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[LibreOffice.git] / wizards / source / access2base / UtilProperty.xba
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
3 <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="UtilProperty" script:language="StarBasic">REM =======================================================================================================================
4 REM === The Access2Base library is a part of the LibreOffice project. ===
5 REM === Full documentation is available on http://www.access2base.com ===
6 REM =======================================================================================================================
8 &apos;**********************************************************************
9 &apos; UtilProperty module
10 &apos;
11 &apos; Module of utilities to manipulate arrays of PropertyValue&apos;s.
12 &apos;**********************************************************************
14 &apos;**********************************************************************
15 &apos; Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Danny Brewer
16 &apos; d29583@groovegarden.com
17 &apos;**********************************************************************
19 &apos;**********************************************************************
20 &apos; If you make changes, please append to the change log below.
21 &apos;
22 &apos; Change Log
23 &apos; Danny Brewer Revised 2004-02-25-01
24 &apos; Jean-Pierre Ledure Adapted to Access2Base coding conventions
25 &apos;**********************************************************************
27 REM =======================================================================================================================
28 Public Function _MakePropertyValue(ByVal Optional psName As String, Optional pvValue As Variant) As com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
29 &apos; Create and return a new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue.
31 Dim oPropertyValue As Object
32 Set oPropertyValue = createUnoStruct( &quot;com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue&quot; )
33 If Not IsMissing(psName) Then oPropertyValue.Name = psName
34 If Not IsMissing(pvValue) Then oPropertyValue.Value = pvValue
35 _MakePropertyValue() = oPropertyValue
37 End Function &apos; _MakePropertyValue V1.3.0
39 REM =======================================================================================================================
40 Public Function _NumPropertyValues(pvPropertyValuesArray As Variant) As Integer
41 &apos; Return the number of PropertyValue&apos;s in an array.
42 &apos; Parameters:
43 &apos; pvPropertyValuesArray - an array of PropertyValue&apos;s, that is an array of com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue.
44 &apos; Returns zero if the array contains no elements.
46 Dim iNumProperties As Integer
47 If Not IsArray(pvPropertyValuesArray) Then iNumProperties = 0 Else iNumProperties = UBound(pvPropertyValuesArray) + 1
48 _NumPropertyValues() = iNumProperties
50 End Function &apos; _NumPropertyValues V1.3.0
52 REM =======================================================================================================================
53 Public Function _FindPropertyIndex(pvPropertyValuesArray, ByVal psPropName As String ) As Integer
54 &apos; Find a particular named property from an array of PropertyValue&apos;s.
55 &apos; Finds the index in the array of PropertyValue&apos;s and returns it, or returns -1 if it was not found.
57 Dim iNumProperties As Integer, i As Integer, vProp As Variant
58 iNumProperties = _NumPropertyValues(pvPropertyValuesArray)
59 For i = 0 To iNumProperties - 1
60 vProp = pvPropertyValuesArray(i)
61 If UCase(vProp.Name) = UCase(psPropName) Then
62 _FindPropertyIndex() = i
63 Exit Function
64 EndIf
65 Next i
66 _FindPropertyIndex() = -1
68 End Function &apos; _FindPropertyIndex V1.3.0
70 REM =======================================================================================================================
71 Public Function _FindProperty(pvPropertyValuesArray, ByVal psPropName As String) As com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
72 &apos; Find a particular named property from an array of PropertyValue&apos;s.
73 &apos; Finds the PropertyValue and returns it, or returns Null if not found.
75 Dim iPropIndex As Integer
76 iPropIndex = _FindPropertyIndex(pvPropertyValuesArray, psPropName)
77 If iPropIndex &gt;= 0 Then
78 vProp = pvPropertyValuesArray(iPropIndex) &apos; access array subscript
79 _FindProperty() = vProp
80 EndIf
82 End Function &apos; _FindProperty V1.3.0
84 REM =======================================================================================================================
85 Function _GetPropertyValue(pvPropertyValuesArray, ByVal psPropName As String, Optional pvDefaultValue) As Variant
86 &apos; Get the value of a particular named property from an array of PropertyValue&apos;s.
87 &apos; vDefaultValue - This value is returned if the property is not found in the array.
89 Dim iPropIndex As Integer, vProp As Variant, vValue As Variant
90 iPropIndex = _FindPropertyIndex(pvPropertyValuesArray, psPropName)
91 If iPropIndex &gt;= 0 Then
92 vProp = pvPropertyValuesArray(iPropIndex) &apos; access array subscript
93 vValue = vProp.Value &apos; get the value from the PropertyValue
94 _GetPropertyValue() = vValue
95 Else
96 If IsMissing(pvDefaultValue) Then pvDefaultValue = Null
97 _GetPropertyValue() = pvDefaultValue
98 EndIf
99 End Function &apos; _GetPropertyValue V1.3.0
101 REM =======================================================================================================================
102 Sub _SetPropertyValue(pvPropertyValuesArray, ByVal psPropName As String, ByVal pvValue)
103 &apos; Set the value of a particular named property from an array of PropertyValue&apos;s.
105 Dim iPropIndex As Integer, vProp As Variant, iNumProperties As Integer
106 iPropIndex = _FindPropertyIndex(pvPropertyValuesArray, psPropName)
107 &apos; Did we find it?
108 If iPropIndex &gt;= 0 Then
109 &apos; Found, the PropertyValue is already in the array. Just modify its value.
110 vProp = pvPropertyValuesArray(iPropIndex) &apos; access array subscript
111 vProp.Value = pvValue &apos; set the property value.
112 pvPropertyValuesArray(iPropIndex) = vProp &apos; put it back into array
113 Else
114 &apos; Not found, the array contains no PropertyValue with this name. Append new element to array.
115 iNumProperties = _NumPropertyValues(pvPropertyValuesArray)
116 If iNumProperties = 0 Then
117 pvPropertyValuesArray = Array(_MakePropertyValue(psPropName, pvValue))
118 Else
119 &apos; Make array larger.
120 Redim Preserve pvPropertyValuesArray(iNumProperties)
121 &apos; Assign new PropertyValue
122 pvPropertyValuesArray(iNumProperties) = _MakePropertyValue(psPropName, pvValue)
123 EndIf
124 EndIf
126 End Sub &apos; _SetPropertyValue V1.3.0
128 REM =======================================================================================================================
129 Sub _DeleteProperty(pvPropertyValuesArray, ByVal psPropName As String)
130 &apos; Delete a particular named property from an array of PropertyValue&apos;s.
132 Dim iPropIndex As Integer
133 iPropIndex = _FindPropertyIndex(pvPropertyValuesArray, psPropName)
134 _DeleteIndexedProperty(pvPropertyValuesArray, iPropIndex)
136 End Sub &apos; _DeletePropertyValue V1.3.0
138 REM =======================================================================================================================
139 Public Sub _DeleteIndexedProperty(pvPropertyValuesArray, ByVal piPropIndex As Integer)
140 &apos; Delete a particular indexed property from an array of PropertyValue&apos;s.
142 Dim iNumProperties As Integer, i As Integer
143 iNumProperties = _NumPropertyValues(pvPropertyValuesArray)
145 &apos; Did we find it?
146 If piPropIndex &lt; 0 Then
147 &apos; Do nothing
148 ElseIf iNumProperties = 1 Then
149 &apos; Just return a new empty array
150 pvPropertyValuesArray = Array()
151 Else
152 &apos; If it is NOT the last item in the array, then shift other elements down into it&apos;s position.
153 If piPropIndex &lt; iNumProperties - 1 Then
154 &apos; Bump items down lower in the array.
155 For i = piPropIndex To iNumProperties - 2
156 pvPropertyValuesArray(i) = pvPropertyValuesArray(i + 1)
157 Next i
158 EndIf
159 &apos; Redimension the array to have one fewer element.
160 Redim Preserve pvPropertyValuesArray(iNumProperties - 2)
161 EndIf
163 End Sub &apos; _DeleteIndexedProperty V1.3.0
165 REM =======================================================================================================================
166 Public Function _PropValuesToStr(pvPropertyValuesArray) As String
167 &apos; Convenience function to return a string which explains what PropertyValue&apos;s are in the array of PropertyValue&apos;s.
169 Dim iNumProperties As Integer, sResult As String, i As Integer, vProp As Variant
170 Dim sName As String, vValue As Variant
171 iNumProperties = _NumPropertyValues(pvPropertyValuesArray)
173 sResult = Cstr(iNumProperties) &amp; &quot; Properties:&quot;
174 For i = 0 To iNumProperties - 1
175 vProp = pvPropertyValuesArray(i)
176 sName = vProp.Name
177 vValue = vProp.Value
178 sResult = sResult &amp; Chr(13) &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; sName &amp; &quot; = &quot; &amp; _CStr(vValue)
179 Next i
180 _PropValuesToStr() = sResult
182 End Function &apos; _PropValuesToStr V1.3.0
183 </script:module>