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[LibreOffice.git] / include / comphelper / TypeGeneration.hxx
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 /*
3 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
5 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
11 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
23 #include <sal/types.h>
24 #include "comphelper/comphelperdllapi.h"
26 #define CPPU_E2T(type) ((com::sun::star::uno::Type*)type)
28 namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace uno {
29 class Type;
30 } } } }
31 namespace comphelper
33 enum CppuTypes
35 CPPUTYPE_UNKNOWN, // 0 == unknown == error!!!!
37 CPPUTYPE_BOOLEAN, //getBooleanCppuType()
38 CPPUTYPE_INT8, //getCppuType( (sal_Int8*)0 )
39 CPPUTYPE_INT16, //getCppuType( (sal_Int16*)0 )
40 CPPUTYPE_INT32, //getCppuType( (sal_Int32*)0 )
41 CPPUTYPE_DOUBLE, //getCppuType( (double*)0 )
42 CPPUTYPE_FLOAT, //getCppuType( (float*)0 )
43 CPPUTYPE_OUSTRING, //getCppuType( (OUString*)0 )
45 CPPUTYPE_FONTSLANT, //getCppuType( (FontSlant*)0 )
46 CPPUTYPE_LOCALE, //getCppuType( (Locale*)0 )
47 CPPUTYPE_PROPERTYVALUE, //getCppuType( (Sequence<PropertyValue>*)0 )
48 CPPUTYPE_PROPERTYVALUES, //getCppuType( (Sequence<PropertyValues>*)0 )
49 CPPUTYPE_BORDERLINE, //getCppuType( (table::BorderLine*)0 )
50 CPPUTYPE_BREAK, //getCppuType( (style::BreakType*)0 )
51 CPPUTYPE_GRAPHICLOC, //getCppuType( (style::GraphicLocation*)0 )
52 CPPUTYPE_DROPCAPFMT, //getCppuType( (style::DropCapFormat*)0 )
53 CPPUTYPE_LINESPACE, //getCppuType( (style::LineSpacing*)0 )
54 CPPUTYPE_AWTSIZE, //getCppuType( (awt::Size*)0 )
55 CPPUTYPE_SHADOWFMT, //getCppuType( (table::ShadowFormat*)0 )
56 CPPUTYPE_TBLCOLSEP, //getCppuType( (Sequence<text::TableColumnSeparator>*)0 )
57 CPPUTYPE_PNTSEQSEQ, //getCppuType( (PointSequenceSequence*)0 )
58 CPPUTYPE_DOCIDXMRK, //getCppuType( (Sequence< Reference< XDocumentIndexMark > >*)0 )
59 CPPUTYPE_SEQINT8, //getCppuType( (Sequence<sal_Int8>*)0 )
60 CPPUTYPE_SEQTABSTOP, //getCppuType( (Sequence<style::TabStop>*)0 )
61 CPPUTYPE_SEQANCHORTYPE, //getCppuType( (Sequence<text::TextContentAnchorType>*)0 )
62 CPPUTYPE_SEQDEPTXTFLD, //getCppuType( (Sequence<Reference<XDependentTextField> >*)0 )
63 CPPUTYPE_TXTCNTANCHOR, //getCppuType( (text::TextContentAnchorType*)0 )
64 CPPUTYPE_WRAPTXTMODE, //getCppuType( (text::WrapTextMode*)0 )
65 CPPUTYPE_LINESTYLE, //getCppuType( (drawing::LineStyle*)0 )
66 CPPUTYPE_COLORMODE, //getCppuType( (drawing::ColorMode*)0 )
67 CPPUTYPE_PAGESTYLELAY, //getCppuType( (style::PageStyleLayout*)0 )
68 CPPUTYPE_VERTALIGN, //getCppuType( (style::VerticalAlignment*)0 )
69 CPPUTYPE_TABLEBORDER, //getCppuType( (table::TableBorder*)0 )
70 CPPUTYPE_TABLEBORDER2, //getCppuType( (table::TableBorder*)0 )
71 CPPUTYPE_GRFCROP, //getCppuType( (text::GraphicCrop*)0 )
72 CPPUTYPE_SECTFILELNK, //getCppuType( (text::SectionFileLink*)0 )
73 CPPUTYPE_PAGENUMTYPE, //getCppuType( (const PageNumberType*)0 )
74 CPPUTYPE_DATETIME, //getCppuType( (util::DateTime*)0 )
75 CPPUTYPE_DATE, //getCppuType( (util::Date*)0 )
77 CPPUTYPE_REFINTERFACE, //getCppuType( (Reference<XInterface>*)0 )
78 CPPUTYPE_REFIDXREPL, //getCppuType( (Reference<container::XIndexReplace>*)0 )
79 CPPUTYPE_REFNAMECNT, //getCppuType( (Reference<container::XNameContainer>*)0 )
80 CPPUTYPE_REFTEXTFRAME, //getCppuType( (Reference<text::XTextFrame>*)0 )
81 CPPUTYPE_REFTEXTSECTION, //getCppuType( (Reference<text::XTextSection>*)0 )
82 CPPUTYPE_REFFOOTNOTE, //getCppuType( (Reference<text::XFootnote>*)0 )
83 CPPUTYPE_REFTEXT, //getCppuType( (Reference<text::XText>*)0 )
84 CPPUTYPE_REFTEXTCOL, //getCppuType( (Reference<text::XTextColumns>*)0 )
86 CPPUTYPE_REFFORBCHARS, //getCppuType( (Reference<XForbiddenCharacters>*)0)
87 CPPUTYPE_REFIDXCNTNR, //getCppuType( (Reference<XIndexContainer>*)0)
88 CPPUTYPE_REFTEXTCNTNT, //getCppuType( (Reference<XTextContent>*)0)
89 CPPUTYPE_REFBITMAP, //getCppuType( (Reference<awt::XBitmap>*)0)
90 CPPUTYPE_REFNMREPLACE, //getCppuType( (Reference<container::XNameReplace>*)0)
91 CPPUTYPE_REFCELL, //getCppuType( (Reference<table::XCell>*)0)
92 CPPUTYPE_REFDOCINDEX, //getCppuType( (Reference<text::XDocumentIndex>*)0)
93 CPPUTYPE_REFDOCIDXMRK, //getCppuType( (Reference<text::XDocumentIndexMark>*)0)
94 CPPUTYPE_REFTXTFIELD, //getCppuType( (Reference<text::XTextField>*)0)
95 CPPUTYPE_REFTXTRANGE, //getCppuType( (Reference<text::XTextRange>*)0)
96 CPPUTYPE_REFTXTTABLE, //getCppuType( (Reference<text::XTextTable>*)0)
97 CPPUTYPE_AWTPOINT, //getCppuType( (awt::Point*)0 )
98 CPPUTYPE_REFLIBCONTAINER, //getCppuType( (Reference< script::XLibraryContainer >*)0)
99 CPPUTYPE_SEQANY, //getCppuType( (Sequence< uno::Any >*)0)
100 CPPUTYPE_REFRESULTSET, //getCppuType( (Reference< sdbc::XResultSet >*)0)
101 CPPUTYPE_REFCONNECTION, //getCppuType( (Reference< sdbc::XConnection >*)0)
102 CPPUTYPE_REFMODEL, //getCppuType( (Reference< frame::XModel >*)0)
104 CPPUTYPE_OUSTRINGS, //getCppuType( (Sequence<OUString>*)0 )
105 CPPUTYPE_REFCOMPONENT, //getCppuType( (Reference< lang::XComponent >*)0 )
106 // #i28749#
107 CPPUTYPE_TRANSFORMATIONINHORIL2R, //getCppuType( (drawing::HomogenMatrix3)* )
108 CPPUTYPE_SEQNAMEDVALUE, //getCppuType( (Sequence<beans::NamedValue>*)0 )
109 CPPUTYPE_REFXGRAPHIC, //getCppuType( Reference< graphic::XGraphic >*)0)
110 CPPUTYPE_TABLEBORDERDISTANCES, //getCppuType( (table::TableBorderDistances*)0 )
111 CPPUTPYE_REFEMBEDDEDOBJECT, // XEmbeddedObject::static_type
112 CPPUTYPE_FILLSTYLE, //getCppuType( (drawing::FillStyle*)0 )
113 CPPUTYPE_GRADIENT, //getCppuType( (awt::Gradient*)0 )
117 COMPHELPER_DLLPUBLIC void GenerateCppuType (
118 CppuTypes eType, const com::sun::star::uno::Type*& pType );
120 #endif
122 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */