1 /* RCS $Id: config.h,v 1.2 2008-03-05 18:37:45 kz Exp $
4 -- Configurarion include file.
7 -- There is one of these for each specific machine configuration.
8 -- It can be used to further tweek the machine specific sources
9 -- so that they compile.
12 -- Dennis Vadura, dvadura@dmake.wticorp.com
15 -- http://dmake.wticorp.com/
18 -- Copyright (c) 1996,1997 by WTI Corp. All rights reserved.
20 -- This program is NOT free software; you can redistribute it and/or
21 -- modify it under the terms of the Software License Agreement Provided
22 -- in the file <distribution-root>/readme/license.txt.
25 -- Use cvs log to obtain detailed change logs.
28 /* in sysintf.c: SIGQUIT is used, this is not defined in ZTC */
33 /* in sysintf.c: tzset is not supported by ZTC */
36 /* ZTC uses it's own swapping spawn. */
37 #define spawnvpe(a,b,c,d) spawnvp(a,b,c)
49 /* a small problem with pointer to voids on some unix machines needs this */
50 #define DMPVOID void *