1 diff -ur builds/posix/make.defaults builds/posix/make.defaults
2 --- builds/posix/make.defaults 2016-07-07 13:56:13.036235166 +0200
3 +++ builds/posix/make.defaults 2016-07-07 14:29:52.368289242 +0200
5 #____________________________________________________________________________
7 # Firebird needs no RTTI
11 # If this is defined then we use special rules useful for developers only
12 IsDeveloper = @DEVEL_FLG@
21 --- builds/posix/Makefile.in 2016-07-07 15:56:06.459221300 +0200
22 +++ builds/posix/Makefile.in 2016-07-13 12:44:57.134217200 +0200
25 include $(ROOT)/gen/make.shared.targets
27 -Dependencies = $(AllObjects:.o=.d)
28 +Dependencies = $(AllObjects:.$(OBJ_EXT)=.d)
29 -include $(Dependencies)
33 -$(MAKE) -C $(ROOT)/extern/libtommath clean
36 - $(RM) `find $(TMP_ROOT)/ -type f -name '*.o' -print`
37 + $(RM) `find $(TMP_ROOT)/ -type f -name '*.$(OBJ_EXT)' -print`
38 $(RM) `find $(TMP_ROOT)/ -type f -name '*.a' -print`
39 $(RM) `find $(TMP_ROOT)/ -type f -name '*.cpp' -print`
40 $(RM) `find $(TMP_ROOT)/ -type f -name '*.pas' -print`
43 $(RM) `find $(ROOT)/extern/ -type f -name '*.lo' -print`
44 - $(RM) `find $(ROOT)/extern/ -type f -name '*.o' -print`
45 + $(RM) `find $(ROOT)/extern/ -type f -name '*.$(OBJ_EXT)' -print`
47 # Clear out dependancies files created by the gcc compiler
48 # since when .o and other files are deleted the dependant
49 diff -ur builds/posix/make.rules builds/posix/make.rules
50 --- builds/posix/make.rules 2016-07-07 13:56:13.036235166 +0200
51 +++ builds/posix/make.rules 2016-07-07 14:31:16.116291485 +0200
56 -.SUFFIXES: .lo .o .cpp .c
57 +.SUFFIXES: .lo .$(OBJ_EXT) .cpp .c
61 $(CC) $(WCFLAGS) -c $(firstword $<) -o $@
63 -$(OBJ)/%.o: $(SRC_ROOT)/%.c
64 +$(OBJ)/%.$(OBJ_EXT): $(SRC_ROOT)/%.c
65 $(CC) $(WCFLAGS) -c $(firstword $<) -o $@
67 -$(OBJ)/%.o: $(OBJ)/%.cpp
68 +$(OBJ)/%.$(OBJ_EXT): $(OBJ)/%.cpp
69 $(CXX) $(WCXXFLAGS) -c $(firstword $<) -o $@
71 -$(OBJ)/%.o: $(SRC_ROOT)/%.cpp
72 +$(OBJ)/%.$(OBJ_EXT): $(SRC_ROOT)/%.cpp
73 $(CXX) $(WCXXFLAGS) -c $(firstword $<) -o $@
75 -$(OBJ)/%.o: $(ROOT)/%.cpp
76 +$(OBJ)/%.$(OBJ_EXT): $(ROOT)/%.cpp
77 $(CC) $(WCFLAGS) -c $(firstword $<) -o $@
80 --- builds/posix/make.shared.variables.orig 2020-11-12 19:36:29.773409900 +0100
81 +++ builds/posix/make.shared.variables 2020-11-12 19:37:14.976503300 +0100
84 -doObjects= $(patsubst %.y,%.o,$(patsubst %.epp,%.o,$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(1:.cpp=.o))))
85 +doObjects= $(patsubst %.y,%.$(OBJ_EXT),$(patsubst %.epp,%.$(OBJ_EXT),$(patsubst %.c,%.$(OBJ_EXT),$(1:.cpp=.$(OBJ_EXT)))))
86 makeObjects= $(addprefix $(OBJ)/$(patsubst ../%,%,$(1))/,$(call doObjects,$2))
87 dirFiles= $(notdir $(wildcard ../src/$(1)/*.cpp)) $(notdir $(wildcard ../src/$(1)/*.c)) \
88 $(notdir $(wildcard ../src/$(1)/*.epp)) $(notdir $(wildcard ../src/$(1)/*.y))
89 --- src/include/gen/autoconfig.h.in.orig 2020-11-12 20:52:49.835722200 +0100
90 +++ src/include/gen/autoconfig.h.in 2020-11-12 20:53:18.148311100 +0100
92 #pragma warning(disable:4996) // 'identificator' was declared deprecated
95 +#ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
96 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers
99 //#ifdef _MSC_VER // don't know if this is useful for MinGW
101 --- builds/posix/prefix.mingw.orig 2020-11-12 21:37:39.574461300 +0100
102 +++ builds/posix/prefix.mingw 2020-11-12 21:37:55.448422500 +0100
106 # -Wno-unused-variable is used due to unused gpre generated variables
109 +PROD_FLAGS=-O2 -DMINGW -Dlint -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -wd4291 -wd4477
110 +DEV_FLAGS=-ggdb -DMINGW -Dlint -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -wd4291 -wd4477
112 PLATFORM_PATH=os/win32
114 --- extern/btyacc/Makefile.orig 2020-11-12 21:39:13.833012400 +0100
115 +++ extern/btyacc/Makefile 2020-11-12 21:39:54.861473300 +0100
120 -OBJS = closure.o error.o lalr.o lr0.o main.o mkpar.o output.o \
121 - mstring.o reader.o readskel.o skeleton.o symtab.o verbose.o warshall.o
122 +OBJS = closure.obj error.obj lalr.obj lr0.obj main.obj mkpar.obj output.obj \
123 + mstring.obj reader.obj readskel.obj skeleton.obj symtab.obj verbose.obj warshall.obj
128 $(PROGRAM): $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
129 $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(PROGRAM) $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
133 $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
135 clean:; rm -f $(OBJS)
146 -mstring.o: mstring.h
148 -reader.o: defs.h mstring.h
159 +mstring.obj: mstring.h
161 +reader.obj: defs.h mstring.h
162 +skeleton.obj: defs.h
165 +warshall.obj: defs.h
166 --- extern/cloop/Makefile.orig 2020-11-13 10:59:53.282923700 +0100
167 +++ extern/cloop/Makefile 2020-11-13 11:00:24.267079900 +0100
169 SRCS_C := $(foreach sdir,$(SRC_DIRS),$(wildcard $(sdir)/*.c))
170 SRCS_CPP := $(foreach sdir,$(SRC_DIRS),$(wildcard $(sdir)/*.cpp))
172 -OBJS_C := $(patsubst $(SRC_DIR)/%.c,$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o,$(SRCS_C))
173 -OBJS_CPP := $(patsubst $(SRC_DIR)/%.cpp,$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o,$(SRCS_CPP))
174 +OBJS_C := $(patsubst $(SRC_DIR)/%.c,$(OBJ_DIR)/%.obj,$(SRCS_C))
175 +OBJS_CPP := $(patsubst $(SRC_DIR)/%.cpp,$(OBJ_DIR)/%.obj,$(SRCS_CPP))
180 vpath %.cpp $(SRC_DIRS)
185 $(CC) -c $$(C_FLAGS) $$< -o $$@
188 +$1/%.obj: %.cpp | $1
189 $(CXX) -c $$(CXX_FLAGS) $$< -o $$@
193 -include $(addsuffix .d,$(basename $(OBJS_CPP)))
195 $(BIN_DIR)/cloop$(EXE_EXT): \
196 - $(OBJ_DIR)/cloop/Expr.o \
197 - $(OBJ_DIR)/cloop/Generator.o \
198 - $(OBJ_DIR)/cloop/Lexer.o \
199 - $(OBJ_DIR)/cloop/Parser.o \
200 - $(OBJ_DIR)/cloop/Main.o \
201 + $(OBJ_DIR)/cloop/Expr.obj \
202 + $(OBJ_DIR)/cloop/Generator.obj \
203 + $(OBJ_DIR)/cloop/Lexer.obj \
204 + $(OBJ_DIR)/cloop/Parser.obj \
205 + $(OBJ_DIR)/cloop/Main.obj \
209 @@ -105,24 +105,24 @@
210 $(SRC_DIR)/tests/test1/CppTest.cpp: $(SRC_DIR)/tests/test1/CalcCppApi.h
212 $(BIN_DIR)/test1-c$(SHRLIB_EXT): \
213 - $(OBJ_DIR)/tests/test1/CalcCApi.o \
214 - $(OBJ_DIR)/tests/test1/CTest.o \
215 + $(OBJ_DIR)/tests/test1/CalcCApi.obj \
216 + $(OBJ_DIR)/tests/test1/CTest.obj \
220 $(BIN_DIR)/test1-c$(EXE_EXT): \
221 - $(OBJ_DIR)/tests/test1/CalcCApi.o \
222 - $(OBJ_DIR)/tests/test1/CTest.o \
223 + $(OBJ_DIR)/tests/test1/CalcCApi.obj \
224 + $(OBJ_DIR)/tests/test1/CTest.obj \
228 $(BIN_DIR)/test1-cpp$(SHRLIB_EXT): \
229 - $(OBJ_DIR)/tests/test1/CppTest.o \
230 + $(OBJ_DIR)/tests/test1/CppTest.obj \
234 $(BIN_DIR)/test1-cpp$(EXE_EXT): \
235 - $(OBJ_DIR)/tests/test1/CppTest.o \
236 + $(OBJ_DIR)/tests/test1/CppTest.obj \
240 --- src/include/gen/autoconfig_msvc.h.orig 2020-11-13 12:42:36.231813100 +0100
241 +++ src/include/gen/autoconfig_msvc.h 2020-11-13 12:43:12.669012900 +0100
243 #pragma warning(disable:4996) // 'identificator' was declared deprecated
246 +#ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
247 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers
250 #ifdef _MSC_VER // don't know if this is useful for MinGW
252 diff -ur builds/posix/Makefile.in.examples builds/posix/Makefile.in.examples
253 --- builds/posix/Makefile.in.examples 2016-07-07 13:56:13.048235166 +0200
254 +++ builds/posix/Makefile.in.examples 2016-07-07 14:37:36.904301682 +0200
256 EXAMPLES_SRC= $(ROOT)/examples
259 -EMPBLD_Objects= $(EXAMPLES_DEST)/empbuild.o
260 +EMPBLD_Objects= $(EXAMPLES_DEST)/empbuild.$(OBJ_EXT)
262 -INTLBLD_Objects= $(EXAMPLES_DEST)/intlbld.o
263 +INTLBLD_Objects= $(EXAMPLES_DEST)/intlbld.$(OBJ_EXT)
265 INPUT_Files = empddl.sql empdml.sql indexoff.sql indexon.sql \
266 job.inp lang.inp proj.inp qtr.inp
269 $(EXAMPLES_DEST)/%.h: $(EXAMPLES_SRC)/common/%.h
273 + $(CC) -c $(firstword $<) -Fo$@ $(WCFLAGS)
274 --- src/lock/lock.cpp.orig 2020-11-13 17:57:23.485241200 +0100
275 +++ src/lock/lock.cpp 2020-11-13 17:57:51.001010600 +0100
278 LockTableGuard guard(This, FB_FUNCTION, owner_offset);
281 #define SRQ_BASE ((UCHAR*) This->m_sharedMemory->getHeader())
282 own* owner = (own*) SRQ_ABS_PTR(owner_offset);
283 if (!owner->own_count)
285 // released before destroying the lock owner. This is not strictly required,
286 // but it enforces the proper object lifetime discipline through the codebase.
287 fb_assert(SRQ_EMPTY(owner->own_requests));
289 #define SRQ_BASE ((UCHAR*) m_sharedMemory->getHeader())
291 This->purge_owner(owner_offset, owner);
292 --- builds/posix/Makefile.in.plugins_examples.orig 2020-11-13 20:25:55.865485400 +0100
293 +++ builds/posix/Makefile.in.plugins_examples 2020-11-13 20:26:13.084191800 +0100
296 include $(ROOT)/gen/make.shared.targets
298 -Dependencies = $(AllObjects:.o=.d)
299 +Dependencies = $(AllObjects:.$(OBJ_EXT)=.d)
300 -include $(Dependencies)