2 # Version: MPL 1.1 / GPLv3+ / LGPLv3+
4 # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
5 # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
6 # the License or as specified alternatively below. You may obtain a copy of
7 # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
9 # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
10 # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
11 # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
14 # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
15 # Peter Foley <pefoley2@verizon.net>
16 # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011 the
17 # Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
19 # Major Contributor(s):
21 # For minor contributions see the git repository.
23 # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
24 # either the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later (the "GPLv3+"), or
25 # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or later (the "LGPLv3+"),
26 # in which case the provisions of the GPLv3+ or the LGPLv3+ are applicable
27 # instead of those above.
30 #force debug information for OOoRunnerLight
31 gb_JavaClassSet_JAVACDEBUG
:= -g
33 $(eval
$(call gb_Jar_Jar
35 $(eval
$(call gb_Jar_set_jarclasspath
40 $(eval
$(call gb_Jar_set_manifest
42 $(eval
$(call gb_Jar_use_jars
/ridl.jar \
/unoil.jar \
/jurt.jar \
/juh.jar \
/java_uno.jar \
50 $(eval
$(call gb_Jar_set_packageroot
63 $(eval
$(call gb_Jar_add_sourcefiles
64 qadevOOo
/java_cmp \
65 qadevOOo
/java_complex \
66 qadevOOo
/java_fat \
67 qadevOOo
/java_fat_service \
68 qadevOOo
/TestBase \
69 qadevOOo
/Assurance \
70 qadevOOo
/ComplexTestCase \
71 qadevOOo
/MethodThread \
72 qadevOOo
/ShowTargets \
73 qadevOOo
/Basename \
74 qadevOOo
/BorderRemover \
75 qadevOOo
/BuildID \
76 qadevOOo
/ConvWatch \
77 qadevOOo
/ConvWatchCancelException \
78 qadevOOo
/ConvWatchException \
79 qadevOOo
/ConvWatchStarter \
80 qadevOOo
/CrashLoopTest \
81 qadevOOo
/DateHelper \
82 qadevOOo
/DB \
83 qadevOOo
/DBHelper \
84 qadevOOo
/DirectoryHelper \
85 qadevOOo
/DocumentConverter \
86 qadevOOo
/EnhancedComplexTestCase \
87 qadevOOo
/FileHelper \
88 qadevOOo
/FilenameHelper \
89 qadevOOo
/GfxCompare \
90 qadevOOo
/GlobalLogWriter \
91 qadevOOo
/GraphicalDifferenceCheck \
92 qadevOOo
/GraphicalTestArguments \
93 qadevOOo
/HTMLOutputter \
94 qadevOOo
/ImageHelper \
95 qadevOOo
/IniFile \
96 qadevOOo
/INIOutputter \
97 qadevOOo
/LISTOutputter \
98 qadevOOo
/MSOfficePrint \
99 qadevOOo
/NameHelper \
100 qadevOOo
/OfficePrint \
101 qadevOOo
/OSHelper \
102 qadevOOo
/PerformanceContainer \
103 qadevOOo
/PixelCounter \
104 qadevOOo
/PRNCompare \
105 qadevOOo
/PropertyName \
106 qadevOOo
/ReferenceBuilder \
107 qadevOOo
/ReportDesignerTest \
108 qadevOOo
/SimpleFileSemaphore \
109 qadevOOo
/StatusHelper \
110 qadevOOo
/TimeHelper \
111 qadevOOo
/TriState \
112 qadevOOo
/ValueNotFoundException \
113 qadevOOo
/BuildID \
114 qadevOOo
/DateHelper \
115 qadevOOo
/DirectoryHelper \
116 qadevOOo
/EnhancedComplexTestCase \
117 qadevOOo
/FileHelper \
118 qadevOOo
/GlobalLogWriter \
119 qadevOOo
/GraphicalComparator \
120 qadevOOo
/HTMLResult \
121 qadevOOo
/IDocument \
122 qadevOOo
/ImageHelper \
123 qadevOOo
/IniFile \
124 qadevOOo
/IOffice \
125 qadevOOo
/JPEGComparator \
126 qadevOOo
/JPEGCreator \
127 qadevOOo
/JPEGEvaluator \
128 qadevOOo
/MSOfficePostscriptCreator \
129 qadevOOo
/Office \
130 qadevOOo
/OfficeException \
131 qadevOOo
/OpenOfficeDatabaseReportExtractor \
132 qadevOOo
/OpenOfficePostscriptCreator \
133 qadevOOo
/ParameterHelper \
134 qadevOOo
/PerformanceContainer \
135 qadevOOo
/PixelCounter \
136 qadevOOo
/PostscriptCreator \
137 qadevOOo
/PropertyName \
138 qadevOOo
/TimeHelper \
139 qadevOOo
/Tolerance \
140 qadevOOo
/WrongEnvironmentException \
141 qadevOOo
/WrongSuffixException \
142 qadevOOo
/APIDescGetter \
143 qadevOOo
/AppProvider \
144 qadevOOo
/BuildEnvTools \
145 qadevOOo
/CfgParser \
146 qadevOOo
/ClParser \
147 qadevOOo
/ComplexDescGetter \
148 qadevOOo
/ConfigHelper \
149 qadevOOo
/ConfigurationRead \
150 qadevOOo
/ContextMenuInterceptor \
151 qadevOOo
/CwsDataExchangeImpl \
152 qadevOOo
/FileTools \
153 qadevOOo
/InetTools \
154 qadevOOo
/LoggingThread \
155 qadevOOo
/ObjectInspectorModelImpl \
156 qadevOOo
/OfficeProvider \
157 qadevOOo
/OfficeWatcher \
158 qadevOOo
/OSHelper \
159 qadevOOo
/ParameterNotFoundException \
160 qadevOOo
/ProcessHandler \
161 qadevOOo
/PropertyHandlerFactroy \
162 qadevOOo
/PropertyHandlerImpl \
163 qadevOOo
/PropertyHelper \
164 qadevOOo
/SimpleMailSender \
165 qadevOOo
/StreamSimulator \
166 qadevOOo
/StringHelper \
167 qadevOOo
/UnoProvider \
168 qadevOOo
/URLHelper \
169 qadevOOo
/WindowListener \
170 qadevOOo
/DynamicClassLoader \
171 qadevOOo
/ExceptionStatus \
172 qadevOOo
/MultiMethodTest \
173 qadevOOo
/MultiPropertyTest \
174 qadevOOo
/Parameters \
175 qadevOOo
/SimpleStatus \
176 qadevOOo
/Status \
177 qadevOOo
/StatusException \
178 qadevOOo
/TestCase \
179 qadevOOo
/TestEnvironment \
180 qadevOOo
/TestParameters \
181 qadevOOo
/TestResult \
182 qadevOOo
/Runner \
183 qadevOOo
/RunnerService \
184 qadevOOo
/ComplexTest \
185 qadevOOo
/CwsDataExchange \
186 qadevOOo
/DescEntry \
187 qadevOOo
/DescGetter \
188 qadevOOo
/LogWriter \
189 qadevOOo
/Watcher \
190 qadevOOo
/ComplexDataBaseOutProducer \
191 qadevOOo
/DataBaseOutProducer \
192 qadevOOo
/FatDataBaseOutProducer \
193 qadevOOo
/FileLogWriter \
194 qadevOOo
/InternalLogWriter \
195 qadevOOo
/OutProducerFactory \
196 qadevOOo
/SimpleFileOutProducer \
197 qadevOOo
/SimpleLogWriter \
198 qadevOOo
/SimpleOutProducer \
199 qadevOOo
/SQLExecution \
200 qadevOOo
/Summarizer \
201 qadevOOo
/AccessibilityTools \
202 qadevOOo
/BasicMacroTools \
203 qadevOOo
/BookmarkDsc \
204 qadevOOo
/CalcTools \
205 qadevOOo
/DocComparator \
206 qadevOOo
/DocComparatorFactory \
207 qadevOOo
/GraphicalComparator \
208 qadevOOo
/PDFComparator \
209 qadevOOo
/XMLComparator \
210 qadevOOo
/ControlDsc \
211 qadevOOo
/DatabaseDocument \
212 qadevOOo
/DataSource \
213 qadevOOo
/DataSourceDescriptor \
214 qadevOOo
/dbg \
215 qadevOOo
/DBTools \
216 qadevOOo
/DefaultDsc \
217 qadevOOo
/DesktopTools \
218 qadevOOo
/DrawTools \
219 qadevOOo
/DynamicClassLoader \
220 qadevOOo
/FootnoteDsc \
221 qadevOOo
/FormTools \
222 qadevOOo
/FrameDsc \
223 qadevOOo
/InstCreator \
224 qadevOOo
/InstDescr \
225 qadevOOo
/ParagraphDsc \
226 qadevOOo
/PropertyName \
227 qadevOOo
/ReferenceMarkDsc \
228 qadevOOo
/RegistryTools \
229 qadevOOo
/ShapeDsc \
230 qadevOOo
/SOfficeFactory \
231 qadevOOo
/StyleFamilyDsc \
232 qadevOOo
/SysUtils \
233 qadevOOo
/TableDsc \
234 qadevOOo
/TextSectionDsc \
235 qadevOOo
/UITools \
236 qadevOOo
/utils \
237 qadevOOo
/ValueChanger \
238 qadevOOo
/ValueComparer \
239 qadevOOo
/WaitUnreachable \
240 qadevOOo
/WriterTools \
241 qadevOOo
/XInstCreator \
242 qadevOOo
/XLayerHandlerImpl \
243 qadevOOo
/XLayerImpl \
244 qadevOOo
/XMLTools \
245 qadevOOo
/XSchemaHandlerImpl \