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[LibreOffice.git] / wizards / source / access2base / L10N.xba
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
3 <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="L10N" script:language="StarBasic">REM =======================================================================================================================
4 REM === The Access2Base library is a part of the LibreOffice project. ===
5 REM === Full documentation is available on http://www.access2base.com ===
6 REM =======================================================================================================================
8 Option Explicit
10 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 Public Function _GetLabel(ByVal psShortlabel As String, Optional ByVal psLocale As String) As String
15 &apos; Return the localized label corresponding with ShortLabel
17 If IsMissing(psLocale) Then psLocale = UCase(Left(_GetLocale(), 2)) Else psLocale = UCase(psLocale)
18 On Local Error Goto Error_Function
19 If Not Utils._InList(psLocale, Array( _
20 &quot;EN&quot;, &quot;FR&quot; _
21 )) Then psLocale = &quot;DEFAULT&quot; &apos; If list incomplete a recursive call will be provided anyway
23 Dim sLocal As String
24 sLocal = psShortLabel
25 Select Case psLocale
26 Case &quot;EN&quot;, &quot;DEFAULT&quot;
27 Select Case UCase(psShortlabel)
28 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRDBNOTCONNECTED : sLocal = &quot;No active connection to a database found&quot;
29 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRMISSINGARGUMENTS : sLocal = &quot;Arguments are missing or are not initialized&quot;
30 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRWRONGARGUMENT : sLocal = &quot;Argument nr. %0 [Value = &apos;%1&apos;] is invalid&quot;
31 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRMAINFORM : sLocal = &quot;Document &apos;%0&apos; does not contain any form&quot;
32 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFORMNOTIDENTIFIED : sLocal = &quot;Form &apos;%0&apos; not identified in database Forms set&quot;
33 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFORMNOTFOUND : sLocal = &quot;Form &apos;%0&apos; not found&quot;
34 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFORMNOTOPEN : sLocal = &quot;Form &apos;%0&apos; is currently not open&quot;
35 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRDFUNCTION : sLocal = &quot;DFunction execution failed, SQL=%0&quot;
36 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERROPENFORM : sLocal = &quot;Form &apos;%0&apos; could not be opened&quot;
37 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRPROPERTY : sLocal = &quot;Property &apos;%0&apos; not applicable in this context&quot;
38 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRPROPERTYVALUE : sLocal = &quot;Value &apos;%0&apos; is invalid for property &apos;%1&apos;&quot;
39 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRINDEXVALUE : sLocal = &quot;Out of array range or incorrect array size for property &apos;%0&apos;&quot;
40 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRCOLLECTION : sLocal = &quot;Out of array range&quot;
41 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRPROPERTYNOTARRAY : sLocal = &quot;Argument nr.%0 should be an array&quot;
42 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRCONTROLNOTFOUND : sLocal = &quot;Control &apos;%0&apos; not found in parent (form, grid or dialog) &apos;%1&apos;&quot;
43 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRNOACTIVEFORM : sLocal = &quot;No active form or control found&quot;
44 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRDATABASEFORM : sLocal = &quot;Form &apos;%0&apos; has no underlying dataset&quot;
45 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFOCUSINGRID : sLocal = &quot;Control &apos;%0&apos; not found in gridcontrol &apos;%1&apos;&quot;
46 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRNOGRIDINFORM : sLocal = &quot;No gridcontrol found in form &apos;%0&apos;&quot;
47 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFINDRECORD : sLocal = &quot;FindNext() must be preceded by a successful FindRecord(...) call&quot;
48 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRSQLSTATEMENT : sLocal = &quot;SQL Error, SQL statement = &apos;%0&apos;&quot;
49 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERROBJECTNOTFOUND : sLocal = &quot;%0 &apos;%1&apos; not found&quot;
50 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERROPENOBJECT : sLocal = &quot;%0 &apos;%1&apos; could not be opened&quot;
51 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRCLOSEOBJECT : sLocal = &quot;%0 &apos;%1&apos; could not be closed&quot;
52 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRACTION : sLocal = &quot;Action not applicable in this context&quot;
53 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRSENDMAIL : sLocal = &quot;Mail service could not be activated&quot;
54 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFORMYETOPEN : sLocal = &quot;Form %0 is already open&quot;
55 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRMETHOD : sLocal = &quot;Method &apos;%0&apos; not applicable in this context&quot;
56 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRPROPERTYINIT : sLocal = &quot;Property &apos;%0&apos; applicable but not initialized&quot;
57 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFILENOTCREATED : sLocal = &quot;File &apos;%0&apos; could not be created&quot;
58 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRDIALOGNOTFOUND : sLocal = &quot;Dialog &apos;%0&apos; not found in the currently loaded libraries&quot;
59 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRDIALOGUNDEFINED : sLocal = &quot;Dialog unknown&quot;
60 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRDIALOGSTARTED : sLocal = &quot;Dialog already started&quot;
61 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRDIALOGNOTSTARTED : sLocal = &quot;Dialog &apos;%0&apos; not active&quot;
62 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRRECORDSETNODATA : sLocal = &quot;Recordset delivered no data. Action on current record rejected&quot;
63 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRRECORDSETCLOSED : sLocal = &quot;Recordset has been closed. Recordset action rejected&quot;
64 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRRECORDSETRANGE : sLocal = &quot;Current record out of range&quot;
65 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRRECORDSETFORWARD : sLocal = &quot;Action rejected in a forward-only or not bookmarkable recordset&quot;
66 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFIELDNULL : sLocal = &quot;Field is null or empty. Action rejected&quot;
67 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFILEACCESS : sLocal = &quot;File access error on file &apos;%0&apos;&quot;
68 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRMEMOLENGTH : sLocal = &quot;Field length (%0) exceeds maximum length. Use WriteAllText instead&quot;
69 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRNOTACTIONQUERY : sLocal = &quot;Query &apos;%0&apos; is not an action query&quot;
70 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRNOTUPDATABLE : sLocal = &quot;Database, recordset or field is read only&quot;
71 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRUPDATESEQUENCE : sLocal = &quot;Recordset update sequence error&quot;
72 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRNOTNULLABLE : sLocal = &quot;Field &apos;%0&apos; must not contain a NULL value&quot;
73 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRROWDELETED : sLocal = &quot;Current row has been deleted by another process or user&quot;
74 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRRECORDSETCLONE : sLocal = &quot;Cloning a cloned Recordset is forbidden&quot;
75 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRQUERYDEFDELETED : sLocal = &quot;Pre-existing query &apos;%0&apos; has been deleted&quot;
76 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRTABLEDEFDELETED : sLocal = &quot;Pre-existing table &apos;%0&apos; has been deleted&quot;
77 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRTABLECREATION : sLocal = &quot;Table &apos;%0&apos; could not be created&quot;
78 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFIELDCREATION : sLocal = &quot;Field &apos;%0&apos; could not be created&quot;
79 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRSUBFORMNOTFOUND : sLocal = &quot;Subform &apos;%0&apos; not found in parent form &apos;%1&apos;&quot;
80 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRWINDOW : sLocal = &quot;Current window is not a document&quot;
81 &apos;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 Case &quot;OBJECT&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Object&quot;
83 Case &quot;TABLE&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Table&quot;
84 Case &quot;QUERY&quot; : slocal = &quot;Query&quot;
85 Case &quot;FORM&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Form&quot;
86 Case &quot;REPORT&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Report&quot;
87 Case &quot;RECORDSET&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Recordset&quot;
88 Case &quot;FIELD&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Field&quot;
89 Case &quot;TEMPVAR&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Temporary variable&quot;
90 Case &quot;COMAMANDBAR&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Command bar&quot;
91 Case &quot;COMMANDBARCONTROL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Command bar control&quot;
92 &apos;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
93 Case &quot;ERR#&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Error #&quot;
94 Case &quot;ERROCCUR&quot; : sLocal = &quot;occurred&quot;
95 Case &quot;ERRLINE&quot; : sLocal = &quot;at line&quot;
96 Case &quot;ERRIN&quot; : sLocal = &quot;in&quot;
97 Case &quot;CALLTO&quot; : sLocal = &quot;a call to function&quot;
98 Case &quot;SAVECONSOLE&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Save console&quot;
99 Case &quot;SAVECONSOLEENTRIES&quot; : sLocal = &quot;The console entries have been saved successfully.&quot;
100 Case &quot;QUITSHORT&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Quit&quot;
101 Case &quot;QUIT&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Do you really want to quit the application ? Changed data will be saved.&quot;
102 Case &quot;ENTERING&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Entering&quot;
103 Case &quot;EXITING&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Exiting&quot;
104 &apos;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
105 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Manage the console buffer and its entries&quot;
106 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_TITLE&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Console&quot;
107 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_LBLENTRIES_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Clear the list and resize the circular buffer&quot;
108 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_LBLENTRIES_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Set max number of entries&quot;
109 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_TXTTRACELOG_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Text can be selected, copied, ...&quot;
110 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_TXTTRACELOG_TEXT&quot; : sLocal = &quot;--- Log file is empty ---&quot;
111 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_CMDCANCEL_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Cancel and close the dialog&quot;
112 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_CMDCANCEL_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Cancel&quot;
113 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_LBLCLEAR_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Clear the list&quot;
114 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_LBLCLEAR_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Clear the list&quot;
115 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_LBLMINLEVEL_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Register only logging requests above given level&quot;
116 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_LBLMINLEVEL_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Set minimal trace level&quot;
117 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_CMDOK_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Validate&quot;
118 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_CMDOK_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;OK&quot;
119 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_CMDDUMP_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Choose a file and dump the actual list content in it&quot;
120 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_CMDDUMP_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Dump to file&quot;
121 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_LBLNBENTRIES_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Actual size of list&quot;
122 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_LBLNBENTRIES_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Actual number of entries:&quot;
123 &apos;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
124 Case &quot;DLGFORMAT_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Export the form&quot;
125 Case &quot;DLGFORMAT_TITLE&quot; : sLocal = &quot;OutputTo&quot;
126 Case &quot;DLGFORMAT_LBLFORMAT_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Format in which the form should be exported&quot;
127 Case &quot;DLGFORMAT_LBLFORMAT_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Select the output format&quot;
128 Case &quot;DLGFORMAT_CMDOK_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Validate your choice&quot;
129 Case &quot;DLGFORMAT_CMDOK_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;OK&quot;
130 Case &quot;DLGFORMAT_CMDCANCEL_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Cancel and close the dialog&quot;
131 Case &quot;DLGFORMAT_CMDCANCEL_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Cancel&quot;
132 &apos;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
133 Case Else : sLocal = &quot;&quot;
134 End Select
135 Case &quot;FR&quot;
136 Select Case UCase(psShortlabel)
137 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRDBNOTCONNECTED : sLocal = &quot;Pas de connexion active trouvée à une banque de données&quot;
138 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRMISSINGARGUMENTS : sLocal = &quot;Des arguments sont manquants ou non initialisés&quot;
139 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRWRONGARGUMENT : sLocal = &quot;L&apos;argument n° %0 [Valeur = &apos;%1&apos;] n&apos;est pas valable&quot;
140 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRMAINFORM : sLocal = &quot;Le document &apos;%0&apos; ne contient aucun formulaire&quot;
141 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFORMNOTIDENTIFIED : sLocal = &quot;Le formulaire &apos;%0&apos; n&apos;a pas pu être identifié parmi l&apos;ensemble des formulaires de la Database&quot;
142 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFORMNOTFOUND : sLocal = &quot;Formulaire &apos;%0&apos; non trouvé&quot;
143 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFORMNOTOPEN : sLocal = &quot;Le formulaire &apos;%0&apos; n&apos;est actuellement pas ouvert&quot;
144 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRDFUNCTION : sLocal = &quot;L&apos;exécution de la &quot;&quot;fonction database&quot;&quot; a échoué, SQL=%0&quot;
145 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERROPENFORM : sLocal = &quot;Le formulaire &apos;%0&apos; n&apos;a pas pu être ouvert&quot;
146 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRPROPERTY : sLocal = &quot;La propriété &apos;%0&apos; n&apos;est pas applicable dans ce contexte&quot;
147 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRPROPERTYVALUE : sLocal = &quot;La valeur &apos;%0&apos; est invalide pour la propriété &apos;%1&apos;&quot;
148 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRINDEXVALUE : sLocal = &quot;Indice invalide ou dimension erronée du tableau pour la propriété &apos;%0&apos;&quot;
149 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRCOLLECTION : sLocal = &quot;Indice de tableau invalide&quot;
150 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRPROPERTYNOTARRAY : sLocal = &quot;L&apos;argument n°%0 doit être un tableau&quot;
151 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRCONTROLNOTFOUND : sLocal = &quot;Contrôle &apos;%0&apos; non trouvé dans le parent (formulaire, contrôle de table ou dialogue) &apos;%1&apos;&quot;
152 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRNOACTIVEFORM : sLocal = &quot;Pas de formulaire ou de contrôle actif&quot;
153 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRDATABASEFORM : sLocal = &quot;Le formulaire &apos;%0&apos; n&apos;a pas de données sous-jacentes&quot;
154 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFOCUSINGRID : sLocal = &quot;Contrôle &apos;%0&apos; non trouvé dans le contrôle de table &apos;%1&apos;&quot;
155 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRNOGRIDINFORM : sLocal = &quot;Aucun contrôle de table trouvé dans le formulaire &apos;%0&apos;&quot;
156 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFINDRECORD : sLocal = &quot;FindNext() doit être précédé par un appel réussi à FindRecord(...)&quot;
157 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRSQLSTATEMENT : sLocal = &quot;Erreur SQL, instruction SQL = &apos;%0&apos;&quot;
158 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERROBJECTNOTFOUND : sLocal = &quot;%0 &apos;%1&apos; non trouvé(e)&quot;
159 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERROPENOBJECT : sLocal = &quot;%0 &apos;%1&apos;: ouverture en échec&quot;
160 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRCLOSEOBJECT : sLocal = &quot;%0 &apos;%1&apos;: fermeture en échec&quot;
161 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRACTION : sLocal = &quot;Action non applicable dans ce contexte&quot;
162 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRSENDMAIL : sLocal = &quot;Le service de messagerie n&apos;a pas pu être activé&quot;
163 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFORMYETOPEN : sLocal = &quot;Le formulaire %0 est déjà ouvert&quot;
164 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRMETHOD : sLocal = &quot;La méthode &apos;%0&apos; n&apos;est pas applicable dans ce contexte&quot;
165 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRPROPERTYINIT : sLocal = &quot;Propriété &apos;%0&apos; applicable mais non initialisée&quot;
166 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFILENOTCREATED : sLocal = &quot;Erreur de création du fichier &apos;%0&apos;&quot;
167 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRDIALOGNOTFOUND : sLocal = &quot;Dialogue &apos;%0&apos; introuvable dans les librairies chargées actuellement&quot;
168 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRDIALOGUNDEFINED : sLocal = &quot;Boîte de dialogue inconnue&quot;
169 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRDIALOGSTARTED : sLocal = &quot;Dialogue déjà initialisé précédemment&quot;
170 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRDIALOGNOTSTARTED : sLocal = &quot;Dialogue &apos;%0&apos; non initialisé&quot;
171 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRRECORDSETNODATA : sLocal = &quot;Recordset n&apos;a pas fourni de données. Toute action sur les enregistrements est rejetée&quot;
172 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRRECORDSETCLOSED : sLocal = &quot;Recordset a été clôturé. Action sur l&apos;enregistrement courant est rejetée&quot;
173 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRRECORDSETRANGE : sLocal = &quot;L&apos;enregistrement courant est hors cadre&quot;
174 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRRECORDSETFORWARD : sLocal = &quot;Action rejetée car recordset lisible seulement vers l&apos;avant ou n&apos;acceptant pas de signets&quot;
175 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFIELDNULL : sLocal = &quot;Champ nul ou vide. Action rejetée&quot;
176 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFILEACCESS : sLocal = &quot;Erreur d&apos;accès au fichier &apos;%0&apos;&quot;
177 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRMEMOLENGTH : sLocal = &quot;La longueur du champ (%0) dépasse la taille maximale autorisée.. Remplacer par WriteAllText&quot;
178 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRNOTACTIONQUERY : sLocal = &quot;La requête &apos;%0&apos; n&apos;est pas une requête d&apos;action&quot;
179 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRNOTUPDATABLE : sLocal = &quot;La banque de données, le recordset ou le champ sont en lecture seulement&quot;
180 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRUPDATESEQUENCE : sLocal = &quot;Erreur de séquence lors de la mise à jour d&apos;un Recordset&quot;
181 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRNOTNULLABLE : sLocal = &quot;Le champ &apos;%0&apos; ne peut pas recevoir une valeur NULLe&quot;
182 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRROWDELETED : sLocal = &quot;L&apos;enregistrement courant a été effacé par un autre processus ou un autre utilisateur&quot;
183 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRRECORDSETCLONE : sLocal = &quot;Le clonage d&apos;un Recordset cloné est interdit&quot;
184 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRQUERYDEFDELETED : sLocal = &quot;La requête existante &apos;%0&apos; a été supprimée&quot;
185 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRTABLEDEFDELETED : sLocal = &quot;La table existante &apos;%0&apos; a été supprimée&quot;
186 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRTABLECREATION : sLocal = &quot;La table &apos;%0&apos; n&apos;a pas pu être créée&quot;
187 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRFIELDCREATION : sLocal = &quot;Le champ &apos;%0&apos; n&apos;a pas pu être créé&quot;
188 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRSUBFORMNOTFOUND : sLocal = &quot;Sous-formulaire &apos;%0&apos; non trouvé dans le formulaire parent &apos;%1&apos;&quot;
189 Case &quot;ERR&quot; &amp; ERRWINDOW : sLocal = &quot;La fenêtre courante n&apos;est pas un document&quot;
190 &apos;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
191 Case &quot;OBJECT&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Objet&quot;
192 Case &quot;TABLE&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Table&quot;
193 Case &quot;QUERY&quot; : slocal = &quot;Requête&quot;
194 Case &quot;FORM&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Formulaire&quot;
195 Case &quot;REPORT&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Rapport&quot;
196 Case &quot;RECORDSET&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Recordset&quot;
197 Case &quot;FIELD&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Champ&quot;
198 Case &quot;TEMPVAR&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Variable temporaire&quot;
199 Case &quot;COMAMANDBAR&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Barre de commande&quot;
200 Case &quot;COMMANDBARCONTROL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Elément de barre de commande&quot;
201 &apos;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
202 Case &quot;ERR#&quot; : sLocal = &quot;L&apos;erreur #&quot;
203 Case &quot;ERROCCUR&quot; : sLocal = &quot;s&apos;est produite&quot;
204 Case &quot;ERRLINE&quot; : sLocal = &quot;à la ligne&quot;
205 Case &quot;ERRIN&quot; : sLocal = &quot;dans&quot;
206 Case &quot;CALLTO&quot; : sLocal = &quot;un appel à la fonction&quot;
207 Case &quot;SAVECONSOLE&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Sauver console&quot;
208 Case &quot;SAVECONSOLEENTRIES&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Les entrées de la console ont été sauvées avec succès.&quot;
209 Case &quot;QUITSHORT&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Quitter&quot;
210 Case &quot;QUIT&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Voulez-vous réellement quitter l&apos;application ? Les données modifiées seront sauvées.&quot;
211 Case &quot;ENTERING&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Entrée dans&quot;
212 Case &quot;EXITING&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Sortie de&quot;
213 &apos;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
214 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Gestion du tampon de la console et toutes ses entrées&quot;
215 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_TITLE&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Console&quot;
216 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_LBLENTRIES_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Effacer la liste et redimensionner le tampon circulaire&quot;
217 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_LBLENTRIES_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Définir le nombre maximum d&apos;entrées&quot;
218 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_TXTTRACELOG_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Le texte peut être sélectionné, copié, ...&quot;
219 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_TXTTRACELOG_TEXT&quot; : sLocal = &quot;--- Le fichier journal est vide ---&quot;
220 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_CMDCANCEL_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Annuler et fermer la boîte de dialogue&quot;
221 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_CMDCANCEL_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Annuler&quot;
222 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_LBLCLEAR_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Effacer la liste&quot;
223 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_LBLCLEAR_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Effacer la liste&quot;
224 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_LBLMINLEVEL_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;N&apos;enregistrer que les demandes de journalisation à partir du niveau indiqué&quot;
225 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_LBLMINLEVEL_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Définir le niveau minimal d&apos;enregistrement&quot;
226 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_CMDOK_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Valider&quot;
227 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_CMDOK_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;OK&quot;
228 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_CMDDUMP_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Sélectionner un fichier et y vider le contenu actuel des traces enregistrées&quot;
229 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_CMDDUMP_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Vider dans fichier&quot;
230 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_LBLNBENTRIES_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Taille actuelle de la liste&quot;
231 Case &quot;DLGTRACE_LBLNBENTRIES_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Nombre actuel d&apos;entrées:&quot;
232 &apos;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
233 Case &quot;DLGFORMAT_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Exporter le formulaire&quot;
234 Case &quot;DLGFORMAT_TITLE&quot; : sLocal = &quot;OutputTo&quot;
235 Case &quot;DLGFORMAT_LBLFORMAT_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Format dans lequel le formulaire sera exporté&quot;
236 Case &quot;DLGFORMAT_LBLFORMAT_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Selectionner le format de sortie&quot;
237 Case &quot;DLGFORMAT_CMDOK_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Valider votre choix&quot;
238 Case &quot;DLGFORMAT_CMDOK_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;OK&quot;
239 Case &quot;DLGFORMAT_CMDCANCEL_HELP&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Annuler et fermer la boîte de dialogue&quot;
240 Case &quot;DLGFORMAT_CMDCANCEL_LABEL&quot; : sLocal = &quot;Annuler&quot;
241 &apos;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
242 Case Else : sLocal = _Getlabel(psShortLabel, &quot;DEFAULT&quot;)
243 End Select
244 REM *******************************************************************************************************************************************
245 REM *** ***
247 REM *** ***
248 REM *******************************************************************************************************************************************
249 Case Else
250 sLocal = _Getlabel(psShortLabel, &quot;DEFAULT&quot;)
251 End Select
253 Exit_Function:
254 _Getlabel = sLocal
255 Exit Function
256 Error_Function:
257 sLocal = psShortLabel
258 GoTo Exit_Function
259 End Function &apos; GetLabel V0.8.9
261 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
262 Public Function _GetLabelArray(ByVal pvShortlabel As Variant, Optional ByVal psLocale As String) As Variant
263 &apos; Return the localized label corresponding with the ShortLabel array of strings
265 If IsMissing(psLocale) Then psLocale = UCase(Left(_GetLocale(), 2)) Else psLocale = UCase(psLocale)
266 On Local Error Goto Error_Function
268 Dim vLocal() As Variant, i As integer
269 vLocal = Array()
271 If Not IsArray(pvShortLabel) Then
272 vLocal = _GetLabel(pvShortLabel, psLocale)
273 Goto Exit_Function
274 End If
276 ReDim vLocal(LBound(pvShortLabel) To UBound(pvShortlabel))
277 For i = LBound(pvShortLabel) To UBound(pvShortlabel)
278 vLocal(i) = _GetLabel(pvShortLabel(i), psLocale)
279 Next i
281 Exit_Function:
282 _GetlabelArray = vLocal()
283 Exit Function
284 Error_Function:
285 vLocal = Array()
286 GoTo Exit_Function
287 End Function &apos; GetLabelArray V0.8.9
289 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
290 Public Function _GetLocale() as String
291 &apos;Return OO localization
292 &apos;Derived from Tools library
294 Dim oLocale as Object
295 oLocale = _GetRegistryKeyContent(&quot;org.openoffice.Setup/L10N&quot;)
296 _GetLocale = oLocale.getByName(&quot;ooLocale&quot;)
297 End Function &apos; GetLocale V0.8.9
300 </script:module>