Bump for 3.6-28
[LibreOffice.git] / oovbaapi / UnoApi_oovbaapi.mk
1 # -*- Mode: makefile-gmake; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
2 #*************************************************************************
5 #
6 # Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 # OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
10 # This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
12 # OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
14 # only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
16 # OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 # GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
20 # (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
22 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
23 # version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see
24 # <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
25 # for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
27 #*************************************************************************
29 $(eval $(call gb_UnoApi_UnoApi,oovbaapi))
31 $(eval $(call gb_UnoApi_use_api,oovbaapi,\
32 udkapi \
33 offapi \
36 $(eval $(call gb_UnoApi_set_include,oovbaapi,\
37 $$(INCLUDE) \
38 -I$(SRCDIR)/oovbaapi \
39 -I$(OUTDIR)/idl \
42 $(eval $(call gb_UnoApi_add_idlfiles_nohdl,oovbaapi,oovbaapi/ooo/vba/excel,\
43 Globals \
44 Hyperlink \
45 Range \
46 TextFrame \
47 Window \
48 Workbook \
49 Worksheet \
52 $(eval $(call gb_UnoApi_add_idlfiles_noheader,oovbaapi,oovbaapi/ooo/vba,\
53 ControlProvider \
55 $(eval $(call gb_UnoApi_add_idlfiles_noheader,oovbaapi,oovbaapi/ooo/vba/msforms,\
56 MSFormReturnTypes \
58 $(eval $(call gb_UnoApi_add_idlfiles_noheader,oovbaapi,oovbaapi/ooo/vba/excel,\
59 Button \
60 SheetObjects \
63 $(eval $(call gb_UnoApi_add_idlfiles,oovbaapi,oovbaapi/ooo/vba,\
64 FormShowConstants \
65 VbAppWinStyle \
66 VbCalendar \
67 VbCallType \
68 VbCompareMethod \
69 VbDateTimeFormat \
70 VbDayOfWeek \
71 VbFileAttribute \
72 VbFirstWeekOfYear \
73 VbIMEStatus \
74 VbMsgBoxResult \
75 VbMsgBoxStyle \
76 VbQueryClose \
77 VbStrConv \
78 SystemColorConstants \
79 VbTriState \
80 VbVarType \
81 XApplicationBase \
82 XAssistant \
83 XCollection \
84 XCollectionBase \
85 XCommandBar \
86 XCommandBarButton \
87 XCommandBarControl \
88 XCommandBarControls \
89 XCommandBarPopup \
90 XCommandBars \
91 XControlProvider \
92 XDialogBase \
93 XDialogsBase \
94 XDocumentBase \
95 XDocumentProperties \
96 XDocumentProperty \
97 XDocumentsBase \
98 XErrObject \
99 XExecutableDialog \
100 XFileDialog \
101 XFileDialogSelectedItems \
102 XFileSearch \
103 XFontBase \
104 XFoundFiles \
105 XGlobalsBase \
106 XHelperInterface \
107 XPageSetupBase \
108 XPropValue \
109 XVBAAppService \
110 XVBADocService \
111 XVBAToOOEventDescGen \
112 XWindowBase \
114 $(eval $(call gb_UnoApi_add_idlfiles,oovbaapi,oovbaapi/ooo/vba/access,\
115 AcCloseSave \
116 AcColorIndex \
117 AcCommand \
118 AcControlType \
119 AcCurrentView \
120 AcDataAccessPageView \
121 AcDataObjectType \
122 AcDataTransferType \
123 AcDefView \
124 AcExportXMLEncoding \
125 AcExportXMLObjectType \
126 AcExportXMLOtherFlags \
127 AcExportXMLSchemaFormat \
128 AcFileFormat \
129 AcFilterType \
130 AcFindField \
131 AcFindMatch \
132 AcFormatConditionOperator \
133 AcFormatConditionType \
134 AcFormOpenDataMode \
135 AcFormView \
136 AcHyperlinkPart \
137 AcImeMode \
138 AcImeSentenceMode \
139 AcImportXMLOption \
140 AcModuleType \
141 AcObjectType \
142 AcOpenDataMode \
143 AcOutputObjectType \
144 AcPrintColor \
145 AcPrintDuplex \
146 AcPrintItemLayout \
147 AcPrintObjQuality \
148 AcPrintOrientation \
149 AcPrintPaperBin \
150 AcPrintPaperSize \
151 AcPrintQuality \
152 AcPrintRange \
153 AcProjectType \
154 AcQuitOption \
155 AcRecord \
156 AcSearchDirection \
157 AcSection \
158 AcSendObjectType \
159 AcShowToolbar \
160 AcSpreadSheetType \
161 AcSysCmdAction \
162 AcTextTransferType \
163 AcTransformXMLScriptOption \
164 AcView \
165 AcWindowMode \
166 ProcKind \
167 RefKind \
169 $(eval $(call gb_UnoApi_add_idlfiles,oovbaapi,oovbaapi/ooo/vba/adodb,\
173 AffectEnum \
174 BookmarkEnum \
175 CEResyncEnum \
176 CommandTypeEnum \
177 CompareEnum \
178 ConnectModeEnum \
179 ConnectOptionEnum \
180 ConnectPromptEnum \
181 CursorLocationEnum \
182 CursorOptionEnum \
183 CursorTypeEnum \
184 DataTypeEnum \
185 EditModeEnum \
186 ErrorValueEnum \
187 EventReasonEnum \
188 EventStatusEnum \
189 ExecuteOptionEnum \
190 FieldAttributeEnum \
191 FilterGroupEnum \
192 GetRowsOptionEnum \
193 IsolationLevelEnum \
194 LockTypeEnum \
195 MarshalOptionsEnum \
196 ObjectStateEnum \
197 ParameterAttributesEnum \
198 ParameterDirectionEnum \
199 PersistFormatEnum \
200 PositionEnum \
201 PropertyAttributesEnum \
202 RecordStatusEnum \
203 ResyncEnum \
204 SchemaEnum \
205 SearchDirectionEnum \
206 SeekEnum \
207 StringFormatEnum \
208 XactAttributeEnum \
210 $(eval $(call gb_UnoApi_add_idlfiles,oovbaapi,oovbaapi/ooo/vba/dao,\
211 CollatingOrderEnum \
212 CommitTransOptionsEnum \
213 CursorDriverEnum \
214 DatabaseTypeEnum \
215 DataTypeEnum \
216 DriverPromptEnum \
217 EditModeEnum \
218 FieldAttributeEnum \
219 IdleEnum \
220 LockTypeEnum \
221 ParameterDirectionEnum \
222 PermissionEnum \
223 QueryDefStateEnum \
224 QueryDefTypeEnum \
225 RecordsetOptionEnum \
226 RecordsetTypeEnum \
227 RecordStatusEnum \
228 RelationAttributeEnum \
229 ReplicaTypeEnum \
230 SetOptionEnum \
231 SynchronizeTypeEnum \
232 TableDefAttributeEnum \
233 UpdateCriteriaEnum \
234 UpdateTypeEnum \
235 WorkspaceTypeEnum \
237 $(eval $(call gb_UnoApi_add_idlfiles,oovbaapi,oovbaapi/ooo/vba/excel,\
238 Constants \
239 XApplication \
240 XAxes \
241 XAxis \
242 XAxisTitle \
243 XBorder \
244 XBorders \
245 XButton \
246 XCharacters \
247 XChart \
248 XChartObject \
249 XChartObjects \
250 XCharts \
251 XChartTitle \
252 XComment \
253 XComments \
254 XControlObject \
255 XDataLabel \
256 XDataLabels \
257 XDialog \
258 XDialogs \
259 XFont \
260 XFormat \
261 XFormatCondition \
262 XFormatConditions \
263 XGlobals \
264 XGraphicObjects \
265 XHPageBreak \
266 XHPageBreaks \
267 XHyperlink \
268 XHyperlinks \
269 XInterior \
270 XlApplicationInternational \
271 XlApplyNamesOrder \
272 XlArabicModes \
273 XlArrangeStyle \
274 XlArrowHeadLength \
275 XlArrowHeadStyle \
276 XlArrowHeadWidth \
277 XlAutoFillType \
278 XlAutoFilterOperator \
279 XlAxisCrosses \
280 XlAxisGroup \
281 XlAxisType \
282 XlBackground \
283 XlBarShape \
284 XlBordersIndex \
285 XlBorderWeight \
286 XlBuildInDialog \
287 XlBuiltInDialog \
288 XlCalculatedMemberType \
289 XlCalculation \
290 XlCalculationInterruptKey \
291 XlCalculationState \
292 XlCategoryType \
293 XlCellInsertionMode \
294 XlCellType \
295 XlChartGallery \
296 XlChartItem \
297 XlChartLocation \
298 XlChartPicturePlacement \
299 XlChartPictureType \
300 XlChartSplitType \
301 XlChartType \
302 XlClipboardFormat \
303 XlCmdType \
304 XlColorIndex \
305 XlColumnDataType \
306 XlCommandUnderlines \
307 XlCommentDisplayMode \
308 XlConsolidationFunction \
309 XlCopyPictureFormat \
310 XlCorruptLoad \
311 XlCreator \
312 XlCubeFieldType \
313 XlCutCopyMode \
314 XlCVError \
315 XlDataLabelPosition \
316 XlDataLabelSeparator \
317 XlDataLabelsType \
318 XlDataSeriesDate \
319 XlDataSeriesType \
320 XlDeleteShiftDirection \
321 XlDirection \
322 XlDisplayBlanksAs \
323 XlDisplayDrawingObjects \
324 XlDisplayUnit \
325 XlDVAlertStyle \
326 XlDVType \
327 XlEditionFormat \
328 XlEditionOptionsOption \
329 XlEditionType \
330 XlEnableCancelKey \
331 XlEnableSelection \
332 XlEndStyleCap \
333 XlErrorBarDirection \
334 XlErrorBarInclude \
335 XlErrorBarType \
336 XlErrorChecks \
337 XlFileAccess \
338 XlFileFormat \
339 XlFillWith \
340 XlFilterAction \
341 XlFindLookIn \
342 XlFormatConditionOperator \
343 XlFormatConditionType \
344 XlFormControl \
345 XlFormulaLabel \
346 XlHAlign \
347 XlHebrewModes \
348 XlHighlightChangesTime \
349 XlHtmlType \
350 XlIMEMode \
351 XlImportDataAs \
352 XlInsertFormatOrigin \
353 XlInsertShiftDirection \
354 XlLayoutFormType \
355 XlLegendPosition \
356 XlLineStyle \
357 XlLink \
358 XlLinkInfo \
359 XlLinkInfoType \
360 XlLinkStatus \
361 XlLinkType \
362 XlListConflict \
363 XlListDataType \
364 XlListObjectSourceType \
365 XlLocationInTable \
366 XlLookAt \
367 XlMailSystem \
368 XlMarkerStyle \
369 XlMouseButton \
370 XlMousePointer \
371 XlMSApplication \
372 XlObjectSize \
373 XlOLEType \
374 XlOLEVerb \
375 XlOrder \
376 XlOrientation \
377 XlPageBreak \
378 XlPageBreakExtent \
379 XlPageOrientation \
380 XlPaperSize \
381 XlParameterDataType \
382 XlParameterType \
383 XlPasteSpecialOperation \
384 XlPasteType \
385 XlPattern \
386 XlPhoneticAlignment \
387 XlPhoneticCharacterType \
388 XlPictureAppearance \
389 XlPictureConvertorType \
390 XlPivotCellType \
391 XlPivotFieldCalculation \
392 XlPivotFieldDataType \
393 XlPivotFieldOrientation \
394 XlPivotFormatType \
395 XlPivotTableMissingItems \
396 XlPivotTableSourceType \
397 XlPivotTableVersionList \
398 XlPlacement \
399 XlPlatform \
400 XlPrintErrors \
401 XlPrintLocation \
402 XlPriority \
403 XlPTSelectionMode \
404 XlQueryType \
405 XlRangeAutoFormat \
406 XlRangeValueDataType \
407 XlReferenceStyle \
408 XlReferenceType \
409 XlRobustConnect \
410 XlRoutingSlipDelivery \
411 XlRoutingSlipStatus \
412 XlRowCol \
413 XlRunAutoMacro \
414 XlSaveAction \
415 XlSaveAsAccessMode \
416 XlSaveConflictResolution \
417 XlScaleType \
418 XlSearchDirection \
419 XlSearchOrder \
420 XlSearchWithin \
421 XlSheetType \
422 XlSheetVisibility \
423 XlSizeRepresents \
424 XlSmartTagControlType \
425 XlSmartTagDisplayMode \
426 XlSortDataOption \
427 XlSortMethod \
428 XlSortMethodOld \
429 XlSortOrder \
430 XlSortOrientation \
431 XlSortType \
432 XlSourceType \
433 XlSpeakDirection \
434 XlSpecialCellsValue \
435 XlSubscribeToFormat \
436 XlSubtototalLocationType \
437 XlSummaryColumn \
438 XlSummaryReportType \
439 XlSummaryRow \
440 XlTabPosition \
441 XlTextParsingType \
442 XlTextQualifier \
443 XlTextVisualLayoutType \
444 XlTickLabelOrientation \
445 XlTickLabelPosition \
446 XlTickMark \
447 XlTimeUnit \
448 XlToolbarProtection \
449 XlTotalsCalculation \
450 XlTrendlineType \
451 XlUnderlineStyle \
452 XlUpdateLinks \
453 XlVAlign \
454 XlWBATemplate \
455 XlWebFormatting \
456 XlWebSelectionType \
457 XlWindowState \
458 XlWindowType \
459 XlWindowView \
460 XlXLMMacroType \
461 XlXmlExportResult \
462 XlXmlImportResult \
463 XlXmlLoadOption \
464 XlYesNoGuess \
465 XMenu \
466 XMenuBar \
467 XMenuBars \
468 XMenuItem \
469 XMenuItems \
470 XMenus \
471 XName \
472 XNames \
473 XOLEObject \
474 XOLEObjects \
475 XOutline \
476 XPageBreak \
477 XPageSetup \
478 XPane \
479 XPivotCache \
480 XPivotTable \
481 XPivotTables \
482 XQueryTable \
483 XRange \
484 XSeries \
485 XSeriesCollection \
486 XSheetObject \
487 XStyle \
488 XStyles \
489 XTextFrame \
490 XTitle \
491 XValidation \
492 XVPageBreak \
493 XVPageBreaks \
494 XWindow \
495 XWindows \
496 XWorkbook \
497 XWorkbooks \
498 XWorksheet \
499 XWorksheetFunction \
500 XWorksheets \
502 $(eval $(call gb_UnoApi_add_idlfiles,oovbaapi,oovbaapi/ooo/vba/msforms,\
503 fmAction \
504 fmAlignment \
505 fmBackStyle \
506 fmBorders \
507 fmBorderStyle \
508 fmButtonEffect \
509 fmButtonStyle \
510 fmCycle \
511 fmDisplayStyle \
512 fmDragBehavior \
513 fmDragState \
514 fmDropButtonStyle \
515 fmDropEffect \
516 fmEnterFieldBehavior \
517 fmIMEMode \
518 fmLayoutEffect \
519 fmListStyle \
520 fmMatchEntry \
521 fmMode \
522 fmMousePointer \
523 fmMultiSelect \
524 fmOrientation \
525 fmPicPosition \
526 fmPictureAlignment \
527 fmPicturePosition \
528 fmPictureSizeMode \
529 fmScrollAction \
530 fmScrollBars \
531 fmShowDropButtonWhen \
532 fmShowListWhen \
533 fmSnapPoint \
534 fmSpecialEffect \
535 fmStyle \
536 fmTabOrientation \
537 fmTabStyle \
538 fmTextAlign \
539 fmTransitionEffect \
540 fmVerticalScrollBarSide \
541 fmZOrder \
542 XButton \
543 XCheckBox \
544 XColorFormat \
545 XComboBox \
546 XCommandButton \
547 XControl \
548 XControls \
549 XFillFormat \
550 XFrame \
551 XGroupBox \
552 XImage \
553 XLabel \
554 XLineFormat \
555 XListBox \
556 XMultiPage \
557 XNewFont \
558 XPages \
559 XPictureFormat \
560 XProgressBar \
561 XRadioButton \
562 XReturnBoolean \
563 XReturnInteger \
564 XScrollBar \
565 XShape \
566 XShapeRange \
567 XShapes \
568 XSpinButton \
569 XTextBox \
570 XTextBoxShape \
571 XTextFrame \
572 XToggleButton \
573 XUserForm \
575 $(eval $(call gb_UnoApi_add_idlfiles,oovbaapi,oovbaapi/ooo/vba/office,\
576 DocProperties \
577 MailFormat \
578 MsoAlertButtonType \
579 MsoAlertCancelType \
580 MsoAlertDefaultType \
581 MsoAlertIconType \
582 MsoAlignCmd \
583 MsoAnimationType \
584 MsoAppLanguageID \
585 MsoArrowheadLength \
586 MsoArrowheadStyle \
587 MsoArrowheadWidth \
588 MsoAutomationSecurity \
589 MsoAutoShapeType \
590 MsoBalloonButtonType \
591 MsoBalloonErrorType \
592 MsoBalloonType \
593 MsoBarPosition \
594 MsoBarProtection \
595 MsoBarRow \
596 MsoBarType \
597 MsoBlackWhiteMode \
598 MsoButtonSetType \
599 MsoButtonState \
600 MsoButtonStyle \
601 MsoButtonStyleHidden \
602 MsoCalloutAngleType \
603 MsoCalloutDropType \
604 MsoCalloutType \
605 MsoCharacterSet \
606 MsoColorType \
607 MsoComboStyle \
608 MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType \
609 MsoCondition \
610 MsoConnector \
611 MsoConnectorType \
612 MsoControlOLEUsage \
613 MsoControlType \
614 MsoDiagramNodeType \
615 MsoDiagramType \
616 MsoDistributeCmd \
617 MsoDocProperties \
618 MsoEditingType \
619 MsoEncoding \
620 MsoExtraInfoMethod \
621 MsoExtrusionColorType \
622 MsoFarEastLineBreakLanguageID \
623 MsoFeatureInstall \
624 MsoFileDialogType \
625 MsoFileDialogView \
626 MsoFileFindListBy \
627 MsoFileFindOptions \
628 MsoFileFindSortBy \
629 MsoFileFindView \
630 MsoFileNewAction \
631 MsoFileNewSection \
632 MsoFileType \
633 MsoFillType \
634 MsoFilterComparison \
635 MsoFilterConjunction \
636 MsoFlipCmd \
637 MsoGradientColorType \
638 MsoGradientStyle \
639 MsoHorizontalAnchor \
640 MsoHTMLProjectOpen \
641 MsoHTMLProjectState \
642 MsoHyperlinkType \
643 MsoIconType \
644 MsoLanguageID \
645 MsoLanguageIDHidden \
646 MsoLastModified \
647 MsoLineDashStyle \
648 MsoLineStyle \
649 MsoMenuAnimation \
650 MsoMixedType \
651 MsoModeType \
652 MsoMoveRow \
653 MsoOLEMenuGroup \
654 MsoOrgChartLayoutType \
655 MsoOrgChartOrientation \
656 MsoOrientation \
657 MsoPatternType \
658 MsoPermission \
659 MsoPictureColorType \
660 MsoPresetExtrusionDirection \
661 MsoPresetGradientType \
662 MsoPresetLightingDirection \
663 MsoPresetLightingSoftness \
664 MsoPresetMaterial \
665 MsoPresetTextEffect \
666 MsoPresetTextEffectShape \
667 MsoPresetTexture \
668 MsoPresetThreeDFormat \
669 MsoRelativeNodePosition \
670 MsoScaleFrom \
671 MsoScreenSize \
672 MsoScriptLanguage \
673 MsoScriptLocation \
674 MsoSearchIn \
675 MsoSegmentType \
676 MsoShadowType \
677 MsoShapeType \
678 MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority \
679 MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus \
680 MsoSortBy \
681 MsoSortOrder \
682 MsoSyncAvailableType \
683 MsoSyncCompareType \
684 MsoSyncConflictResolutionType \
685 MsoSyncErrorType \
686 MsoSyncEventType \
687 MsoSyncStatusType \
688 MsoSyncVersionType \
689 MsoTargetBrowser \
690 MsoTextEffectAlignment \
691 MsoTextOrientation \
692 MsoTextureType \
693 MsoTriState \
694 MsoVerticalAnchor \
695 MsoWizardActType \
696 MsoWizardMsgType \
697 MsoZOrderCmd \
699 $(eval $(call gb_UnoApi_add_idlfiles,oovbaapi,oovbaapi/ooo/vba/powerpoint,\
700 MsoAnimAccumulate \
701 MsoAnimAdditive \
702 MsoAnimAfterEffect \
703 MsoAnimateByLevel \
704 MsoAnimCommandType \
705 MsoAnimDirection \
706 MsoAnimEffect \
707 MsoAnimEffectAfter \
708 MsoAnimEffectRestart \
709 MsoAnimFilterEffectSubtype \
710 MsoAnimFilterEffectType \
711 MsoAnimProperty \
712 MsoAnimTextUnitEffect \
713 MsoAnimTriggerType \
714 MsoAnimType \
715 PpActionType \
716 PpAdvanceMode \
717 PpAfterEffect \
718 PpAlertLevel \
719 PpArrangeStyle \
720 PpAutoSize \
721 PpBaselineAlignment \
722 PpBorderType \
723 PpBulletType \
724 PpChangeCase \
725 PpChartUnitEffect \
726 PpColorSchemeIndex \
727 PpDateTimeFormat \
728 PpDirection \
729 PpEntryEffect \
730 PpExportMode \
731 PpFarEastLineBreakLevel \
732 PpFileDialogType \
733 PpFollowColors \
734 PpFrameColors \
735 PpHTMLVersion \
736 PpIndentControl \
737 PpMediaType \
738 PpMouseActivation \
739 PpNumberedBulletStyle \
740 PpParagraphAlignment \
741 PpPasteDataType \
742 PpPlaceholderType \
743 PpPrintColorType \
744 PpPrintHandoutOrder \
745 PpPrintOutputType \
746 PpPrintRangeType \
747 PpPublishSourceType \
748 PpRevisionInfo \
749 PpSaveAsFileType \
750 PpSelectionType \
751 PpShapeFormat \
752 PpSlideLayout \
753 PpSlideShowAdvanceMode \
754 PpSlideShowPointerType \
755 PpSlideShowRangeType \
756 PpSlideShowState \
757 PpSlideShowType \
758 PpSlideSizeType \
759 PpSoundEffectType \
760 PpSoundFormatType \
761 PpTabStopType \
762 PpTextLevelEffect \
763 PpTextStyleType \
764 PpTextUnitEffect \
765 PpTransitionSpeed \
766 PpUpdateOption \
767 PpViewType \
768 PpWindowState \
770 $(eval $(call gb_UnoApi_add_idlfiles,oovbaapi,oovbaapi/ooo/vba/stdole,\
771 LoadPictureConstants \
774 $(eval $(call gb_UnoApi_add_idlfiles,oovbaapi,oovbaapi/ooo/vba/word,\
775 WdAlertLevel \
776 WdAnimation \
777 WdArabicNumeral \
778 WdAraSpeller \
779 WdArrangeStyle \
780 WdAutoFitBehavior \
781 WdAutoMacros \
782 WdAutoVersions \
783 WdBaselineAlignment \
784 WdBookmarkSortBy \
785 WdBorderDistanceFrom \
786 WdBorderType \
787 WdBorderTypeHID \
788 WdBreakType \
789 WdBrowserLevel \
790 WdBrowseTarget \
791 WdBuiltInProperty \
792 WdBuiltinStyle \
793 WdCalendarType \
794 WdCalendarTypeBi \
795 WdCaptionLabelID \
796 WdCaptionNumberStyle \
797 WdCaptionNumberStyleHID \
798 WdCaptionPosition \
799 WdCellVerticalAlignment \
800 WdCharacterCase \
801 WdCharacterCaseHID \
802 WdCharacterWidth \
803 WdChevronConvertRule \
804 WdCollapseDirection \
805 WdColor \
806 WdColorIndex \
807 WdCompareTarget \
808 WdCompatibility \
809 WdConditionCode \
810 WdConstants \
811 WdContinue \
812 WdCountry \
813 WdCursorMovement \
814 WdCursorType \
815 WdCustomLabelPageSize \
816 WdDateLanguage \
817 WdDefaultFilePath \
818 WdDefaultListBehavior \
819 WdDefaultTableBehavior \
820 WdDeleteCells \
821 WdDeletedTextMark \
822 WdDiacriticColor \
823 WdDictionaryType \
824 WdDictionaryTypeHID \
825 WdDisableFeaturesIntroducedAfter \
826 WdDocumentDirection \
827 WdDocumentKind \
828 WdDocumentMedium \
829 WdDocumentType \
830 WdDocumentViewDirection \
831 WdDropPosition \
832 WdEditionOption \
833 WdEditionType \
834 WdEditorType \
835 WdEmailHTMLFidelity \
836 WdEmphasisMark \
837 WdEnableCancelKey \
838 WdEncloseStyle \
839 WdEnclosureType \
840 WdEndnoteLocation \
841 WdEnvelopeOrientation \
842 WdFarEastLineBreakLanguageID \
843 WdFarEastLineBreakLevel \
844 WdFieldKind \
845 WdFieldShading \
846 WdFieldType \
847 WdFindMatch \
848 WdFindWrap \
849 WdFlowDirection \
850 WdFontBias \
851 WdFootnoteLocation \
852 WdFramePosition \
853 WdFramesetNewFrameLocation \
854 WdFramesetSizeType \
855 WdFramesetType \
856 WdFrameSizeRule \
857 WdGoToDirection \
858 WdGoToItem \
859 WdGutterStyle \
860 WdGutterStyleOld \
861 WdHeaderFooterIndex \
862 WdHeadingSeparator \
863 WdHebSpellStart \
864 WdHelpType \
865 WdHelpTypeHID \
866 WdHighAnsiText \
867 WdHorizontalInVerticalType \
868 WdHorizontalLineAlignment \
869 WdHorizontalLineWidthType \
870 WdIMEMode \
871 WdIndexFilter \
872 WdIndexFormat \
873 WdIndexSortBy \
874 WdIndexType \
875 WdInformation \
876 WdInlineShapeType \
877 WdInsertCells \
878 WdInsertedTextMark \
879 WdInternationalIndex \
880 WdJustificationMode \
881 WdKana \
882 WdKey \
883 WdKeyCategory \
884 WdLanguageID \
885 WdLanguageID2000 \
886 WdLayoutMode \
887 WdLetterheadLocation \
888 WdLetterStyle \
889 WdLineEndingType \
890 WdLineSpacing \
891 WdLineStyle \
892 WdLineType \
893 WdLineWidth \
894 WdLinkType \
895 WdListApplyTo \
896 WdListGalleryType \
897 WdListLevelAlignment \
898 WdListNumberStyle \
899 WdListNumberStyleHID \
900 WdListType \
901 WdMailerPriority \
902 WdMailMergeActiveRecord \
903 WdMailMergeComparison \
904 WdMailMergeDataSource \
905 WdMailMergeDefaultRecord \
906 WdMailMergeDestination \
907 WdMailMergeMailFormat \
908 WdMailMergeMainDocType \
909 WdMailMergeState \
910 WdMailSystem \
911 WdMappedDataFields \
912 WdMeasurementUnits \
913 WdMeasurementUnitsHID \
914 WdMergeSubType \
915 WdMergeTarget \
916 WdMonthNames \
917 WdMovementType \
918 WdMultipleWordConversionsMode \
919 WdNewDocumentType \
920 WdNoteNumberStyle \
921 WdNoteNumberStyleHID \
922 WdNumberingRule \
923 WdNumberStyleWordBasicBiDi \
924 WdNumberType \
925 WdOLEPlacement \
926 WdOLEType \
927 WdOLEVerb \
928 WdOpenFormat \
929 WdOrganizerObject \
930 WdOrientation \
931 WdOriginalFormat \
932 WdOutlineLevel \
933 WdPageBorderArt \
934 WdPageFit \
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