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[LibreOffice.git] / sc / inc / sccommands.h
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 /*
3 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
5 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
11 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
22 #define CMD_FID_CHG_ACCEPT ".uno:AcceptChanges"
23 #define CMD_FID_ADD_NAME ".uno:AddName"
24 #define CMD_SID_ADD_PRINTAREA ".uno:AddPrintArea"
25 #define CMD_SID_DETECTIVE_DEL_ALL ".uno:ClearArrows"
26 #define CMD_FID_COL_WIDTH ".uno:ColumnWidth"
27 #define CMD_FID_USE_NAME ".uno:CreateNames"
28 #define CMD_SID_CREATE_SW_DRAWVIEW ".uno:CreateSWDrawView"
29 #define CMD_SID_OPENDLG_CONSOLIDATE ".uno:DataConsolidate"
30 #define CMD_SID_OPENDLG_PIVOTTABLE ".uno:DataDataPilotRun"
31 #define CMD_SID_SPECIAL_FILTER ".uno:DataFilterSpecialFilter"
32 #define CMD_SID_FILTER ".uno:DataFilterStandardFilter"
33 #define CMD_SID_DATA_SELECT ".uno:DataSelect"
34 #define CMD_SID_DEFINE_DBNAME ".uno:DefineDBName"
35 #define CMD_FID_DEFINE_NAME ".uno:DefineName"
36 #define CMD_SID_DEFINE_PRINTAREA ".uno:DefinePrintArea"
37 #define CMD_FID_DELETE_CELL ".uno:DeleteCell"
38 #define CMD_FID_DEL_MANUALBREAKS ".uno:DeleteAllBreaks"
39 #define CMD_SID_DEL_COLS ".uno:DeleteColumns"
40 #define CMD_SID_PIVOT_KILL ".uno:DeletePivotTable"
41 #define CMD_SID_DELETE_PRINTAREA ".uno:DeletePrintArea"
42 #define CMD_SID_DEL_ROWS ".uno:DeleteRows"
43 #define CMD_SID_FILL_NONE ".uno:FillModeEnd"
44 #define CMD_SID_FILL_DEL_PRED ".uno:FillModeRemovePredescessor"
45 #define CMD_SID_FILL_DEL_SUCC ".uno:FillModeRemoveSuccessor"
46 #define CMD_SID_FILL_ADD_PRED ".uno:FillModeTracePredescessor"
47 #define CMD_SID_FILL_ADD_SUCC ".uno:FillModeTraceSuccessor"
48 #define CMD_FID_FILL_SERIES ".uno:FillSeries"
49 #define CMD_FID_CELL_FORMAT ".uno:FormatCellDialog"
50 #define CMD_SID_OPENDLG_SOLVE ".uno:GoalSeekDialog"
51 #define CMD_SID_OPENDLG_OPTSOLVER ".uno:SolverDialog"
52 #define CMD_FID_TABLE_HIDE ".uno:Hide"
53 #define CMD_FID_COL_HIDE ".uno:HideColumn"
54 #define CMD_FID_ROW_HIDE ".uno:HideRow"
55 #define CMD_FID_INS_TABLE ".uno:Insert"
56 #define CMD_FID_INS_CELL ".uno:InsertCell"
57 #define CMD_FID_INS_COLBRK ".uno:InsertColumnBreak"
58 #define CMD_FID_INS_COLUMN ".uno:InsertColumns"
59 #define CMD_FID_INS_CELL_CONTENTS ".uno:InsertContents"
60 #define CMD_FID_INSERT_NAME ".uno:InsertName"
61 #define CMD_FID_INS_ROWBRK ".uno:InsertRowBreak"
62 #define CMD_FID_INS_ROW ".uno:InsertRows"
63 #define CMD_FID_MERGE_ON ".uno:MergeCells"
64 #define CMD_FID_MERGE_OFF ".uno:SplitCell"
65 #define CMD_SID_OBJECT_MIRROR ".uno:Mirror"
66 #define CMD_FID_TAB_MOVE ".uno:Move"
67 #define CMD_SID_PREVIEW_NEXT ".uno:NextPage"
68 #define CMD_FID_NOTE_VISIBLE ".uno:NoteVisible"
69 #define CMD_FID_SHOW_NOTE ".uno:ShowNote"
70 #define CMD_FID_HIDE_NOTE ".uno:HideNote"
71 #define CMD_SID_DELETE_NOTE ".uno:DeleteNote"
72 #define CMD_SID_MIRROR_HORIZONTAL ".uno:ObjectMirrorHorizontal"
73 #define CMD_SID_MIRROR_VERTICAL ".uno:ObjectMirrorVertical"
74 #define CMD_SID_ORIGINALSIZE ".uno:OriginalSize"
75 #define CMD_SID_FORMATPAGE ".uno:PageFormatDialog"
76 #define CMD_SID_PREVIEW_PREVIOUS ".uno:PreviousPage"
77 #define CMD_FID_PROTECT_TABLE ".uno:Protect"
78 #define CMD_SID_PIVOT_RECALC ".uno:RecalcPivotTable"
79 #define CMD_FID_DELETE_TABLE ".uno:Remove"
80 #define CMD_SID_TITLE_DESCRIPTION_OBJECT ".uno:ObjectTitleDescription"
81 #define CMD_SID_RENAME_OBJECT ".uno:RenameObject"
82 #define CMD_SID_CELL_FORMAT_RESET ".uno:ResetAttributes"
83 #define CMD_FID_RESET_PRINTZOOM ".uno:ResetPrintZoom"
84 #define CMD_FID_ROW_HEIGHT ".uno:RowHeight"
85 #define CMD_SID_SELECT_DB ".uno:SelectDB"
86 #define CMD_SID_ANCHOR_CELL ".uno:SetAnchorToCell"
87 #define CMD_SID_ANCHOR_PAGE ".uno:SetAnchorToPage"
88 #define CMD_FID_COL_OPT_WIDTH ".uno:SetOptimalColumnWidth"
89 #define CMD_FID_ROW_OPT_HEIGHT ".uno:SetOptimalRowHeight"
90 #define CMD_FID_TABLE_SHOW ".uno:Show"
91 #define CMD_FID_COL_SHOW ".uno:ShowColumn"
92 #define CMD_FID_ROW_SHOW ".uno:ShowRow"
93 #define CMD_SID_TEXT_STANDARD ".uno:StandardTextAttributes"
94 #define CMD_SID_OPENDLG_TABOP ".uno:TableOperationDialog"
95 #define CMD_FID_TAB_MENU_RENAME ".uno:RenameTable"
96 #define CMD_FID_TAB_SELECTALL ".uno:TableSelectAll"
97 #define CMD_FID_TAB_DESELECTALL ".uno:TableDeselectAll"
98 #define CMD_SID_DRAWTEXT_ATTR_DLG ".uno:TextAttributes"
99 #define CMD_SID_ASSIGNMACRO ".uno:AssignMacro"
100 #define CMD_SID_ULINE_VAL_DOUBLE ".uno:UnderlineDouble"
101 #define CMD_SID_DP_FILTER ".uno:DataPilotFilter"
102 #define CMD_FID_TAB_RTL ".uno:SheetRightToLeft"
103 #define CMD_SID_SHARE_DOC ".uno:ShareDocument"
104 #define CMD_FID_TAB_EVENTS ".uno:TableEvents"
105 #define CMD_FID_TAB_MENU_SET_TAB_BG_COLOR ".uno:SetTabBgColor"
106 #define CMD_FID_TAB_SET_TAB_BG_COLOR ".uno:TabBgColor"
107 #define CMD_SID_MANAGE_XML_SOURCE ".uno:ManageXMLSource"
109 #endif
111 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */