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[LibreOffice.git] / basic / qa / cppunit / _test_asserts.bas
2 ' This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 ' This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
5 ' License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
6 ' file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 Option Explicit
11 Dim passCount As Integer
12 Dim failCount As Integer
13 Dim result As String
15 Function GetResult()
16 If passCount <> 0 and failCount = 0 Then
17 GetResult = "OK"
18 Else
19 GetResult = result & Chr$(10) & "Tests passed: " & passCount & Chr$(10) & "Tests failed: " & failCount & Chr$(10)
20 End If
21 End Function
23 Sub TestInit()
24 passCount = 0
25 failCount = 0
26 result = result & "Test Results" & Chr$(10) & "============" & Chr$(10)
27 End Sub
29 Sub Assert(Assertion As Boolean, Optional testId As String, Optional testComment As String)
30 If Assertion = True Then
31 passCount = passCount + 1
32 Else
33 Dim testMsg As String
34 If Not IsMissing(testId) Then
35 testMsg = " " + testId
36 End If
37 If Not IsMissing(testComment) Then
38 If Not (testComment = "") Then testMsg = testMsg + " (" + testComment + ")"
39 End If
41 result = result & Chr$(10) & " Failed:" & testMsg
42 failCount = failCount + 1
43 End If
44 End Sub
46 Sub AssertEqual(actual As Variant, expected As Variant, testName As String)
47 If expected = actual Then
48 passCount = passCount + 1
49 Else
50 result = result & Chr$(10) & " Failed: " & testName & " returned " & actual & ", expected " & expected
51 failCount = failCount + 1
52 End If
53 End Sub
55 ' Same as AssertEqual, but also checks actual and expected types
56 Sub AssertEqualStrict(actual As Variant, expected As Variant, testName As String)
57 AssertEqual actual, expected, testName
58 AssertEqual TypeName(actual), TypeName(expected), testName & " type mismatch:"
59 End Sub
61 Sub AssertEqualApprox(actual, expected, epsilon, testName As String)
62 If Abs(expected - actual) <= epsilon Then
63 passCount = passCount + 1
64 Else
65 result = result & Chr$(10) & " Failed: " & testName & " returned " & actual & ", expected " & expected & ", epsilon " & epsilon
66 failCount = failCount + 1
67 End If
68 End Sub
70 Sub ReportErrorHandler(testName As String, aErr, sError, nErl)
71 Assert False, testName, "hit error handler - " & aErr & ": " & sError & " line : " & nErl
72 End Sub