nss: upgrade to release 3.73
[LibreOffice.git] / compilerplugins / clang / expandablemethods.py
1 #!/usr/bin/python
3 import sys
4 import re
5 import io
7 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 # globals
9 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 definitionSet = set() # set of tuple(return_type, name_and_params)
12 definitionToSourceLocationMap = dict()
13 calledFromDict = dict()
14 calledFromOutsideSet = set()
15 largeFunctionSet = set() # set of tuple(return_type, name_and_params)
16 addressOfSet = set() # set of tuple(return_type, name_and_params)
18 # clang does not always use exactly the same numbers in the type-parameter vars it generates
19 # so I need to substitute them to ensure we can match correctly.
20 normalizeTypeParamsRegex = re.compile(r"type-parameter-\d+-\d+")
21 def normalizeTypeParams( line ):
22 return normalizeTypeParamsRegex.sub("type-parameter-?-?", line)
24 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 # primary input loop
26 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 with io.open("workdir/loplugin.expandablemethods.log", "rb", buffering=1024*1024) as txt:
29 for line in txt:
30 tokens = line.strip().split("\t")
31 if tokens[0] == "definition:":
32 access = tokens[1]
33 returnType = tokens[2]
34 nameAndParams = tokens[3]
35 sourceLocation = tokens[4]
36 funcInfo = (normalizeTypeParams(returnType), normalizeTypeParams(nameAndParams))
37 definitionSet.add(funcInfo)
38 definitionToSourceLocationMap[funcInfo] = sourceLocation
39 elif tokens[0] == "calledFrom:":
40 calleeLocation = tokens[1]
41 returnType = tokens[2]
42 nameAndParams = tokens[3]
43 funcInfo = (normalizeTypeParams(returnType), normalizeTypeParams(nameAndParams))
44 if not funcInfo in calledFromDict:
45 calledFromDict[funcInfo] = set()
46 calledFromDict[funcInfo].add(calleeLocation)
47 elif tokens[0] == "outside:":
48 returnType = tokens[1]
49 nameAndParams = tokens[2]
50 calledFromOutsideSet.add((normalizeTypeParams(returnType), normalizeTypeParams(nameAndParams)))
51 elif tokens[0] == "large:":
52 returnType = tokens[1]
53 nameAndParams = tokens[2]
54 largeFunctionSet.add((normalizeTypeParams(returnType), normalizeTypeParams(nameAndParams)))
55 elif tokens[0] == "addrof:":
56 returnType = tokens[1]
57 nameAndParams = tokens[2]
58 addressOfSet.add((normalizeTypeParams(returnType), normalizeTypeParams(nameAndParams)))
59 else:
60 print( "unknown line: " + line)
62 # Invert the definitionToSourceLocationMap.
63 # If we see more than one method at the same sourceLocation, it's being autogenerated as part of a template
64 # and we should just ignore it.
65 sourceLocationToDefinitionMap = {}
66 for k, v in definitionToSourceLocationMap.iteritems():
67 sourceLocationToDefinitionMap[v] = sourceLocationToDefinitionMap.get(v, [])
68 sourceLocationToDefinitionMap[v].append(k)
69 for k, definitions in sourceLocationToDefinitionMap.iteritems():
70 if len(definitions) > 1:
71 for d in definitions:
72 definitionSet.remove(d)
74 def isOtherConstness( d, callSet ):
75 method = d[0] + " " + d[1]
76 # if this method is const, and there is a non-const variant of it, and the non-const variant is in use, then leave it alone
77 if d[0].startswith("const ") and d[1].endswith(" const"):
78 if ((d[0][6:],d[1][:-6]) in callSet):
79 return True
80 elif method.endswith(" const"):
81 method2 = method[:len(method)-6] # strip off " const"
82 if ((d[0],method2) in callSet):
83 return True
84 if method.endswith(" const") and ("::iterator" in method):
85 method2 = method[:len(method)-6] # strip off " const"
86 method2 = method2.replace("::const_iterator", "::iterator")
87 if ((d[0],method2) in callSet):
88 return True
89 # if this method is non-const, and there is a const variant of it, and the const variant is in use, then leave it alone
90 if (not method.endswith(" const")) and ((d[0],"const " + method + " const") in callSet):
91 return True
92 if (not method.endswith(" const")) and ("::iterator" in method):
93 method2 = method.replace("::iterator", "::const_iterator") + " const"
94 if ((d[0],method2) in callSet):
95 return True
96 return False
98 # sort the results using a "natural order" so sequences like [item1,item2,item10] sort nicely
99 def natural_sort_key(s, _nsre=re.compile('([0-9]+)')):
100 return [int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
101 for text in re.split(_nsre, s)]
102 # sort by both the source-line and the datatype, so the output file ordering is stable
103 # when we have multiple items on the same source line
104 def v_sort_key(v):
105 return natural_sort_key(v[1]) + [v[0]]
106 def sort_set_by_natural_key(s):
107 return sorted(s, key=lambda v: v_sort_key(v))
110 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
111 # Methods that are only called from inside their own class, and are only called from one spot
112 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
114 tmp4set = set()
115 for d in definitionSet:
116 if d in calledFromOutsideSet:
117 continue
118 if isOtherConstness(d, calledFromOutsideSet):
119 continue
120 if d not in definitionToSourceLocationMap:
121 print("warning, method has no location: " + d[0] + " " + d[1])
122 continue
123 # ignore external code
124 if definitionToSourceLocationMap[d].startswith("external/"):
125 continue
126 # ignore constructors, calledFromOutsideSet does not provide accurate info for them
127 tokens = d[1].split("(")[0].split("::")
128 if len(tokens)>1 and tokens[-2] == tokens[-1]:
129 continue
130 # ignore large methods, which make the code clearer by being out of line
131 if d in largeFunctionSet:
132 continue
133 # ignore methods whose address we take
134 if d in addressOfSet:
135 continue
136 # ignore unused methods, leave them to the dedicated analysis
137 if d not in calledFromDict:
138 continue
139 # ignore methods called from more than one site
140 if len(calledFromDict[d]) > 1:
141 continue
143 method = d[0] + " " + d[1]
144 tmp4set.add((method, definitionToSourceLocationMap[d]))
146 # print output, sorted by name and line number
147 with open("loplugin.expandablemethods.report", "wt") as f:
148 for t in sort_set_by_natural_key(tmp4set):
149 f.write(t[1] + "\n")
150 f.write(" " + t[0] + "\n")