1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
3 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
5 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
11 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
19 // Callback.h : Declaration of the CCallback
24 #include "resource.h" // main symbols
26 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
28 class ATL_NO_VTABLE CCallback
29 public CComObjectRootEx
30 public CComCoClass
, &CLSID_Callback
31 public IDispatchImpl
, &IID_ICallback
42 BEGIN_COM_MAP(CCallback
49 STDMETHOD(inSeqByte
)(/*[in]*/ LPSAFEARRAY val
50 STDMETHOD(inSeqXEventListener
)(/*[in]*/ LPSAFEARRAY listener
51 STDMETHOD(outSeqByte
)(/*[out]*/ LPSAFEARRAY
* outVal
52 STDMETHOD(inValues
)(/*[in]*/short aChar
, /*[in]*/ long aLong
, /*[in]*/ BSTR aString
53 STDMETHOD(inoutLong
)(/*[in,out]*/ long* inoutVal
54 STDMETHOD(inoutShort
)(/*[in,out]*/ short* inoutVal
55 STDMETHOD(inoutByte
)(/*[in,out]*/ unsigned char* inoutVal
56 STDMETHOD(inoutDouble
)(/*[in,out]*/ double* inoutVal
57 STDMETHOD(inoutFloat
)(/*[in,out]*/ float* inoutVal
58 STDMETHOD(inoutString
)(/*[in,out]*/ BSTR
59 STDMETHOD(inoutChar
)(/*[in,out]*/ short* inoutVal
60 STDMETHOD(inoutBool
)(/*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL
* inoutVal
61 STDMETHOD(inoutAny
)(/*[in,out]*/ VARIANT
* inoutVal
62 STDMETHOD(inoutSeqAny
)(/*[in,out]*/ LPSAFEARRAY
* pArray
63 STDMETHOD(inoutEnum
)(/*[in,out]*/ long * inoutVal
64 STDMETHOD(inoutStruct
)(/*[in,out]*/ IDispatch
** inoutVal
65 STDMETHOD(inoutInterface
)(/*[in,out]*/ IDispatch
** ppdisp
66 STDMETHOD(inoutValuesAll
67 /* [out][in] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR
68 /* [out][in] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR
69 /* [out][in] */ long __RPC_FAR
70 /* [out][in] */ SAFEARRAY __RPC_FAR
71 /* [out][in] */ VARIANT __RPC_FAR
72 /* [out][in] */ VARIANT_BOOL __RPC_FAR
73 /* [out][in] */ short __RPC_FAR
74 /* [out][in] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR
75 /* [out][in] */ float __RPC_FAR
76 /* [out][in] */ double __RPC_FAR
77 /* [out][in] */ unsigned char __RPC_FAR
78 /* [out][in] */ short __RPC_FAR
79 /* [out][in] */ long __RPC_FAR
81 STDMETHOD(outByte
)( unsigned char* outByte
82 STDMETHOD(outLong
)(/*[out]*/ long* outLong
83 STDMETHOD(outShort
)(/*[out]*/ short *outShort
84 STDMETHOD(outDouble
)(/*[out]*/ double* outDouble
85 STDMETHOD(outFloat
)(/*[out]*/ float* outFloat
86 STDMETHOD(outString
)(/*[out]*/ BSTR
* outString
87 STDMETHOD(outChar
)(short* outChar
88 STDMETHOD(outBool
* outBool
* outAny
90 STDMETHOD(outSeqAny
* outSeq
91 STDMETHOD(outEnum
)(/*[out]*/ long* outEnum
92 STDMETHOD(outStruct
)(/*[out]*/ IDispatch
** outStruct
93 virtual /* [helpstring][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE
94 /* [out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR
95 /* [out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR
96 /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR
97 /* [out] */ LPSAFEARRAY
* outSeq
98 /* [out] */ VARIANT __RPC_FAR
99 /* [out] */ VARIANT_BOOL __RPC_FAR
100 /* [out] */ short __RPC_FAR
101 /* [out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR
102 /* [out] */ float __RPC_FAR
103 /* [out] */ double __RPC_FAR
104 /* [out] */ unsigned char __RPC_FAR
105 /* [out] */ short __RPC_FAR
106 /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR
109 // STDMETHOD(outValuesAll)(
110 // /*[out]*/ IDispatch** ppdisp,
111 // /*[out]*/ IUnknown** ppSimpleStruct,
112 // /*[out]*/ long* aSimpleEnum,
113 // /*[out]*/ VARIANT* ArrayAny,
114 // /*[out]*/ VARIANT* varAny,
115 // /*[out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * aBool,
116 // /*[out]*/ unsigned short* aChar,
117 // /*[out]*/ BSTR* aString, /*[out]*/ float* aFloat,
118 // /*[out]*/ double* aDouble,
119 // /*[out]*/ signed char* aByte, /*[out]*/ short* aShort, /*[out]*/long* aLong, /*[out]*/ unsigned short* aUShort, /*[out]*/ unsigned long* aULong);
120 STDMETHOD(outValuesMixed
)(/*[in]*/ long val
, /*[out]*/ long* pval
, /*[in]*/ BSTR string
121 STDMETHOD(outInterface
)(/*[out]*/ IDispatch
** ppdisp
122 STDMETHOD(returnInterface
)(/*[out, retval]*/ IDispatch
** ppdisp
126 #endif //__CALLBACK_H_
129 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */