1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
3 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
5 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
11 This file has been autogenerated by update_pch.sh. It is possible to edit it
12 manually (such as when an include file has been moved/renamed/removed). All such
13 manual changes will be rewritten by the next run of update_pch.sh (which presumably
14 also fixes all possible problems, so it's usually better to use it).
16 Generated on 2020-08-12 11:07:08 using:
17 ./bin/update_pch vbahelper msforms --cutoff=3 --exclude:system --include:module --include:local
19 If after updating build fails, use the following command to locate conflicting headers:
20 ./bin/update_pch_bisect ./vbahelper/inc/pch/precompiled_msforms.hxx "make vbahelper.build" --find-conflicts
30 #include <initializer_list>
42 #include <string_view>
43 #include <type_traits>
46 #include <boost/property_tree/ptree_fwd.hpp>
47 #endif // PCH_LEVEL >= 1
49 #include <osl/diagnose.h>
50 #include <osl/endian.h>
51 #include <osl/interlck.h>
52 #include <rtl/alloc.h>
54 #include <rtl/ref.hxx>
55 #include <rtl/string.h>
56 #include <rtl/string.hxx>
57 #include <rtl/stringconcat.hxx>
58 #include <rtl/stringutils.hxx>
59 #include <rtl/tencinfo.h>
60 #include <rtl/textcvt.h>
61 #include <rtl/textenc.h>
62 #include <rtl/ustring.h>
63 #include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
64 #include <sal/config.h>
65 #include <sal/detail/log.h>
66 #include <sal/log.hxx>
67 #include <sal/macros.h>
68 #include <sal/saldllapi.h>
69 #include <sal/types.h>
70 #include <sal/typesizes.h>
71 #include <vcl/Scanline.hxx>
72 #include <vcl/alpha.hxx>
73 #include <vcl/bitmap.hxx>
74 #include <vcl/cairo.hxx>
75 #include <vcl/checksum.hxx>
76 #include <vcl/devicecoordinate.hxx>
77 #include <vcl/dllapi.h>
78 #include <vcl/errcode.hxx>
79 #include <vcl/fntstyle.hxx>
80 #include <vcl/font.hxx>
81 #include <vcl/mapmod.hxx>
82 #include <vcl/metaactiontypes.hxx>
83 #include <vcl/outdev.hxx>
84 #include <vcl/outdevmap.hxx>
85 #include <vcl/outdevstate.hxx>
86 #include <vcl/ptrstyle.hxx>
87 #include <vcl/region.hxx>
88 #include <vcl/salnativewidgets.hxx>
89 #include <vcl/scopedbitmapaccess.hxx>
90 #include <vcl/vclenum.hxx>
91 #include <vcl/vclptr.hxx>
92 #include <vcl/vclreferencebase.hxx>
93 #include <vcl/wall.hxx>
94 #endif // PCH_LEVEL >= 2
96 #include <basegfx/basegfxdllapi.h>
97 #include <basegfx/color/bcolor.hxx>
98 #include <basegfx/numeric/ftools.hxx>
99 #include <basegfx/point/b2dpoint.hxx>
100 #include <basegfx/point/b2ipoint.hxx>
101 #include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx>
102 #include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx>
103 #include <basegfx/range/b2drange.hxx>
104 #include <basegfx/range/basicrange.hxx>
105 #include <basegfx/tuple/b2dtuple.hxx>
106 #include <basegfx/tuple/b2ituple.hxx>
107 #include <basegfx/tuple/b3dtuple.hxx>
108 #include <basegfx/utils/common.hxx>
109 #include <basegfx/vector/b2dvector.hxx>
110 #include <basegfx/vector/b2enums.hxx>
111 #include <basegfx/vector/b2ivector.hxx>
112 #include <com/sun/star/awt/Key.hpp>
113 #include <com/sun/star/awt/KeyGroup.hpp>
114 #include <com/sun/star/awt/SystemPointer.hpp>
115 #include <com/sun/star/awt/XControl.hpp>
116 #include <com/sun/star/container/XNameContainer.hpp>
117 #include <com/sun/star/drawing/LineCap.hpp>
118 #include <com/sun/star/lang/IllegalArgumentException.hpp>
119 #include <com/sun/star/uno/Any.h>
120 #include <com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx>
121 #include <com/sun/star/uno/Reference.h>
122 #include <com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx>
123 #include <com/sun/star/uno/RuntimeException.hpp>
124 #include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.h>
125 #include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>
126 #include <com/sun/star/uno/Type.h>
127 #include <com/sun/star/uno/Type.hxx>
128 #include <com/sun/star/uno/TypeClass.hdl>
129 #include <com/sun/star/uno/XInterface.hpp>
130 #include <com/sun/star/uno/genfunc.h>
131 #include <com/sun/star/uno/genfunc.hxx>
132 #include <comphelper/sequence.hxx>
133 #include <cppu/cppudllapi.h>
134 #include <cppu/unotype.hxx>
135 #include <cppuhelper/cppuhelperdllapi.h>
136 #include <cppuhelper/implbase.hxx>
137 #include <i18nlangtag/lang.h>
138 #include <o3tl/cow_wrapper.hxx>
139 #include <o3tl/strong_int.hxx>
140 #include <o3tl/typed_flags_set.hxx>
141 #include <o3tl/underlyingenumvalue.hxx>
142 #include <svl/hint.hxx>
143 #include <svl/svldllapi.h>
144 #include <svl/typedwhich.hxx>
145 #include <tools/color.hxx>
146 #include <tools/fontenum.hxx>
147 #include <tools/gen.hxx>
148 #include <tools/link.hxx>
149 #include <tools/mapunit.hxx>
150 #include <tools/poly.hxx>
151 #include <tools/ref.hxx>
152 #include <tools/solar.h>
153 #include <tools/toolsdllapi.h>
154 #include <typelib/typeclass.h>
155 #include <typelib/typedescription.h>
156 #include <typelib/uik.h>
157 #include <uno/any2.h>
158 #include <uno/data.h>
159 #include <uno/sequence2.h>
160 #include <unotools/fontdefs.hxx>
161 #include <unotools/unotoolsdllapi.h>
162 #endif // PCH_LEVEL >= 3
164 #include <vbahelper/vbadllapi.h>
165 #endif // PCH_LEVEL >= 4
167 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */