fix baseline build (old cairo) - 'cairo_rectangle_int_t' does not name a type
[LibreOffice.git] / android / experimental / desktop / Makefile
1 ifeq ($(BUILDDIR),)
2 include ../../../
3 endif
5 # The default target just builds.
6 all: build-ant
8 # The package of this app
9 APP_PACKAGE=org.libreoffice.experimental.desktop
11 BOOTSTRAPDIR=../../Bootstrap
12 include $(BOOTSTRAPDIR)/Makefile.shared
14 native-code.cxx: $(SRCDIR)/solenv/bin/
15 $< -j \
16 -g core -g edit -g writer \
17 > $@
19 # The name of the Bootstrap activity class
22 # The default target just builds.
24 copy-stuff-desktop:
25 # tango artwork / icons
26 mkdir -p assets/share/config
27 cp -R $(INSTDIR)/$(LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER)/config/ assets/share/config
28 # shell / splash images
29 mkdir -p assets/program
30 cp -r $(SRC_ROOT)/icon-themes/galaxy/brand/* assets/program
31 # presets - becomes the users home directory, .stamp forces .zip dir creation
32 for D in $(strip autocorr autotext backup basic config gallery \
33 psprint/driver template \
34 uno_packages/cache wordbook); do \
35 mkdir -p assets/presets/$$D ; \
36 echo "content" > assets/presets/$$D/stamp; \
37 done
38 # lofficerc
39 mkdir -p assets/program/
40 echo "[Bootstrap]" > assets/program/lofficerc
41 echo "Logo=1" >> assets/program/lofficerc
42 echo "NativeProgress=1" >> assets/program/lofficerc
43 echo "URE_BOOTSTRAP=file:///assets/program/fundamentalrc" >> assets/program/lofficerc
44 echo "HOME=$(APP_DATA_PATH)/files" >> assets/program/lofficerc
45 echo "OSL_SOCKET_PATH=$(APP_DATA_PATH)/files" >> assets/program/lofficerc
46 # - this looks useful but breaks more than it fixes ...
47 # echo "DISABLE_EXTENSION_SYNCHRONIZATION=1" >> assets/program/lofficerc
49 setup-jars:
51 # Copy jar files we need
53 for F in java_uno \
54 juh \
55 jurt \
56 ridl \
57 unoloader; do \
59 done
60 for F in unoil; do \
61 $(call COPYJAR,$(INSTDIR)/$(LIBO_SHARE_JAVA_FOLDER)/$${F}.jar); \
62 done
64 build-ant: android_version_setup copy-stuff copy-stuff-desktop link-so properties setup-jars
65 unset JAVA_HOME && $(ANT) $(if $(VERBOSE)$(verbose),,-quiet) debug
67 run:
68 $(ANDROID_SDK_HOME)/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n $(APP_PACKAGE)/.Desktop