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[LibreOffice.git] / wizards / source / access2base / Methods.xba
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
3 <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="Methods" script:language="StarBasic">REM =======================================================================================================================
4 REM === The Access2Base library is a part of the LibreOffice project. ===
5 REM === Full documentation is available on http://www.access2base.com ===
6 REM =======================================================================================================================
8 Option Explicit
10 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 Public Function AddItem(Optional pvBox As Variant, ByVal Optional pvItem As Variant, ByVal Optional pvIndex) As Boolean
12 &apos; Add an item in a Listbox
14 Utils._SetCalledSub(&quot;AddItem&quot;)
15 If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
17 If IsMissing(pvBox) Or IsMissing(pvItem) Then Call _TraceArguments()
18 If IsMissing(pvIndex) Then pvIndex = -1
19 If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvBox, 1, Array(CTLLISTBOX, CTLCOMBOBOX)) Then Goto Exit_Function
21 AddItem = pvBox.AddItem(pvItem, pvIndex)
23 Exit_Function:
24 Utils._ResetCalledSub(&quot;AddItem&quot;)
25 Exit Function
26 Error_Function:
27 TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, &quot;AddItem&quot;, Erl)
28 AddItem = False
29 GoTo Exit_Function
30 End Function &apos; AddItem V0.9.0
32 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 Public Function hasProperty(Optional pvObject As Variant, ByVal Optional pvProperty As Variant) As Boolean
34 &apos; Return True if pvObject has a valid property called pvProperty (case-insensitive comparison !)
36 Dim vPropertiesList As Variant
38 Utils._SetCalledSub(&quot;hasProperty&quot;)
39 If IsMissing(pvObject) Or IsMissing(pvProperty) Then Call _TraceArguments()
41 hasProperty = False
44 )) Then Goto Exit_Function
45 If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvProperty, 2, vbString) Then Goto Exit_Function
47 hasProperty = pvObject.hasProperty(pvProperty)
49 Exit_Function:
50 Utils._ResetCalledSub(&quot;hasProperty&quot;)
51 Exit Function
52 End Function &apos; hasProperty V0.9.0
54 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 Public Function Move(Optional pvObject As Object _
56 , ByVal Optional pvLeft As Variant _
57 , ByVal Optional pvTop As Variant _
58 , ByVal Optional pvWidth As Variant _
59 , ByVal Optional pvHeight As Variant _
60 ) As Variant
61 &apos; Execute Move method
62 Utils._SetCalledSub(&quot;Move&quot;)
63 If IsMissing(pvObject) Then Call _TraceArguments()
64 If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
65 Move = False
66 If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvObject, 1, Array(OBJFORM, OBJDIALOG)) Then Goto Exit_Function
67 If IsMissing(pvLeft) Then Call _TraceArguments()
68 If IsMissing(pvTop) Then pvTop = -1
69 If IsMissing(pvWidth) Then pvWidth = -1
70 If IsMissing(pvHeight) Then pvHeight = -1
72 Move = pvObject.Move(pvLeft, pvTop, pvWidth, pvHeight)
74 Exit_Function:
75 Utils._ResetCalledSub(&quot;Move&quot;)
76 Exit Function
77 Error_Function:
78 TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, &quot;Move&quot;, Erl)
79 GoTo Exit_Function
80 End Function &apos; Move V.0.9.1
82 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
83 Public Function OpenHelpFile()
84 &apos; Open the help file from the Help menu (IDE only)
85 Const cstHelpFile = &quot;http://www.access2base.com/access2base.html&quot;
87 On Local Error Resume Next
88 Call _ShellExecute(cstHelpFile)
90 End Function &apos; OpenHelpFile V0.8.5
92 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
93 Public Function Properties(Optional pvObject As Variant, ByVal Optional pvIndex As Variant) As Variant
94 &apos; Return
95 &apos; a Collection object if pvIndex absent
96 &apos; a Property object otherwise
98 Dim vProperties As Variant, oCounter As Variant, opProperty As Variant
99 Dim vPropertiesList() As Variant
101 If IsMissing(pvObject) Or IsEmpty(pvObject) Then Call _TraceArguments()
102 Utils._SetCalledSub(&quot;Properties&quot;)
104 Set vProperties = Nothing
107 )) Then Goto Exit_Function
109 If IsMissing(pvIndex) Then vProperties = pvObject.Properties Else vProperties = pvObject.Properties(pvIndex)
111 Exit_Function:
112 Set Properties = vProperties
113 Utils._ResetCalledSub(&quot;Properties&quot;)
114 Exit Function
115 End Function &apos; Properties V0.9.0
117 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 Public Function Refresh(Optional pvObject As Variant) As Boolean
119 &apos; Refresh data with its most recent value in the database in a form or subform
120 Utils._SetCalledSub(&quot;Refresh&quot;)
121 If IsMissing(pvObject) Then Call _TraceArguments()
122 If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
123 Refresh = False
124 If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvObject, 1, Array(OBJFORM, OBJSUBFORM)) Then Goto Exit_Function
126 Refresh = pvObject.Refresh()
128 Exit_Function:
129 Utils._ResetCalledSub(&quot;Refresh&quot;)
130 Exit Function
131 Error_Function:
132 TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, &quot;Refresh&quot;, Erl)
133 GoTo Exit_Function
134 End Function &apos; Refresh V0.9.0
136 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
137 Public Function RemoveItem(Optional pvBox As Variant,ByVal Optional pvIndex) As Boolean
138 &apos; Remove an item from a Listbox
139 &apos; Index may be a string value or an index-position
141 Utils._SetCalledSub(&quot;RemoveItem&quot;)
142 If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
144 If IsMissing(pvBox) Or IsMissing(pvIndex) Then Call _TraceArguments()
145 If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvBox, 1, Array(CTLLISTBOX, CTLCOMBOBOX)) Then Goto Exit_Function
147 RemoveItem = pvBox.RemoveItem(pvIndex)
149 Exit_Function:
150 Utils._ResetCalledSub(&quot;RemoveItem&quot;)
151 Exit Function
152 Error_Function:
153 TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, &quot;RemoveItem&quot;, Erl)
154 RemoveItem = False
155 GoTo Exit_Function
156 End Function &apos; RemoveItem V0.9.0
158 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 Public Function Requery(Optional pvObject As Variant) As Boolean
160 &apos; Refresh data displayed in a form, subform, combobox or listbox
161 Utils._SetCalledSub(&quot;Requery&quot;)
162 If IsMissing(pvObject) Then Call _TraceArguments()
163 If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
164 If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvObject, 1, Array(OBJFORM, OBJCONTROL, OBJSUBFORM)) Then Goto Exit_Function
166 Requery = pvObject.Requery()
168 Exit_Function:
169 Utils._ResetCalledSub(&quot;Requery&quot;)
170 Exit Function
171 Error_Function:
172 TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, &quot;Requery&quot;, Erl)
173 GoTo Exit_Function
174 End Function &apos; Requery V0.9.0
176 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
177 Public Function SetFocus(Optional pvObject As Variant) As Boolean
178 &apos; Execute SetFocus method
179 Utils._SetCalledSub(&quot;setFocus&quot;)
180 If IsMissing(pvObject) Then Call _TraceArguments()
181 If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
182 If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvObject, 1, Array(OBJFORM, OBJCONTROL)) Then Goto Exit_Function
184 SetFocus = pvObject.setFocus()
186 Exit_Function:
187 Utils._ResetCalledSub(&quot;SetFocus&quot;)
188 Exit Function
189 Error_Function:
190 TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, &quot;SetFocus&quot;, Erl)
191 Goto Exit_Function
192 Error_Grid:
193 TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRFOCUSINGRID, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, 1, Array(pvObject._Name, ocGrid._Name))
194 Goto Exit_Function
195 End Function &apos; SetFocus V0.9.0
197 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
199 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
200 Public Function _OptionGroup(ByVal pvGroupName As Variant _
201 , ByVal psParentType As String _
202 , poComponent As Object _
203 , poDatabaseForm As Object _
204 ) As Variant
205 &apos; Return either an error or an object of type OPTIONGROUP based on its name
207 If IsMissing(pvGroupName) Then Call _TraceArguments()
208 If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
209 Set _OptionGroup = Nothing
211 If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvGroupName, 1, vbString) Then Goto Exit_Function
213 Dim ogGroup As Variant, i As Integer, j As Integer, bFound As Boolean
214 Dim vOptionButtons() As Variant, sGroupName As String
215 Dim lXY() As Long, iIndex() As Integer &apos; Two indexes X-Y coordinates
216 Dim oView As Object
218 Const cstPixels = 10 &apos; Tolerance on coordinates when drawed approximately
219 bFound = False
220 For i = 0 To poDatabaseForm.GroupCount - 1 &apos; Does a group with the right name exist ?
221 poDatabaseForm.getGroup(i, vOptionButtons, sGroupName)
222 If UCase(sGroupName) = UCase(Utils._Trim(pvGroupName)) Then
223 bFound = True
224 Exit For
225 End If
226 Next i
228 If bFound Then
229 ogGroup = New Optiongroup
230 ogGroup._Name = sGroupName
231 ogGroup._ButtonsGroup = vOptionButtons
232 ogGroup._Count = UBound(vOptionButtons) + 1
233 ogGroup._ParentType = psParentType
234 Set ogGroup._ParentComponent = poComponent
236 ReDim lXY(1, ogGroup._Count - 1)
237 ReDim iIndex(ogGroup._Count - 1)
238 For i = 0 To ogGroup._Count - 1 &apos; Find the position of each radiobutton
239 Set oView = poComponent.CurrentController.getControl(ogGroup._ButtonsGroup(i))
240 lXY(0, i) = oView.PosSize.X
241 lXY(1, i) = oView.PosSize.Y
242 Next i
243 For i = 0 To ogGroup._Count - 1 &apos; Sort them on XY coordinates
244 If i = 0 Then
245 iIndex(0) = 0
246 Else
247 iIndex(i) = i
248 For j = i - 1 To 0 Step -1
249 If lXY(1, i) - lXY(1, j) &lt; - cstPixels Or ( Abs(lXY(1, i) - lXY(1, j)) &lt;= cstPixels And lXY(0, i) - lXY(0, j) &lt; - cstPixels ) Then
250 iIndex(i) = iIndex(j)
251 iIndex(j) = iIndex(j) + 1
252 End If
253 Next j
254 End If
255 Next i
256 ogGroup._ButtonsIndex = iIndex()
258 Set _OptionGroup = ogGroup
260 Else
262 Set _OptionGroup = Nothing
263 TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRWRONGARGUMENT, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, , Array(1, pvGroupName))
265 End If
267 Exit_Function:
268 Exit Function
269 Error_Function:
270 TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err,&quot;_OptionGroup&quot;, Erl)
271 GoTo Exit_Function
272 End Function &apos; _OptionGroup V1.1.0
273 </script:module>