1 # backup and temporary files
10 # python generated file
13 # where the downloads are located
16 # the build directories
43 /instsetoo_native/util/LibreOffice
44 /instsetoo_native/util/LibreOffice_SDK
46 # autoconf generated stuff
62 /desktop/scripts/soffice.sh
76 /cross-build-toolset.built
93 /external/*/*.manifest
98 # compiled python objects for gdb pretty printers
99 /solenv/gdb/libreoffice/*.py[co]
100 /solenv/gdb/libreoffice/util/*.py[co]
103 test/user-template/user/psprint/pspfontcache
105 # MSVC debug information
108 # libxslt debug memdump
111 # LibreOffice lock files
114 # Somepeople love debugging
119 /tubes/qa/test-config.ini