bump product version to
[LibreOffice.git] / solenv / bin / modules / installer / setupscript.pm
2 # This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
5 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
6 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
8 # This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
11 # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
12 # with this work for additional information regarding copyright
13 # ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
14 # License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
15 # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
16 # the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
19 package installer::setupscript;
21 use base 'Exporter';
23 use installer::exiter;
24 use installer::globals;
25 use installer::logger qw(globallog);
26 use installer::remover;
27 use installer::scriptitems;
28 use installer::ziplist;
30 our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
31 add_installationobject_to_variables
32 add_lowercase_productname_setupscriptvariable
33 add_predefined_folder
34 get_all_items_from_script
35 get_all_scriptvariables_from_installation_object
36 prepare_non_advertised_files
37 replace_all_setupscriptvariables_in_script
38 replace_preset_properties
39 resolve_lowercase_productname_setupscriptvariable
40 set_setupscript_name
43 #######################################################
44 # Set setup script name, if not defined as parameter
45 #######################################################
47 sub set_setupscript_name
49 my ( $allsettingsarrayref, $includepatharrayref ) = @_;
51 my $scriptnameref = installer::ziplist::getinfofromziplist($allsettingsarrayref, "script");
53 my $scriptname = $$scriptnameref;
55 if ( $scriptname eq "" ) # not defined on command line and not in product list
57 installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Setup script not defined on command line (-l) and not in product list!", "set_setupscript_name");
60 if ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /wnt/ )
62 $scriptname .= ".inf";
64 else
66 $scriptname .= ".ins";
69 # and now the complete path for the setup script is needed
70 # The log file cannot be used, because this is the language independent section
72 $scriptnameref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$scriptname, $includepatharrayref, 1);
74 $installer::globals::setupscriptname = $$scriptnameref;
76 if ( $installer::globals::setupscriptname eq "" )
78 installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Script $scriptname not found!", "set_setupscript_name");
82 #####################################################################
83 # Reading script variables from installation object of script file
84 #####################################################################
86 sub get_all_scriptvariables_from_installation_object
88 my ($scriptref) = @_;
90 my @installobjectvariables;
92 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$scriptref}; $i++ )
94 my $line = ${$scriptref}[$i];
96 if ( $line =~ /^\s*Installation\s+\w+\s*$/ ) # should be the first line
98 my $counter = $i+1;
99 my $installline = ${$scriptref}[$counter];
101 while (!($installline =~ /^\s*End\s*$/ ))
103 if ( $installline =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s+\=\s*(.*?)\s*\;\s*$/ )
105 my $key = $1;
106 my $value = $2;
108 # removing leading and ending " in $value
110 if ( $value =~ /^\s*\"(.*)\"\s*$/ )
112 $value = $1;
115 $key = "\%" . uc($key); # $key is %PRODUCTNAME
117 my $input = $key . " " . $value . "\n"; # $key can only be the first word
119 push(@installobjectvariables ,$input);
122 $counter++;
123 $installline = ${$scriptref}[$counter];
127 last; # not interesting after installation object
130 return \@installobjectvariables;
133 ######################################################################
134 # Including LCPRODUCTNAME into the array
135 ######################################################################
137 sub add_lowercase_productname_setupscriptvariable
139 my ( $variablesref ) = @_;
141 for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$variablesref}; $j++ )
143 my $variableline = ${$variablesref}[$j];
145 my ($key, $value);
147 if ( $variableline =~ /^\s*\%(\w+?)\s+(.*?)\s*$/ )
149 $key = $1;
150 $value = $2;
152 if ( $key eq "PRODUCTNAME" )
154 my $newline = "\%LCPRODUCTNAME " . lc($value) . "\n";
155 push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
156 my $original = $value;
157 $value =~ s/\s*//g;
158 $newline = "\%ONEWORDPRODUCTNAME " . $value . "\n";
159 push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
160 $newline = "\%LCONEWORDPRODUCTNAME " . lc($value) . "\n";
161 push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
162 $value = $original;
163 $value =~ s/\s*$//g;
164 $value =~ s/^\s*//g;
165 $value =~ s/ /\%20/g;
166 $newline = "\%MASKEDPRODUCTNAME " . $value . "\n";
167 push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
168 $value = $original;
169 $value =~ s/\s/\_/g;
170 $newline = "\%UNIXPRODUCTNAME " . lc($value) . "\n";
171 push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
172 $newline = "\%SYSTEMINTUNIXPACKAGENAME " . lc($value) . "\n";
173 push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
174 $newline = "\%UNIXPACKAGENAME " . lc($value) . "\n";
175 push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
176 $value = $original;
177 $value =~ s/\s/\_/g;
178 $value =~ s/\.//g;
179 $newline = "\%WITHOUTDOTUNIXPRODUCTNAME " . lc($value) . "\n";
180 push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
181 $newline = "\%WITHOUTDOTUNIXPACKAGENAME " . lc($value) . "\n";
182 push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
183 $newline = "\%SOLARISBRANDPACKAGENAME " . lc($value) . "\n";
184 push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
185 $value = $original;
187 elsif ( $key eq "PRODUCTEXTENSION" )
189 my $newline = "\%LCPRODUCTEXTENSION " . lc($value) . "\n";
190 push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
192 elsif ( $key eq "PRODUCTVERSION" )
194 $value =~ s/\.//g;
195 my $newline = "\%WITHOUTDOTPRODUCTVERSION " . $value . "\n";
196 push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
202 ######################################################################
203 # Resolving the new introduced lowercase script variables
204 ######################################################################
206 sub resolve_lowercase_productname_setupscriptvariable
208 my ( $variablesref ) = @_;
210 my %variables = ();
212 # First step: Collecting variables
214 for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$variablesref}; $j++ )
216 my $variableline = ${$variablesref}[$j];
218 my ($key, $value);
220 if ( $variableline =~ /^\s*\%(\w+?)\s+(.*?)\s*$/ )
222 $key = $1;
223 $value = $2;
224 $variables{$key} = $value;
228 # Second step: Resolving variables
230 for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$variablesref}; $j++ )
232 if ( ${$variablesref}[$j] =~ /\$\{(.*?)\}/ )
234 my $key = $1;
235 ${$variablesref}[$j] =~ s/\$\{\Q$key\E\}/$variables{$key}/g;
241 ######################################################################
242 # Replacing all setup script variables inside the setup script file
243 ######################################################################
245 sub replace_all_setupscriptvariables_in_script
247 my ( $scriptref, $variablesref ) = @_;
249 globallog("Replacing variables in setup script (start)");
251 # make hash of variables to be substituted if they appear in the script
252 my %subs;
253 for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$variablesref}; $j++ )
255 my $variableline = ${$variablesref}[$j];
257 if ( $variableline =~ /^\s*(\%\w+?)\s+(.*?)\s*$/ )
259 $subs{$1}= $2;
263 # This is far faster than running a regexp for each line
264 my $bigstring = '';
265 for my $line (@{$scriptref}) { $bigstring = $bigstring . $line; }
267 foreach my $key (sort { length ($b) <=> length ($a) } keys %subs)
269 # Attention: It must be possible to substitute "%PRODUCTNAMEn", "%PRODUCTNAME%PRODUCTVERSIONabc"
270 my $value = $subs{$key};
271 $bigstring =~ s/$key/$value/g;
274 my @newlines = split /\n/, $bigstring;
275 $scriptref = \@newlines;
277 # now check for any mis-named '%' variables that we have left
278 my $num = 0;
279 for my $check (@newlines)
281 $num++;
282 if ( $check =~ /^.*\%\w+.*$/ )
284 if (( $check =~ /%1/ ) || ( $check =~ /%2/ ) || ( $check =~ /%verify/ )) { next; }
285 my $infoline = "WARNING: mis-named or un-known '%' variable in setup script at line $num:\n$check\n";
286 push( @installer::globals::globallogfileinfo, $infoline);
290 globallog("Replacing variables in setup script (end)");
292 return $scriptref;
295 #######################################################################
296 # Collecting all items of the type "searchitem" from the setup script
297 #######################################################################
299 sub get_all_items_from_script
301 my ($scriptref, $searchitem) = @_;
303 my @allitemarray = ();
305 my ($itemkey, $itemvalue);
307 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$scriptref}; $i++ )
309 my $line = ${$scriptref}[$i];
311 next unless ($line =~ /^\s*\Q$searchitem\E\s+(\S+)\s*$/);
312 my $gid = $1;
314 my %oneitemhash = ();
315 my $ismultilang = 0;
317 $oneitemhash{'gid'} = $gid;
319 while (!( $line =~ /^\s*End\s*$/ ))
321 if ( $i >= $#{$scriptref} ) {
322 installer::exiter::exit_program("Invalid setup script file. End of file reached before 'End' line of '$searchitem' section.", "get_all_items_from_script");
324 $line = ${$scriptref}[++$i];
326 if ( $line =~ /^\s*(.+?)\=\s*(.+?)\;\s*$/ ) # only oneliner!
328 $itemkey = $1;
329 $itemvalue = $2;
331 $itemkey =~ s/\s+$//;
332 $itemvalue =~ s/\s+$//;
334 installer::remover::remove_leading_and_ending_quotationmarks(\$itemvalue);
336 $oneitemhash{$itemkey} = $itemvalue;
338 $ismultilang ||= $itemkey =~ /^\S+\s+\(\S+\)$/;
340 elsif (($searchitem eq "Module") &&
341 ($line =~ /^\s*.+?\s*\=\s*\(/) &&
342 (!($line =~ /\)\;\s*$/))) # more than one line, for instance files at modules!
344 $line =~ /^\s*(.+?)\s*\=\s*(.+?)\s*$/; # the first line
345 $itemkey = $1;
346 $itemvalue = $2;
348 # collecting the complete itemvalue
351 if ( $i >= $#{$scriptref} ) {
352 installer::exiter::exit_program("Invalid setup script file. Premature end of file.", "get_all_items_from_script");
354 $line = ${$scriptref}[++$i];
355 installer::remover::remove_leading_and_ending_whitespaces(\$line);
356 $itemvalue .= $line;
357 } while (!($line =~ /\)\;\s*$/));
359 # removing ending ";"
360 $itemvalue =~ s/\;\s*$//;
362 $oneitemhash{$itemkey} = $itemvalue;
364 $ismultilang ||= $itemkey =~ /^\S+\s+\(\S+\)$/;
368 $oneitemhash{'ismultilingual'} = $ismultilang+0;
370 push(@allitemarray, \%oneitemhash);
373 return \@allitemarray;
376 ######################################################################
377 # Collecting all folder at folderitems, that are predefined values
379 ######################################################################
381 sub add_predefined_folder
383 my ( $folderitemref, $folderref ) = @_;
385 for my $folderid ( map { $_->{FolderID} } @{$folderitemref} ) {
386 # FIXME: Anchor to start of line?
387 next unless ( $folderid =~ /PREDEFINED_/ );
388 next if grep { $_->{gid} eq $folderid } @{$folderref};
390 push @{$folderref}, {
391 ismultilingual => 0,
392 Name => "",
393 gid => $folderid,
398 #####################################################################################
399 # If folderitems are non-advertised, the component needs to have a registry key
400 # below HKCU as key path. Therefore it is required, to mark the file belonging
401 # to a non-advertised shortcut, that a special userreg_xxx registry key can be
402 # created during packing process.
403 #####################################################################################
405 sub prepare_non_advertised_files
407 my ( $folderitemref, $filesref ) = @_;
409 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$folderitemref}; $i++ )
411 my $folderitem = ${$folderitemref}[$i];
412 my $styles = "";
413 if ( $folderitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $folderitem->{'Styles'}; }
415 if ( $styles =~ /\bNON_ADVERTISED\b/ )
417 my $fileid = $folderitem->{'FileID'};
418 if ( $folderitem->{'ComponentIDFile'} ) { $fileid = $folderitem->{'ComponentIDFile'}; }
419 my $onefile = installer::worker::find_file_by_id($filesref, $fileid);
421 # Attention: If $onefile with "FileID" is not found, this is not always an error.
422 # FileID can also contain an executable file, for example msiexec.exe.
423 if ( $onefile ne "" ) { $onefile->{'needs_user_registry_key'} = 1; }
428 #####################################################################################
429 # Adding all variables defined in the installation object into the hash
430 # of all variables from the zip list file.
431 # This is needed if variables are defined in the installation object,
432 # but not in the zip list file.
433 # If there is a definition in the zip list file and in the installation
434 # object, the installation object is more important
435 #####################################################################################
437 sub add_installationobject_to_variables
439 my ($allvariables, $allscriptvariablesref) = @_;
441 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allscriptvariablesref}; $i++ )
443 my $line = ${$allscriptvariablesref}[$i];
445 if ( $line =~ /^\s*\%(\w+)\s+(.*?)\s*$/ )
447 my $key = $1;
448 my $value = $2;
450 $allvariables->{$key} = $value; # overwrite existing values from zip.lst
455 #####################################################################################
456 # Some properties are created automatically. It should be possible to
457 # overwrite them, with PRESET properties. For example UNIXPRODUCTNAME
458 # with PRESETUNIXPRODUCTNAME, if this is defined and the automatic process
459 # does not deliver the desired results.
460 #####################################################################################
462 sub replace_preset_properties
464 my ($allvariables) = @_;
467 # needs to be replaced by
470 my @presetproperties = ();
471 push(@presetproperties, "SOLARISBRANDPACKAGENAME");
472 push(@presetproperties, "SYSTEMINTUNIXPACKAGENAME");
475 foreach $property ( @presetproperties )
477 my $presetproperty = "PRESET" . $property;
478 if (( exists($allvariables->{$presetproperty}) ) && ( $allvariables->{$presetproperty} ne "" ))
480 $allvariables->{$property} = $allvariables->{$presetproperty};