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[LibreOffice.git] / odk / examples / python / Miscellaneous / InputEvents.py
1 # -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
3 # This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
5 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 # file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
10 import uno
11 import unohelper
12 from com.sun.star.awt import XKeyHandler
13 from com.sun.star.awt import XKeyListener
14 from com.sun.star.awt import XMouseClickHandler
15 from com.sun.star.awt import XMouseMotionHandler
16 from com.sun.star.awt import XMouseListener
17 from com.sun.star.awt import XMouseMotionListener
18 from com.sun.star.accessibility import AccessibleRole
21 """
22 This example illustrates how to register to keyboard or mouse events.
24 There are two families of interfaces for this, called Listeners and Handlers.
25 In many cases the Handlers are easier to use and provide more flexibility. But
26 sometimes it's necessary to use the Listeners, as being shown below.
28 The Listeners usually need to be added exactly to the correct widget. So this
29 example adds them recursively them to all widgets below the given one.
30 """
33 SOFFICE_CONNECTION_URI = "uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2083;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext"
36 def demo():
37 # Connect to LibreOffice process
38 localComponentContext = uno.getComponentContext()
39 localServiceManager = localComponentContext.getServiceManager()
40 resolver = localServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext("com.sun.star.bridge.UnoUrlResolver", localComponentContext)
41 remoteComponentContext = resolver.resolve(SOFFICE_CONNECTION_URI)
43 # Get the currently opened view context.
44 remoteServiceManager = remoteComponentContext.getServiceManager()
45 desktop = remoteServiceManager.createInstance("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop")
46 xComponent = desktop.getCurrentComponent() # e.g. SwXTextDocument, ScModelObj, SdXImpressDocument
47 if "com.sun.star.document.OfficeDocument" not in xComponent.getSupportedServiceNames():
48 print("No OfficeDocument opened.")
49 exit(1)
50 else:
51 handler = MyXKeyMouseClickMotionHandler("handler")
52 # Events in the document view area. Not in the surrounding UI.
53 xController = xComponent.getCurrentController() # xModel.getCurrentController()
54 xController.addKeyHandler(handler) # XUserInputInterception.addKeyHandler()
55 xController.addMouseClickHandler(handler) # XUserInputInterception.addMouseClickHandler()
57 listener = MyXKeyMouseClickMotionHandler("listener")
58 # TODO: Register to e.value.Source of Handler events.
59 # That's the correct source.
60 xWindow = xController.ComponentWindow
61 # In writer we're usually looking for:
62 # xWindow.Windows[0].Windows[0]
63 recursive_windows("", xWindow, lambda subXWindow: (
64 subXWindow.addKeyListener(listener),
65 subXWindow.addMouseListener(listener),
66 #subXWindow.addMouseMotionListener(listener), # very much events
69 # Maybe the event handlers can also be registered via one of the objects
70 # this function iterates through. But currently this function just
71 # prints the accessible roles of the objects.
72 #recursive_acc_ctx("", xWindow.AccessibleContext.AccessibleParent);
73 #recursive_acc_ctx("", xWindow);
75 input("Waiting for events. Press Enter to quit...\n")
78 def recursive_acc_ctx(path, obj):
79 print("recursive_acc_ctx: " + path + find_accessible_role(obj.getAccessibleContext().getAccessibleRole()))
80 for i in range(obj.getAccessibleContext().AccessibleChildCount):
81 recursive_acc_ctx(path+str(i)+": ", obj.getAccessibleContext().getAccessibleChild(i))
84 def recursive_windows(path, xWindow, func):
85 print("recursive_windows: " + path + find_accessible_role(xWindow.getAccessibleContext().getAccessibleRole()))
86 func(xWindow)
87 try:
88 windows = xWindow.getWindows() # XVclContainer.getWindows()
89 except Exception:
90 return
91 for i in range(len(windows)):
92 subXWindow = windows[i]
93 recursive_windows(path+str(i)+": ", subXWindow, func)
96 def find_accessible_role(role_int):
97 for role_name in dir(AccessibleRole):
98 if role_int == eval("AccessibleRole." + role_name):
99 return role_name
102 class MyXKeyMouseClickMotionHandler(unohelper.Base, XKeyHandler, XKeyListener, XMouseClickHandler, XMouseMotionHandler, XMouseListener, XMouseMotionListener):
103 def __init__(self, name): # XKeyHandler, XKeyListener
104 self.name = name
105 def keyPressed(self, e): # XKeyHandler, XKeyListener
106 self.key_evt(e, "pressed")
107 return False # False: don't consume (run other event handlers)
108 def keyReleased(self, e):
109 self.key_evt(e, "released")
110 return False
111 def mousePressed(self, e): # XMouseClickHandler, XMouseListener
112 self.mouse_evt(e, "pressed")
113 return False
114 def mouseReleased(self, e): # XMouseClickHandler, XMouseListener
115 self.mouse_evt(e, "released")
116 return False
117 def mouseEntered(self, e): # XMouseListener
118 self.mouse_evt(e, "entered")
119 return False
120 def mouseExited(self, e): # XMouseListener
121 self.mouse_evt(e, "exited")
122 return False
123 def mouseDragged(self, e): # XMouseMotionHandler, XMouseMotionListener
124 self.mouse_evt(e, "dragged")
125 return False
126 def mouseMoved(self, e): # XMouseMotionHandler, XMouseMotionListener
127 self.mouse_evt(e, "moved")
128 return False
130 def disposing(self, s):
131 print(self.name + "# disposing")
132 def key_evt(self, e, action):
133 #print(self.name + "# key "+action+": " + str(e)); # very much output
134 print(self.name + "# key "+action+" (code: " + str(e.value.KeyCode.real) + "): " + e.value.KeyChar.value)
135 def mouse_evt(self, e, action):
136 #print(self.name + "# mouse "+action+": " + str(e)); # very much output
137 print(self.name + "# mouse "+action+": Modifiers: "+str(e.value.Modifiers)+"; Buttons: "+str(e.value.Buttons)+"; X: "+str(e.value.X)+"; Y: "+str(e.value.Y)+"; ClickCount: "+str(e.value.ClickCount)+"; PopupTrigger: "+str(e.value.PopupTrigger))
140 demo()
143 # vim: set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: