1 --- libcmis/src/libcmis/sharepoint-session.cxx.orig 2024-06-20 18:02:12.751118095 +0200
2 +++ libcmis/src/libcmis/sharepoint-session.cxx 2024-06-20 18:04:36.467083223 +0200
5 headers_slist.reset(curl_slist_append(headers_slist.release(), "accept:application/json; odata=verbose"));
6 headers_slist.reset(curl_slist_append(headers_slist.release(), ("x-requestdigest:" + m_digestCode).c_str()));
7 + // newer Sharepoint requires this; this can be detected based on header
8 + // "x-msdavext_error" starting with "917656;" typically with a 403 status
9 + // but since this class is specifically for SharePoint just add it always
10 + headers_slist.reset(curl_slist_append(headers_slist.release(), "X-FORMS_BASED_AUTH_ACCEPTED: f"));
12 if ( !getUsername().empty() && !getPassword().empty() )