prop oor:name="UIConfig" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
1777 <info>
1778 <desc>Specifies additional folders containing a global user
1779 interface configuration. The final user interface configuration is
1780 merged from UserConfig and from these folders.</desc>
1781 </info>
1782 <value>
1783 <it>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/config</it>
1784 </value>
1785 </prop>
1786 <prop oor:name="UserConfig" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1787 <info>
1788 <desc>Specifies the folder with the user settings.</desc>
1789 </info>
1790 <value>$(userurl)/config</value>
1791 </prop>
1792 <prop oor:name="UserDictionary" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1793 <info>
1794 <desc>Contains the custom dictionaries.</desc>
1795 </info>
1796 <value>$(userurl)/wordbook</value>
1797 </prop>
1798 <prop oor:name="Work" oor:type="xs:string">
1799 <info>
1800 <desc>Specifies the path of the work folder, which can be modified
1801 according to the user's needs. The path specified here can be seen
1802 in the Open or Save dialog.</desc>
1803 </info>
1804 <value>$(work)</value>
1805 </prop>
1806 </group>
1807 <group oor:name="Default">
1808 <info>
1809 <desc>Contains the default values of all the paths, which can be
1810 modified according to the user's needs. They are used when pressing
1811 the Standard-button in the Options dialog.</desc>
1812 </info>
1813 <prop oor:name="Addin" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1814 <info>
1815 <desc>Specifies the default directory that contains spreadsheet
1816 add-ins which use the old add-in API.</desc>
1817 </info>
1818 <value>$(progpath)/addin</value>
1819 </prop>
1820 <prop oor:name="AutoCorrect" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
1821 <info>
1822 <desc>Specifies the default directory for the settings of the
1823 AutoCorrect dialog.</desc>
1824 </info>
1825 <value>
1826 <it>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/autocorr</it>
1827 <it>$(userurl)/autocorr</it>
1828 </value>
1829 </prop>
1830 <prop oor:name="AutoText" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
1831 <info>
1832 <desc>Specifies the default directory where the AutoText modules are
1833 located.</desc>
1834 </info>
1835 <value>
1836 <it>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/autotext/$(vlang)</it>
1837 <it>$(userurl)/autotext</it>
1838 </value>
1839 </prop>
1840 <prop oor:name="Backup" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1841 <info>
1842 <desc>Specifies the default directory for the automatic backup
1843 copies of documents.</desc>
1844 </info>
1845 <value>$(userurl)/backup</value>
1846 </prop>
1847 <prop oor:name="Basic" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
1848 <info>
1849 <desc>Specifies the default directory where the Basic files, used by
1850 the AutoPilots, are located.</desc>
1851 </info>
1852 <value>
1853 <it>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/basic</it>
1854 <it>$(userurl)/basic</it>
1855 </value>
1856 </prop>
1857 <prop oor:name="Bitmap" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1858 <info>
1859 <desc>Specifies the default directory where the bitmap files, which
1860 can be used for the menu and toolbar icons, are located.</desc>
1861 </info>
1862 <value>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/config/symbol</value>
1863 </prop>
1864 <prop oor:name="Config" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1865 <info>
1866 <desc>Specifies the default directory where the configuration files
1867 are stored.</desc>
1868 </info>
1869 <value>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/config</value>
1870 </prop>
1871 <prop oor:name="Classification" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1872 <info>
1873 <desc>Contains the URL of the default TSCP BAF policy file.</desc>
1874 </info>
1875 <value>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/classification/example.xml</value>
1876 </prop>
1877 <prop oor:name="Dictionary" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1878 <info>
1879 <desc>Specifies the default directory where the provided
1880 dictionaries are located.</desc>
1881 </info>
1882 <value>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/wordbook/$(vlang)</value>
1883 </prop>
1884 <prop oor:name="Favorite" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1885 <info>
1886 <desc>Specifies the default directory where folder bookmarks are
1887 stored.</desc>
1888 </info>
1889 <value>$(userurl)/config/folders</value>
1890 </prop>
1891 <prop oor:name="Filter" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1892 <info>
1893 <desc>Specifies the default directory where all the filters are
1894 stored.</desc>
1895 </info>
1896 <value>$(progpath)/filter</value>
1897 </prop>
1898 <prop oor:name="Gallery" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
1899 <info>
1900 <desc>Specifies the default directory where the Gallery database and
1901 multimedia files are located.</desc>
1902 </info>
1903 <value>
1904 <it>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/gallery</it>
1905 <it>$(userurl)/gallery</it>
1906 </value>
1907 </prop>
1908 <prop oor:name="Graphic" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1909 <info>
1910 <desc>Specifies the default directory used by the dialog for opening
1911 an image or for saving a new image.</desc>
1912 </info>
1913 <value>$(userurl)/gallery</value>
1914 </prop>
1915 <prop oor:name="Help" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1916 <info>
1917 <desc>Specifies the default directory where Office help files are
1918 located.</desc>
1919 </info>
1920 <value>$(instpath)/@LIBO_SHARE_HELP_FOLDER@</value>
1921 </prop>
1922 <prop oor:name="Linguistic" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1923 <info>
1924 <desc>Specifies the default directory where the files that are
1925 necessary for the spellcheck are saved.</desc>
1926 </info>
1927 <value>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/dict</value>
1928 </prop>
1929 <prop oor:name="Module" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1930 <info>
1931 <desc>Specifies the default directory which contains the Office
1932 modules.</desc>
1933 </info>
1934 <value>$(progpath)</value>
1935 </prop>
1936 <prop oor:name="Palette" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1937 <info>
1938 <desc>Specifies the default directory for the palette files *.SOB to
1939 *.SOF containing user-defined colors and patterns.</desc>
1940 </info>
1941 <value>$(userurl)/config</value>
1942 </prop>
1943 <prop oor:name="Plugin" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
1944 <info>
1945 <desc>Specifies the default directory where the Office plugins are
1946 located.</desc>
1947 </info>
1948 <value>
1949 <it>$(progpath)/plugin</it>
1950 </value>
1951 </prop>
1952 <prop oor:name="Temp" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1953 <info>
1954 <desc>Specifies the default directory that is used as a base
1955 directory for all temporary Office files.</desc>
1956 </info>
1957 <value>$(temp)</value>
1958 </prop>
1959 <prop oor:name="Template" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
1960 <info>
1961 <desc>Specifies the default directory where all provided templates
1962 are located in folders and sub-folders.</desc>
1963 </info>
1964 <value>
1965 <it>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/template/$(vlang)</it>
1966 <it>$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/template/common</it>
1967 <it>$(userurl)/template</it>
1968 </value>
1969 </prop>
1970 <prop oor:name="UIConfig" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
1971 <info>
1972 <desc>Specifies the default directories for the global user
1973 interface configuration. The final user interface configuration is
1974 merged from UserConfig and from these folders.</desc>
1975 </info>
1976 <value/>
1977 </prop>
1978 <prop oor:name="UserConfig" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1979 <info>
1980 <desc>Specifies the default directory which stores the user
1981 settings.</desc>
1982 </info>
1983 <value>$(userurl)/config</value>
1984 </prop>
1985 <prop oor:name="UserDictionary" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1986 <info>
1987 <desc>Specifies the default directory which stores the custom
1988 dictionaries.</desc>
1989 </info>
1990 <value>$(userurl)/wordbook</value>
1991 </prop>
1992 <prop oor:name="Work" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
1993 <info>
1994 <desc>Specifies the default working directory where user stores
1995 documents.</desc>
1996 </info>
1997 <value>$(work)</value>
1998 </prop>
1999 </group>
2000 </group>
2001 <group oor:name="Font">
2002 <info>
2003 <desc>Contains some common settings for fonts.</desc>
2004 </info>
2005 <group oor:name="Substitution">
2006 <info>
2007 <desc>Contains settings for the font substitution.</desc>
2008 </info>
2009 <prop oor:name="Replacement" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2010 <!-- OldPath: FontSubstitution -->
2011 <!-- OldLocation: fntsubst.ini -->
2012 <!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - Font replacement -->
2013 <info>
2014 <desc>Determines if the list of font replacements is applied or
2015 not</desc>
2016 <label>Apply replacement table</label>
2017 </info>
2018 <value>false</value>
2019 </prop>
2020 <set oor:name="FontPairs" oor:node-type="FontReplacement">
2021 <!-- OldPath: FontSubstitution-->
2022 <!-- OldLocation: fntsubst.ini-->
2023 <!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - Font replacement -->
2024 <info>
2025 <desc>Specifies a substitution of the requested font, even if this
2026 font is available on the user's system.</desc>
2027 </info>
2028 </set>
2029 </group>
2030 <group oor:name="View">
2031 <info>
2032 <desc>Contains the settings for the font selection box in the object
2033 bar.</desc>
2034 </info>
2035 <prop oor:name="History" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2036 <!-- OldPath: Desktop/FontHistory -->
2037 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
2038 <!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - View -->
2039 <info>
2040 <desc>Contains the last five fonts, which are shown on the top of a
2041 list, beginning with the last one. This list will be displayed on
2042 the font-name-box of the object bar.</desc>
2043 </info>
2044 <value>true</value>
2045 </prop>
2046 <prop oor:name="ShowFontBoxWYSIWYG" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2047 <!-- OldPath: Desktop/ShowFontBoxWYSIWYG -->
2048 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
2049 <!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - View -->
2050 <info>
2051 <desc>Specifies that the names of the selectable fonts will be
2052 displayed with this font.</desc>
2053 </info>
2054 <value>true</value>
2055 </prop>
2056 </group>
2057 <group oor:name="SourceViewFont">
2058 <info>
2059 <desc>Specifies the font name and height used in HTML source
2060 view</desc>
2061 </info>
2062 <prop oor:name="FontName" oor:type="xs:string">
2063 <info>
2064 <desc>Specifies the name of the font that is used in source views
2065 (HTML source view or BASIC IDE)</desc>
2066 </info>
2067 </prop>
2068 <prop oor:name="FontHeight" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
2069 <info>
2070 <desc>Specifies the height, in points, of the font that is used in
2071 source views (HTML source view or BASIC IDE)</desc>
2072 </info>
2073 <value>10</value>
2074 </prop>
2075 <prop oor:name="NonProportionalFontsOnly" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2076 <info>
2077 <desc>Specifies whether only non-proportional font should be
2078 presented on the dialog page.</desc>
2079 </info>
2080 <value>true</value>
2081 </prop>
2082 </group>
2083 </group>
2084 <group oor:name="Gallery">
2085 <info>
2086 <desc>Specifies Gallery options.</desc>
2087 <label>Gallery Options</label>
2088 </info>
2089 </group>
2090 <group oor:name="Menus">
2091 <info>
2092 <desc>Contains information about configurable menus.</desc>
2093 </info>
2094 <set oor:name="New" oor:node-type="MenuType">
2095 <info>
2096 <desc>Contains all entries of new menu.</desc>
2097 </info>
2098 </set>
2099 <set oor:name="Wizard" oor:node-type="MenuType">
2100 <info>
2101 <desc>Contains all entries of wizard menu.</desc>
2102 </info>
2103 </set>
2104 <set oor:name="HelpBookmarks" oor:node-type="MenuType">
2105 <info>
2106 <desc>Contains all help bookmarks.</desc>
2107 </info>
2108 </set>
2109 <prop oor:name="SendFeedbackURL" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
2110 <info>
2111 <desc>Specifies the URL used with the UNO command SendFeedback (SID_SEND_FEEDBACK).</desc>
2112 </info>
2113 </prop>
2114 <prop oor:name="VolunteerURL" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
2115 <info>
2116 <desc>Specifies the URL opened per click on the brand image at the start center.</desc>
2117 </info>
2118 </prop>
2119 <prop oor:name="QA_URL" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
2120 <info>
2121 <desc>Specifies the URL used with the UNO command QuestionAnswers (SID_Q_AND_A).</desc>
2122 </info>
2123 </prop>
2124 <prop oor:name="DocumentationURL" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
2125 <info>
2126 <desc>Specifies the URL used with the UNO command Documentation (SID_DOCUMENTATION).</desc>
2127 </info>
2128 </prop>
2129 <prop oor:name="GetInvolvedURL" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
2130 <info>
2131 <desc>Specifies the URL used with the UNO command GetInvolved (SID_GETINVOLVED).</desc>
2132 </info>
2133 </prop>
2134 <prop oor:name="DonationURL" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
2135 <info>
2136 <desc>Specifies the URL used with the UNO command Donation (SID_DONATION).</desc>
2137 </info>
2138 </prop>
2139 <prop oor:name="ReleaseNotesURL" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
2140 <info>
2141 <desc>Specifies the URL used with the UNO command WhatsNew (SID_WHATSNEW).</desc>
2142 </info>
2143 </prop>
2144 <prop oor:name="InstallJavaURL" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
2145 <info>
2146 <desc>Specifies the URL used for Install Java message box.</desc>
2147 </info>
2148 </prop>
2149 <prop oor:name="PrivacyPolicyURL" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
2150 <info>
2151 <desc>Specifies the URL for a privacy policy.</desc>
2152 </info>
2153 </prop>
2154 </group>
2155 <group oor:name="History">
2156 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
2157 <info>
2158 <desc>Contains history information.</desc>
2159 </info>
2160 <prop oor:name="HelpBookmarkSize" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
2161 <info>
2162 <desc>Describes the range and current size of the help bookmark
2163 history list.</desc>
2164 </info>
2165 <constraints>
2166 <minInclusive oor:value="0">
2167 <info>
2168 <desc>Defines the minimum range of the help bookmark history
2169 list.</desc>
2170 </info>
2171 </minInclusive>
2172 <maxInclusive oor:value="10000">
2173 <info>
2174 <desc>Defines the maximum range of the help bookmark history
2175 list.</desc>
2176 </info>
2177 </maxInclusive>
2178 </constraints>
2179 <value>10000</value>
2180 </prop>
2181 <prop oor:name="Size" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
2182 <info>
2183 <desc>Describes the range and current size of the history list.</desc>
2184 </info>
2185 <constraints>
2186 <minInclusive oor:value="0">
2187 <info>
2188 <desc>Defines the min range for the history size.</desc>
2189 </info>
2190 </minInclusive>
2191 <maxInclusive oor:value="100">
2192 <info>
2193 <desc>Defines the max range for the history size.</desc>
2194 </info>
2195 </maxInclusive>
2196 </constraints>
2197 <value>100</value>
2198 </prop>
2199 <prop oor:name="PickListSize" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
2200 <!--UI hints: File menu-->
2201 <info>
2202 <desc>Describes the range and current size of the picklist shown
2203 inside the menu.</desc>
2204 </info>
2205 <constraints>
2206 <minInclusive oor:value="0">
2207 <info>
2208 <desc>Defines the min range for the picklist size.</desc>
2209 </info>
2210 </minInclusive>
2211 <maxInclusive oor:value="100">
2212 <info>
2213 <desc>Defines the max range for the picklist size.</desc>
2214 </info>
2215 </maxInclusive>
2216 </constraints>
2217 <value>25</value>
2218 </prop>
2219 <prop oor:name="RecentDocsThumbnail" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2220 <info>
2221 <desc>Specifies whether to generate/show a thumbnail image for RecentDocsView.</desc>
2222 <label>Store/show thumbnails in RecentDocs History</label>
2223 </info>
2224 <value>true</value>
2225 </prop>
2226 <set oor:name="HelpBookmarks" oor:node-type="HistoryType">
2227 <info>
2228 <desc>Contains the most recently opened help documents.</desc>
2229 </info>
2230 </set>
2231 <set oor:name="List" oor:node-type="HistoryType">
2232 <info>
2233 <desc>Contains the most recently opened documents.</desc>
2234 </info>
2235 </set>
2236 <set oor:name="PickList" oor:node-type="HistoryType">
2237 <!--UI hints: File menu-->
2238 <info>
2239 <desc>Contains the most recently used documents displayed in the file
2240 menu.</desc>
2241 </info>
2242 </set>
2243 </group>
2244 <group oor:name="Internal">
2245 <info>
2246 <desc>Contains settings which are used during the Office startup to
2247 check for unfinished work.</desc>
2248 </info>
2249 <set oor:name="RecoveryList" oor:node-type="RecoveryEntry">
2250 <info>
2251 <desc>Contains the documents that were opened when the office
2252 crashed.</desc>
2253 </info>
2254 </set>
2255 </group>
2256 <group oor:name="Save">
2257 <info>
2258 <desc>Contains general settings about the saving process.</desc>
2259 </info>
2260 <prop oor:name="WorkingSet" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2261 <!-- OldPath: General/Restore -->
2262 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
2263 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Save - [Section] Restore editing
2264 view - Open documents-->
2265 <info>
2266 <desc>Specifies if the all open windows and documents should be saved.
2267 If set to true, the URLs of all open documents and all view properties
2268 of all open views are saved when terminating the application.</desc>
2269 <label>Open documents</label>
2270 </info>
2271 <value>false</value>
2272 </prop>
2273 <group oor:name="Document">
2274 <info>
2275 <desc>Contains settings which specify how documents are saved.</desc>
2276 </info>
2277 <prop oor:name="Unpacked" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2278 <!-- UIHints: File - Save/Save As -->
2279 <info>
2280 <desc>Saves OOo 6.0 XML file documents unpacked into a directory.
2281 Documents are represented by the directory content and not by a
2282 single file.</desc>
2283 <label>Save XML files unpacked</label>
2284 </info>
2285 <value>false</value>
2286 </prop>
2287 <prop oor:name="UseUserData" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2288 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
2289 <!-- UIHints: File - Save/Save As -->
2290 <info>
2291 <desc>Specifies if the user's name should be written into the
2292 Properties dialog of the document when saving the document.</desc>
2293 <label>Use data for document properties</label>
2294 </info>
2295 <value>true</value>
2296 </prop>
2297 <prop oor:name="AutoSave" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2298 <!-- OldPath: General/Save/Documents -->
2299 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
2300 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Save - [Section] Save -->
2301 <info>
2302 <desc>Specifies whether all modified documents are automatically
2303 saved in a time interval.</desc>
2304 <label>AutoSave every</label>
2305 </info>
2306 <value>false</value>
2307 </prop>
2308 <prop oor:name="GenerateThumbnail" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2309 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Save - [Section] Save -->
2310 <info>
2311 <desc>Specifies whether to generate a thumbnail image and place it inside the
2312 odf archive file, which makes it possible to see a preview of the document.</desc>
2313 <label>Store a preview of this document</label>
2314 </info>
2315 <value>true</value>
2316 </prop>
2317 <prop oor:name="CreateBackup" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2318 <!-- OldPath: General/Save/Documents -->
2319 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
2320 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Save - [Section] Save -->
2321 <info>
2322 <desc>Specifies whether to create a backup copy when a modified
2323 document is saved.</desc>
2324 <label>Always create backup copy</label>
2325 </info>
2326 <value>false</value>
2327 </prop>
2328 <prop oor:name="EditProperty" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2329 <!-- OldPath: General/Save/Documents -->
2330 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
2331 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Save - [Section] Save -->
2332 <info>
2333 <desc>Specifies if the document properties dialog will be opened for
2334 editing every time a document is saved under a new filename.</desc>
2335 <label>Edit document properties before saving</label>
2336 </info>
2337 <value>false</value>
2338 </prop>
2339 <prop oor:name="AutoSavePrompt" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2340 <!-- OldPath: General/Save/Documents -->
2341 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
2342 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Save - [Section] Save -->
2343 <info>
2344 <desc>Shows a prompt during AutoSave,even when the document has a
2345 filename.</desc>
2346 <label>Prompt to save</label>
2347 </info>
2348 <value>true</value>
2349 </prop>
2350 <prop oor:name="AutoSaveTimeIntervall" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
2351 <!-- OldPath: General/Save/Documents -->
2352 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
2353 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Save - [Section] Save -->
2354 <info>
2355 <desc>Specifies the AutoSave time interval in minutes.</desc>
2356 <label>Minutes</label>
2357 </info>
2358 <constraints>
2359 <minInclusive oor:value="1">
2360 <info>
2361 <desc>Specifies that the minimum time interval is 1 minute.</desc>
2362 </info>
2363 </minInclusive>
2364 <maxInclusive oor:value="60">
2365 <info>
2366 <desc>Specifies that the maximum time interval is 60 minutes.</desc>
2367 </info>
2368 </maxInclusive>
2369 </constraints>
2370 <value>10</value>
2371 </prop>
2372 <prop oor:name="ViewInfo" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2373 <!-- OldPath: General/Restore -->
2374 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
2375 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Save - [Section] Restore
2376 editing view - Document view-->
2377 <info>
2378 <desc>Saves view properties of last active document view when saving
2379 a document.</desc>
2380 <label>Document view</label>
2381 </info>
2382 <value>true</value>
2383 </prop>
2384 <prop oor:name="PrettyPrinting" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2385 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Save - optimize XML file
2386 size-->
2387 <!--the UI setting is inverse to this setting-->
2388 <info>
2389 <desc>Specifies if files saved in the OOo 6.0 XML file formats
2390 should be in pretty printing format. Saving and loading the document
2391 takes more time in pretty printing format.</desc>
2392 <label>Open windows</label>
2393 </info>
2394 <value>false</value>
2395 </prop>
2396 <prop oor:name="WarnAlienFormat" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2397 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Save - -->
2398 <info>
2399 <desc>Specifies if a warning message is shown if a file is going to
2400 be saved to an alien format.</desc>
2401 <label>Open windows</label>
2402 </info>
2403 <value>true</value>
2404 </prop>
2405 <prop oor:name="AlwaysSaveAs" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2406 <info>
2407 <desc>If the option is set, every time a user triggers a plain Save
2408 operation, SaveAs operation with possible additional user
2409 notifications will be started.</desc>
2410 </info>
2411 <value>false</value>
2412 </prop>
2413 <prop oor:name="LoadPrinter" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2414 <!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - Load/Save - General - Load - Load
2415 printer settings with the document -->
2416 <info>
2417 <desc>Specifies if the printer settings will be loaded with the
2418 document.</desc>
2419 </info>
2420 <value>true</value>
2421 </prop>
2422 </group>
2423 <group oor:name="Graphic">
2424 <info>
2425 <desc>Contains settings on how images contained in a document should
2426 be saved.</desc>
2427 </info>
2428 <prop oor:name="Format" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
2429 <!-- OldPath: General/Save/Graphics -->
2430 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
2431 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Save - [Section] Save
2432 graphics -->
2433 <info>
2434 <desc>Specifies how images contained in a document are
2435 saved.</desc>
2436 <label>Save images Normal/Compressed/Original format</label>
2437 </info>
2438 <constraints>
2439 <enumeration oor:value="0">
2440 <info>
2441 <desc>Normal</desc>
2442 </info>
2443 </enumeration>
2444 <enumeration oor:value="1">
2445 <info>
2446 <desc>Compressed</desc>
2447 </info>
2448 </enumeration>
2449 <enumeration oor:value="2">
2450 <info>
2451 <desc>Original format</desc>
2452 </info>
2453 </enumeration>
2454 </constraints>
2455 <value>1</value>
2456 </prop>
2457 <prop oor:name="AddReplacementImages" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2458 <info>
2459 <desc>Export replacement objects as fallback images for vector graphics (True).</desc>
2460 <label>Export replacement objects as fallback images for vector graphics</label>
2461 </info>
2462 <value>true</value>
2463 </prop>
2464 </group>
2465 <group oor:name="URL">
2466 <info>
2467 <desc>Specifies how URLs in documents should be processed during
2468 save.</desc>
2469 </info>
2470 <prop oor:name="FileSystem" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2471 <!-- OldPath: General/Save/URL -->
2472 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
2473 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Save - [Section] Save URLs
2474 relative to -->
2475 <info>
2476 <desc>Specifies whether URLs in documents should be saved relative
2477 to the file system.</desc>
2478 <label>File system</label>
2479 </info>
2480 <value>true</value>
2481 </prop>
2482 <prop oor:name="Internet" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2483 <!-- OldPath: General/Save/URL -->
2484 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
2485 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Save - [Section] Save URLs
2486 relative to -->
2487 <info>
2488 <desc>Specifies if URLs in documents should be saved relative to the
2489 Internet.</desc>
2490 <label>Internet</label>
2491 </info>
2492 <value>true</value>
2493 </prop>
2494 </group>
2495 <group oor:name="ODF">
2496 <info>
2497 <desc>Specifies ODF settings.</desc>
2498 </info>
2499 <prop oor:name="DefaultVersion" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
2500 <!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - Load/Save - General - ODF version -->
2501 <info>
2502 <desc>Specifies the default ODF version for saving documents.</desc>
2503 </info>
2504 <constraints>
2505 <enumeration oor:value="0">
2506 <info>
2507 <desc>ODFVER_UNKNOWN</desc>
2508 </info>
2509 </enumeration>
2510 <enumeration oor:value="1">
2511 <info>
2512 <desc>ODFVER_010</desc>
2513 </info>
2514 </enumeration>
2515 <enumeration oor:value="2">
2516 <info>
2517 <desc>ODFVER_011</desc>
2518 </info>
2519 </enumeration>
2520 <enumeration oor:value="4">
2521 <info>
2522 <desc>ODFVER_012</desc>
2523 </info>
2524 </enumeration>
2525 <enumeration oor:value="8">
2526 <info>
2527 <desc>ODFVER_012_EXT_COMPAT</desc>
2528 </info>
2529 </enumeration>
2530 <enumeration oor:value="9">
2531 <info>
2532 <desc>ODFVER_012_EXTENDED</desc>
2533 </info>
2534 </enumeration>
2535 <enumeration oor:value="10">
2536 <info>
2537 <desc>ODFVER_013</desc>
2538 </info>
2539 </enumeration>
2540 <enumeration oor:value="3">
2541 <info>
2542 <desc>ODFVER_LATEST</desc>
2543 </info>
2544 </enumeration>
2545 </constraints>
2546 <value>3</value>
2547 </prop>
2548 </group>
2549 </group>
2550 <group oor:name="Load">
2551 <info>
2552 <desc>Contains settings regarding the loading of documents.</desc>
2553 </info>
2554 <prop oor:name="UserDefinedSettings" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2555 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Load/Save - General [Section]
2556 Load - Load user-defined with the document-->
2557 <info>
2558 <desc>Specifies whether the user defined configuration settings are
2559 loaded together with the document.</desc>
2560 <label>Load user-defined settings</label>
2561 </info>
2562 <value>true</value>
2563 </prop>
2564 <prop oor:name="ShowOfficeUpdateDialog" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2565 <info>
2566 <desc>Specifies whether the office update dialog should be shown in
2567 case the loaded document has newer ODF version than the maximal
2568 supported one.</desc>
2569 </info>
2570 <value>true</value>
2571 </prop>
2572 <prop oor:name="DetectWebDAVRedirection" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2573 <info>
2574 <desc>Determines whether to use WebDAV when a file is loaded from a mapped WebDAV drive.</desc>
2575 </info>
2576 <value>true</value>
2577 </prop>
2578 </group>
2579 <group oor:name="Security">
2580 <info>
2581 <desc>Contains security specific Office settings.</desc>
2582 </info>
2583 <prop oor:name="LoadExoticFileFormats" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
2584 <info>
2585 <desc>Determines how exotic file formats should be handled.</desc>
2586 </info>
2587 <constraints>
2588 <enumeration oor:value="0">
2589 <info>
2590 <desc>Refuse loading without question</desc>
2591 </info>
2592 </enumeration>
2593 <enumeration oor:value="1">
2594 <info>
2595 <desc>Display a warning and let the user decide</desc>
2596 </info>
2597 </enumeration>
2598 <enumeration oor:value="2">
2599 <info>
2600 <desc>Always load without question</desc>
2601 </info>
2602 </enumeration>
2603 </constraints>
2604 <value>2</value>
2605 </prop>
2606 <prop oor:name="EnableExpertConfiguration" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2607 <info>
2608 <desc>Determines if the user has access to the entire
2609 configuration via the Expert Configuration button.</desc>
2610 </info>
2611 <value>true</value>
2612 </prop>
2613 <group oor:name="OpenPGP">
2614 <info>
2615 <desc>Contains security settings regarding the GnuPG/OpenPGP backend.</desc>
2616 </info>
2617 <prop oor:name="MinimalKeyExport" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2618 <info>
2619 <desc>Determines if the PGPKeyPacket element on signed
2620 documents will contain the full public key (default), or
2621 the potentially much smaller minimal one, without any signatures.</desc>
2622 </info>
2623 <value>false</value>
2624 </prop>
2625 </group>
2626 <group oor:name="Scripting">
2627 <info>
2628 <desc>Contains security settings regarding Basic scripts.</desc>
2629 </info>
2630 <prop oor:name="SecureURL" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
2631 <!-- OldPath: Security/SecureURL -->
2632 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
2633 <!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - Browser -->
2634 <info>
2635 <desc>Lists all trustworthy URLs: file: All scripts from the local
2636 file system including a LAN; private:explorer: Scripts from the
2637 Explorer; private:help: Scripts in the help system; private:newmenu:
2638 Scripts that are executed by the commands File-New and AutoPilot;
2639 private:schedule: Scripts of the scheduler; private:searchfolder:
2640 Scripts of the searchfolder; private:user: Scripts that are entered
2641 in the URL field.</desc>
2642 </info>
2643 <value/>
2644 </prop>
2645 <prop oor:name="OfficeBasic" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
2646 <!-- OldPath: Security/StarBASIC -->
2647 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
2648 <!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - Browser -->
2649 <info>
2650 <desc>Determines how Office Basic scripts should be handled.</desc>
2651 </info>
2652 <constraints>
2653 <enumeration oor:value="0">
2654 <info>
2655 <desc>Never</desc>
2656 </info>
2657 </enumeration>
2658 <enumeration oor:value="1">
2659 <info>
2660 <desc>According to Path List</desc>
2661 </info>
2662 </enumeration>
2663 <enumeration oor:value="2">
2664 <info>
2665 <desc>Always</desc>
2666 </info>
2667 </enumeration>
2668 </constraints>
2669 <value>1</value>
2670 </prop>
2671 <prop oor:name="ExecutePlugins" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2672 <info>
2673 <desc>Specifies whether execution of plugins found inside a document
2674 is allowed.</desc>
2675 </info>
2676 <value>true</value>
2677 </prop>
2678 <prop oor:name="Warning" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2679 <info>
2680 <desc>Specifies whether a warning box should be displayed before
2681 executing a script.</desc>
2682 </info>
2683 <value>false</value>
2684 </prop>
2685 <prop oor:name="Confirmation" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2686 <info>
2687 <desc>Specifies whether the user must confirm before a basic script
2688 can be executed.</desc>
2689 </info>
2690 <value>true</value>
2691 </prop>
2692 <prop oor:name="WarnSaveOrSendDoc" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2693 <info>
2694 <desc>Specifies whether to warn when saving or sending documents with
2695 personal/hidden data.</desc>
2696 </info>
2697 <value>false</value>
2698 </prop>
2699 <prop oor:name="WarnSignDoc" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2700 <info>
2701 <desc>Specifies whether to warn when signing documents with
2702 personal/hidden data.</desc>
2703 </info>
2704 <value>true</value>
2705 </prop>
2706 <prop oor:name="CertDir" oor:type="xs:string">
2707 <info>
2708 <desc>Contains the path to the users NSS certificate directory.</desc>
2709 </info>
2710 </prop>
2711 <prop oor:name="ManualCertDir" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
2712 <info>
2713 <desc>Contains the last path manually selected by the user for the CertDir property.</desc>
2714 </info>
2715 </prop>
2716 <prop oor:name="TSAURLs" oor:type="oor:string-list">
2717 <info>
2718 <desc>Contains the URLs or Time Stamping Authority servers.</desc>
2719 </info>
2720 </prop>
2721 <prop oor:name="WarnPrintDoc" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2722 <info>
2723 <desc>Specifies whether to warn when printing documents with
2724 personal/hidden data.</desc>
2725 </info>
2726 <value>false</value>
2727 </prop>
2728 <prop oor:name="WarnCreatePDF" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2729 <info>
2730 <desc>Specifies whether to warn when creating PDF documents with
2731 personal/hidden data.</desc>
2732 </info>
2733 <value>false</value>
2734 </prop>
2735 <prop oor:name="RemovePersonalInfoOnSaving" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2736 <info>
2737 <desc>Specifies whether to remove personal information on
2738 saving.</desc>
2739 </info>
2740 <value>false</value>
2741 </prop>
2742 <prop oor:name="RecommendPasswordProtection" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2743 <info>
2744 <desc>Specifies whether to recommend password protection when saving
2745 documents.</desc>
2746 </info>
2747 <value>false</value>
2748 </prop>
2749 <prop oor:name="HyperlinksWithCtrlClick" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2750 <info>
2751 <desc>Specifies whether ctrl-click is required to follow
2752 hyperlinks.</desc>
2753 </info>
2754 <value>true</value>
2755 </prop>
2756 <prop oor:name="BlockUntrustedRefererLinks" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2757 <info>
2758 <desc>Specifies whether to block any links originating from
2759 documents that are not among the trusted locations.</desc>
2760 </info>
2761 <value>false</value>
2762 </prop>
2763 <prop oor:name="MacroSecurityLevel" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
2764 <info>
2765 <desc>Level of Macro security.</desc>
2766 </info>
2767 <constraints>
2768 <minInclusive oor:value="0">
2769 <info>
2770 <desc>Lowest level.</desc>
2771 </info>
2772 </minInclusive>
2773 <maxInclusive oor:value="3">
2774 <info>
2775 <desc>Highest level.</desc>
2776 </info>
2777 </maxInclusive>
2778 </constraints>
2779 <value>2</value>
2780 </prop>
2781 <prop oor:name="DisableMacrosExecution" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2782 <info>
2783 <desc>Specifies whether the macro execution is disabled in general.
2784 This will disable Basic, Beanshell, Javascript and Python scripts.
2785 If it is set to true, the "MacroSecurityLevel" is ignored. If it is
2786 set to false, the mentioned entry specified the level of macro
2787 security.</desc>
2788 </info>
2789 <value>false</value>
2790 </prop>
2791 <prop oor:name="CheckDocumentEvents" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2792 <info>
2793 <desc>Warn on load when a document binds an event to a macro</desc>
2794 </info>
2795 <value>true</value>
2796 </prop>
2797 <prop oor:name="AllowedDocumentEventURLs" oor:type="oor:string-list">
2798 <info>
2799 <desc>List of script URLS which are allowed to be called by document events.
2800 Look into content.xml of the odf file to find the URL.
2801 You can either write the full URL, a part of it (starting from the beginning),
2802 or use regular expressions.
2803 Examples:
2804 *;location=user
2805 *
2806 **location=share
2807 * .*location=application.*
2809 When this property is not set, all document event URLs are allowed.
2810 </desc>
2811 </info>
2812 </prop>
2813 <set oor:name="TrustedAuthors" oor:node-type="TrustedAuthor">
2814 <info>
2815 <desc>List with trusted authors.</desc>
2816 </info>
2817 </set>
2818 </group>
2819 </group>
2820 <group oor:name="View">
2821 <info>
2822 <desc>Contains window and dialog settings.</desc>
2823 </info>
2824 <group oor:name="NewDocumentHandling">
2825 <info>
2826 <desc>Contains settings to change new document window behavior.</desc>
2827 </info>
2828 <prop oor:name="ForceFocusAndToFront" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2829 <info>
2830 <desc>Every new document window will be forced to front and grabs
2831 the focus.</desc>
2832 </info>
2833 <value>false</value>
2834 </prop>
2835 </group>
2836 <group oor:name="AppWindow">
2837 <info>
2838 <desc>Contains settings on how the application window should be
2839 displayed.</desc>
2840 </info>
2841 <prop oor:name="FullScreen" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2842 <!-- OldPath: soffice-view/App-Window -->
2843 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
2844 <info>
2845 <desc>Specifies whether the application window should be opened in
2846 Fullscreen mode.</desc>
2847 </info>
2848 <value>false</value>
2849 </prop>
2850 <prop oor:name="Preference" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
2851 <!-- OldPath: soffice-view/App-Window -->
2852 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
2853 <info>
2854 <desc>Specifies the preferred view of the application window.</desc>
2855 </info>
2856 <constraints>
2857 <enumeration oor:value="0">
2858 <info>
2859 <desc>Use last setting</desc>
2860 </info>
2861 </enumeration>
2862 <enumeration oor:value="1">
2863 <info>
2864 <desc>Show in task bar</desc>
2865 </info>
2866 </enumeration>
2867 <enumeration oor:value="2">
2868 <info>
2869 <desc>Open in Fullscreen mode</desc>
2870 </info>
2871 </enumeration>
2872 </constraints>
2873 <value>0</value>
2874 </prop>
2875 </group>
2876 <group oor:name="Dialog">
2877 <info>
2878 <desc>Contains settings which specify how dialogs and toolbars should
2879 be displayed.</desc>
2880 </info>
2881 <prop oor:name="ButtonLarge" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2882 <!-- OldPath: General/View -->
2883 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
2884 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General View [Section] Buttons -->
2885 <info>
2886 <desc>Specifies whether toolbar buttons should be drawn large or
2887 small. True means large.</desc>
2888 <label>Large buttons</label>
2889 </info>
2890 <value>false</value>
2891 </prop>
2892 <prop oor:name="ButtonFlat" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2893 <!-- OldPath: General/View -->
2894 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
2895 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General View [Section] Buttons -->
2896 <info>
2897 <desc>Specifies whether toolbox buttons should be drawn with a flat
2898 or 3D design. True means flat design.</desc>
2899 <label>Flat buttons</label>
2900 </info>
2901 <value>true</value>
2902 </prop>
2903 <prop oor:name="MousePositioning" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
2904 <!-- OldPath: General/View -->
2905 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
2906 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General View [Section] Mouse
2907 positioning -->
2908 <info>
2909 <desc>Determines the automatic mouse positioning on dialogs: 0 -
2910 Default button 1 - Dialog center 2 - No automatic positioning</desc>
2911 <label>Mouse positioning</label>
2912 </info>
2913 <constraints>
2914 <enumeration oor:value="0">
2915 <info>
2916 <desc>Snap To Button</desc>
2917 </info>
2918 </enumeration>
2919 <enumeration oor:value="1">
2920 <info>
2921 <desc>Snap To Middle</desc>
2922 </info>
2923 </enumeration>
2924 <enumeration oor:value="2">
2925 <info>
2926 <desc>No Snap</desc>
2927 </info>
2928 </enumeration>
2929 </constraints>
2930 <value>2</value>
2931 </prop>
2932 <prop oor:name="MiddleMouseButton" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
2933 <!-- OldPath: General/View -->
2934 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General View [Section] Middle mouse
2935 button -->
2936 <info>
2937 <desc>Determines the action assigned to the middle mouse button: 0 -
2938 No action 1 -Auto scroll 2 - Paste selection.</desc>
2939 <label>Middle mouse button</label>
2940 </info>
2941 <constraints>
2942 <enumeration oor:value="0">
2943 <info>
2944 <desc>No action</desc>
2945 </info>
2946 </enumeration>
2947 <enumeration oor:value="1">
2948 <info>
2949 <desc>Auto scroll</desc>
2950 </info>
2951 </enumeration>
2952 <enumeration oor:value="2">
2953 <info>
2954 <desc>Paste selection</desc>
2955 </info>
2956 </enumeration>
2957 </constraints>
2958 <value>1</value>
2959 </prop>
2960 </group>
2961 <group oor:name="Menu">
2962 <info>
2963 <desc>Contains menu view settings.</desc>
2964 </info>
2965 <prop oor:name="DontHideDisabledEntry" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2966 <!-- OldPath: Desktop/DontHideDisabledEntry -->
2967 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
2968 <!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - View -->
2969 <info>
2970 <desc>Shows all deactivated menu entries. Menu commands that are
2971 normally not necessary are hidden by default.</desc>
2972 </info>
2973 <value>true</value>
2974 </prop>
2975 <prop oor:name="IsSystemIconsInMenus" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2976 <info>
2977 <desc>Indicates whether icons in the office menus should
2978 shown/hidden by following the System theme.</desc>
2979 </info>
2980 <value>true</value>
2981 </prop>
2982 <prop oor:name="ShowIconsInMenues" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2983 <!-- OldPath: General/View -->
2984 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General View [Section] Options -->
2985 <info>
2986 <desc>Indicates whether icons in the office menus should be
2987 displayed.</desc>
2988 </info>
2989 <value>true</value>
2990 </prop>
2991 <prop oor:name="FollowMouse" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
2992 <!-- OldPath: General/View -->
2993 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
2994 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General View [Section] Options -->
2995 <info>
2996 <desc>Specifies automatic selection while moving the mouse over a
2997 menu (True).</desc>
2998 <label>Menu follows mouse pointer</label>
2999 </info>
3000 <value>true</value>
3001 </prop>
3002 <prop oor:name="ShortcutsInContextMenus" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
3003 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General View [Section] Options -->
3004 <info>
3005 <desc>Indicates whether keyboard shortcuts should be displayed in
3006 context menus.</desc>
3007 <label>Shortcuts in context menus</label>
3008 </info>
3009 <constraints>
3010 <enumeration oor:value="0">
3011 <info>
3012 <desc>Hide</desc>
3013 </info>
3014 </enumeration>
3015 <enumeration oor:value="1">
3016 <info>
3017 <desc>Show</desc>
3018 </info>
3019 </enumeration>
3020 <enumeration oor:value="2">
3021 <info>
3022 <desc>Use the default setting for the current platform.</desc>
3023 </info>
3024 </enumeration>
3025 </constraints>
3026 <value>2</value>
3027 </prop>
3028 </group>
3029 <group oor:name="Window">
3030 <info>
3031 <desc>Contains settings for general windows used by the Office.</desc>
3032 </info>
3033 <prop oor:name="Drag" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
3034 <!-- OldPath: General/View -->
3035 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
3036 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General View [Section] Display -->
3037 <info>
3038 <desc>Specifies the representation of the window while
3039 dragging.</desc>
3040 <label>Window Drag</label>
3041 </info>
3042 <constraints>
3043 <enumeration oor:value="0">
3044 <info>
3045 <desc>With window contents</desc>
3046 </info>
3047 </enumeration>
3048 <enumeration oor:value="1">
3049 <info>
3050 <desc>Frame only</desc>
3051 </info>
3052 </enumeration>
3053 <enumeration oor:value="2">
3054 <info>
3055 <desc>From system settings</desc>
3056 </info>
3057 </enumeration>
3058 </constraints>
3059 <value>2</value>
3060 </prop>
3061 <prop oor:name="Key" oor:type="xs:int">
3062 <!-- OldPath: soffice_View/Window -->
3063 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
3064 <!-- Notice: LM: Description is missing
3065 5962Window=V1,995/150/280/321,H,0,AL:(16,4,0/0/400/250)#100 -->
3066 <info>
3067 <deprecated/>
3068 <desc>Deprecated.</desc>
3069 </info>
3070 </prop>
3071 <prop oor:name="Version" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
3072 <!-- OldPath: soffice_View/Window -->
3073 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
3074 <!-- Notice: LM: Description is missing -->
3075 <info>
3076 <deprecated/>
3077 <desc>Deprecated.</desc>
3078 </info>
3079 <value/>
3080 <!-- JB: Empty default inserted into empty property node. Remove if
3081 NIL was intended -->
3082 </prop>
3083 <prop oor:name="State" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3084 <!-- OldPath: soffice_View/Window -->
3085 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
3086 <!-- Notice: LM: Description is missing -->
3087 <info>
3088 <deprecated/>
3089 <desc>Deprecated.</desc>
3090 </info>
3091 <value>false</value>
3092 </prop>
3093 <prop oor:name="Flag" oor:type="xs:int">
3094 <!-- OldPath: soffice_View/Window -->
3095 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
3096 <!-- Notice: LM: Description is missing -->
3097 <info>
3098 <deprecated/>
3099 <desc>Deprecated.</desc>
3100 </info>
3101 <constraints>
3102 <enumeration oor:value="01">
3103 <info>
3104 <desc>ZoomIn</desc>
3105 </info>
3106 </enumeration>
3107 <enumeration oor:value="02">
3108 <info>
3109 <desc>Small</desc>
3110 </info>
3111 </enumeration>
3112 <enumeration oor:value="04">
3113 <info>
3114 <desc>ForceDock</desc>
3115 </info>
3116 </enumeration>
3117 <enumeration oor:value="08">
3118 <info>
3119 <desc>AutoHide</desc>
3120 </info>
3121 </enumeration>
3122 <enumeration oor:value="10">
3123 <info>
3124 <desc>Task</desc>
3125 </info>
3126 </enumeration>
3127 <enumeration oor:value="20">
3128 <info>
3129 <desc>CantGetFocus</desc>
3130 </info>
3131 </enumeration>
3132 </constraints>
3133 </prop>
3134 <prop oor:name="UserData" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
3135 <!-- OldPath: soffice_View/Window -->
3136 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
3137 <!-- Notice: LM: Description is missing -->
3138 <info>
3139 <deprecated/>
3140 <desc>Deprecated.</desc>
3141 </info>
3142 <value/>
3143 <!-- JB: Empty default inserted into empty property node. Remove if
3144 NIL was intended -->
3145 </prop>
3146 </group>
3147 <group oor:name="FontAntiAliasing">
3148 <info>
3149 <desc>Font antialiasing properties</desc>
3150 </info>
3151 <prop oor:name="Enabled" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3152 <info>
3153 <desc>Specifies font antialiasing properties</desc>
3154 <label>Font Antialiasing Enabled</label>
3155 </info>
3156 <value>true</value>
3157 </prop>
3158 <prop oor:name="MinPixelHeight" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
3159 <info>
3160 <desc>Specifies an additional limit if Font Antialiasing is enabled.
3161 Fonts that are smaller than the specified limit are not
3162 anti-aliased.</desc>
3163 <label>Font Antialiasing Minimum Pixel Height</label>
3164 </info>
3165 <value>8</value>
3166 </prop>
3167 </group>
3168 </group>
3169 <group oor:name="Undo">
3170 <info>
3171 <desc>Contains the settings regarding the undo operation in the
3172 Office.</desc>
3173 </info>
3174 <prop oor:name="Steps" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
3175 <!-- OldPath: General/Undo -->
3176 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
3177 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Save - [Section] Undo -->
3178 <info>
3179 <desc>Specifies how many operations can be undone in a row.</desc>
3180 <label>Number of steps</label>
3181 </info>
3182 <constraints>
3183 <minInclusive oor:value="1">
3184 <info>
3185 <desc>Specifies the lowest number of undo steps possible.</desc>
3186 </info>
3187 </minInclusive>
3188 <maxInclusive oor:value="1000">
3189 <info>
3190 <desc>Specifies the highest number of undo steps possible.</desc>
3191 </info>
3192 </maxInclusive>
3193 </constraints>
3194 <value>100</value>
3195 </prop>
3196 </group>
3197 <group oor:name="Setup">
3198 <info>
3199 <desc>Specifies options related to the setup.</desc>
3200 </info>
3201 <group oor:name="Language">
3202 <info>
3203 <desc>Specifies options related to the installed languages.</desc>
3204 </info>
3205 <prop oor:name="Locales" oor:type="oor:string-list">
3206 <!--OldPath: OfficeLanguage/[Code]=Installed -->
3207 <!--OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
3208 <!--The string list has to be filled by the setup-->
3209 <info>
3210 <desc>Contains the installed Office languages for the menus and
3211 dialogs.</desc>
3212 </info>
3213 </prop>
3214 </group>
3215 </group>
3216 <group oor:name="Print">
3217 <info>
3218 <desc>Specifies options related to printing.</desc>
3219 </info>
3220 <prop oor:name="PrintingModifiesDocument" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3221 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3222 PrinterOptions -->
3223 <info>
3224 <desc>Specifies if printing a document can modify a document due to
3225 reformatting</desc>
3226 <label>(PrinterOptions) PrintingModifiesDocument</label>
3227 </info>
3228 <value>false</value>
3229 </prop>
3230 <group oor:name="Warning">
3231 <info>
3232 <desc>Contains settings for print specific warnings.</desc>
3233 </info>
3234 <prop oor:name="PaperSize" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3235 <!-- OldPath: General/Print/Warning -->
3236 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
3237 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section] Warnings -->
3238 <info>
3239 <desc>Specifies if a warning should be displayed in case the
3240 printout requires a specific paper size</desc>
3241 <label>(Warnings) Paper size</label>
3242 </info>
3243 <value>false</value>
3244 </prop>
3245 <prop oor:name="PaperOrientation" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3246 <!-- OldPath: General/Print/Warning -->
3247 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
3248 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section] Warnings -->
3249 <info>
3250 <desc>Specifies if a warning should be displayed in case the
3251 printout requires a specific paper orientation</desc>
3252 <label>(Warnings) Paper orientation</label>
3253 </info>
3254 <value>false</value>
3255 </prop>
3256 <prop oor:name="NotFound" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3257 <!-- OldPath: General/Print/Warning -->
3258 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
3259 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section] Warnings -->
3260 <info>
3261 <desc>Specifies if a warning should be displayed in case the printer
3262 defined in the document was not found</desc>
3263 <label>(Warnings) Not found</label>
3264 </info>
3265 <value>false</value>
3266 </prop>
3267 <prop oor:name="Transparency" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3268 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section] Warnings -->
3269 <info>
3270 <desc>Specifies if a warning should be displayed in case the
3271 printout contains transparent objects.</desc>
3272 <label>(Warnings) Transparency</label>
3273 </info>
3274 <value>true</value>
3275 </prop>
3276 </group>
3277 <group oor:name="Option">
3278 <info>
3279 <desc>Specifies the options related to printing.</desc>
3280 </info>
3281 <group oor:name="Printer">
3282 <info>
3283 <desc>Specifies the options related to printing.</desc>
3284 </info>
3285 <prop oor:name="ReduceTransparency" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3286 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3287 PrinterOptions -->
3288 <info>
3289 <desc>Indicates whether to ignore transparency for the output of
3290 objects.</desc>
3291 <label>(PrinterOptions) ReduceTransparency</label>
3292 </info>
3293 <value>false</value>
3294 </prop>
3295 <prop oor:name="ReducedTransparencyMode" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
3296 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3297 PrinterOptions -->
3298 <info>
3299 <desc>Specifies type of transparency reduction: 0 - Automatically
3300 determine reduction, 1 - Always disabled.</desc>
3301 <label>(PrinterOptions) ReducedTransparencyMode</label>
3302 </info>
3303 <value>0</value>
3304 </prop>
3305 <prop oor:name="ReduceGradients" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3306 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3307 PrinterOptions -->
3308 <info>
3309 <desc>Indicates whether to reduce memory usage for output of
3310 gradients by limiting the number of gradient steps.</desc>
3311 <label>(PrinterOptions) ReduceGradients</label>
3312 </info>
3313 <value>false</value>
3314 </prop>
3315 <prop oor:name="ReducedGradientMode" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
3316 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3317 PrinterOptions -->
3318 <info>
3319 <desc>Specifies type of gradient reduction: 0 - reduce the number
3320 of stripes, 1 - reduce to color.</desc>
3321 <label>(PrinterOptions) ReducedGradientMode</label>
3322 </info>
3323 <value>0</value>
3324 </prop>
3325 <prop oor:name="ReducedGradientStepCount" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
3326 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3327 PrinterOptions -->
3328 <info>
3329 <desc>Specifies the maximum number stripes used for output of
3330 gradients.</desc>
3331 <label>(PrinterOptions) ReducedGradientStepCount</label>
3332 </info>
3333 <value>64</value>
3334 </prop>
3335 <prop oor:name="ReduceBitmaps" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3336 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3337 PrinterOptions -->
3338 <info>
3339 <desc>Indicates whether to reduce the memory usage of bitmaps for
3340 print process by limiting the resolution.</desc>
3341 <label>(PrinterOptions) ReduceBitmaps</label>
3342 </info>
3343 <value>false</value>
3344 </prop>
3345 <prop oor:name="ReducedBitmapMode" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
3346 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3347 PrinterOptions -->
3348 <info>
3349 <desc>Specifies type of bitmap reduction: 0 - Automatically
3350 determine optimal resolution, 1 - Use original resolution, 2 -
3351 User defined resolution.</desc>
3352 <label>(PrinterOptions) ReducedBitmapMode</label>
3353 </info>
3354 <value>1</value>
3355 </prop>
3356 <prop oor:name="ReducedBitmapResolution" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
3357 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3358 PrinterOptions -->
3359 <info>
3360 <desc>Specifies resolution of reduced bitmaps: 0 - 72DPI, 1 -
3361 96DPI, 2 - 150DPI, 3 - 200DPI, 4 - 300DPI, 5 - 600DPI.</desc>
3362 <label>(PrinterOptions) ReducedBitmapResolution</label>
3363 </info>
3364 <value>3</value>
3365 </prop>
3366 <prop oor:name="ReducedBitmapIncludesTransparency" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3367 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3368 PrinterOptions -->
3369 <info>
3370 <desc>Indicates whether to reduce the resolution of automatically
3371 created substitution bitmaps of transparent objects.</desc>
3372 <label>(PrinterOptions) ReducedBitmapIncludesTransparency</label>
3373 </info>
3374 <value>true</value>
3375 </prop>
3376 <prop oor:name="ConvertToGreyscales" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3377 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3378 PrinterOptions -->
3379 <info>
3380 <desc>Indicates whether to create only grayscale output of all
3381 objects.</desc>
3382 <label>(PrinterOptions) ConvertToGreyscales</label>
3383 </info>
3384 <value>false</value>
3385 </prop>
3386 <prop oor:name="PDFAsStandardPrintJobFormat" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3387 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3388 PrintFileOptions -->
3389 <info>
3390 <desc>Indicates whether PDF should be the Standard Print Job
3391 format</desc>
3392 <label>(PrinterOptions) PDFAsStandardPrintJobFormat</label>
3393 </info>
3394 <value>true</value>
3395 </prop>
3396 </group>
3397 <group oor:name="File">
3398 <info>
3399 <desc>Specifies the options for printing to a file.</desc>
3400 <label>Print File</label>
3401 </info>
3402 <prop oor:name="ReduceTransparency" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3403 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3404 PrintFileOptions -->
3405 <info>
3406 <desc>Indicates whether to ignore transparency for the output of
3407 objects.</desc>
3408 <label>(PrintFileOptions) ReduceTransparency</label>
3409 </info>
3410 <value>false</value>
3411 </prop>
3412 <prop oor:name="ReducedTransparencyMode" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
3413 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3414 PrintFileOptions -->
3415 <info>
3416 <desc>Indicates the type of transparency reduction: 0 -
3417 Automatically determine reduction, 1 - Always disabled.</desc>
3418 <label>(PrintFileOptions) ReducedTransparencyMode</label>
3419 </info>
3420 <value>0</value>
3421 </prop>
3422 <prop oor:name="ReduceGradients" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3423 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3424 PrintFileOptions -->
3425 <info>
3426 <desc>Indicates whether to reduce memory usage for output of
3427 gradients by limiting the number of gradient steps.</desc>
3428 <label>(PrintFileOptions) ReduceGradients</label>
3429 </info>
3430 <value>false</value>
3431 </prop>
3432 <prop oor:name="ReducedGradientMode" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
3433 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3434 PrintFileOptions -->
3435 <info>
3436 <desc>Indicates the type of gradient reduction: 0 - Reduce the
3437 number of stripes, 1 - Reduce to color.</desc>
3438 <label>(PrintFileOptions) ReducedGradientMode</label>
3439 </info>
3440 <value>0</value>
3441 </prop>
3442 <prop oor:name="ReducedGradientStepCount" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
3443 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3444 PrintFileOptions -->
3445 <info>
3446 <desc>Specifies the maximum number stripes used for output of
3447 gradients.</desc>
3448 <label>(PrintFileOptions) ReducedGradientStepCount</label>
3449 </info>
3450 <value>64</value>
3451 </prop>
3452 <prop oor:name="ReduceBitmaps" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3453 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3454 PrintFileOptions -->
3455 <info>
3456 <desc>Indicates whether to reduce the memory usage of bitmaps for
3457 the print process by limiting the resolution.</desc>
3458 <label>(PrintFileOptions) ReduceBitmaps</label>
3459 </info>
3460 <value>false</value>
3461 </prop>
3462 <prop oor:name="ReducedBitmapMode" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
3463 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3464 PrintFileOptions -->
3465 <info>
3466 <desc>Specifies the type of bitmap reduction: 0 - Automatically
3467 determine optimal resolution, 1 - Use original resolution, 2 -
3468 User defined resolution.</desc>
3469 <label>(PrintFileOptions) ReducedBitmapMode</label>
3470 </info>
3471 <value>1</value>
3472 </prop>
3473 <prop oor:name="ReducedBitmapResolution" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
3474 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3475 PrintFileOptions -->
3476 <info>
3477 <desc>Specifies the resolution of reduced bitmaps: 0 - 72DPI, 1 -
3478 96DPI, 2 - 150DPI, 3 - 200DPI, 4 - 300DPI, 5 - 600DPI.</desc>
3479 <label>(PrintFileOptions) ReducedBitmapResolution</label>
3480 </info>
3481 <value>3</value>
3482 </prop>
3483 <prop oor:name="ReducedBitmapIncludesTransparency" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3484 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3485 PrintFileOptions -->
3486 <info>
3487 <desc>Indicates whether to reduce the resolution of automatically
3488 created substitution bitmaps of transparent objects.</desc>
3489 <label>(PrintFileOptions)
3490 ReducedBitmapIncludesTransparency</label>
3491 </info>
3492 <value>true</value>
3493 </prop>
3494 <prop oor:name="ConvertToGreyscales" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3495 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3496 PrintFileOptions -->
3497 <info>
3498 <desc>Indicates whether to create only grayscale output of all
3499 objects.</desc>
3500 <label>(PrintFileOptions) ConvertToGreyscales</label>
3501 </info>
3502 <value>false</value>
3503 </prop>
3504 <prop oor:name="PDFAsStandardPrintJobFormat" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3505 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - General Print [Section]
3506 PrintFileOptions -->
3507 <info>
3508 <desc>Indicates whether PDF should be the Standard Print Job
3509 format</desc>
3510 <label>(PrintFileOptions) PDFAsStandardPrintJobFormat</label>
3511 </info>
3512 <value>true</value>
3513 </prop>
3514 </group>
3515 </group>
3516 <group oor:name="Dialog">
3517 <info>
3518 <desc>User-settings on the printer dialog</desc>
3519 </info>
3520 <prop oor:name="RangeSectionExpanded" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3521 <info>
3522 <desc>Determines whether the range section should be expanded.</desc>
3523 </info>
3524 <value>false</value>
3525 </prop>
3526 <prop oor:name="LayoutSectionExpanded" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3527 <info>
3528 <desc>Determines whether the layout section should be expanded.</desc>
3529 </info>
3530 <value>false</value>
3531 </prop>
3532 </group>
3533 </group>
3534 <group oor:name="AddXMLToStorage">
3535 <info>
3536 <desc>Contains settings specifying if a XML package is added to the
3537 applications binary files.</desc>
3538 </info>
3539 <prop oor:name="Writer" oor:type="xs:boolean">
3540 <!-- OldPath: AddXMLToStorage_Writer -->
3541 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
3542 <!-- UIHints: no -->
3543 <info>
3544 <desc>Defines if a XML package is added to the Writer binary
3545 files.</desc>
3546 </info>
3547 </prop>
3548 <prop oor:name="Calc" oor:type="xs:boolean">
3549 <!-- OldPath: AddXMLToStorage_Calc -->
3550 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
3551 <!-- UIHints: no -->
3552 <info>
3553 <desc>Defines if a XML package is added to the Calc binary
3554 files.</desc>
3555 </info>
3556 </prop>
3557 <prop oor:name="Impress" oor:type="xs:boolean">
3558 <!-- OldPath: AddXMLToStorage_Impress -->
3559 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
3560 <!-- UIHints: no -->
3561 <info>
3562 <desc>Defines if a XML package is added to the Impress binary
3563 files.</desc>
3564 </info>
3565 </prop>
3566 <prop oor:name="Draw" oor:type="xs:boolean">
3567 <!-- OldPath: AddXMLToStorage_Draw -->
3568 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
3569 <!-- UIHints: no -->
3570 <info>
3571 <desc>Defines if a XML package is added to the Draw binary
3572 files.</desc>
3573 </info>
3574 </prop>
3575 </group>
3576 <group oor:name="UserColors">
3577 <info>
3578 <desc>Contains recent colors and custom colors</desc>
3579 </info>
3580 <prop oor:name="RecentColor" oor:type="oor:int-list" oor:nillable="false">
3581 <info>
3582 <desc>List of Recent colors</desc>
3583 </info>
3584 <value/>
3585 </prop>
3586 <prop oor:name="RecentColorName" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
3587 <info>
3588 <desc>List of Recent color names</desc>
3589 </info>
3590 <value/>
3591 </prop>
3592 <prop oor:name="PaletteName" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
3593 <info>
3594 <desc>Name of selected palette</desc>
3595 </info>
3596 <value>standard</value>
3597 </prop>
3598 <prop oor:name="CustomColor" oor:type="oor:int-list" oor:nillable="false">
3599 <info>
3600 <desc>List of Custom colors</desc>
3601 </info>
3602 <value/>
3603 </prop>
3604 <prop oor:name="CustomColorName" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
3605 <info>
3606 <desc>List of Custom color names</desc>
3607 </info>
3608 <value/>
3609 </prop>
3610 </group>
3611 <group oor:name="RecentCharacters">
3612 <info>
3613 <desc>Contains recent characters</desc>
3614 </info>
3615 <prop oor:name="RecentCharacterList" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
3616 <info>
3617 <desc>List of Recent characters</desc>
3618 </info>
3619 <value/>
3620 </prop>
3621 <prop oor:name="RecentCharacterFontList" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
3622 <info>
3623 <desc>List of Recent character font</desc>
3624 </info>
3625 <value/>
3626 </prop>
3627 </group>
3628 <group oor:name="FavoriteCharacters">
3629 <info>
3630 <desc>Contains Favorite characters</desc>
3631 </info>
3632 <prop oor:name="FavoriteCharacterList" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
3633 <info>
3634 <desc>List of Favorite characters</desc>
3635 </info>
3636 <value>
3637 <it>€</it>
3638 <it>Â¥</it>
3639 <it>£</it>
3640 <it>©</it>
3641 <it>Σ</it>
3642 <it>Ω</it>
3643 <it>≤</it>
3644 <it>≥</it>
3645 <it>∞</it>
3646 <it>Ï€</it>
3647 <it>†</it>
3648 <it>‡</it>
3649 </value>
3650 </prop>
3651 <prop oor:name="FavoriteCharacterFontList" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
3652 <info>
3653 <desc>List of Favorite character font</desc>
3654 </info>
3655 <value>
3656 <it>Liberation Serif</it>
3657 <it>Liberation Serif</it>
3658 <it>Liberation Serif</it>
3659 <it>Liberation Serif</it>
3660 <it>Liberation Serif</it>
3661 <it>Liberation Serif</it>
3662 <it>Liberation Serif</it>
3663 <it>Liberation Serif</it>
3664 <it>Liberation Serif</it>
3665 <it>Liberation Serif</it>
3666 <it>Liberation Serif</it>
3667 <it>Liberation Serif</it>
3668 </value>
3669 </prop>
3670 </group>
3671 <group oor:name="Help">
3672 <info>
3673 <desc>Contains settings that specify the common help settings.</desc>
3674 </info>
3675 <prop oor:name="ShowBasic" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3676 <info>
3677 <desc>Determines whether basic help should be shown.</desc>
3678 </info>
3679 <value>true</value>
3680 </prop>
3681 <prop oor:name="Locale" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
3682 <info>
3683 <desc>Determines the locale for the help pages.</desc>
3684 </info>
3685 <value/>
3686 <!-- JB: Empty default inserted into empty property node. Remove if NIL
3687 was intended -->
3688 </prop>
3689 <prop oor:name="System" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
3690 <info>
3691 <desc>Determines the operating system on which the help system is
3692 displayed.</desc>
3693 </info>
3694 <value/>
3695 <!-- JB: Empty default inserted into empty property node. Remove if NIL
3696 was intended -->
3697 </prop>
3698 <prop oor:name="Tip" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3699 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
3700 <!-- UIHints: Help menu-->
3701 <info>
3702 <desc>Activates the Tip help.</desc>
3703 <label>Tips</label>
3704 </info>
3705 <value>true</value>
3706 </prop>
3707 <prop oor:name="ExtendedTip" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3708 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
3709 <!-- UIHints: Help menu-->
3710 <info>
3711 <desc>Activates the Extended help.</desc>
3712 <label>Extended Tips</label>
3713 </info>
3714 <value>false</value>
3715 </prop>
3716 <prop oor:name="BuiltInHelpNotInstalledPopUp" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3717 <info>
3718 <desc>Activates "Built-in help is not installed" pop-up</desc>
3719 </info>
3720 <value>true</value>
3721 </prop>
3722 <prop oor:name="HelpStyleSheet" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
3723 <info>
3724 <desc>Specifies the name of the stylesheet used to display help
3725 content.</desc>
3726 </info>
3727 <value>Default</value>
3728 </prop>
3729 <prop oor:name="HelpRootURL" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
3730 <info>
3731 <desc>Specifies the root URL to the Office help pages. Blank disables
3732 Help buttons on dialogs in LibreOffice Online.</desc>
3733 </info>
3734 <value></value>
3735 </prop>
3736 <group oor:name="StartCenter">
3737 <info>
3738 <desc>Contains settings for the start center.</desc>
3739 </info>
3740 <prop oor:name="AddFeatureURL" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
3741 <info>
3742 <desc>Contains a string specifying the URL to be browsed for
3743 additional features (e.g. extensions)</desc>
3744 </info>
3745 <value/>
3746 </prop>
3747 <prop oor:name="InfoURL" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
3748 <info>
3749 <desc>Contains a string specifying the URL to be browsed for
3750 information about the product</desc>
3751 </info>
3752 <value/>
3753 </prop>
3754 <prop oor:name="TemplateRepositoryURL" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
3755 <info>
3756 <desc>Contains a string specifying the URL to be browsed for
3757 additional template documents</desc>
3758 </info>
3759 <value/>
3760 </prop>
3761 <prop oor:name="StartCenterThumbnailsBackgroundColor" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
3762 <!-- Default 6710886 = 0x666666 as specified in tdf#90452, comment 45 -->
3763 <info>
3764 <desc>Specifies the background color of the thumbnail area in the start center.</desc>
3765 </info>
3766 <value>6710886</value>
3767 </prop>
3768 <prop oor:name="StartCenterThumbnailsTextColor" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
3769 <!-- Default 15658734 = 0xeeeeee as specified in tdf#90452, comment 45 -->
3770 <info>
3771 <desc>Specifies the text color of the thumbnail area in the start center.</desc>
3772 </info>
3773 <value>15658734</value>
3774 </prop>
3775 <prop oor:name="StartCenterThumbnailsHighlightColor" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
3776 <!-- Default 14540253 = 0xdddddd as specified in tdf#90452, comment 45 -->
3777 <info>
3778 <desc>Specifies the background color of the highlight of a thumbnail in the start center.</desc>
3779 </info>
3780 <value>14540253</value>
3781 </prop>
3782 <prop oor:name="StartCenterThumbnailsHighlightTextColor" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
3783 <!-- Default 3355443 = 0x333333 as specified in tdf#90452, comment 45 -->
3784 <info>
3785 <desc>Specifies the text color of the highlight of a thumbnail in the start center.</desc>
3786 </info>
3787 <value>3355443</value>
3788 </prop>
3789 </group>
3790 </group>
3791 <group oor:name="Vectorize">
3792 <info>
3793 <desc>Specifies the options related to the vectorization of
3794 bitmaps.</desc>
3795 </info>
3796 <prop oor:name="ColorCount" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
3797 <!-- OldPath: Draw_Impress/Vectorize -->
3798 <!-- OldLocation: drawing.cfg -->
3799 <!-- UIHints: Select bitmap =&gt; context menu convert To polygon -->
3800 <info>
3801 <desc>Specifies the number of colors that are used to create a vector
3802 graphic in Draw/Impress [UNIT=count].</desc>
3803 <label>Number of colors</label>
3804 </info>
3805 <constraints>
3806 <minInclusive oor:value="8">
3807 <info>
3808 <desc>Specifies that the lowest number that can be used to create
3809 a vector graphic is 8.</desc>
3810 </info>
3811 </minInclusive>
3812 <maxInclusive oor:value="32">
3813 <info>
3814 <desc>Specifies that the lowest number that can be used to create
3815 a vector graphic is 32.</desc>
3816 </info>
3817 </maxInclusive>
3818 </constraints>
3819 <value>8</value>
3820 </prop>
3821 <prop oor:name="PointReduce" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
3822 <!-- OldPath: Draw_Impress/Vectorize -->
3823 <!-- OldLocation: drawing.cfg -->
3824 <!-- UIHints: Select bitmap =&gt; context menu convert To polygon -->
3825 <info>
3826 <desc>Specifies the number of pixels that you want to combine as a
3827 single pixel when creating a vector graphic.</desc>
3828 <label>Point reduction</label>
3829 </info>
3830 <constraints>
3831 <minInclusive oor:value="0">
3832 <info>
3833 <desc>Specifies the minimum value to reduce point is 0
3834 pixels.</desc>
3835 </info>
3836 </minInclusive>
3837 <maxInclusive oor:value="32">
3838 <info>
3839 <desc>Specifies the maximum value to reduce point is 32
3840 pixels.</desc>
3841 </info>
3842 </maxInclusive>
3843 </constraints>
3844 <value>0</value>
3845 </prop>
3846 <prop oor:name="FillHole" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3847 <!-- OldPath: Draw_Impress/Vectorize -->
3848 <!-- OldLocation: drawing.cfg -->
3849 <!-- UIHints: Select bitmap => context menu convert To polygon -->
3850 <info>
3851 <desc>Indicates whether to create a tiled background before
3852 vectorizing.</desc>
3853 <label>Fill holes</label>
3854 </info>
3855 <value>false</value>
3856 </prop>
3857 <prop oor:name="TileExtent" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
3858 <!-- OldPath: Draw_Impress/Vectorize -->
3859 <!-- OldLocation: drawing.cfg -->
3860 <!-- UIHints: Select bitmap => context menu convert To polygon -->
3861 <info>
3862 <desc>Specifies the extent of background tiles that are used for
3863 vectorizing [UNIT=pixel].</desc>
3864 <label>Tile extent</label>
3865 </info>
3866 <constraints>
3867 <minInclusive oor:value="8">
3868 <info>
3869 <desc>Specifies that the minimum extent is 8 pixels.</desc>
3870 </info>
3871 </minInclusive>
3872 <maxInclusive oor:value="128">
3873 <info>
3874 <desc>Specifies that the maximum extent is 128 pixels.</desc>
3875 </info>
3876 </maxInclusive>
3877 </constraints>
3878 <value>32</value>
3879 </prop>
3880 </group>
3881 <group oor:name="DateFormat">
3882 <info>
3883 <desc>Specifies settings for the date formats used.</desc>
3884 </info>
3885 <prop oor:name="TwoDigitYear" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
3886 <!-- OldPath: General/Other -->
3887 <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
3888 <!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - Other - Year (two digits) -->
3889 <info>
3890 <desc>Specifies the first year that can be entered using
3891 two-digit-year date formats.</desc>
3892 <label>First two-digit year</label>
3893 </info>
3894 <value>1930</value>
3895 </prop>
3896 </group>
3897 <group oor:name="Filter">
3898 <info>
3899 <desc>Specifies default settings of Microsoft-, Graphic- and HTML
3900 filters.</desc>
3901 </info>
3902 <group oor:name="Adobe">
3903 <info>
3904 <desc>Specifies default settings of Adobe filters.</desc>
3905 </info>
3906 <group oor:name="Import">
3907 <info>
3908 <desc>Specifies default settings of Adobe import filters.</desc>
3909 </info>
3910 <prop oor:name="PDFToDraw" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3911 <info>
3912 <desc>Specifies if convertible PDF OLE objects are converted
3913 into Draw objects.</desc>
3914 </info>
3915 <value>true</value>
3916 </prop>
3917 </group>
3918 </group>
3919 <group oor:name="Microsoft">
3920 <info>
3921 <desc>Specifies default settings of Microsoft filters.</desc>
3922 </info>
3923 <group oor:name="Import">
3924 <info>
3925 <desc>Specifies default settings of Microsoft import filters.</desc>
3926 </info>
3927 <prop oor:name="MathTypeToMath" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3928 <info>
3929 <desc>Specifies if convertible MathType OLE objects are converted
3930 into Math objects.</desc>
3931 </info>
3932 <value>true</value>
3933 </prop>
3934 <prop oor:name="WinWordToWriter" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3935 <info>
3936 <desc>Specifies if convertible WinWord OLE objects are converted
3937 into Writer objects.</desc>
3938 </info>
3939 <value>true</value>
3940 </prop>
3941 <prop oor:name="ExcelToCalc" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3942 <info>
3943 <desc>Specifies if convertible Excel OLE objects are converted
3944 into Calc objects.</desc>
3945 </info>
3946 <value>true</value>
3947 </prop>
3948 <prop oor:name="PowerPointToImpress" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3949 <info>
3950 <desc>Specifies if convertible PowerPoint OLE objects are
3951 converted into Impress objects.</desc>
3952 </info>
3953 <value>true</value>
3954 </prop>
3955 <prop oor:name="SmartArtToShapes" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3956 <info>
3957 <desc>Specifies if OOXML SmartArt objects are converted into LO shapes.</desc>
3958 </info>
3959 <value>false</value>
3960 </prop>
3961 <prop oor:name="ImportWWFieldsAsEnhancedFields" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3962 <info>
3963 <desc>Flag to control use of enhanced fields.</desc>
3964 </info>
3965 <value>true</value>
3966 </prop>
3967 <prop oor:name="ForceImportWWFieldsAsGenericFields" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3968 <info>
3969 <desc>Experimental: force all fields in RTF/DOCX to be imported as dumb generic enhanced fields.</desc>
3970 </info>
3971 <value>false</value>
3972 </prop>
3973 <prop oor:name="CreateMSOLockFiles" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3974 <info>
3975 <desc>Specifies if LO should create MSO lock files next to the LO lock files
3976 when opening a file. This makes MSO to be able to read the user name from
3977 the lock file and show it for the user.</desc>
3978 </info>
3979 <value>false</value>
3980 </prop>
3981 <prop oor:name="VisioToDraw" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3982 <info>
3983 <desc>Specifies if convertible Visio OLE objects are converted
3984 into Draw objects.</desc>
3985 </info>
3986 <value>true</value>
3987 </prop>
3988 </group>
3989 <group oor:name="Export">
3990 <info>
3991 <desc>Specifies default settings of Microsoft export filters.</desc>
3992 </info>
3993 <prop oor:name="MathToMathType" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
3994 <info>
3995 <desc>Specifies if embedded Math objects are converted into
3996 MathType objects.</desc>
3997 </info>
3998 <value>true</value>
3999 </prop>
4000 <prop oor:name="WriterToWinWord" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
4001 <info>
4002 <desc>Specifies if embedded Writer objects are converted into
4003 WinWord objects.</desc>
4004 </info>
4005 <value>true</value>
4006 </prop>
4007 <prop oor:name="CalcToExcel" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
4008 <info>
4009 <desc>Specifies if embedded Calc objects are converted into Excel
4010 objects.</desc>
4011 </info>
4012 <value>true</value>
4013 </prop>
4014 <prop oor:name="ImpressToPowerPoint" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
4015 <info>
4016 <desc>Specifies if embedded Impress objects are converted into
4017 PowerPoint objects.</desc>
4018 </info>
4019 <value>true</value>
4020 </prop>
4021 <prop oor:name="EnablePowerPointPreview" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
4022 <info>
4023 <desc>Specifies if previews are created when saving PowerPoint
4024 documents.</desc>
4025 </info>
4026 <value>true</value>
4027 </prop>
4028 <prop oor:name="EnableExcelPreview" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
4029 <info>
4030 <desc>Specifies if previews are created when saving Excel
4031 documents.</desc>
4032 </info>
4033 <value>false</value>
4034 </prop>
4035 <prop oor:name="EnableWordPreview" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
4036 <info>
4037 <desc>Specifies if previews are created when saving Word
4038 documents.</desc>
4039 </info>
4040 <value>false</value>
4041 </prop>
4042 <prop oor:name="CharBackgroundToHighlighting" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
4043 <info>
4044 <desc>Specifies if character background is exported as highlighting
4045 (and not as shading) when saving to Word document</desc>
4046 </info>
4047 <value>false</value>
4048 </prop>
4049 </group>
4050 </group>
4051 <group oor:name="Graphic">
4052 <info>
4053 <desc>Specifies default settings of graphic import and export
4054 dialogs.</desc>
4055 </info>
4056 <group oor:name="Import">
4057 <info>
4058 <desc>Specifies default settings of graphic import dialogs.</desc>
4059 </info>
4060 <group oor:name="PCD">
4061 <info>
4062 <desc>Specifies default settings of the PCD - Photo CD Base import
4063 dialog.</desc>
4064 </info>
4065 <prop oor:name="Resolution" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4066 <!-- OldPath: PCD-IMPORT-RESOLUTION -->
4067 <!-- OldLocation: fltopt.ini -->
4068 <info>
4069 <desc>Specifies import resolution of PCD graphics.</desc>
4070 <label>Resolution - Base16 / Base4 / Base</label>
4071 </info>
4072 <constraints>
4073 <enumeration oor:value="0">
4074 <info>
4075 <desc>PCD-Base16, 192*128 PCD graphic.</desc>
4076 </info>
4077 </enumeration>
4078 <enumeration oor:value="1">
4079 <info>
4080 <desc>PCD-Base4, 384*256 PCD graphic.</desc>
4081 </info>
4082 </enumeration>
4083 <enumeration oor:value="2">
4084 <info>
4085 <desc>PCD-Base, 768*512 PCD graphic.</desc>
4086 </info>
4087 </enumeration>
4088 </constraints>
4089 <value>2</value>
4090 </prop>
4091 </group>
4092 </group>
4093 <group oor:name="Export">
4094 <info>
4095 <desc>Specifies default settings of graphic export dialogs.</desc>
4096 </info>
4097 <prop oor:name="PixelExportUnit" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4098 <info>
4099 <desc>Specifies the unit default that is used in the graphic
4100 export dialog if exporting pixel graphics.</desc>
4101 </info>
4102 <constraints>
4103 <enumeration oor:value="0">
4104 <info>
4105 <desc>inches</desc>
4106 </info>
4107 </enumeration>
4108 <enumeration oor:value="1">
4109 <info>
4110 <desc>cm</desc>
4111 </info>
4112 </enumeration>
4113 <enumeration oor:value="2">
4114 <info>
4115 <desc>mm</desc>
4116 </info>
4117 </enumeration>
4118 <enumeration oor:value="3">
4119 <info>
4120 <desc>points</desc>
4121 </info>
4122 </enumeration>
4123 <enumeration oor:value="4">
4124 <info>
4125 <desc>pica</desc>
4126 </info>
4127 </enumeration>
4128 <enumeration oor:value="5">
4129 <info>
4130 <desc>pixels</desc>
4131 </info>
4132 </enumeration>
4133 <enumeration oor:value="-1">
4134 <info>
4135 <desc>default (depends to the metric settings in
4136 tools/options)</desc>
4137 </info>
4138 </enumeration>
4139 </constraints>
4140 <value>-1</value>
4141 </prop>
4142 <prop oor:name="PixelExportResolutionUnit" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4143 <info>
4144 <desc>Specifies the unit default for the resolution that is used
4145 in the graphic export dialog if exporting pixel
4146 graphics.</desc>
4147 </info>
4148 <constraints>
4149 <enumeration oor:value="0">
4150 <info>
4151 <desc>pixels/inch</desc>
4152 </info>
4153 </enumeration>
4154 <enumeration oor:value="1">
4155 <info>
4156 <desc>pixels/cm</desc>
4157 </info>
4158 </enumeration>
4159 <enumeration oor:value="2">
4160 <info>
4161 <desc>pixels/meter</desc>
4162 </info>
4163 </enumeration>
4164 </constraints>
4165 <value>0</value>
4166 </prop>
4167 <prop oor:name="PixelExportResolution" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4168 <info>
4169 <desc>Specifies the logical width of a graphic.
4170 [UNIT=1/100 mm].</desc>
4171 </info>
4172 <constraints>
4173 <minInclusive oor:value="1">
4174 <info>
4175 <desc>Represents the lowest value that can be entered in the
4176 dialog.</desc>
4177 </info>
4178 </minInclusive>
4179 </constraints>
4180 <value>96</value>
4181 </prop>
4182 <prop oor:name="MaxFilesizeForRealtimePreview" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4183 <info>
4184 <desc>Specifies the maximum raw graphic size in bytes up to which
4185 the realtime preview is enabled, for fast computers this value may
4186 be enlarged</desc>
4187 </info>
4188 <value>4000000</value>
4189 </prop>
4190 <prop oor:name="VectorExportUnit" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4191 <info>
4192 <desc>Specifies the unit default that is used in the graphic
4193 export dialog if exporting vector graphics.</desc>
4194 </info>
4195 <constraints>
4196 <enumeration oor:value="0">
4197 <info>
4198 <desc>inches</desc>
4199 </info>
4200 </enumeration>
4201 <enumeration oor:value="1">
4202 <info>
4203 <desc>cm</desc>
4204 </info>
4205 </enumeration>
4206 <enumeration oor:value="2">
4207 <info>
4208 <desc>mm</desc>
4209 </info>
4210 </enumeration>
4211 <enumeration oor:value="3">
4212 <info>
4213 <desc>points</desc>
4214 </info>
4215 </enumeration>
4216 <enumeration oor:value="4">
4217 <info>
4218 <desc>pica</desc>
4219 </info>
4220 </enumeration>
4221 <enumeration oor:value="-1">
4222 <info>
4223 <desc>default (depends to the metric settings in
4224 tools/options)</desc>
4225 </info>
4226 </enumeration>
4227 </constraints>
4228 <value>-1</value>
4229 </prop>
4230 <group oor:name="BMP">
4231 <info>
4232 <desc>Specifies default settings of the Windows Bitmap export
4233 dialog.</desc>
4234 </info>
4235 <prop oor:name="Color" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4236 <!-- OldLocation: fltopt.ini -->
4237 <!-- UIHints: File Export Filetype BMP-MS Windows - [dialog]
4238 BMP Options -->
4239 <info>
4240 <desc>Specifies the number of colors that are to be used for the
4241 export.</desc>
4242 <label>Color resolution</label>
4243 </info>
4244 <constraints>
4245 <enumeration oor:value="0">
4246 <info>
4247 <desc>Original</desc>
4248 </info>
4249 </enumeration>
4250 <enumeration oor:value="1">
4251 <info>
4252 <desc>1 bit, 1 bit threshold</desc>
4253 </info>
4254 </enumeration>
4255 <enumeration oor:value="2">
4256 <info>
4257 <desc>1 bit, 1 bit dithered</desc>
4258 </info>
4259 </enumeration>
4260 <enumeration oor:value="3">
4261 <info>
4262 <desc>4 bit, 4 bit grayscale</desc>
4263 </info>
4264 </enumeration>
4265 <enumeration oor:value="4">
4266 <info>
4267 <desc>4 bit, 4 bit color palette</desc>
4268 </info>
4269 </enumeration>
4270 <enumeration oor:value="5">
4271 <info>
4272 <desc>8 bit, 8 bit grayscale color</desc>
4273 </info>
4274 </enumeration>
4275 <enumeration oor:value="6">
4276 <info>
4277 <desc>8 bit, 8 bit color palette</desc>
4278 </info>
4279 </enumeration>
4280 <enumeration oor:value="7">
4281 <info>
4282 <desc>24 bit, 24 bit true color</desc>
4283 </info>
4284 </enumeration>
4285 </constraints>
4286 <value>0</value>
4287 </prop>
4288 <prop oor:name="RLE_Coding" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
4289 <!-- OldPath: BMP-RLE_CODING -->
4290 <!-- OldLocation: fltopt.ini -->
4291 <!-- UIHints: File Export Filetype BMP-MS Windows - [dialog]
4292 BMP Options -->
4293 <info>
4294 <desc>Specifies if Run-Length-Encoding should be used in the
4295 export.</desc>
4296 <label>RLE coding</label>
4297 </info>
4298 <value>true</value>
4299 </prop>
4300 </group>
4301 <group oor:name="EPS">
4302 <!-- OldLocation: fltopt.ini -->
4303 <!-- UIHints: File Export Filetype File Export Filetype
4304 EPS-Encapsulated Postscript -->
4305 <info>
4306 <desc>Specifies default settings of the EPS - Encapsulated
4307 Postscript export dialog.</desc>
4308 </info>
4309 <prop oor:name="Preview" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4310 <info>
4311 <desc>Specifies if a preview graphic should be exported together
4312 with the Encapsulated PostScript file. Due to the fact that most
4313 programs can't render eps graphics, it is useful to provide a
4314 preview that can be displayed as replacement. The preview
4315 graphic will also be printed if the printer is not capable of
4316 Postscript.</desc>
4317 <label>Preview - Picture preview (TIFF) / Interchange
4318 (EPSI)</label>
4319 </info>
4320 <constraints>
4321 <enumeration oor:value="0">
4322 <info>
4323 <desc>None</desc>
4324 </info>
4325 </enumeration>
4326 <enumeration oor:value="1">
4327 <info>
4328 <desc>TIFF</desc>
4329 </info>
4330 </enumeration>
4331 <enumeration oor:value="2">
4332 <info>
4333 <desc>Interchange (EPSI) - 1 bit color resolution</desc>
4334 </info>
4335 </enumeration>
4336 <enumeration oor:value="3">
4337 <info>
4338 <desc>TIFF and EPSI</desc>
4339 </info>
4340 </enumeration>
4341 </constraints>
4342 <value>0</value>
4343 </prop>
4344 <prop oor:name="Version" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4345 <info>
4346 <desc>Specifies the PostScript version that has to be used for
4347 the EPS export. Because not every PostScript printer is capable
4348 of version 2 PostScript, it is sometimes necessary to create
4349 version 1 PostScript graphics. PostScript Level 1 does not
4350 support color and bitmap compression.</desc>
4351 <label>Version - Level 1 / Level 2</label>
4352 </info>
4353 <constraints>
4354 <enumeration oor:value="1">
4355 <info>
4356 <desc>Version 1 PostScript</desc>
4357 </info>
4358 </enumeration>
4359 <enumeration oor:value="2">
4360 <info>
4361 <desc>Version 2 PostScript</desc>
4362 </info>
4363 </enumeration>
4364 </constraints>
4365 <value>2</value>
4366 </prop>
4367 <prop oor:name="ColorFormat" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4368 <info>
4369 <desc>Specifies if color or grayscale format is used for the EPS
4370 export. This option is not available for version 1 PostScript
4371 files.</desc>
4372 <label>Color format - Color / Grayscale</label>
4373 </info>
4374 <constraints>
4375 <enumeration oor:value="1">
4376 <info>
4377 <desc>Color format</desc>
4378 </info>
4379 </enumeration>
4380 <enumeration oor:value="2">
4381 <info>
4382 <desc>Grayscale format</desc>
4383 </info>
4384 </enumeration>
4385 </constraints>
4386 <value>2</value>
4387 </prop>
4388 <prop oor:name="CompressionMode" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4389 <info>
4390 <desc>Specifies if bitmaps are exported by using the LZW (Lempel
4391 - Ziv - Welch) compression algorithm. Compression is only
4392 available for level 2 PostScript files.</desc>
4393 <label>Compression - LZW encoding / None</label>
4394 </info>
4395 <constraints>
4396 <enumeration oor:value="1">
4397 <info>
4398 <desc>LZW compression</desc>
4399 </info>
4400 </enumeration>
4401 <enumeration oor:value="2">
4402 <info>
4403 <desc>No compression</desc>
4404 </info>
4405 </enumeration>
4406 </constraints>
4407 <value>2</value>
4408 </prop>
4409 <prop oor:name="TextMode" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4410 <info>
4411 <desc>Specifies if glyph outlines are exported. They produce the
4412 highest quality and it is the only possible way to create EPS
4413 files that are CJK compliant. Not using glyphs will produce
4414 smaller files, but it might lead to problems if not all fonts
4415 are available during printing.</desc>
4416 <label>Export text using glyph outlines - always / never</label>
4417 </info>
4418 <constraints>
4419 <enumeration oor:value="0">
4420 <info>
4421 <desc>Glyph outlines</desc>
4422 </info>
4423 </enumeration>
4424 <enumeration oor:value="1">
4425 <info>
4426 <desc>No glyph outlines</desc>
4427 </info>
4428 </enumeration>
4429 </constraints>
4430 <value>0</value>
4431 </prop>
4432 </group>
4433 <group oor:name="GIF">
4434 <info>
4435 <desc>Specifies default settings of the GIF - Graphics Interchange
4436 export dialog.</desc>
4437 </info>
4438 <prop oor:name="Interlaced" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4439 <!-- OldPath: GIF-EXPORT-INTERLACED -->
4440 <!-- OldLocation: fltopt.ini -->
4441 <!-- UIHints: File Export Filetype GIF-Graphics Interchange -->
4442 <info>
4443 <desc>Specifies if graphics should be exported using interlace.
4444 It is recommended for big pictures to activate interlace, so the
4445 content can be displayed immediately when loading the
4446 picture.</desc>
4447 </info>
4448 <constraints>
4449 <enumeration oor:value="0">
4450 <info>
4451 <desc>Deactivate</desc>
4452 </info>
4453 </enumeration>
4454 <enumeration oor:value="1">
4455 <info>
4456 <desc>Activate</desc>
4457 </info>
4458 </enumeration>
4459 </constraints>
4460 <value>1</value>
4461 </prop>
4462 <prop oor:name="Translucent" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4463 <!-- OldPath: GIF-EXPORT-TRANSLUCENT -->
4464 <!-- OldLocation: fltopt.ini -->
4465 <!-- UIHints: File Export Filetype GIF-Graphics Interchange -->
4466 <info>
4467 <desc>Specifies if the graphic background is stored as
4468 transparent.</desc>
4469 </info>
4470 <constraints>
4471 <enumeration oor:value="0">
4472 <info>
4473 <desc>No transparency</desc>
4474 </info>
4475 </enumeration>
4476 <enumeration oor:value="1">
4477 <info>
4478 <desc>Transparency</desc>
4479 </info>
4480 </enumeration>
4481 </constraints>
4482 <value>1</value>
4483 </prop>
4484 </group>
4485 <group oor:name="JPG">
4486 <info>
4487 <desc>Specifies default settings of the JPEG - Joint Photographic
4488 Experts Group export dialog.</desc>
4489 </info>
4490 <prop oor:name="Quality" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4491 <!-- OldPath: JPG-EXPORT-QUALITY -->
4492 <!-- OldLocation: fltopt.ini -->
4493 <!-- UIHints: File Export Filetype JPG-JPEG -->
4494 <info>
4495 <desc>Specifies quality of the JPG export. A higher value
4496 results in higher quality and file size.</desc>
4497 </info>
4498 <constraints>
4499 <minInclusive oor:value="1">
4500 <info>
4501 <desc>Represents lowest value that can be used. The lower
4502 the value, the less good is the compression quality and the
4503 bigger is be the file size.</desc>
4504 </info>
4505 </minInclusive>
4506 <maxInclusive oor:value="100">
4507 <info>
4508 <desc>Represents highest value that can be used. The higher
4509 the value, the better is the compression quality and the
4510 smaller is the file size.</desc>
4511 </info>
4512 </maxInclusive>
4513 </constraints>
4514 <value>75</value>
4515 </prop>
4516 <prop oor:name="ColorMode" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4517 <!-- OldPath: JPG_EXPORT_COLORMODE -->
4518 <!-- OldLocation: fltopt.ini -->
4519 <!-- UIHints: File Export Filetype JPG-JPEG -->
4520 <info>
4521 <desc>Specifies if graphics are exported using true color or
4522 grayscale.</desc>
4523 </info>
4524 <constraints>
4525 <enumeration oor:value="0">
4526 <info>
4527 <desc>True colors</desc>
4528 </info>
4529 </enumeration>
4530 <enumeration oor:value="1">
4531 <info>
4532 <desc>Grayscale</desc>
4533 </info>
4534 </enumeration>
4535 </constraints>
4536 <value>0</value>
4537 </prop>
4538 </group>
4539 <group oor:name="PBM">
4540 <info>
4541 <desc>Specifies default settings of the PBM - Portable Bitmap
4542 export dialog.</desc>
4543 </info>
4544 <prop oor:name="FileFormat" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4545 <!-- OldPath: PBM-EXPORT-FORMAT -->
4546 <!-- OldLocation: fltopt.ini -->
4547 <!-- UIHints: File Export Filetype PBM-Portable Bitmap -->
4548 <info>
4549 <desc>Specifies if graphics are exported to binary- or ASCII
4550 format.</desc>
4551 </info>
4552 <constraints>
4553 <enumeration oor:value="0">
4554 <info>
4555 <desc>Binary</desc>
4556 </info>
4557 </enumeration>
4558 <enumeration oor:value="1">
4559 <info>
4560 <desc>ASCII</desc>
4561 </info>
4562 </enumeration>
4563 </constraints>
4564 <value>1</value>
4565 </prop>
4566 </group>
4567 <group oor:name="PGM">
4568 <info>
4569 <desc>Specifies default settings of the PGM - Portable Graymap
4570 export dialog.</desc>
4571 </info>
4572 <prop oor:name="FileFormat" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4573 <!-- OldPath: PGM-EXPORT-FORMAT -->
4574 <!-- OldLocation: fltopt.ini -->
4575 <!-- UIHints: File Export Filetype PGM-Portable Graymap -->
4576 <info>
4577 <desc>Specifies if graphics are exported to a binary- or ASCII
4578 format.</desc>
4579 </info>
4580 <constraints>
4581 <enumeration oor:value="0">
4582 <info>
4583 <desc>Binary</desc>
4584 </info>
4585 </enumeration>
4586 <enumeration oor:value="1">
4587 <info>
4588 <desc>ASCII</desc>
4589 </info>
4590 </enumeration>
4591 </constraints>
4592 <value>1</value>
4593 </prop>
4594 </group>
4595 <group oor:name="PPM">
4596 <info>
4597 <desc>Specifies default settings of the PPM - Portable Pixelmap
4598 export dialog.</desc>
4599 </info>
4600 <prop oor:name="FileFormat" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4601 <!-- OldPath: PPM-EXPORT-FORMAT -->
4602 <!-- OldLocation: fltopt.ini -->
4603 <!-- UIHints: File Export Filetype PPM-Portable Pixelmap -->
4604 <info>
4605 <desc>Specifies if graphics are exported to a binary- or ASCII
4606 format.</desc>
4607 </info>
4608 <constraints>
4609 <enumeration oor:value="0">
4610 <info>
4611 <desc>Binary</desc>
4612 </info>
4613 </enumeration>
4614 <enumeration oor:value="1">
4615 <info>
4616 <desc>ASCII</desc>
4617 </info>
4618 </enumeration>
4619 </constraints>
4620 <value>1</value>
4621 </prop>
4622 </group>
4623 <group oor:name="PNG">
4624 <info>
4625 <desc>Specifies default settings of the PNG - Portable Network
4626 Graphic export dialog.</desc>
4627 </info>
4628 <prop oor:name="Compression" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4629 <!-- OldPath: PNG-EXPORT-COMPRESSION -->
4630 <!-- OldLocation: fltopt.ini -->
4631 <!-- UIHints: File Export Filetype PNG-Portable Network
4632 Graphic -->
4633 <info>
4634 <desc>Specifies export compression settings which ranges from 0
4635 (no compression) to 9 (maximum compression). The calculating
4636 time increases with an ascending compression value.</desc>
4637 </info>
4638 <constraints>
4639 <minInclusive oor:value="0">
4640 <info>
4641 <desc>Represents lowest value that can be used. The lower
4642 the value, the lower the compression quality and the larger
4643 the file size.</desc>
4644 </info>
4645 </minInclusive>
4646 <maxInclusive oor:value="9">
4647 <info>
4648 <desc>Represents the highest value that can be used. The
4649 higher the value, the higher the compression quality and the
4650 smaller the file size.</desc>
4651 </info>
4652 </maxInclusive>
4653 </constraints>
4654 <value>6</value>
4655 </prop>
4656 <prop oor:name="Interlaced" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4657 <!-- OldPath: PNG-EXPORT-INTERLACED -->
4658 <!-- OldLocation: fltopt.ini -->
4659 <!-- UIHints: File Export Filetype PNG-Portable Network
4660 Graphic -->
4661 <info>
4662 <desc>Specifies if graphics should be exported using interlace.
4663 It is recommended for big pictures to activate interlace, so the
4664 content can be displayed immediately when loading the
4665 picture.</desc>
4666 </info>
4667 <constraints>
4668 <enumeration oor:value="0">
4669 <info>
4670 <desc>Deactivate interlace mode</desc>
4671 </info>
4672 </enumeration>
4673 <enumeration oor:value="1">
4674 <info>
4675 <desc>Activate interlace mode</desc>
4676 </info>
4677 </enumeration>
4678 </constraints>
4679 <value>1</value>
4680 </prop>
4681 <prop oor:name="Translucent" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4682 <!-- OldPath: PNG-EXPORT-TRANSLUCENT -->
4683 <!-- OldLocation: fltopt.ini -->
4684 <!-- UIHints: File Export Filetype PNG-Portable Network Graphic -->
4685 <info>
4686 <desc>Specifies if the graphic background is stored as
4687 transparent.</desc>
4688 </info>
4689 <constraints>
4690 <enumeration oor:value="0">
4691 <info>
4692 <desc>No transparency</desc>
4693 </info>
4694 </enumeration>
4695 <enumeration oor:value="1">
4696 <info>
4697 <desc>Transparency</desc>
4698 </info>
4699 </enumeration>
4700 </constraints>
4701 <value>1</value>
4702 </prop>
4703 </group>
4704 <group oor:name="SVG">
4705 <info>
4706 <desc>Specifies default settings of SVG export dialog.</desc>
4707 </info>
4708 <prop oor:name="TinyMode" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
4709 <info>
4710 <desc>Specifies if SVG Tiny profile should be used for
4711 export.</desc>
4712 </info>
4713 <value>false</value>
4714 </prop>
4715 <prop oor:name="EmbedFonts" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
4716 <info>
4717 <desc>Specifies if fonts should be embedded into SVG
4718 file.</desc>
4719 </info>
4720 <value>true</value>
4721 </prop>
4722 <prop oor:name="UseNativeTextDecoration" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
4723 <info>
4724 <desc>Specifies if text decoration like underlining and
4725 strike-through be drawn by using SVG attributes (true) or by
4726 drawing SVG primitives (false).</desc>
4727 </info>
4728 <value>true</value>
4729 </prop>
4730 </group>
4731 </group>
4732 </group>
4733 <group oor:name="HTML">
4734 <info>
4735 <desc>Contains settings for HTML import/export.</desc>
4736 </info>
4737 <group oor:name="Import">
4738 <info>
4739 <desc>Contains settings for HTML import.</desc>
4740 </info>
4741 <prop oor:name="NumbersEnglishUS" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
4742 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options Load/Save - HTML Compatibility [Section]
4743 Import -->
4744 <info>
4745 <desc>Specifies if numbers should be parsed according to the en-US
4746 locale instead of the user's locale.</desc>
4747 <label>Use 'English (USA)' locale for numbers</label>
4748 </info>
4749 <value>false</value>
4750 </prop>
4751 <prop oor:name="UnknownTag" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
4752 <!-- OldPath: Browser/HTML/Import -->
4753 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
4754 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - Browser HTML [Section] Import -->
4755 <info>
4756 <desc>Specifies if unknown tags should be imported as
4757 fields.</desc>
4758 <label>Import unknown HTML tags as fields</label>
4759 </info>
4760 <value>false</value>
4761 </prop>
4762 <prop oor:name="FontSetting" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
4763 <!-- OldPath: Browser/HTML/Import -->
4764 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
4765 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - Browser HTML [Section] Import -->
4766 <info>
4767 <desc>Specifies if font settings should be ignored when
4768 importing.</desc>
4769 <label>Ignore font settings</label>
4770 </info>
4771 <value>false</value>
4772 </prop>
4773 <group oor:name="FontSize">
4774 <info>
4775 <desc>Specifies font size for HTML.</desc>
4776 </info>
4777 <prop oor:name="Size_1" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4778 <!-- OldPath: Browser/HTML/Font_Sizes -->
4779 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
4780 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - Browser HTML [Section] Font
4781 sizes -->
4782 <info>
4783 <desc>Specifies font size for HTML as Token Font 1.</desc>
4784 <label>Size 1</label>
4785 </info>
4786 <value>7</value>
4787 </prop>
4788 <prop oor:name="Size_2" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4789 <!-- OldPath: Browser/HTML/Font_Sizes -->
4790 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
4791 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - Browser HTML [Section] Font
4792 sizes -->
4793 <info>
4794 <desc>Specifies font size for HTML as Token Font 2.</desc>
4795 <label>Size 2</label>
4796 </info>
4797 <value>10</value>
4798 </prop>
4799 <prop oor:name="Size_3" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4800 <!-- OldPath: Browser/HTML/Font_Sizes -->
4801 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
4802 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - Browser HTML [Section] Font
4803 sizes -->
4804 <info>
4805 <desc>Specifies font size for HTML as Token Font 3.</desc>
4806 <label>Size 3</label>
4807 </info>
4808 <value>12</value>
4809 </prop>
4810 <prop oor:name="Size_4" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4811 <!-- OldPath: Browser/HTML/Font_Sizes -->
4812 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
4813 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - Browser HTML [Section] Font
4814 sizes -->
4815 <info>
4816 <desc>Specifies font size for HTML as Token Font 4.</desc>
4817 <label>Size 4</label>
4818 </info>
4819 <value>14</value>
4820 </prop>
4821 <prop oor:name="Size_5" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4822 <!-- OldPath: Browser/HTML/Font_Sizes -->
4823 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
4824 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - Browser HTML [Section] Font
4825 sizes -->
4826 <info>
4827 <desc>Specifies font size for HTML as Token Font 5.</desc>
4828 <label>Size 5</label>
4829 </info>
4830 <value>18</value>
4831 </prop>
4832 <prop oor:name="Size_6" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4833 <!-- OldPath: Browser/HTML/Font_Sizes -->
4834 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
4835 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - Browser HTML [Section] Font
4836 sizes -->
4837 <info>
4838 <desc>Specifies font size for HTML as Token Font 6.</desc>
4839 <label>Size 6</label>
4840 </info>
4841 <value>24</value>
4842 </prop>
4843 <prop oor:name="Size_7" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4844 <!-- OldPath: Browser/HTML/Font_Sizes -->
4845 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
4846 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - Browser HTML [Section] Font
4847 sizes -->
4848 <info>
4849 <desc>Specifies font size for HTML as Token Font 7.</desc>
4850 <label>Size 7</label>
4851 </info>
4852 <value>36</value>
4853 </prop>
4854 </group>
4855 </group>
4856 <group oor:name="Export">
4857 <info>
4858 <desc>Contains settings for HTML export.</desc>
4859 </info>
4860 <prop oor:name="Browser" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4861 <!-- OldPath: Browser/HTML/Export -->
4862 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
4863 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - Browser HTML [Section] Export -->
4864 <info>
4865 <desc>Specifies the browser for which the HTML export should be
4866 optimized</desc>
4867 <label>Browser</label>
4868 </info>
4869 <constraints>
4870 <enumeration oor:value="0">
4871 <info>
4872 <desc>Html 3.2</desc>
4873 </info>
4874 </enumeration>
4875 <enumeration oor:value="1">
4876 <info>
4877 <desc>MSIE 4.0</desc>
4878 </info>
4879 </enumeration>
4880 <enumeration oor:value="2">
4881 <info>
4882 <desc>Netscape 3.0</desc>
4883 </info>
4884 </enumeration>
4885 <enumeration oor:value="3">
4886 <info>
4887 <desc>Writer</desc>
4888 </info>
4889 </enumeration>
4890 <enumeration oor:value="4">
4891 <info>
4892 <desc>Netscape 4.0</desc>
4893 </info>
4894 </enumeration>
4895 </constraints>
4896 <value>4</value>
4897 </prop>
4898 <prop oor:name="Basic" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
4899 <!-- OldPath: Browser/HTML/Export -->
4900 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
4901 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - Browser HTML [Section] Export -->
4902 <info>
4903 <desc>Specifies if Office Basic instructions are considered when
4904 exporting in HTML format.</desc>
4905 <label>(Productname) Basic</label>
4906 </info>
4907 <value>false</value>
4908 </prop>
4909 <prop oor:name="PrintLayout" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
4910 <!-- OldPath: Browser/HTML/Export -->
4911 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
4912 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - Browser HTML [Section] Export -->
4913 <info>
4914 <desc>Specifies if the print layout of the current document should
4915 also be exported.</desc>
4916 <label>Print layout</label>
4917 </info>
4918 <value>false</value>
4919 </prop>
4920 <prop oor:name="LocalGraphic" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
4921 <!-- OldPath: Browser/HTML/Export -->
4922 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
4923 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - Browser HTML [Section] Export -->
4924 <info>
4925 <desc>Specifies whether images are copied to the Internet server when
4926 uploading via FTP.</desc>
4927 <label>Copy local images to Internet</label>
4928 </info>
4929 <value>true</value>
4930 </prop>
4931 <prop oor:name="Warning" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
4932 <!-- OldPath: Browser/HTML/Export -->
4933 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.cfg -->
4934 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - Browser HTML [Section] Export -->
4935 <info>
4936 <desc>Specifies if a warning should be displayed to point out that
4937 the available Basic macros will be lost when exporting in HTML
4938 format.</desc>
4939 <label>Display warning</label>
4940 </info>
4941 <value>true</value>
4942 </prop>
4943 <prop oor:name="Encoding" oor:type="xs:int">
4944 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options - Browser HTML [Section] Export -->
4945 <info>
4946 <desc>Specifies the mimetype for the text encoding.</desc>
4947 <label>Encoding export</label>
4948 </info>
4949 </prop>
4950 </group>
4951 </group>
4952 <group oor:name="PDF">
4953 <info>
4954 <desc>Specifies default settings of PDF export dialog.</desc>
4955 </info>
4956 <group oor:name="Export">
4957 <!-- UIHints: File Export as PDF -->
4958 <info>
4959 <desc>Specifies default settings of PDF export dialog.</desc>
4960 </info>
4961 <prop oor:name="CompressMode" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4962 <info>
4963 <deprecated>Use following properties instead:
4964 UseLosslessCompression, Quality, UseResolutionReduction,
4965 ResolutionReduction</deprecated>
4966 <desc>Deprecated.</desc>
4967 </info>
4968 <value>1</value>
4969 </prop>
4970 <prop oor:name="UseLosslessCompression" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
4971 <info>
4972 <desc>Specifies if graphics are exported to PDF using a lossless
4973 compression eg. PNG or if they are compressed using the JPEG
4974 format.</desc>
4975 </info>
4976 <value>false</value>
4977 </prop>
4978 <prop oor:name="Quality" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
4979 <info>
4980 <desc>Specifies quality of the JPG export. A higher value results
4981 in higher quality and file size.</desc>
4982 </info>
4983 <constraints>
4984 <minInclusive oor:value="1">
4985 <info>
4986 <desc>Represents lowest value that can be used. The lower the
4987 value, the less good is the compression quality and the bigger
4988 is be the file size.</desc>
4989 </info>
4990 </minInclusive>
4991 <maxInclusive oor:value="100">
4992 <info>
4993 <desc>Represents highest value that can be used. The higher
4994 the value, the better is the compression quality and the
4995 smaller is the file size.</desc>
4996 </info>
4997 </maxInclusive>
4998 </constraints>
4999 <value>90</value>
5000 </prop>
5001 <prop oor:name="ReduceImageResolution" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5002 <info>
5003 <desc>Specifies if the resolution of each image is reduced to the
5004 resolution specified by the property MaxImageResolution.</desc>
5005 </info>
5006 <value>true</value>
5007 </prop>
5008 <prop oor:name="MaxImageResolution" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
5009 <info>
5010 <desc>If the property ReduceImageResolution is set to true all
5011 images will be reduced to the given value in DPI.</desc>
5012 </info>
5013 <constraints>
5014 <enumeration oor:value="75">
5015 <info>
5016 <desc>75</desc>
5017 </info>
5018 </enumeration>
5019 <enumeration oor:value="150">
5020 <info>
5021 <desc>150</desc>
5022 </info>
5023 </enumeration>
5024 <enumeration oor:value="300">
5025 <info>
5026 <desc>300</desc>
5027 </info>
5028 </enumeration>
5029 <enumeration oor:value="600">
5030 <info>
5031 <desc>600</desc>
5032 </info>
5033 </enumeration>
5034 <enumeration oor:value="1200">
5035 <info>
5036 <desc>1200</desc>
5037 </info>
5038 </enumeration>
5039 </constraints>
5040 <value>300</value>
5041 </prop>
5042 <prop oor:name="UseTaggedPDF" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5043 <info>
5044 <desc>Determines if PDF are created by using special tags also
5045 known as Tagged PDF.</desc>
5046 </info>
5047 <value>false</value>
5048 </prop>
5049 <prop oor:name="ExportNotes" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5050 <info>
5051 <desc>Specifies if notes are exported to PDF.</desc>
5052 </info>
5053 <value>false</value>
5054 </prop>
5055 <prop oor:name="ViewPDFAfterExport" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5056 <info>
5057 <desc>Specifies if PDF automatically opens after export.</desc>
5058 </info>
5059 <value>false</value>
5060 </prop>
5061 <prop oor:name="ExportBookmarks" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5062 <info>
5063 <desc>Specifies if bookmarks are exported to PDF.</desc>
5064 </info>
5065 <value>true</value>
5066 </prop>
5067 <prop oor:name="ExportPlaceholders" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5068 <info>
5069 <desc>Specifies if placeholder fields are exported to PDF.</desc>
5070 </info>
5071 <value>false</value>
5072 </prop>
5073 <prop oor:name="OpenBookmarkLevels" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
5074 <info>
5075 <desc>Specifies how many bookmark levels should be opened in the
5076 reader application when the PDF gets opened.</desc>
5077 </info>
5078 <value>-1</value>
5079 </prop>
5080 <prop oor:name="ExportNotesPages" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5081 <info>
5082 <desc>Specifies if notes pages are exported to PDF. (Notes pages
5083 are available in Impress documents only).</desc>
5084 </info>
5085 <value>false</value>
5086 </prop>
5087 <prop oor:name="ExportOnlyNotesPages" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5088 <info>
5089 <desc>Specifies if only notes pages (i.e., not slides) are exported to PDF. (Notes pages
5090 are available in Impress documents only).</desc>
5091 </info>
5092 <value>false</value>
5093 </prop>
5094 <prop oor:name="UseTransitionEffects" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5095 <info>
5096 <desc>Specifies slide transitions are exported to PDF. This option
5097 is active only if storing Impress documents.</desc>
5098 </info>
5099 <value>true</value>
5100 </prop>
5101 <prop oor:name="ExportHiddenSlides" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5102 <info>
5103 <desc>Specifies if hidden slides are exported to PDF. (Hidden slides
5104 are available in Impress documents only).</desc>
5105 </info>
5106 <value>false</value>
5107 </prop>
5108 <prop oor:name="SinglePageSheets" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5109 <info>
5110 <desc>Specifies if each sheet is exported to PDF as a single page.
5111 (Available in Calc documents only).</desc>
5112 </info>
5113 <value>false</value>
5114 </prop>
5115 <prop oor:name="ExportFormFields" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5116 <info>
5117 <desc>Specifies whether form fields are exported as widgets or
5118 only their fixed print representation is exported.</desc>
5119 </info>
5120 <value>true</value>
5121 </prop>
5122 <prop oor:name="FormsType" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
5123 <info>
5124 <desc>Specifies the submitted format of a PDF form.</desc>
5125 </info>
5126 <constraints>
5127 <enumeration oor:value="0">
5128 <info>
5129 <desc>Specifies that forms type FDF is used.</desc>
5130 </info>
5131 </enumeration>
5132 <enumeration oor:value="1">
5133 <info>
5134 <desc>Specifies that forms type PDF is used.</desc>
5135 </info>
5136 </enumeration>
5137 <enumeration oor:value="2">
5138 <info>
5139 <desc>Specifies that forms type HTML is used.</desc>
5140 </info>
5141 </enumeration>
5142 <enumeration oor:value="3">
5143 <info>
5144 <desc>Specifies that forms type XML is used.</desc>
5145 </info>
5146 </enumeration>
5147 </constraints>
5148 <value>0</value>
5149 </prop>
5150 <prop oor:name="AllowDuplicateFieldNames" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5151 <info>
5152 <desc>Specifies whether multiple form fields exported are allowed
5153 to have the same field name.</desc>
5154 </info>
5155 <value>false</value>
5156 </prop>
5157 <prop oor:name="IsSkipEmptyPages" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5158 <info>
5159 <desc>Specifies that automatically inserted empty pages are
5160 suppressed. This option is active only if storing Writer
5161 documents.</desc>
5162 </info>
5163 <value>true</value>
5164 </prop>
5165 <prop oor:name="IsAddStream" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5166 <info>
5167 <desc>Specifies that a stream is inserted to the PDF file which
5168 contains the original document for archiving purposes.</desc>
5169 </info>
5170 <value>false</value>
5171 </prop>
5172 <prop oor:name="HideViewerMenubar" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5173 <info>
5174 <desc>Specifies whether to hide the PDF viewer menubar when the
5175 document is active.</desc>
5176 </info>
5177 <value>false</value>
5178 </prop>
5179 <prop oor:name="HideViewerToolbar" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5180 <info>
5181 <desc>Specifies whether to hide the PDF viewer toolbar when the
5182 document is active.</desc>
5183 </info>
5184 <value>false</value>
5185 </prop>
5186 <prop oor:name="HideViewerWindowControls" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5187 <info>
5188 <desc>Specifies whether to hide the PDF viewer controls when the
5189 document is active.</desc>
5190 </info>
5191 <value>false</value>
5192 </prop>
5193 <prop oor:name="ResizeWindowToInitialPage" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5194 <info>
5195 <desc>Specifies that the PDF viewer window is opened full screen
5196 when the document is opened.</desc>
5197 </info>
5198 <value>false</value>
5199 </prop>
5200 <prop oor:name="CenterWindow" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5201 <info>
5202 <desc>Specifies that the PDF viewer window is centered to the
5203 screen when the PDF document is opened.</desc>
5204 </info>
5205 <value>false</value>
5206 </prop>
5207 <prop oor:name="OpenInFullScreenMode" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5208 <info>
5209 <desc>Specifies that the PDF viewer window is opened full screen,
5210 on top of all windows..</desc>
5211 </info>
5212 <value>false</value>
5213 </prop>
5214 <prop oor:name="DisplayPDFDocumentTitle" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5215 <info>
5216 <desc>Specifies that the title of the document, if present in the
5217 document properties, is displayed in the PDF viewer window title
5218 bar.</desc>
5219 </info>
5220 <value>true</value>
5221 </prop>
5222 <prop oor:name="InitialView" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
5223 <info>
5224 <desc>Specifies how the PDF document should be displayed when
5225 opened.</desc>
5226 </info>
5227 <constraints>
5228 <enumeration oor:value="0">
5229 <info>
5230 <desc>Select the default viewer mode, neither outlines or
5231 thumbnails.</desc>
5232 </info>
5233 </enumeration>
5234 <enumeration oor:value="1">
5235 <info>
5236 <desc>The document is opened with outline pane opened</desc>
5237 </info>
5238 </enumeration>
5239 <enumeration oor:value="2">
5240 <info>
5241 <desc>The document is opened with thumbnail pane opened</desc>
5242 </info>
5243 </enumeration>
5244 </constraints>
5245 <value>0</value>
5246 </prop>
5247 <prop oor:name="Magnification" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
5248 <info>
5249 <desc>Specifies the action to be performed when the PDF document
5250 is opened.</desc>
5251 </info>
5252 <constraints>
5253 <enumeration oor:value="0">
5254 <info>
5255 <desc>Opens with default zoom magnification.</desc>
5256 </info>
5257 </enumeration>
5258 <enumeration oor:value="1">
5259 <info>
5260 <desc>Opens magnified to fit the entire page within the
5261 window.</desc>
5262 </info>
5263 </enumeration>
5264 <enumeration oor:value="2">
5265 <info>
5266 <desc>Opens magnified to fit the entire page width within the
5267 window.</desc>
5268 </info>
5269 </enumeration>
5270 <enumeration oor:value="3">
5271 <info>
5272 <desc>Opens magnified to fit the entire width of its bounding
5273 box within the window (cuts out margins).</desc>
5274 </info>
5275 </enumeration>
5276 <enumeration oor:value="4">
5277 <info>
5278 <desc>Opens with the zoom level specified in the Zoom
5279 property.</desc>
5280 </info>
5281 </enumeration>
5282 </constraints>
5283 <value>0</value>
5284 </prop>
5285 <prop oor:name="Zoom" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
5286 <info>
5287 <desc>specifies the zoom level a PDF document is opened with. Only
5288 valid if "Magnification" is set to "4".</desc>
5289 </info>
5290 <value>100</value>
5291 </prop>
5292 <prop oor:name="InitialPage" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
5293 <info>
5294 <desc>Specifies the page on which a PDF document should be opened
5295 in the viewer application.</desc>
5296 </info>
5297 <value>1</value>
5298 </prop>
5299 <prop oor:name="PageLayout" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
5300 <info>
5301 <desc>Specifies the page layout to be used when the document is
5302 opened.</desc>
5303 </info>
5304 <constraints>
5305 <enumeration oor:value="0">
5306 <info>
5307 <desc>Display the pages according to the reader
5308 configuration.</desc>
5309 </info>
5310 </enumeration>
5311 <enumeration oor:value="1">
5312 <info>
5313 <desc>Display one page at a time.</desc>
5314 </info>
5315 </enumeration>
5316 <enumeration oor:value="2">
5317 <info>
5318 <desc>Display the pages in one column.</desc>
5319 </info>
5320 </enumeration>
5321 <enumeration oor:value="3">
5322 <info>
5323 <desc>Display the pages in two columns odd pages on the right,
5324 to have the odd pages on the left the FirstPageOnLeft property
5325 should be used as well.</desc>
5326 </info>
5327 </enumeration>
5328 </constraints>
5329 <value>0</value>
5330 </prop>
5331 <prop oor:name="FirstPageOnLeft" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5332 <info>
5333 <desc>Used with the value 3 of the PageLayout property above, true
5334 if the first page (odd) should be on the left side of the
5335 screen.</desc>
5336 </info>
5337 <value>false</value>
5338 </prop>
5339 <!-- PDF Encryption -->
5340 <prop oor:name="Printing" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
5341 <info>
5342 <desc>Specifies what printing is allowed.</desc>
5343 </info>
5344 <constraints>
5345 <enumeration oor:value="0">
5346 <info>
5347 <desc>The document cannot be printed.</desc>
5348 </info>
5349 </enumeration>
5350 <enumeration oor:value="1">
5351 <info>
5352 <desc>The document can be printed at low resolution
5353 only.</desc>
5354 </info>
5355 </enumeration>
5356 <enumeration oor:value="2">
5357 <info>
5358 <desc>The document can be printed at maximum
5359 resolution.</desc>
5360 </info>
5361 </enumeration>
5362 </constraints>
5363 <value>2</value>
5364 </prop>
5365 <prop oor:name="Changes" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
5366 <info>
5367 <desc>Specifies the change allowed to the document.</desc>
5368 </info>
5369 <constraints>
5370 <enumeration oor:value="0">
5371 <info>
5372 <desc>The document cannot be changed.</desc>
5373 </info>
5374 </enumeration>
5375 <enumeration oor:value="1">
5376 <info>
5377 <desc>Inserting deleting and rotating pages is allowed.</desc>
5378 </info>
5379 </enumeration>
5380 <enumeration oor:value="2">
5381 <info>
5382 <desc>Filling of form field is allowed.</desc>
5383 </info>
5384 </enumeration>
5385 <enumeration oor:value="3">
5386 <info>
5387 <desc>Both filling of form field and commenting is
5388 allowed.</desc>
5389 </info>
5390 </enumeration>
5391 <enumeration oor:value="4">
5392 <info>
5393 <desc>All the changes of the previous selections are
5394 permitted, with the only exclusion of page extraction
5395 (copy).</desc>
5396 </info>
5397 </enumeration>
5398 </constraints>
5399 <value>4</value>
5400 </prop>
5401 <prop oor:name="EnableCopyingOfContent" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5402 <info>
5403 <desc>Specifies that the pages and the document content can be
5404 extracted to be used in other documents (copy and paste).</desc>
5405 </info>
5406 <value>true</value>
5407 </prop>
5408 <prop oor:name="EnableTextAccessForAccessibilityTools" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5409 <info>
5410 <desc>Specifies that the document content can be extracted to be
5411 used in accessibility applications.</desc>
5412 </info>
5413 <value>true</value>
5414 </prop>
5415 <!-- END PDF Encryption -->
5416 <!-- PDF Version selection -->
5417 <prop oor:name="SelectPdfVersion" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
5418 <info>
5419 <desc>Specifies the version of PDF to emit.</desc>
5420 </info>
5421 <constraints>
5422 <enumeration oor:value="0">
5423 <info>
5424 <desc>PDF 1.6 (default selection).</desc>
5425 </info>
5426 </enumeration>
5427 <enumeration oor:value="15">
5428 <info>
5429 <desc>PDF 1.5</desc>
5430 </info>
5431 </enumeration>
5432 <enumeration oor:value="16">
5433 <info>
5434 <desc>PDF 1.6</desc>
5435 </info>
5436 </enumeration>
5437 <enumeration oor:value="1">
5438 <info>
5439 <desc>PDF/A-1 (ISO 19005-1:2005)</desc>
5440 </info>
5441 </enumeration>
5442 <enumeration oor:value="2">
5443 <info>
5444 <desc>PDF/A-2 (ISO 19005-2:2011)</desc>
5445 </info>
5446 </enumeration>
5447 </constraints>
5448 <value>0</value>
5449 </prop>
5450 <!-- END PDF Version selection -->
5451 <!-- PDF/UA Compliance -->
5452 <prop oor:name="PDFUACompliance" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5453 <info>
5454 <desc>Specifies if the document is PDF/UA (Universal Accessibility) compliant</desc>
5455 </info>
5456 <value>false</value>
5457 </prop>
5458 <!-- END PDF/UA Compliance -->
5459 <!-- PDF Relative Link -->
5460 <prop oor:name="ExportLinksRelativeFsys" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5461 <info>
5462 <desc>Specifies that the file system related hyperlinks (file://
5463 protocol) present in the document will be exported as relative to
5464 the source document location.</desc>
5465 </info>
5466 <value>true</value>
5467 </prop>
5468 <prop oor:name="PDFViewSelection" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
5469 <info>
5470 <desc>Specifies the way the exported PDF will be viewed
5471 (experienced) by the user.</desc>
5472 </info>
5473 <constraints>
5474 <enumeration oor:value="0">
5475 <info>
5476 <desc>Specifies that the PDF will be exported with all the
5477 links external to the document treated as URI. This is the
5478 Default</desc>
5479 </info>
5480 </enumeration>
5481 <enumeration oor:value="1">
5482 <info>
5483 <desc>Specifies that the PDF will be exported in order to be
5484 viewed through a PDF reader application only. Valid only if
5485 not exporting to PDF/A-1 (e.g. SelectPdfVersion not set to
5486 1).</desc>
5487 </info>
5488 </enumeration>
5489 <enumeration oor:value="2">
5490 <info>
5491 <desc>Specifies that the PDF will be exported in order to be
5492 viewed through an Internet browser, using the PDF plug-in
5493 provided with it. The bookmark of the URI will be rendered
5494 compatible with the target bookmark generated with OOo PDF
5495 Export feature (see ExportBookmarksToPDFDestination,
5496 below).</desc>
5497 </info>
5498 </enumeration>
5499 </constraints>
5500 <value>0</value>
5501 </prop>
5502 <prop oor:name="ConvertOOoTargetToPDFTarget" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5503 <info>
5504 <desc>Specifies that the target documents with .od[tpgs]
5505 extension, will have that extension changed to .pdf when the link
5506 is exported to PDF. The source document remains untouched.</desc>
5507 </info>
5508 <value>false</value>
5509 </prop>
5510 <prop oor:name="ExportBookmarksToPDFDestination" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5511 <info>
5512 <desc>Specifies that the bookmarks contained in the source
5513 file should be exported to the PDF file as Named
5514 Destination (see PDF 1.4 section 8.2.1).</desc>
5515 </info>
5516 <value>false</value>
5517 </prop>
5518 <!-- END PDF Relative Link -->
5519 </group>
5520 </group>
5521 </group>
5522 <group oor:name="Misc">
5523 <info>
5524 <desc>Determines the miscellaneous entries for the common group.</desc>
5525 </info>
5526 <prop oor:name="MaxOpenDocuments" oor:type="xs:int">
5527 <info>
5528 <desc>Determines the maximum count of documents, which are allowed to
5529 be open at the same time. NIL will be interpreted as infinite!</desc>
5530 </info>
5531 </prop>
5532 <prop oor:name="EmojiFont" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
5533 <!-- UIHints: Emoji Control -->
5534 <info>
5535 <desc>Special font for rendering of emojis</desc>
5536 </info>
5537 <value>EmojiOne Color</value>
5538 </prop>
5539 <prop oor:name="FontsUseWinMetrics" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
5540 <info>
5541 <desc>
5542 Fonts where the win metrics need to be considered in order to display the font correctly
5543 Fonts are identified by their name and the font metrics (see fontmetric.cxx:ShouldUseWinMetrics).
5544 </desc>
5545 </info>
5546 <value>
5547 <!-- DIN Light (ttf version) has odd metrics. The otf version works fine. -->
5548 <it>DIN Light,1509,-503,1509,-483,1997,483</it>
5549 </value>
5550 </prop>
5551 <prop oor:name="PluginsEnabled" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5552 <!-- OldPath: ? -->
5553 <!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
5554 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options Browser Other Plug-Ins Enable -->
5555 <info>
5556 <desc>Enables/Disables Plugins.</desc>
5557 <label>PluginsEnabled</label>
5558 </info>
5559 <value>true</value>
5560 </prop>
5561 <prop oor:name="UseSystemFileDialog" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5562 <info>
5563 <desc>Determines if the system's file and folder pickers should be
5564 used. If false, the proprietary file/folder picker implementations
5565 will be used. Relevant on platforms where file/folder picker
5566 integration is implemented.</desc>
5567 </info>
5568 <value>true</value>
5569 </prop>
5570 <prop oor:name="UseDocumentSystemFileLocking" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5571 <info>
5572 <desc>Allows to specify whether the OOo document file locking
5573 mechanics should use the system file locking.</desc>
5574 </info>
5575 <value>true</value>
5576 </prop>
5577 <prop oor:name="UseWebDAVFileLocking" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5578 <info>
5579 <desc>Determines if WebDAV-specific file locking is used for documents
5580 on WebDAV shares. It is not recommended to set this option to 'false' in
5581 scenarios where multi-user, concurrent read/write access to WebDAV share
5582 is required</desc>
5583 </info>
5584 <value>true</value>
5585 </prop>
5586 <prop oor:name="UseDocumentOOoLockFile" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5587 <info>
5588 <desc>Allows to specify whether the OOo document file locking
5589 mechanics should use the lock file for locking.</desc>
5590 </info>
5591 <value>true</value>
5592 </prop>
5593 <prop oor:name="UseLocking" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5594 <info>
5595 <desc>Allows to specify whether locking should be used at all.
5596 Use this setting only for debugging purpose.</desc>
5597 </info>
5598 <value>true</value>
5599 </prop>
5600 <prop oor:name="AllowOverrideLocking" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5601 <info>
5602 <desc>Whether the user can open a file for editing although it has been locked by another user.</desc>
5603 </info>
5604 <value>true</value>
5605 </prop>
5606 <prop oor:name="ShowLinkWarningDialog" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5607 <info>
5608 <desc>Determines if a warning dialog should be
5609 displayed when a user checks the link checkbox in
5610 the insert images dialog.</desc>
5611 </info>
5612 <value>true</value>
5613 </prop>
5614 <prop oor:name="UseSystemPrintDialog" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5615 <info>
5616 <desc>Determines if the system's print dialog should be used. If
5617 false, the platform independent print dialog implementation will be
5618 used. Relevant on platforms where print dialog integration is
5619 implemented.</desc>
5620 </info>
5621 <value>false</value>
5622 </prop>
5623 <prop oor:name="DisableUICustomization" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5624 <info>
5625 <desc>Disables the customization of the UI elements.</desc>
5626 </info>
5627 <value>false</value>
5628 </prop>
5629 <prop oor:name="WriteLayerStateAsConfigItem" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5630 <info>
5631 <desc>If 'true', the config items VisibleLayers, PrintableLayers and
5632 LockedLayers are written to 'office:settings' element, otherwise not.
5633 Since LO 6.2 the ODF attributes of 'draw:layer' element are used on
5634 file open, if these config items do not exist.</desc>
5635 </info>
5636 <value>true</value>
5637 </prop>
5638 <prop oor:name="ExperimentalMode" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5639 <info>
5640 <desc>Determines if various experimental, and potentially unstable
5641 features should be enabled in the user interface.</desc>
5642 </info>
5643 <value>false</value>
5644 </prop>
5645 <prop oor:name="ScreenshotMode" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5646 <info>
5647 <desc>Determines whether the interactive screenshot mode should be enabled.</desc>
5648 </info>
5649 <value>false</value>
5650 </prop>
5651 <prop oor:name="CollectUsageInformation" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5652 <info>
5653 <desc>Determines whether the usage information (like what actions
5654 the user has performed) can be collected, and potentially sent for
5655 examination.</desc>
5656 </info>
5657 <value>false</value>
5658 </prop>
5659 <prop oor:name="CrashReport" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5660 <!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General -->
5661 <info>
5662 <desc>Enable sending crash reports to The Document Foundation</desc>
5663 </info>
5664 <value>true</value>
5665 </prop>
5666 <prop oor:name="ShowTipOfTheDay" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5667 <!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General -->
5668 <info>
5669 <desc>Determines whether the Tip-of-the-Day dialog is shown on startup.</desc>
5670 </info>
5671 <value>true</value>
5672 </prop>
5673 <prop oor:name="LastTipOfTheDayShown" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
5674 <info>
5675 <desc>The last time when the Tip-of-the-Day dialog was shown.</desc>
5676 </info>
5677 <value>-1</value> <!-- +1 every 24h -->
5678 </prop>
5679 <prop oor:name="LastTipOfTheDayID" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
5680 <info>
5681 <desc>The last shown Tip-of-the-Day.</desc>
5682 </info>
5683 <value>-1</value>
5684 </prop>
5685 <prop oor:name="PerformFileExtCheck" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5686 <!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General -->
5687 <info>
5688 <desc>Determines whether the default file extension check is performed on startup.</desc>
5689 </info>
5690 <value>false</value>
5691 </prop>
5692 <prop oor:name="UseOpenCL" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5693 <info>
5694 <desc>Determines whether OpenCL can be used, when available, to speed up
5695 some operations.</desc>
5696 </info>
5697 <value>true</value>
5698 </prop>
5699 <prop oor:name="OpenCLDenyList" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
5700 <!-- UIHints: Tools - Options General OpenCL -->
5701 <info>
5702 <desc>Combinations of (OS, OS version, OpenCL platform vendor, OpenCL device name, OpenCL driver version) that are known to be bad. Each entry is a string consisting of five parts separated by slashes. An empty part matches anything. In case a slash, percent or semicolon occurs inside a part, it is replaced by a percent followed by the corresponding number as two hex digits. The parts except OS can contain regular expressions. Inside these regular expressions the usual characters .*()[]\ are special and should be quoted with a backslash to be interpreted literally. OS should be just one of "Linux", "OS X" (including the space) or "Windows" (without quotes). Has higher priority than OpenCLAllowList.</desc>
5703 </info>
5704 <value oor:separator=";">Windows//Intel\(R\) Corporation//9\.17\.10\.2884;Windows//Intel\(R\) Corporation//4\.2\.0\.99;Windows//Intel\(R\) Corporation//5\.2\.0\.10049;Windows//Intel\(R\) Corporation//3\.0\.1\.10891</value>
5705 </prop>
5706 <prop oor:name="OpenCLAllowList" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
5707 <!-- UIHints: Tools - Options General OpenCL -->
5708 <info>
5709 <desc>Like OpenCLDenyList, but for combinations known to be good.</desc>
5710 </info>
5711 <value oor:separator=";">Linux//Advanced Micro Devices, Inc\.//1445\.5 \(sse2,avx\);//Advanced Micro Devices, Inc\.//;//Intel\(R\) Corporation//;//NVIDIA Corporation//</value>
5712 </prop>
5713 <prop oor:name="SelectedOpenCLDeviceIdentifier" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
5714 <info>
5715 <desc>A string identifying the OpenCL device that was successfully selected and passed the OpenCL calculation tests. The syntax of this value is purposely not documented. For LibreOffice internal use only, do not inspect this value or try to modify it from any level of user code.</desc>
5716 </info>
5717 <value>none</value>
5718 </prop>
5719 <prop oor:name="MacroRecorderMode" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5720 <info>
5721 <desc>Determines if the limited, and awkward code producing
5722 macro recorder should be enabled in the user interface.</desc>
5723 </info>
5724 <value>false</value>
5725 </prop>
5726 <prop oor:name="SymbolSet" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
5727 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options General View -->
5728 <info>
5729 <desc>Specifies which size of the symbols is used for the
5730 toolbars.</desc>
5731 </info>
5732 <constraints>
5733 <enumeration oor:value="0">
5734 <info>
5735 <desc>16x16 pixel icons</desc>
5736 </info>
5737 </enumeration>
5738 <enumeration oor:value="1">
5739 <info>
5740 <desc>26x26 pixel icons</desc>
5741 </info>
5742 </enumeration>
5743 <enumeration oor:value="3">
5744 <info>
5745 <desc>32x32 pixel icons</desc>
5746 </info>
5747 </enumeration>
5748 </constraints>
5749 <value>2</value>
5750 </prop>
5751 <prop oor:name="SidebarIconSize" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
5752 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options General View -->
5753 <info>
5754 <desc>Specifies which size of the icons is used for the
5755 sidebar.</desc>
5756 </info>
5757 <constraints>
5758 <enumeration oor:value="0">
5759 <info>
5760 <desc>will let the toolbox decide about its size</desc>
5761 </info>
5762 </enumeration>
5763 <enumeration oor:value="1">
5764 <info>
5765 <desc>small icons</desc>
5766 </info>
5767 </enumeration>
5768 <enumeration oor:value="2">
5769 <info>
5770 <desc>large icons</desc>
5771 </info>
5772 </enumeration>
5773 </constraints>
5774 <value>0</value>
5775 </prop>
5776 <prop oor:name="NotebookbarIconSize" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
5777 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options General View -->
5778 <info>
5779 <desc>Specifies which size of the icons is used for the
5780 notebookbar.</desc>
5781 </info>
5782 <constraints>
5783 <enumeration oor:value="0">
5784 <info>
5785 <desc>will let the toolbox decide about its size</desc>
5786 </info>
5787 </enumeration>
5788 <enumeration oor:value="1">
5789 <info>
5790 <desc>small icons</desc>
5791 </info>
5792 </enumeration>
5793 <enumeration oor:value="2">
5794 <info>
5795 <desc>large icons</desc>
5796 </info>
5797 </enumeration>
5798 </constraints>
5799 <value>0</value>
5800 </prop>
5801 <prop oor:name="SymbolStyle" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
5802 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options General View -->
5803 <info>
5804 <desc>Specifies which style of the symbols is used for the toolbars,
5805 menus, etc.: "auto" means chosen according to the desktop; "default"
5806 means the LibreOffice default theme; other possible values are the
5807 names of the various icon themes ("breeze", "crystal", "elementary",
5808 etc.).</desc>
5809 </info>
5810 <value>auto</value>
5811 </prop>
5812 <prop oor:name="Persona" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
5813 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options General Personalization -->
5814 <info>
5815 <desc>Specifies whether we should use a Firefox Persona, ie. a
5816 picture under the menu, toolbar, and status bar.</desc>
5817 </info>
5818 <constraints>
5819 <enumeration oor:value="no">
5820 <info>
5821 <desc>No - the user wants just the themed look, no Persona.</desc>
5822 </info>
5823 </enumeration>
5824 <enumeration oor:value="default">
5825 <info>
5826 <desc>Default - the LibreOffice default Persona.</desc>
5827 </info>
5828 </enumeration>
5829 <enumeration oor:value="own">
5830 <info>
5831 <desc>The user installed an own Persona, and wants to use that.</desc>
5832 </info>
5833 </enumeration>
5834 </constraints>
5835 <value>default</value>
5836 </prop>
5837 <prop oor:name="PersonaSettings" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
5838 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options General Personalization -->
5839 <info>
5840 <desc>Names of the header and footer images, and colors for text and
5841 accent. When set, the value has form
5842 "header.jpg;footer.jpg;#RGBTXT;#RGBACC".</desc>
5843 </info>
5844 <value/>
5845 </prop>
5846 <prop oor:name="ToolboxStyle" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
5847 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options General View -->
5848 <info>
5849 <desc>Specifies which button style the toolbars should use.</desc>
5850 </info>
5851 <constraints>
5852 <enumeration oor:value="0">
5853 <info>
5854 <desc>3D style</desc>
5855 </info>
5856 </enumeration>
5857 <enumeration oor:value="1">
5858 <info>
5859 <desc>Flat style</desc>
5860 </info>
5861 </enumeration>
5862 </constraints>
5863 <value>1</value>
5864 </prop>
5865 <prop oor:name="FormControlPilotsEnabled" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5866 <info>
5867 <desc>Enables/Disables the usage of AutoPilots for form
5868 controls.</desc>
5869 </info>
5870 <value>true</value>
5871 </prop>
5872 <prop oor:name="FirstRun" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5873 <info>
5874 <desc>Specifies if the office has never before been started.</desc>
5875 <label>FirstRun</label>
5876 </info>
5877 <value>true</value>
5878 </prop>
5879 <prop oor:name="PreloadJVM" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5880 <info>
5881 <desc>Specifies if the JVM should be preloaded during LO start up.</desc>
5882 <label>PreloadJVM</label>
5883 </info>
5884 <value>false</value>
5885 </prop>
5886 <prop oor:name="FilePickerPlacesUrls" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
5887 <info>
5888 <desc>List of URLs of the places the user bookmarked in the file picker dialog.</desc>
5889 </info>
5890 </prop>
5891 <prop oor:name="FilePickerPlacesNames" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
5892 <info>
5893 <desc>List of names of the places the user bookmarked in the file picker dialog.</desc>
5894 </info>
5895 </prop>
5896 <prop oor:name="FilePickerLastService" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
5897 <info>
5898 <desc>URL of the last used service in the remote file picker.</desc>
5899 </info>
5900 </prop>
5901 <prop oor:name="CmisServersUrls" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
5902 <info>
5903 <desc>List of sample URLs of the CMIS servers in the place edition dialog.</desc>
5904 </info>
5905 </prop>
5906 <prop oor:name="CmisServersNames" oor:type="oor:string-list" oor:nillable="false">
5907 <info>
5908 <desc>List of names of the CMIS servers in the place edition dialog.</desc>
5909 </info>
5910 </prop>
5911 <set oor:name="PersonasList" oor:node-type="PersonasEntry">
5912 <info>
5913 <desc>Contains the Personas installed through extensions</desc>
5914 </info>
5915 </set>
5916 <prop oor:name="FindReplaceRememberedSearches" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
5917 <info>
5918 <desc>Number of saved searches in the Find and Replace dialog.</desc>
5919 </info>
5920 </prop>
5921 <prop oor:name="AllowEditReadonlyDocs" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5922 <info>
5923 <desc>Allow the user to edit read-only docs (via menu or Infobar)</desc>
5924 </info>
5925 <value>true</value>
5926 </prop>
5927 </group>
5928 <group oor:name="Forms">
5929 <info>
5930 <desc>contains settings for the form layer of the applications.</desc>
5931 </info>
5932 <group oor:name="ControlLayout">
5933 <info>
5934 <desc>specifies certain default layout settings for form controls. All
5935 those settings can be overruled in concrete documents, they specify
5936 creation-time defaults only.</desc>
5937 </info>
5938 <node-ref oor:name="" oor:node-type="ApplicationControlLayout">
5939 <info>
5940 <desc>specifies certain default layout settings for form controls in
5941 text documents</desc>
5942 </info>
5943 </node-ref>
5944 <node-ref oor:name="" oor:node-type="ApplicationControlLayout">
5945 <info>
5946 <desc>specifies certain default layout settings for form controls in
5947 web pages</desc>
5948 </info>
5949 </node-ref>
5950 <node-ref oor:name="" oor:node-type="ApplicationControlLayout">
5951 <info>
5952 <desc>specifies certain default layout settings for form controls in
5953 spreadsheet documents</desc>
5954 </info>
5955 </node-ref>
5956 <node-ref oor:name="" oor:node-type="ApplicationControlLayout">
5957 <info>
5958 <desc>specifies certain default layout settings for form controls in
5959 drawing documents</desc>
5960 </info>
5961 </node-ref>
5962 <node-ref oor:name="" oor:node-type="ApplicationControlLayout">
5963 <info>
5964 <desc>specifies certain default layout settings for form controls in
5965 presentation documents</desc>
5966 </info>
5967 </node-ref>
5968 <node-ref oor:name="" oor:node-type="ApplicationControlLayout">
5969 <info>
5970 <desc>specifies certain default layout settings for form controls in
5971 XML form documents</desc>
5972 </info>
5973 </node-ref>
5974 <node-ref oor:name="" oor:node-type="ApplicationControlLayout">
5975 <info>
5976 <desc>specifies certain default layout settings for form controls in
5977 database form documents</desc>
5978 </info>
5979 </node-ref>
5980 <node-ref oor:name="" oor:node-type="ApplicationControlLayout">
5981 <info>
5982 <desc>specifies certain default layout settings for form controls in
5983 database text report documents.</desc>
5984 </info>
5985 </node-ref>
5986 </group>
5987 <group oor:name="PropertyBrowser">
5988 <info>
5989 <desc>specifies settings for the property browser used for forms and
5990 form controls.</desc>
5991 </info>
5992 <prop oor:name="ExperimentalProperties" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
5993 <info>
5994 <desc>Enables or disables the property browser's access to
5995 form/control properties which are not officially supported.</desc>
5996 </info>
5997 <value>false</value>
5998 </prop>
5999 <prop oor:name="DirectHelp" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6000 <info>
6001 <desc>Enables or disables a help section at the bottom of the
6002 property browser, which shows the help of the currently active
6003 property.</desc>
6004 </info>
6005 <value>false</value>
6006 </prop>
6007 </group>
6008 </group>
6009 <group oor:name="AsianLayout">
6010 <info>
6011 <desc>Contains layout specific settings for Asian languages.</desc>
6012 </info>
6013 <prop oor:name="IsKerningWesternTextOnly" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6014 <!-- OldPath: -->
6015 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6016 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options Asian typography Asian layout Kerning
6017 Western text only -->
6018 <info>
6019 <desc>Determines the kerning of western text and/or punctuation inside
6020 of Asian text.</desc>
6021 <label>IsKerningWesternTextOnly</label>
6022 </info>
6023 <value>true</value>
6024 </prop>
6025 <prop oor:name="CompressCharacterDistance" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
6026 <!-- OldPath: -->
6027 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6028 <!-- UIHints: Tools Options Asian typography Asian layout Character
6029 distance -->
6030 <info>
6031 <desc>Determines the type of character distance compression in Asian
6032 text: 0 - no compression; 1 - compress punctuation only; 2 - compress
6033 interpunction a Japanese kana.</desc>
6034 <label>CompressCharacterDistance</label>
6035 </info>
6036 <value>0</value>
6037 </prop>
6038 <set oor:name="StartEndCharacters" oor:node-type="StartEndCharacters">
6039 <info>
6040 <desc>Contains the characters at which lines are not allowed to begin
6041 or to end. For each locale there is a separate entry with the locale
6042 as its node name.</desc>
6043 <label>StartEndCharacters</label>
6044 </info>
6045 </set>
6046 </group>
6047 <group oor:name="SearchOptions">
6048 <info>
6049 <desc>Contains all options for search.</desc>
6050 </info>
6051 <prop oor:name="IsWholeWordsOnly" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6052 <!-- OldPath: -->
6053 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6054 <!-- UIHints: Edit/Find and Replace -->
6055 <info>
6056 <desc>Specifies search for whole words only.</desc>
6057 </info>
6058 <value>false</value>
6059 </prop>
6060 <prop oor:name="IsBackwards" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6061 <!-- OldPath: -->
6062 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6063 <!-- UIHints: Edit/Find and Replace -->
6064 <info>
6065 <desc>Specifies search backwards.</desc>
6066 </info>
6067 <value>false</value>
6068 </prop>
6069 <prop oor:name="IsUseWildcard" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6070 <!-- OldPath: -->
6071 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6072 <!-- UIHints: Edit/Find and Replace -->
6073 <info>
6074 <desc>Specifies search with the use of wildcards.</desc>
6075 </info>
6076 <value>false</value>
6077 </prop>
6078 <prop oor:name="IsUseRegularExpression" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6079 <!-- OldPath: -->
6080 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6081 <!-- UIHints: Edit/Find and Replace -->
6082 <info>
6083 <desc>Specifies search with the use of regular expressions.</desc>
6084 </info>
6085 <value>false</value>
6086 </prop>
6087 <prop oor:name="IsSearchForStyles" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6088 <!-- OldPath: -->
6089 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6090 <!-- UIHints: Edit/Find and Replace -->
6091 <info>
6092 <desc>Specifies search for styles only.</desc>
6093 </info>
6094 <value>false</value>
6095 </prop>
6096 <prop oor:name="IsSimilaritySearch" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6097 <!-- OldPath: -->
6098 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6099 <!-- UIHints: Edit/Find and Replace -->
6100 <info>
6101 <desc>Specifies search with similarity.</desc>
6102 </info>
6103 <value>false</value>
6104 </prop>
6105 <prop oor:name="IsMatchCase" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6106 <!-- OldPath: -->
6107 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6108 <!-- UIHints: Edit/Find and Replace -->
6109 <info>
6110 <desc>Specifies search as case sensitive.</desc>
6111 </info>
6112 <value>false</value>
6113 </prop>
6114 <prop oor:name="IsIgnoreDiacritics_CTL" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6115 <!-- OldPath: -->
6116 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6117 <!-- UIHints: Edit/Find and Replace -->
6118 <info>
6119 <desc>Specifies search ignores diacritics, not only CTL though.</desc>
6120 </info>
6121 <value>false</value>
6122 </prop>
6123 <prop oor:name="IsIgnoreKashida_CTL" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6124 <!-- OldPath: -->
6125 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6126 <!-- UIHints: Edit/Find and Replace -->
6127 <info>
6128 <desc>Specifies search with the use of CTL option.</desc>
6129 </info>
6130 <value>true</value>
6131 </prop>
6132 <prop oor:name="IsUseAsianOptions" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6133 <!-- OldPath: -->
6134 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6135 <!-- UIHints: Edit/Find and Replace -->
6136 <info>
6137 <desc>Specifies search with the use of Asian options.</desc>
6138 </info>
6139 <value>false</value>
6140 </prop>
6141 <prop oor:name="ComponentSearchGroupLabel" oor:type="xs:string" oor:localized="true">
6142 <!-- UIHints: Edit/Find and Replace -->
6143 <info>
6144 <desc>Specifies the divider label in case of a component-based search
6145 extension.</desc>
6146 </info>
6147 </prop>
6148 <prop oor:name="ComponentSearchCommandLabel1" oor:type="xs:string" oor:localized="true">
6149 <!-- UIHints: Edit/Find and Replace -->
6150 <info>
6151 <desc>Specifies the label of the first component-based search
6152 command.</desc>
6153 </info>
6154 </prop>
6155 <prop oor:name="ComponentSearchCommandLabel2" oor:type="xs:string" oor:localized="true">
6156 <!-- UIHints: Edit/Find and Replace -->
6157 <info>
6158 <desc>Specifies the label of the second component-based search
6159 command.</desc>
6160 </info>
6161 </prop>
6162 <prop oor:name="IsNotes" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6163 <!-- UIHints: Edit Search/Replace -->
6164 <info>
6165 <desc>Specifies if search includes comments(SwPostItFields)</desc>
6166 </info>
6167 <value>false</value>
6168 </prop>
6169 <prop oor:name="IsSearchFormatted" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6170 <!-- UIHints: Edit / Find and Replace -->
6171 <info>
6172 <desc>Specifies if formatted display strings are searched instead of cell content (Calc).</desc>
6173 </info>
6174 <value>false</value>
6175 </prop>
6176 <group oor:name="Japanese">
6177 <info>
6178 <desc>Contains search options for the Japanese language.</desc>
6179 </info>
6180 <prop oor:name="IsMatchFullHalfWidthForms" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6181 <!-- OldPath: -->
6182 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6183 <!-- UIHints: Tools/Options/"Asian typography"-"Japanese Find" -->
6184 <info>
6185 <desc>Does not distinguish between full-width and half-width
6186 characters.</desc>
6187 </info>
6188 <value>true</value>
6189 </prop>
6190 <prop oor:name="IsMatchHiraganaKatakana" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6191 <!-- OldPath: -->
6192 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6193 <!-- UIHints: Tools/Options/"Asian typography"-"Japanese Find" -->
6194 <info>
6195 <desc>Does not distinguish between hiragana and katakana
6196 characters.</desc>
6197 </info>
6198 <value>true</value>
6199 </prop>
6200 <prop oor:name="IsMatchContractions" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6201 <!-- OldPath: -->
6202 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6203 <!-- UIHints: Tools/Options/"Asian typography"-"Japanese Find" -->
6204 <info>
6205 <desc>Specifies search without distinguishing between characters
6206 with diphthongs and double consonants and plain characters.</desc>
6207 </info>
6208 <value>true</value>
6209 </prop>
6210 <prop oor:name="IsMatchMinusDashCho-on" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6211 <!-- OldPath: -->
6212 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6213 <!-- UIHints: Tools/Options/"Asian typography"-"Japanese Find" -->
6214 <info>
6215 <desc>Specifies search without distinguishing between minus signs,
6216 dashes, and long vowel sounds.</desc>
6217 </info>
6218 <value>true</value>
6219 </prop>
6220 <prop oor:name="IsMatchRepeatCharMarks" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6221 <!-- OldPath: -->
6222 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6223 <!-- UIHints: Tools/Options/"Asian typography"-"Japanese Find" -->
6224 <info>
6225 <desc>Specifies search without distinguishing between repeat
6226 character marks.</desc>
6227 </info>
6228 <value>true</value>
6229 </prop>
6230 <prop oor:name="IsMatchVariantFormKanji" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6231 <!-- OldPath: -->
6232 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6233 <!-- UIHints: Tools/Options/"Asian typography"-"Japanese Find" -->
6234 <info>
6235 <desc>Specifies search without distinguishing between standard and
6236 nonstandard ideography.</desc>
6237 </info>
6238 <value>true</value>
6239 </prop>
6240 <prop oor:name="IsMatchOldKanaForms" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6241 <!-- OldPath: -->
6242 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6243 <!-- UIHints: Tools/Options/"Asian typography"-"Japanese Find" -->
6244 <info>
6245 <desc>Specifies search without distinguishing between standard and
6246 nonstandard ideography.</desc>
6247 </info>
6248 <value>true</value>
6249 </prop>
6250 <prop oor:name="IsMatch_DiZi_DuZu" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6251 <!-- OldPath: -->
6252 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6253 <!-- UIHints: Tools/Options/"Asian typography"-"Japanese Find" -->
6254 <info>
6255 <desc>Specifies search without distinguishing between 'Di' and 'Zi'
6256 or 'Du' and 'Zu'.</desc>
6257 </info>
6258 <value>true</value>
6259 </prop>
6260 <prop oor:name="IsMatch_BaVa_HaFa" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6261 <!-- OldPath: -->
6262 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6263 <!-- UIHints: Tools/Options/"Asian typography"-"Japanese Find" -->
6264 <info>
6265 <desc>Specifies search without distinguishing between 'Ba' and 'Va'
6266 or 'Ha' and 'Fa'.</desc>
6267 </info>
6268 <value>true</value>
6269 </prop>
6270 <prop oor:name="IsMatch_TsiThiChi_DhiZi" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6271 <!-- OldPath: -->
6272 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6273 <!-- UIHints: Tools/Options/"Asian typography"-"Japanese Find" -->
6274 <info>
6275 <desc>Specifies search without distinguishing between 'Tsi', 'Thi'
6276 and 'Chi' or 'Dhi' and 'Zi'.</desc>
6277 </info>
6278 <value>true</value>
6279 </prop>
6280 <prop oor:name="IsMatch_HyuIyu_ByuVyu" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6281 <!-- OldPath: -->
6282 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6283 <!-- UIHints: Tools/Options/"Asian typography"-"Japanese Find" -->
6284 <info>
6285 <desc>Specifies search without distinguishing between 'Hyu' and
6286 'Fyu' or 'Byu' and 'Vyu'.</desc>
6287 </info>
6288 <value>true</value>
6289 </prop>
6290 <prop oor:name="IsMatch_SeShe_ZeJe" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6291 <!-- OldPath: -->
6292 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6293 <!-- UIHints: Tools/Options/"Asian typography"-"Japanese Find" -->
6294 <info>
6295 <desc>Specifies search without distinguishing between 'Se' and 'She'
6296 or 'Ze' and 'Je'.</desc>
6297 </info>
6298 <value>true</value>
6299 </prop>
6300 <prop oor:name="IsMatch_IaIya" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6301 <!-- OldPath: -->
6302 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6303 <!-- UIHints: Tools/Options/"Asian typography"-"Japanese Find" -->
6304 <info>
6305 <desc>Specifies search without distinguishing between 'Ia' and
6306 'Iya'.</desc>
6307 </info>
6308 <value>true</value>
6309 </prop>
6310 <prop oor:name="IsMatch_KiKu" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6311 <!-- OldPath: -->
6312 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6313 <!-- UIHints: Tools/Options/"Asian typography"-"Japanese Find" -->
6314 <info>
6315 <desc>Specifies search without distinguishing between 'Ki' and
6316 'Ku'.</desc>
6317 </info>
6318 <value>true</value>
6319 </prop>
6320 <prop oor:name="IsIgnorePunctuation" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6321 <!-- OldPath: -->
6322 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6323 <!-- UIHints: Tools/Options/"Asian typography"-"Japanese Find" -->
6324 <info>
6325 <desc>Specifies search without distinguishing between punctuation
6326 characters.</desc>
6327 </info>
6328 <value>true</value>
6329 </prop>
6330 <prop oor:name="IsIgnoreWhitespace" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6331 <!-- OldPath: -->
6332 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6333 <!-- UIHints: Tools/Options/"Asian typography"-"Japanese Find" -->
6334 <info>
6335 <desc>Specifies search without distinguishing between characters
6336 used as blank spaces, such as full-width spaces, half-width spaces,
6337 and tabs.</desc>
6338 </info>
6339 <value>true</value>
6340 </prop>
6341 <prop oor:name="IsIgnoreProlongedSoundMark" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6342 <!-- OldPath: -->
6343 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6344 <!-- UIHints: Tools/Options/"Asian typography"-"Japanese Find" -->
6345 <info>
6346 <desc>Specifies search without distinguishing between prolonged
6347 sound marks.</desc>
6348 </info>
6349 <value>true</value>
6350 </prop>
6351 <prop oor:name="IsIgnoreMiddleDot" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6352 <!-- OldPath: -->
6353 <!-- OldLocation: -->
6354 <!-- UIHints: Tools/Options/"Asian typography"-"Japanese Find" -->
6355 <info>
6356 <desc>Specifies search without distinguishing between normal dots
6357 and middle dots.</desc>
6358 </info>
6359 <value>true</value>
6360 </prop>
6361 </group>
6362 </group>
6363 <group oor:name="Accessibility">
6364 <info>
6365 <desc>Specifies settings for the accessibility options.</desc>
6366 </info>
6367 <prop oor:name="AutoDetectSystemHC" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6368 <info>
6369 <desc>Enables the automatic detection of a high contrast mode set for
6370 your desktop. Some OS' do not provide this option explicitly, but
6371 allow the user to choose a color scheme that is HC-compliant
6372 implicitly, which is recognized if the option is set.</desc>
6373 <label>detect system's high contrast</label>
6374 </info>
6375 <value>false</value>
6376 </prop>
6377 <prop oor:name="IsForPagePreviews" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6378 <info>
6379 <desc>Enables the use of high contrast colors, instead of displaying
6380 the normal/original WYSIWYG colors.</desc>
6381 <label>For page previews</label>
6382 </info>
6383 <value>true</value>
6384 </prop>
6385 <prop oor:name="IsHelpTipsDisappear" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6386 <info>
6387 <desc>Enables or disables the automatic time out of help tips. You can
6388 specify a duration (n) of 1 to 99 seconds. If this option is
6389 disabled, press the Esc key to dismiss the help tip.</desc>
6390 <label>Help tips disappear after</label>
6391 </info>
6392 <value>true</value>
6393 </prop>
6394 <prop oor:name="HelpTipSeconds" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
6395 <info>
6396 <desc>Enables or disables the automatic time out of help tips. You
6397 can specify a duration (n) of 1 to 99 seconds. If this option is
6398 disabled, press the Esc key to dismiss the help tip.</desc>
6399 <label>Help tips disappear after</label>
6400 </info>
6401 <constraints>
6402 <minInclusive oor:value="1">
6403 <info>
6404 <desc>Specifies the number of seconds to wait before displaying a
6405 help tip.</desc>
6406 </info>
6407 </minInclusive>
6408 <maxInclusive oor:value="99">
6409 <info>
6410 <desc>Specifies the number of seconds to display a help
6411 tip.</desc>
6412 </info>
6413 </maxInclusive>
6414 </constraints>
6415 <value>4</value>
6416 </prop>
6417 <prop oor:name="IsAllowAnimatedGraphics" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6418 <info>
6419 <desc>Indicates whether to allow the graphical animation in all SO/OO
6420 applications (i.e. animated GIFs and objects in Impress during
6421 presentation, animated graphical previews (Gallery,
6422 Insert-Image, Animation Tool in Impress.)</desc>
6423 <label>Allow animated images</label>
6424 </info>
6425 <value>true</value>
6426 </prop>
6427 <prop oor:name="IsAllowAnimatedText" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6428 <info>
6429 <desc>Indicates whether to allow all textual animation like blinking
6430 and scrolling in all SO/OO applications.</desc>
6431 <label>Allow animated text</label>
6432 </info>
6433 <value>true</value>
6434 </prop>
6435 <prop oor:name="IsAutomaticFontColor" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6436 <info>
6437 <desc>Overrides all text color attributes set in a SO/OO document for
6438 display only.</desc>
6439 <label>Always use automatic font color for screen display</label>
6440 </info>
6441 <value>false</value>
6442 </prop>
6443 <prop oor:name="IsSelectionInReadonly" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6444 <info>
6445 <desc>Indicates whether the cursor is displayed in read-only
6446 texts.</desc>
6447 <label>Use text selection mode in readonly texts.</label>
6448 </info>
6449 <value>false</value>
6450 </prop>
6451 <prop oor:name="EdgeBlending" oor:type="xs:short">
6452 <info>
6453 <desc>
6454 Option to use EdgeBlending for previews in the UI (for ColorValueSet, ColorDropDown, FillStyle/LineStyle
6455 previews, etc...). EdgeBlending will visualize a one pixel border on the preview object with interpolated
6456 colors (default: TopLeft White, BottomRight Black) so that a nice 3D effect is shown. It is a percent
6457 value describing how strong the effect shall be. The value 0% switches it off, while the value 100% will
6458 cover the preview object's border completely with one pixel. Values in-between will be alpha-blended with
6459 the original preview image.
6460 </desc>
6461 <label>Defines the EdgeBlending for Previews in Percent.</label>
6462 </info>
6463 <value>35</value>
6464 </prop>
6465 <prop oor:name="ListBoxMaximumLineCount" oor:type="xs:short">
6466 <info>
6467 <desc>
6468 This option controls how many lines of a ListBox will be shown as a maximum. If the ListBox has less lines,
6469 all lines will be shown when opening the drop down content. If it has more lines, the visible number of
6470 lines will be limited to this number. The value 0 disables this feature, negative values are not allowed.
6471 This feature may not be used automatically by all ListBox implementations,
6472 but it gives a central hint value to use if an implementation wants to adapt to something useful.
6473 </desc>
6474 <label>Defines the maximum number of lines visible in a ListBox.</label>
6475 </info>
6476 <value>25</value>
6477 </prop>
6478 <prop oor:name="ColorValueSetColumnCount" oor:type="xs:short">
6479 <info>
6480 <desc>
6481 This option controls how many columns the ColorValueSets (the matrix-organized dialogs for color select)
6482 will have. The default is 12 and this is aligned with the layout of the standard color palette. thus, when you
6483 change this value, you should know what you do. This setting also influences some width-oriented layouts in
6484 dialogs where this ColorValueSets are used, e.g. FillStyle dialog.
6485 </desc>
6486 <label>Defines the number of columns that will be shown in a ColorValueSet.</label>
6487 </info>
6488 <value>12</value>
6489 </prop>
6490 <prop oor:name="PreviewUsesCheckeredBackground" oor:type="xs:boolean">
6491 <info>
6492 <desc>
6493 This option allows to make previews (e.g. UI previews for object attributes) show the content with a checkered
6494 background to allow simple identification and better preview of transparent content, e.g. when a draw object
6495 is filled with a transparent image (SVG or bitmap) the preview will show the checkered background shine
6496 through, so the user can identify that the fill has transparency with a single look.
6497 </desc>
6498 <label>Shows previews with shining through checkered background to visualize transparency.</label>
6499 </info>
6500 <value>false</value>
6501 </prop>
6502 </group>
6503 <group oor:name="ExternalApps" oor:extensible="true">
6504 <info>
6505 <deprecated>Without replacement.</deprecated>
6506 <desc>Specifies external helper applications / protocol handlers.</desc>
6507 </info>
6508 </group>
6509 <group oor:name="ExternalMailer">
6510 <info>
6511 <desc>Specifies an external mail application to be used for Send as
6512 email.</desc>
6513 </info>
6514 <prop oor:name="Program" oor:type="xs:string" oor:nillable="false">
6515 <info>
6516 <desc>Specifies the external mail application to be used.</desc>
6517 </info>
6518 <value/>
6519 </prop>
6520 </group>
6521 <group oor:name="I18N">
6522 <info>
6523 <desc>Contains various language/localization specific settings.</desc>
6524 </info>
6525 <group oor:name="InputMethod">
6526 <info>
6527 <desc>Contains settings for (language/localization specific) input
6528 methods.</desc>
6529 </info>
6530 <prop oor:name="ShowStatusWindow" oor:type="xs:boolean">
6531 <info>
6532 <desc>Controls the behavior of the IIIMP status window on Unix. If
6533 true, the status window is always displayed. If false, the status
6534 window is never displayed. If nil (the default), the status window
6535 is displayed depending on the current locale.</desc>
6536 </info>
6537 </prop>
6538 </group>
6539 <group oor:name="CJK">
6540 <info>
6541 <desc>Contains settings for the Asian languages (Chinese, Japanese,
6542 Korean,...) layout.</desc>
6543 </info>
6544 <prop oor:name="CJKFont" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6545 <!-- UIHints: setup -->
6546 <info>
6547 <desc>Specifies, whether CJK font settings are available (true) or
6548 not (false).</desc>
6549 </info>
6550 <value>false</value>
6551 </prop>
6552 <prop oor:name="VerticalText" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6553 <!-- UIHints: setup -->
6554 <info>
6555 <desc>Specifies, whether vertical text is available (true) or not
6556 (false).</desc>
6557 </info>
6558 <value>false</value>
6559 </prop>
6560 <prop oor:name="AsianTypography" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6561 <!-- UIHints: setup -->
6562 <info>
6563 <desc>Specifies, whether Asian typography options like compression
6564 and forbidden characters are available (true) or not (false).</desc>
6565 </info>
6566 <value>false</value>
6567 </prop>
6568 <prop oor:name="JapaneseFind" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6569 <!-- UIHints: setup -->
6570 <info>
6571 <desc>Specifies, whether Japanese find options are selectable for
6572 search and replace (true) or not (false).</desc>
6573 </info>
6574 <value>false</value>
6575 </prop>
6576 <prop oor:name="Ruby" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6577 <!-- UIHints: setup -->
6578 <info>
6579 <desc>Specifies whether Rubys are available (true) or not
6580 (false).</desc>
6581 </info>
6582 <value>false</value>
6583 </prop>
6584 <prop oor:name="ChangeCaseMap" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6585 <!-- UIHints: setup -->
6586 <info>
6587 <desc>Specifies whether case mapping to half and full width,
6588 hiragana and katakana are available (true) or not (false).</desc>
6589 </info>
6590 <value>false</value>
6591 </prop>
6592 <prop oor:name="DoubleLines" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6593 <!-- UIHints: setup -->
6594 <info>
6595 <desc>Specifies whether writing in double lines is available (true)
6596 or not (false).</desc>
6597 </info>
6598 <value>false</value>
6599 </prop>
6600 <prop oor:name="EmphasisMarks" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6601 <!-- UIHints: setup -->
6602 <info>
6603 <desc>Specifies whether emphasis marks are available (true) or not
6604 (false).</desc>
6605 </info>
6606 <value>false</value>
6607 </prop>
6608 <prop oor:name="VerticalCallOut" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6609 <!-- UIHints: setup -->
6610 <info>
6611 <desc>Specifies whether vertical call out objects are available
6612 (true) or not (false).</desc>
6613 </info>
6614 <value>false</value>
6615 </prop>
6616 </group>
6617 <group oor:name="CTL">
6618 <info>
6619 <desc>Contains settings for the languages with complex text layout
6620 (Hebrew, Arabic, Thai,...).</desc>
6621 </info>
6622 <prop oor:name="CTLFont" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6623 <!-- UIHints: setup -->
6624 <info>
6625 <desc>Specifies whether CTL font settings are available (true) or
6626 not (false).</desc>
6627 </info>
6628 <value>false</value>
6629 </prop>
6630 <prop oor:name="CTLSequenceChecking" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6631 <!-- UIHints: setup -->
6632 <info>
6633 <desc>Specifies whether CTL strings are checked for the correct
6634 input sequence(true) or not (false).</desc>
6635 </info>
6636 <value>false</value>
6637 </prop>
6638 <prop oor:name="CTLSequenceCheckingRestricted" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6639 <!-- UIHints: setup -->
6640 <info>
6641 <desc>Specifies whether CTL strings are checked restricted for the
6642 correct input sequence(true) or not (false). Is only effective when
6643 CTLSequenceChecking is true.</desc>
6644 </info>
6645 <value>false</value>
6646 </prop>
6647 <prop oor:name="CTLSequenceCheckingTypeAndReplace" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6648 <!-- UIHints: setup -->
6649 <info>
6650 <desc>Specifies whether CTL input sequences are corrected while
6651 typing. Is only effective when CTLSequenceChecking is true.</desc>
6652 </info>
6653 <value>false</value>
6654 </prop>
6655 <prop oor:name="CTLCursorMovement" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
6656 <!-- UIHints: options-->
6657 <info>
6658 <desc>Specifies the type of text cursor movement (logical (0) or
6659 visual (1)) within mixed text (RTL and LTR).</desc>
6660 </info>
6661 <value>0</value>
6662 </prop>
6663 <prop oor:name="CTLTextNumerals" oor:type="xs:int" oor:nillable="false">
6664 <!-- UIHints: options-->
6665 <info>
6666 <desc>Specifies the type of numerals (Arabic (0), Hindi (1), system
6667 settings (2) or Context(3)) is used per default in all
6668 applications.</desc>
6669 </info>
6670 <value>0</value>
6671 </prop>
6672 <prop oor:name="UIMirroring" oor:type="xs:boolean">
6673 <info>
6674 <desc>Specifies whether the whole user interface (UI) will be
6675 mirrored. If true, the UI will be right-to-left. If false, the UI
6676 will be left-to-right. If nil (the default), the UI will be mirrored
6677 depending on the office locale.</desc>
6678 </info>
6679 </prop>
6680 </group>
6681 </group>
6682 <group oor:name="Startup">
6683 <info>
6684 <deprecated>Use cfg package Jobs instead of this.</deprecated>
6685 <desc>Uses cfg package Jobs instead of this component.</desc>
6686 </info>
6687 <set oor:name="Run" oor:node-type="JobDescription">
6688 <info>
6689 <deprecated>Use cfg package Jobs instead of this.</deprecated>
6690 <desc>Uses cfg package Jobs instead of this component.</desc>
6691 </info>
6692 </set>
6693 <set oor:name="RunOnce" oor:node-type="JobDescription">
6694 <info>
6695 <deprecated>Use cfg package Jobs instead of this.</deprecated>
6696 <desc>Uses cfg package Jobs instead of this component.</desc>
6697 </info>
6698 </set>
6699 </group>
6700 <group oor:name="SmartTags">
6701 <info>
6702 <desc>Contains settings for smart tags.</desc>
6703 </info>
6704 <group oor:name="Writer">
6705 <info>
6706 <desc>Contains Writer specific settings for smart tags.</desc>
6707 </info>
6708 <prop oor:name="RecognizeSmartTags" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6709 <info>
6710 <desc>Specifies whether smart tag recognition is enabled.</desc>
6711 </info>
6712 <value>true</value>
6713 </prop>
6714 <prop oor:name="ExcludedSmartTagTypes" oor:type="oor:string-list">
6715 <info>
6716 <desc>A list of excluded smart tag types.</desc>
6717 </info>
6718 </prop>
6719 </group>
6720 </group>
6721 <group oor:name="StylesAndFormatting">
6722 <info>
6723 <desc>Contains settings for Styles.</desc>
6724 </info>
6725 <prop oor:name="Preview" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6726 <info>
6727 <desc>Specifies if the styles preview is enabled.</desc>
6728 </info>
6729 <value>true</value>
6730 </prop>
6731 </group>
6732 <group oor:name="PackageKit">
6733 <info>
6734 <desc>Contains settings related to PackageKit (Unix only).</desc>
6735 </info>
6736 <prop oor:name="EnableFontInstallation" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6737 <info>
6738 <desc>Specifies if missing font installation should be triggered.</desc>
6739 </info>
6740 <value>true</value>
6741 </prop>
6742 <prop oor:name="EnableLangpackInstallation" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6743 <info>
6744 <desc>Specifies if missing langpack installation should be triggered.</desc>
6745 </info>
6746 <value>true</value>
6747 </prop>
6748 <prop oor:name="EnableBaseInstallation" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6749 <info>
6750 <desc>Specifies if missing LibreOffice Base installation should be triggered.</desc>
6751 </info>
6752 <value>true</value>
6753 </prop>
6754 </group>
6755 <group oor:name="Classification">
6756 <info>
6757 <desc>TSCP Classification</desc>
6758 </info>
6759 <prop oor:name="Policy" oor:type="xs:short" oor:nillable="false">
6760 <info>
6761 <desc>The policy type used at classification</desc>
6762 </info>
6763 <value>3</value>
6764 </prop>
6765 <prop oor:name="IntellectualPropertySectionExpanded" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6766 <info>
6767 <desc>Specifies if the intellectual property section in the advanced classification dialog should be expanded when the dialog is open.</desc>
6768 </info>
6769 <value>true</value>
6770 </prop>
6771 <prop oor:name="IntellectualPropertyTextInputIsFreeForm" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:nillable="false">
6772 <info>
6773 <desc>Specifies if the intellectual property text in the advanced classification is free-form or limited to ';', '/' and ' ' (space) and delete key.</desc>
6774 </info>
6775 <value>true</value>
6776 </prop>
6777 </group>
6778 </component>
6779 </oor:component-schema>