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[LibreOffice.git] / wizards / source / depot / Currency.xba
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
3 <!--
4 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
6 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
7 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
8 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
10 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
12 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
13 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
14 * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
15 * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
16 * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
17 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
18 * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
19 -->
20 <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="Currency" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
21 Option Explicit
23 Dim bDoUnLoad as Boolean
26 Sub Startup()
27 Dim i as Integer
28 Dim a as Integer
29 Dim ListString as String
30 Dim MarketListBoxControl as Object
31 Initialize(False)
32 MarketListBoxControl = DlgStartUp.GetControl(&quot;lstMarkets&quot;)
33 a = 0
34 For i = 0 To Ubound(sMarket(),1)
35 ListString = sMarket(i,0)
36 If sMarket(i,0) &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
37 If sMarket(i,3) = &quot;&quot; Then
38 ListString = ListString &amp; &quot; (&quot; &amp; sNoInternetUpdate &amp; &quot;)&quot;
39 Else
40 ListString = ListString &amp; &quot; (&quot; &amp; sMarketplace &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; sMarket(i,2) &amp; &quot;)&quot;
41 End If
42 MarketListBoxControl.AddItem(ListString, a)
43 a = a + 1
44 End If
45 Next i
46 MarketListBoxControl.SelectItemPos(GlobListIndex, True)
47 DlgStartUp.Title = sDepotCurrency
48 DlgStartUp.Model.cmdGoOn.DefaultButton = True
49 DlgStartUp.GetControl(&quot;lstMarkets&quot;).SetFocus()
50 DlgStartUp.Execute()
51 DlgStartUp.Dispose()
52 End Sub
55 Sub EnableGoOnButton()
56 StartUpModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = True
57 StartUpModel.cmdGoOn.DefaultButton = True
58 End Sub
61 Sub CloseStartUpDialog()
62 DlgStartUp.EndExecute()
63 &apos; oDocument.Dispose()
64 End Sub
67 Sub DisposeDocument()
68 If bDoUnload Then
69 oDocument.Dispose()
70 End If
71 End Sub
74 Sub ChooseMarket(Optional aEvent)
75 Dim Index as Integer
76 Dim bIsDocLanguage as Boolean
77 Dim bIsDocCountry as Boolean
78 oInternetModel = GetControlModel(oDocument.Sheets(0), &quot;CmdInternet&quot;)
79 If Not IsMissing(aEvent) Then
80 Index = StartupModel.lstMarkets.SelectedItems(0)
81 oInternetModel.Tag = Index
82 Else
83 Index = oInternetModel.Tag
84 End If
85 oMarketModel = GetControlModel(oDocument.Sheets(0), &quot;CmdHistory&quot;)
86 sCurCurrency = sMarket(Index,1)
87 If Index = 0 Then
88 HistoryChartSource = sMarket(Index,4)
89 End If
90 sCurStockIDLabel = sMarket(Index,5)
91 sCurExtension = sMarket(Index,8)
92 iValueCol = Val(sMarket(Index,10))
93 If Instr(sCurExtension,&quot;;&quot;) &lt;&gt; 0 Then
94 &apos; Take the german extension as the stock place is Frankfurt
95 sCurExtension = &quot;407&quot;
96 End If
97 sCurChartSource = sMarket(Index,3)
98 bIsDocLanguage = Instr(1, sMarket(Index,6), sDocLanguage, SBBINARY) &lt;&gt; 0
99 bIsDocCountry = Instr(1, sMarket(Index,7), sDocCountry, SBBINARY) &lt;&gt; 0 OR SDocCountry = &quot;&quot;
100 sCurSeparator = sMarket(Index,9)
101 TransactModel.txtRate.CurrencySymbol = sCurCurrency
102 TransactModel.txtFix.CurrencySymbol = sCurCurrency
103 TransactModel.txtMinimum.CurrencySymbol = sCurCurrency
104 bEnableMarket = Index = 0
105 bEnableInternet = sCurChartSource &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot;
106 oMarketModel.Enabled = bEnableMarket
107 oInternetModel.Enabled = bEnableInternet
108 If Not IsMissing(aEvent) Then
109 ConvertStylesCurrencies()
110 bDoUnload = False
111 DlgStartUp.EndExecute()
112 End If
113 End Sub
116 Sub ConvertStylesCurrencies()
117 Dim m as integer
118 Dim aStyleFormat as Object
119 Dim StyleName as String
120 Dim bAddToList as Boolean
121 Dim oStyle as Object
122 Dim oStyles as Object
123 UnprotectSheets(oSheets)
124 oFirstSheet.GetCellByPosition(SBCOLUMNID1, SBROWHEADER1).SetString(sCurStockIDLabel)
125 oStyles = oDocument.StyleFamilies.GetbyIndex(0)
126 For m = 0 To oStyles.count-1
127 oStyle = oStyles.GetbyIndex(m)
128 StyleName = oStyle.Name
129 bAddToList = CheckFormatType(oStyle)
130 If bAddToList Then
131 SwitchNumberFormat(ostyle, oDocFormats, sCurCurrency, sCurExtension)
132 End If
133 Next m
134 ProtectSheets(oSheets)
135 End Sub
138 Sub SwitchNumberFormat(oObject as Object, oFormats as object, sNewSymbol as String, sNewExtension as String)
139 Dim nFormatLanguage as Integer
140 Dim nFormatDecimals as Integer
141 Dim nFormatLeading as Integer
142 Dim bFormatLeading as Integer
143 Dim bFormatNegRed as Integer
144 Dim bFormatThousands as Integer
145 Dim aNewStr as String
146 Dim iNumberFormat as Long
147 Dim sSimpleStr as String
148 Dim nSimpleKey as Long
149 Dim aFormat()
150 Dim oLocale as New com.sun.star.lang.Locale
151 &apos; Numberformat with the new Symbol as Base for new Format
152 sSimpleStr = &quot;0 [$&quot; &amp; sNewSymbol &amp; &quot;-&quot; &amp; sNewExtension &amp; &quot;]&quot;
153 nSimpleKey = Numberformat(oFormats, sSimpleStr, oDocLocale)
154 On Local Error Resume Next
155 iNumberFormat = oObject.NumberFormat
156 If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
157 Msgbox &quot;Error Reading the Number Format&quot;
158 Resume CLERROR
159 End If
161 On Local Error GoTo NOKEY
162 aFormat() = oFormats.getByKey(iNumberFormat)
163 On Local Error GoTo 0
164 &apos; set new currency format with according settings
165 nFormatDecimals = aFormat.Decimals
166 nFormatLeading = aFormat.LeadingZeros
167 bFormatNegRed = aFormat.NegativeRed
168 bFormatThousands = aFormat.ThousandsSeparator
169 oLocale = aFormat.Locale
170 aNewStr = oFormats.generateFormat(nSimpleKey, oLocale, bFormatThousands, bFormatNegRed, nFormatDecimals, nFormatLeading)
171 oObject.NumberFormat = Numberformat(oFormats, aNewStr, oLocale)
172 NOKEY:
173 If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
174 Resume CLERROR
175 End If
177 End Sub
180 Function Numberformat( oFormats as Object, aFormatStr as String, oLocale as Variant )
181 Dim nRetkey
182 nRetKey = oFormats.queryKey(aFormatStr, oLocale, True)
183 If nRetKey = -1 Then
184 nRetKey = oFormats.addNew( aFormatStr, oLocale )
185 If nRetKey = -1 Then nRetKey = 0
186 End If
187 Numberformat = nRetKey
188 End Function
191 Function CheckFormatType(oStyle as Object)
192 Dim oFormatofObject as Object
193 oFormatofObject = oDocFormats.getByKey(oStyle.NumberFormat)
194 CheckFormatType = INT(oFormatOfObject.Type) AND com.sun.star.util.NumberFormat.CURRENCY
195 End Function</script:module>