1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
3 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
5 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
11 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
19 #ifndef __ooo_vba_excel_XRange_idl__
20 #define __ooo_vba_excel_XRange_idl__
22 #include
23 #include
24 #include
25 #include
26 #include
27 #include
28 #include
29 #include
30 #include
31 #include
35 module ooo
{ module vba
{ module excel
43 interface XCharacters
45 interface XValidation
51 interface com
52 interface com
53 interface com
54 interface com
55 interface ::ooo
56 //interface ::ooo::vba::XHelperInterface;
58 [attribute
] any Value
59 [attribute
] any Formula
60 [attribute
] any FormulaArray
61 [attribute
] any FormulaR1C1
62 [attribute
, readonly] long Count
63 [attribute
, readonly] long Row
64 [attribute
, readonly] long Column
65 [attribute
, readonly] string Text
66 [attribute
, readonly] XRange EntireRow
67 [attribute
, readonly] XRange EntireColumn
68 [attribute
, readonly] XComment Comment
69 [attribute
] any
70 [attribute
] any ColumnWidth
71 [attribute
, readonly ] any Width
72 [attribute
, readonly] XWorksheet Worksheet
73 [attribute
, readonly] XName Name
74 [attribute
] any RowHeight
75 [attribute
, readonly ] any Height
76 [attribute
, readonly ] any Top
77 [attribute
, readonly ] any Left
78 [attribute
] any PageBreak
79 [attribute
, readonly] XValidation Validation
80 [attribute
, readonly] any PrefixCharacter
83 get raises
( com
85 [attribute
] any AddIndent
86 [attribute
] any ShowDetail
88 XComment AddComment
( [in] any Text
98 XRange Item
([in] any RowIndex
, [in] any ColumnIndex
) raises
99 XRange Offset
([in] any RowOffset
, [in] any ColumnOffset
100 XRange CurrentRegion
101 XRange CurrentArray
102 string Characters
([in] any Start
, [in] any Length
103 string Address
( [in] any RowAbsolute
, [in] any ColumnAbsolute
, [in] any ReferenceStyle
, [in] any External
, [in] any RelativeTo
104 XRange Cells
([in] any RowIndex
, [in] any ColumnIndex
106 void AutoOutline
() raises
108 XRange Rows
( [in] any RowIndex
109 void Calculate
() raises
110 XRange Columns
( [in] any ColumnIndex
111 void Copy
([in] any Destination
112 void Cut
([in] any Destination
113 XRange Resize
( [in] any RowSize
, [in] any ColumnSize
114 XRange
Range( [in] any Cell1
, [in] any Cell2
116 void PasteSpecial
([in] any Paste
, [in] any Operation
,[in] any SkipBlanks
, [in] any Transpose
117 boolean Replace
( [in] string What
, [in] string Replacement
, [in] any LookAt
, [in] any SearchOrder
, [in] any MatchCase
, [in] any MatchByte
, [in] any SearchFormat
, [in] any ReplaceFormat
118 XRange Find
( [in] any What
, [in] any After
, [in] any LookIn
, [in] any LookAt
, [in] any SearchOrder
, [in] any SearchDirection
, [in] any MatchCase
, [in] any MatchByte
, [in] any SearchFormat
120 void Sort
( [in] any Key1
, [in] any Order1
, [in] any Key2
, [in] any Type
121 [in] any Order2
, [in] any Key3
, [in] any Order3
122 [in] any Header
, [in] any OrderCustom
, [in] any MatchCase
123 [in] any Orientation
, [in] any SortMethod
, [in] any DataOption1
124 [in] any DataOption2
, [in] any DataOption3
125 XRange End
( [in] long Direction
126 // bizarrely I have to define Character method as character otherwise
128 XCharacters characters
([in] any Start
, [in] any Length
129 void Delete
( [in] any Shift
131 any Areas
( [in] any Item
132 any BorderAround
( [in] any LineStyle
, [in] any Weight
, [in] any ColorIndex
, [in] any Color
133 void AutoFilter
([in ] any Field
, [in] any Criteria1
, [in] any Operator
, [in] any Criteria2
, [in] any VisibleDropDown
134 void Insert
([in] any Shift
, [in] any CopyOrigin
135 void Autofit
() raises
136 void PrintOut
([in] any From
, [in] any To
, [in] any Copies
, [in] any Preview
, [in] any ActivePrinter
, [in] any PrintToFile
, [in] any Collate
, [in] any PrToFileName
137 void AutoFill
( [in] XRange Destination
, [in] any Type
138 boolean GoalSeek
( [in] any Goal
, [in] XRange ChangingCell
139 void ClearOutline
() raises
140 void Ungroup
() raises
141 void Group
() raises
142 void Merge
([in] any Across
) raises
143 void UnMerge
() raises
144 XRange Next
( ) raises
( com
145 XRange Previous
( ) raises
( com
146 XRange SpecialCells
( [in] any Type
, [in] /*Optional*/ any Value
) raises
( com
147 void RemoveSubtotal
() raises
( com
148 void Subtotal
( [in] long GroupBy
, [in] long Function
, [in] /*Optional*/ sequence
<long> TotalList
, [in] /*Optional*/ any Replace
, [in] /*Optional*/ any PageBreaks
, [in] any SummaryBelowData
) raises
( com
149 XRange MergeArea
( ) raises
( com
150 any Hyperlinks
( [in] any Index
160 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */