Version, tag libreoffice-
[LibreOffice.git] / dmake / rcsclean.awk
1 /^\/\* RCS/ { print "/* RCS $Id: rcsclean.awk,v 2000-09-22 15:33:25 hr Exp $"; next }
2 /^-- LOG/,/^\*\// {
3 if( ! flag ) {
4 print "-- LOG";
5 print "-- Use cvs log to obtain detailed change logs.";
6 print "*/";
7 flag = 1;
10 next;
12 /^-- SYNOPSIS --/ {
13 print "--";
14 print "-- SYNOPSIS";
15 printf "-- %s%s\n", toupper(substr($0, 16,1)), substr($0,17);
16 next;
18 /^-- WWW/,/^--$/ {
19 if( !wflag ) {
20 print "-- WWW";
21 print "--";
22 print "--";
23 wflag = 1;
25 next;
27 /^-- AUTHOR/,/^--$/ {
28 if( !aflag ) {
29 print "-- AUTHOR";
30 print "-- Dennis Vadura,";
31 print "--";
32 aflag = 1;
34 next;
36 /^-- COPYRIGHT/,/^--$/ {
37 if( !wflag ) {
38 print "-- WWW";
39 print "--";
40 print "--";
41 wflag = 1;
44 if( !cflag ) {
45 print "-- COPYRIGHT";
46 print "-- Copyright (c) 1996,1997 by WTI Corp. All rights reserved.";
47 print "-- ";
48 print "-- This program is NOT free software; you can redistribute it and/or";
49 print "-- modify it under the terms of the Software License Agreement Provided";
50 print "-- in the file <distribution-root>/readme/license.txt.";
51 print "--";
52 cflag = 1;
54 next;
57 { print; }