1 --- misc/BeanShell/build.xml Fri Dec 19 17:14:27 2003
2 +++ misc/build/BeanShell/build.xml Fri Mar 28 15:55:04 2008
4 - Why can't I nest filesets? This seems like it would be so easy and
7 -<project name="beanshell" default="compile-all" basedir=".">
8 +<project name="beanshell" default="jarall" basedir=".">
10 <!-- Project Configuration -->
13 <property name="exclude-engine" value="bsh/engine/**"/>
16 + <property name="exclude-bsf"
17 + value="bsh/util/BeanShellBSFEngine.java,TestBshBSF.java"/>
19 <!-- Uncomment to build without the ASM class generator code.
20 <property name="exclude-classgen"
21 value="bsh/org/objectweb/asm/**,bsh/ClassGeneratorImpl.java,bsh/ClassGeneratorUtil.java,bsh/DelayedEvalBshMethod.java"/>
23 value="bsh/servlet/*"/>
26 + <property name="exclude-servlet"
27 + value="bsh/servlet/*"/>
29 <!-- Legacy excludes. Comment this *out* to build these legacy items -->
30 <property name="excludes-legacy"
31 value="bsh/JThis.java"/>
32 --- misc/BeanShell/src/bsh/classpath/BshClassPath.java 2003-12-19 17:14:28.000000000 +0100
33 +++ misc/build/BeanShell/src/bsh/classpath/BshClassPath.java 2014-07-22 21:02:52.000000000 +0200
35 import bsh.StringUtil;
36 import bsh.ClassPathException;
37 import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
38 +import java.lang.SecurityException;
39 import bsh.NameSource;
43 URL url = new File(rtjar).toURI().toURL();
44 bootClassPath = new BshClassPath("Boot Class Path", new URL[]{url});
46 + } catch ( SecurityException e ) {
47 + throw new ClassPathException(" can't access to boot jar: "+e);
48 } catch ( MalformedURLException e ) {
49 throw new ClassPathException(" can't find boot jar: "+e);