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[LibreOffice.git] / wizards / source / access2base / CommandBar.xba
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
3 <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="CommandBar" script:language="StarBasic">REM =======================================================================================================================
4 REM === The Access2Base library is a part of the LibreOffice project. ===
5 REM === Full documentation is available on http://www.access2base.com ===
6 REM =======================================================================================================================
8 Option Compatible
9 Option ClassModule
11 Option Explicit
13 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 Private _Type As String &apos; Must be COMMANDBAR
18 Private _Name As String
19 Private _ResourceURL As String
20 Private _Window As Object &apos; com.sun.star.frame.XFrame
21 Private _Module As String
22 Private _Toolbar As Object
23 Private _BarBuiltin As Integer &apos; 1 = builtin, 2 = custom stored in LO/AOO (Base), 3 = custom stored in document (Form)
24 Private _BarType As Integer &apos; See msoBarTypeXxx constants
26 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 Private Sub Class_Initialize()
31 _Name = &quot;&quot;
32 _ResourceURL = &quot;&quot;
33 Set _Window = Nothing
34 _Module = &quot;&quot;
35 Set _Toolbar = Nothing
36 _BarBuiltin = 0
37 _BarType = -1
38 End Sub &apos; Constructor
40 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 Private Sub Class_Terminate()
42 On Local Error Resume Next
43 Call Class_Initialize()
44 End Sub &apos; Destructor
46 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 Public Sub Dispose()
48 Call Class_Terminate()
49 End Sub &apos; Explicit destructor
51 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 Property Get BuiltIn() As Boolean
57 BuiltIn = _PropertyGet(&quot;BuiltIn&quot;)
58 End Property &apos; BuiltIn (get)
60 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 Property Get Name() As String
62 Name = _PropertyGet(&quot;Name&quot;)
63 End Property &apos; Name (get)
65 Public Function pName() As String &apos; For compatibility with &lt; V0.9.0
66 pName = _PropertyGet(&quot;Name&quot;)
67 End Function &apos; pName (get)
69 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 Property Get ObjectType() As String
71 ObjectType = _PropertyGet(&quot;ObjectType&quot;)
72 End Property &apos; ObjectType (get)
74 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 Public Function Properties(ByVal Optional pvIndex As Variant) As Variant
76 &apos; Return
77 &apos; a Collection object if pvIndex absent
78 &apos; a Property object otherwise
80 Dim vProperty As Variant, vPropertiesList() As Variant, sObject As String
81 vPropertiesList = _PropertiesList()
82 sObject = Utils._PCase(_Type)
83 If IsMissing(pvIndex) Then
84 vProperty = PropertiesGet._Properties(sObject, _Name, vPropertiesList)
85 Else
86 vProperty = PropertiesGet._Properties(sObject, _Name, vPropertiesList, pvIndex)
87 vProperty._Value = _PropertyGet(vPropertiesList(pvIndex))
88 End If
90 Exit_Function:
91 Set Properties = vProperty
92 Exit Function
93 End Function &apos; Properties
95 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 Property Get Visible() As Variant
97 Visible = _PropertyGet(&quot;Visible&quot;)
98 End Property &apos; Visible (get)
100 Property Let Visible(ByVal pvValue As Variant)
101 Call _PropertySet(&quot;Visible&quot;, pvValue)
102 End Property &apos; Visible (set)
104 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
108 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
109 Public Function CommandBarControls(Optional ByVal pvIndex As Variant) As Variant
110 &apos; Return an object of type CommandBarControl indicated by its index
111 &apos; Index is different from UNO index: separators do not count
112 &apos; If no pvIndex argument, return a Collection type
114 If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
115 Const cstThisSub = &quot;CommandBar.CommandBarControls&quot;
116 Utils._SetCalledSub(cstThisSub)
118 Dim oLayout As Object, vElements() As Variant, iIndexToolbar As Integer, oToolbar As Object
119 Dim i As Integer, iItemsCount As Integer, oSettings As Object, vItem() As Variant, bSeparator As Boolean
120 Dim oObject As Object
122 Set oObject = Nothing
123 If Not IsMissing(pvIndex) Then
124 If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvIndex, 1, Utils._AddNumeric()) Then Goto Exit_Function
125 If pvIndex &lt; 0 Then Goto Trace_IndexError
126 End If
128 Select Case _BarType
129 Case msoBarTypeNormal, msoBarTypeMenuBar
130 Case Else : Goto Error_NotApplicable &apos; Status bar not supported
131 End Select
133 Set oLayout = _Window.LayoutManager
134 vElements = oLayout.getElements()
135 iIndexToolbar = _FindElement(vElements())
136 If iIndexToolbar &lt; 0 Then Goto Error_NotApplicable &apos; Toolbar not visible
137 Set oToolbar = vElements(iIndexToolbar)
139 iItemsCount = 0
140 Set oSettings = oToolbar.getSettings(False)
142 bSeparator = False
143 For i = 0 To oSettings.getCount() - 1
144 Set vItem() = oSettings.getByIndex(i)
145 If _GetPropertyValue(vItem, &quot;Type&quot;, 1) &lt;&gt; 1 Then &apos; Type = 1 indicates separator
146 iItemsCount = iItemsCount + 1
147 If Not IsMissing(pvIndex) Then
148 If pvIndex = iItemsCount - 1 Then
149 Set oObject = New CommandBarControl
150 With oObject
151 ._ParentCommandBarName = _Name
152 ._ParentCommandBar = oToolbar
153 ._ParentBuiltin = ( _BarBuiltin = 1 )
154 ._Element = vItem()
155 ._InternalIndex = i
156 ._Index = iItemsCount &apos; Indexes start at 1
157 ._BeginGroup = bSeparator
158 End With
159 End If
160 bSeparator = False
161 End If
162 Else
163 bSeparator = True
164 End If
165 Next i
167 If IsNull(oObject) Then
168 Select Case True
169 Case IsMissing(pvIndex)
170 Set oObject = New Collect
172 oObject._ParentType = OBJCOMMANDBAR
173 oObject._ParentName = _Name
174 oObject._Count = iItemsCount
175 Case Else &apos; pvIndex is numeric
176 Goto Trace_IndexError
177 End Select
178 End If
180 Exit_Function:
181 Set CommandBarControls = oObject
182 Set oObject = Nothing
183 Utils._ResetCalledSub(cstThisSub)
184 Exit Function
185 Error_Function:
186 TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, cstThisSub, Erl)
187 GoTo Exit_Function
188 Trace_IndexError:
189 TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRCOLLECTION, Utils._CalledSub(), 0)
190 Goto Exit_Function
191 Error_NotApplicable:
192 TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRMETHOD, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, 1, cstThisSub)
193 Goto Exit_Function
194 End Function &apos; CommandBarControls V1,3,0
196 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
197 Public Function Controls(Optional ByVal pvIndex As Variant) As Variant
198 &apos; Alias for CommandBarControls (VBA)
200 If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
201 Const cstThisSub = &quot;CommandBar.Controls&quot;
202 Utils._SetCalledSub(cstThisSub)
204 Dim oObject As Object
206 If IsMissing(pvIndex) Then Set oObject = CommandBarControls() Else Set oObject = CommandBarControls(pvIndex)
208 Exit_Function:
209 Set Controls = oObject
210 Set oObject = Nothing
211 Utils._ResetCalledSub(cstThisSub)
212 Exit Function
213 Error_Function:
214 TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, cstThisSub, Erl)
215 GoTo Exit_Function
216 End Function &apos; Controls V1,3,0
218 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
219 Public Function getProperty(Optional ByVal pvProperty As Variant) As Variant
220 &apos; Return property value of psProperty property name
222 Utils._SetCalledSub(&quot;CommandBar.getProperty&quot;)
223 If IsMissing(pvProperty) Then Call _TraceArguments()
224 getProperty = _PropertyGet(pvProperty)
225 Utils._ResetCalledSub(&quot;CommandBar.getProperty&quot;)
227 End Function &apos; getProperty
229 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
230 Public Function hasProperty(ByVal Optional pvProperty As Variant) As Boolean
231 &apos; Return True if object has a valid property called pvProperty (case-insensitive comparison !)
233 If IsMissing(pvProperty) Then hasProperty = PropertiesGet._hasProperty(_Type, _PropertiesList()) Else hasProperty = PropertiesGet._hasProperty(_Type, _PropertiesList(), pvProperty)
234 Exit Function
236 End Function &apos; hasProperty
238 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
239 Public Function Reset() As Boolean
240 &apos; Reset a whole command bar to its initial values
242 If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
243 Const cstThisSub = &quot;CommandBar.Reset&quot;
244 Utils._SetCalledSub(cstThisSub)
246 _Toolbar.reload()
248 Exit_Function:
249 Reset = True
250 Utils._ResetCalledSub(cstThisSub)
251 Exit Function
252 Error_Function:
253 TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, cstThisSub, Erl)
254 Reset = False
255 GoTo Exit_Function
256 End Function &apos; Reset V1.3.0
258 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
260 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
262 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
263 Private Function _FindElement(pvElements As Variant) As Integer
264 &apos; Return -1 if not found, otherwise return index in elements table of LayoutManager
266 Dim i As Integer
268 _FindElement = -1
269 If Not IsArray(pvElements) Then Exit Function
271 For i = 0 To UBound(pvElements)
272 If _ResourceURL = pvElements(i).ResourceURL Then
273 _FindElement = i
274 Exit Function
275 End If
276 Next i
278 End Function
280 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
281 Private Function _PropertiesList() As Variant
282 _PropertiesList = Array(&quot;BuiltIn&quot;, &quot;Name&quot;, &quot;ObjectType&quot;, &quot;Visible&quot;)
283 End Function &apos; _PropertiesList
285 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
286 Private Function _PropertyGet(ByVal psProperty As String) As Variant
287 &apos; Return property value of the psProperty property name
289 If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
290 Dim cstThisSub As String
291 cstThisSub = &quot;CommandBar.get&quot; &amp; psProperty
292 Utils._SetCalledSub(cstThisSub)
293 _PropertyGet = Nothing
295 Dim oLayout As Object, iElementIndex As Integer
297 Select Case UCase(psProperty)
298 Case UCase(&quot;BuiltIn&quot;)
299 _PropertyGet = ( _BarBuiltin = 1 )
300 Case UCase(&quot;Name&quot;)
301 _PropertyGet = _Name
302 Case UCase(&quot;ObjectType&quot;)
303 _PropertyGet = _Type
304 Case UCase(&quot;Visible&quot;)
305 Set oLayout = _Window.LayoutManager
306 iElementIndex = _FindElement(oLayout.getElements())
307 If iElementIndex &lt; 0 Then _PropertyGet = False Else _PropertyGet = oLayout.isElementVisible(_ResourceURL)
308 Case Else
309 Goto Trace_Error
310 End Select
312 Exit_Function:
313 Utils._ResetCalledSub(cstThisSub)
314 Exit Function
315 Trace_Error:
316 TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRPROPERTY, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, 1, psProperty)
317 _PropertyGet = Nothing
318 Goto Exit_Function
319 Error_Function:
320 TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, Utils._CalledSub(), Erl)
321 _PropertyGet = Nothing
322 GoTo Exit_Function
323 End Function &apos; _PropertyGet
325 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
326 Private Function _PropertySet(ByVal psProperty As String, ByVal pvValue As Variant) As Boolean
327 &apos; Return True if property setting OK
329 If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
330 Dim cstThisSub As String
331 cstThisSub = &quot;CommandBar.set&quot; &amp; psProperty
332 Utils._SetCalledSub(cstThisSub)
333 _PropertySet = True
334 Dim iArgNr As Integer
335 Dim oLayout As Object, iElementIndex As Integer
338 Select Case UCase(_A2B_.CalledSub)
339 Case UCase(&quot;setProperty&quot;) : iArgNr = 3
340 Case UCase(&quot;CommandBar.setProperty&quot;) : iArgNr = 2
341 Case UCase(cstThisSub) : iArgNr = 1
342 End Select
344 If Not hasProperty(psProperty) Then Goto Trace_Error
346 Select Case UCase(psProperty)
347 Case UCase(&quot;Visible&quot;)
348 If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvValue, iArgNr, vbBoolean, , False) Then Goto Trace_Error_Value
349 Set oLayout = _Window.LayoutManager
350 With oLayout
351 iElementIndex = _FindElement(.getElements())
352 If iElementIndex &lt; 0 Then
353 If pvValue Then
354 .createElement(_ResourceURL)
355 .showElement(_ResourceURL)
356 End If
357 Else
358 If pvValue &lt;&gt; .isElementVisible(_ResourceURL) Then
359 If pvValue Then .showElement(_ResourceURL) Else .hideElement(_ResourceURL)
360 End If
361 End If
362 End With
363 Case Else
364 Goto Trace_Error
365 End Select
367 Exit_Function:
368 Utils._ResetCalledSub(cstThisSub)
369 Exit Function
370 Trace_Error:
371 TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRPROPERTY, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, , psProperty)
372 _PropertySet = False
373 Goto Exit_Function
374 Trace_Error_Value:
375 TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRPROPERTYVALUE, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, 1, Array(pvValue, psProperty))
376 _PropertySet = False
377 Goto Exit_Function
378 Error_Function:
379 TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, cstThisSub, Erl)
380 _PropertySet = False
381 GoTo Exit_Function
382 End Function &apos; _PropertySet
383 </script:module>